Trump pushed postmaster general to double Amazon's shipping rates

my impression of the Washington Post -----based on having
read articles printed therein-----is-----that ....... it stinks

I should magnify a bit-----its "news" seems to me to
be more "OPINION" than news------ie--very slanted
Trump is attempting to use his presidential to pursue a personal vendetta against a private entity, and not a single conservative is upset at this abuse?

why would Trump have a personal vendetta against

I have never used Amazon-----does Amazon have a
MONOPOLY on---online buying? ???

His vendetta is against Bezos.

Bezos owns the Washington Post. A newspaper that prints truths about trump that trump doesn't like.

That's why he's doing all of this.

The thing is he's not hurting Bezos. If he gets postal rates increased everyone pays more. It won't be just on Amazon. It will be on everyone.

So trump is hurting the whole nation because he doesn't like Jeff Bezos.

Can he be more immature and hateful?

We shouldn't have any leader who does such