Trump pulling out of Paris Climate Accord

Have YOU lost YOURS? That China agreed to at least take some steps? They've cancelled 105 of the coal burning plants they had planned. It's a start. And they're revving up the green tech. What is ridiculous is that we are sulking about China being a big polluter. We are second. Don't forget that

They already have a surplus of coal-fired plants. Many of the new plants are replacing older, less efficient plants. So they've agreed to replace fewer.

You have the same goal here that you have for workers.

You expect that because I (worker) made good decisions, worked hard and long and am successful, somehow I OWE those who made poor decisions, did the minimum some of the income I worked to earn.

Here we have me the United States, who has made good decisions, created a democratic society with capitalism to drive our economy and we are incredibly successful. You believe (you as in all Progressives) that because we are rich, we need to give countries who made poor decisions, have held down their citizens and are much poorer than are we, we should give them what we have earned.

No, it just doesn't work that way in the real world.

China and Russia had to be laughing their behinds off when petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama agreed to destroy "his" own country. Shameful.
The same thing is happening for oil drilling, with the technology of slant drilling far less oil wells are needed to drill for more oil.
Yes let's drill the national monuments areas, in pristine Alaska, off the Atlantic coast and threaten a billion dollar a year tourism trade plus in all national and state parks. Let's rape all the unspoiled land in America.
Trump imbeciles thinks that's putting America first.
Have YOU lost YOURS? That China agreed to at least take some steps? They've cancelled 105 of the coal burning plants they had planned. It's a start. And they're revving up the green tech. What is ridiculous is that we are sulking about China being a big polluter. We are second. Don't forget that

They already have a surplus of coal-fired plants. Many of the new plants are replacing older, less efficient plants. So they've agreed to replace fewer.

You have the same goal here that you have for workers.

You expect that because I (worker) made good decisions, worked hard and long and am successful, somehow I OWE those who made poor decisions, did the minimum some of the income I worked to earn.

Here we have me the United States, who has made good decisions, created a democratic society with capitalism to drive our economy and we are incredibly successful. You believe (you as in all Progressives) that because we are rich, we need to give countries who made poor decisions, have held down their citizens and are much poorer than are we, we should give them what we have earned.

No, it just doesn't work that way in the real world.

China and Russia had to be laughing their behinds off when petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama agreed to destroy "his" own country. Shameful.
The same thing is happening for oil drilling, with the technology of slant drilling far less oil wells are needed to drill for more oil.
Yes let's drill the national monuments areas, in pristine Alaska, off the Atlantic coast and threaten a billion dollar a year tourism trade plus in all national and state parks. Let's rape all the unspoiled land in America.
Trump imbeciles thinks that's putting America first.

Pittsburgh before Paris


Have YOU lost YOURS? That China agreed to at least take some steps? They've cancelled 105 of the coal burning plants they had planned. It's a start. And they're revving up the green tech. What is ridiculous is that we are sulking about China being a big polluter. We are second. Don't forget that

They already have a surplus of coal-fired plants. Many of the new plants are replacing older, less efficient plants. So they've agreed to replace fewer.

You have the same goal here that you have for workers.

You expect that because I (worker) made good decisions, worked hard and long and am successful, somehow I OWE those who made poor decisions, did the minimum some of the income I worked to earn.

Here we have me the United States, who has made good decisions, created a democratic society with capitalism to drive our economy and we are incredibly successful. You believe (you as in all Progressives) that because we are rich, we need to give countries who made poor decisions, have held down their citizens and are much poorer than are we, we should give them what we have earned.

No, it just doesn't work that way in the real world.

China and Russia had to be laughing their behinds off when petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama agreed to destroy "his" own country. Shameful.
The same thing is happening for oil drilling, with the technology of slant drilling far less oil wells are needed to drill for more oil.
Yes let's drill the national monuments areas, in pristine Alaska, off the Atlantic coast and threaten a billion dollar a year tourism trade plus in all national and state parks. Let's rape all the unspoiled land in America.
Trump imbeciles thinks that's putting America first.
The Northern plains will do just fine, we have nothing to lose by drilling/fracking/mining up here. We have not even touched the surface of the potential of what lies beneath us here… Drill baby drill
Yes let's drill the national monuments areas, in pristine Alaska, off the Atlantic coast and threaten a billion dollar a year tourism trade plus in all national and state parks. Let's rape all the unspoiled land in America.
Trump imbeciles thinks that's putting America first.

Why did we buy Alaska?
Yes let's drill the national monuments areas, in pristine Alaska, off the Atlantic coast and threaten a billion dollar a year tourism trade plus in all national and state parks. Let's rape all the unspoiled land in America.
Trump imbeciles thinks that's putting America first.

How large is ANWR? How many acres?

How large of a footprint would the drilling site occupy?

Do you know what makes up Norway's largest exports? Oil and seafood. Both from the North Sea, also a violent sea.
Bear, you are in denial

'Washington can't stop Americans': Michael Bloomberg pledges to pay US share of Paris climate funding

'Washington can't stop Americans': Michael Bloomberg pledges to pay US share of Paris climate funding
Bloomberg doesn't have the funds to pay for it.. He is a moron..

Yes he does. It's coming out from his own pocket dumb shit.
15 million doesn't even pay the interest that would compound on the unpaid debt. The Illegally Obama placed debt....

So you cannot prove your $380 billions and Germany $18 billions. You lied and don't shit what you are taking about.
Why do you people lie? Like Trump.

Bush pledged $2 billions as of May 2017 we only contributed $1 billions, others donated combined about $10.3 billions. That's a fact.
It's not only France and Germany------- Its the whole world laughing at us because we are going backwards.
The whole world is sacrificing for the sake of one Planet A and the future. There is no planet B.
They were laughing at Obama behind his back when he signed on to this giant swindle.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app

The whole world signed and agreed to this accord except Nicaragua and Syria. The whole world supports Obama.
Today the whole world is laughing at Trump and blasting Trump as a ignorant who claim this is hoax here and over seas. That's a fact.
BTW his EPA chief cannot even answer direct questions from his news briefing today. That's a fact.

If the whole world signed onto this farce, why the need for the US to do it too? Seems like those countries will do just fine without us.

US is the second worst polluters. We are the leader not a backward follower. We now at level of Syria and Nicaragua. Even China the worst polluters sign on to this accord.
When you actually know what you are talking about, and want to debate any of your previous posts, let me know.

Bring it on.
Since when do we care about what "Germany and France" think?

It's not only France and Germany------- Its the whole world laughing at us because we are going backwards.
The whole world is sacrificing for the sake of one Planet A and the future. There is no planet B.
They were laughing at Obama behind his back when he signed on to this giant swindle.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app

The whole world signed and agreed to this accord except Nicaragua and Syria. The whole world supports Obama.
Today the whole world is laughing at Trump and blasting Trump as a ignorant who claim this is hoax here and over seas. That's a fact.
BTW his EPA chief cannot even answer direct questions from his news briefing today. That's a fact.
The whole world rightly took Obama to be a fool and were waiting to get their share of the loot from this swindle.

Like what? Be specific.
Since when do we care about what "Germany and France" think?

It's not only France and Germany------- Its the whole world laughing at us because we are going backwards.
The whole world is sacrificing for the sake of one Planet A and the future. There is no planet B.
They were laughing at Obama behind his back when he signed on to this giant swindle.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app

The whole world signed and agreed to this accord except Nicaragua and Syria. The whole world supports Obama.
Today the whole world is laughing at Trump and blasting Trump as a ignorant who claim this is hoax here and over seas. That's a fact.
BTW his EPA chief cannot even answer direct questions from his news briefing today. That's a fact.
The whole world rightly took Obama to be a fool and were waiting to get their share of the loot from this swindle.

Like what? Be specific.
The Paris "agreement" swindle.
More stupid BULLSHIT, YES climate change is REAL, man made climate change or the ability of man to make even a scintilla of change to the climate is NOT real, it is a con game to take trillions of dollars from the people and give it to a group of central one world government initiatives. If you are to stupid to know that, you should be in an insane asylum.
So, you think man can spew all kinds of shit into our atmosphere & not change anything? Really?

NASA: "Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals1 show that 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree: Climate-warming trends over the past century are extremely likely due to human activities. In addition, most of the leading scientific organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this position. "

But hey, what the fuck does NASA know, lets believe a lying, business cheat, women grioping orange asshole instead.[/QUOTE]

Actually one of the MAIN scientist that studied man made climate change for the NASA testified that the effect on the climate was negligible, and that political pressure was put on those in the division to Alter the findings to PROVE global warming. Of course he was only a revered scientist till he told the TRUTH. I live within a hundred miles of Marshal, and Have been to the space center many times and have seen the change, MMCC IS A SCAM!!! Pollution is something else, and is where the Climate change money needs to be instead of somewhere that it is wasted. As for your 97% the only 97% is of paid for results science manipulators that depend on a positive result for their grants to be renewed.
I'm not arguing that the private sector in the United States can't take an active role, but not having the government behind it both policy wise and in international negotiations will give them a bit of a handicap, I would think. That is the good news here, if there is any--Trump's troglodyte decision to pull out of the Accords will not stop green tech here or anywhere else. It will be a bit harder having the world's largest economy not contributing, but they'll have to get by.

At least they're trying. At least they're thinking. You think it is that easy/fast/simple to change their infrastructure? I don't see how you can say that this is moving too slow since you are fighting tooth and nail about changing ours from fossil fuel based energy. Would it be realistic to have changed over the economy prior to 2030? For us, maybe not as hard as for the countries that haven't even got half their people with electricity on a daily basis yet.

Exactly where did you get your degree in electronic and electrical technology? THE idea that building and using wind turbines, solar cells and most other "GREEN????" energy" is better in some way for the planet is ludicrous. People who continue to spout errant information should at least have some background in the subject they spout. I will say you are really dedicated to the propaganda that the communist party is feeding you, Why not bite the bullet and go live in a communist country?
It's not only France and Germany------- Its the whole world laughing at us because we are going backwards.
The whole world is sacrificing for the sake of one Planet A and the future. There is no planet B.
They were laughing at Obama behind his back when he signed on to this giant swindle.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app

The whole world signed and agreed to this accord except Nicaragua and Syria. The whole world supports Obama.
Today the whole world is laughing at Trump and blasting Trump as a ignorant who claim this is hoax here and over seas. That's a fact.
BTW his EPA chief cannot even answer direct questions from his news briefing today. That's a fact.

If the whole world signed onto this farce, why the need for the US to do it too? Seems like those countries will do just fine without us.

US is the second worst polluters. We are the leader not a backward follower. We now at level of Syria and Nicaragua. Even China the worst polluters sign on to this accord.

Maybe you should get your facts right:

Air pollution from industrial activity isn’t just an environmental concern—it’s a major public health problem, too.

In a report (pdf) released Tuesday (Sept. 27), the World Health Organization (WHO) found that 92% of the population breathes air with unhealthy levels of pollutants. WHO collected air quality data from 3,000 locations across the globe and looked for concentrations of fine particulate matter, including sulfates, nitrates, mineral dust, and black carbon, which are less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter—about 1/1000 of a millimeter, or the width of a credit card. Both indoors and outdoors, these particles work their way into the lungs when we breathe, and can cause cardiovascular disease like lung cancer, stroke, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Every country has terrible air pollution, but these are the world’s worst

Now, if you click on the link (and I doubt you will) you can scroll down to the bottom of the page where they list the countries from worst to best. Just so you don't waste too much of your precious time, I suggest you scroll quickly to find the US.

Of course China signed onto it. They don't have to do shit until 2030, and even then, who knows if they'd honor it.

You are very funny Ray. LOL. You are telling me that air is polluted. So we need to do something. Correct? What are you trying to tell me? You need to look at this real link and the problem Ray.

List of countries by carbon dioxide emissions - Wikipedia


China. They don't do shit till 2030 is a lame and dumb excuse from Trump as a good example of LYING to Americans.
Technically yes they don't do anything till 2030 because that is the allowance they negotiated with the accord. But in REALITY that is incorrect. They are choking to death right now. What made you and Trump think they are not doing anything right now?
If someone has a cancer (China) is this person going to wait 13 years to get treatments? Wrong. If they waited 13 years to do something------- What do you think will happen to them? Chinese are not that stupid.
They are building several hydro electric dam like in Brahmaputra, three gorges dam and others. This year they scrapped 103 coal power plant which I heard this news in 2015 when they are still in planning stage. They are also doing a lot of improvements about smog from cars and other factory polluters. That is just the start.

The End of Coal Is Near: China Just Scrapped 103 Power Plants
Yes let's drill the national monuments areas, in pristine Alaska, off the Atlantic coast and threaten a billion dollar a year tourism trade plus in all national and state parks. Let's rape all the unspoiled land in America.
Trump imbeciles thinks that's putting America first.

How large is ANWR? How many acres?

How large of a footprint would the drilling site occupy?

Do you know what makes up Norway's largest exports? Oil and seafood. Both from the North Sea, also a violent sea.
Fortunately there is no oil in the most beautiful parts of ANWR. The oil is in the part where nothing lives.
Have YOU lost YOURS? That China agreed to at least take some steps? They've cancelled 105 of the coal burning plants they had planned. It's a start. And they're revving up the green tech. What is ridiculous is that we are sulking about China being a big polluter. We are second. Don't forget that

They already have a surplus of coal-fired plants. Many of the new plants are replacing older, less efficient plants. So they've agreed to replace fewer.

You have the same goal here that you have for workers.

You expect that because I (worker) made good decisions, worked hard and long and am successful, somehow I OWE those who made poor decisions, did the minimum some of the income I worked to earn.

Here we have me the United States, who has made good decisions, created a democratic society with capitalism to drive our economy and we are incredibly successful. You believe (you as in all Progressives) that because we are rich, we need to give countries who made poor decisions, have held down their citizens and are much poorer than are we, we should give them what we have earned.

No, it just doesn't work that way in the real world.

China and Russia had to be laughing their behinds off when petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama agreed to destroy "his" own country. Shameful.
The same thing is happening for oil drilling, with the technology of slant drilling far less oil wells are needed to drill for more oil.
Yes let's drill the national monuments areas, in pristine Alaska, off the Atlantic coast and threaten a billion dollar a year tourism trade plus in all national and state parks. Let's rape all the unspoiled land in America.
Trump imbeciles thinks that's putting America first.

Pittsburgh before Paris

View attachment 130696

The Pittsburgh mayor told DT to go fuck himself. His goal is to make Pittsburgh 100% alternative energy.
Yes let's drill the national monuments areas, in pristine Alaska, off the Atlantic coast and threaten a billion dollar a year tourism trade plus in all national and state parks. Let's rape all the unspoiled land in America.
Trump imbeciles thinks that's putting America first.

How large is ANWR? How many acres?

How large of a footprint would the drilling site occupy?

Do you know what makes up Norway's largest exports? Oil and seafood. Both from the North Sea, also a violent sea.
Fortunately there is no oil in the most beautiful parts of ANWR. The oil is in the part where nothing lives.
Wrong. There's is a lake in Alaska the slimey little hands bastard has his eyes on for oil that would destroy a 100 million dollar a year fishing industry.
Making America great again by screwing Americans.
It's not only France and Germany------- Its the whole world laughing at us because we are going backwards.
The whole world is sacrificing for the sake of one Planet A and the future. There is no planet B.
They were laughing at Obama behind his back when he signed on to this giant swindle.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app

The whole world signed and agreed to this accord except Nicaragua and Syria. The whole world supports Obama.
Today the whole world is laughing at Trump and blasting Trump as a ignorant who claim this is hoax here and over seas. That's a fact.
BTW his EPA chief cannot even answer direct questions from his news briefing today. That's a fact.
The whole world rightly took Obama to be a fool and were waiting to get their share of the loot from this swindle.

Like what? Be specific.
The Paris "agreement" swindle.
The mental midget is a
Hannity impersonator.
They were laughing at Obama behind his back when he signed on to this giant swindle.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app

The whole world signed and agreed to this accord except Nicaragua and Syria. The whole world supports Obama.
Today the whole world is laughing at Trump and blasting Trump as a ignorant who claim this is hoax here and over seas. That's a fact.
BTW his EPA chief cannot even answer direct questions from his news briefing today. That's a fact.
The whole world rightly took Obama to be a fool and were waiting to get their share of the loot from this swindle.

Like what? Be specific.
The Paris "agreement" swindle.
The mental midget is a View attachment 130766 Hannity impersonator.
The head lemming speaks!

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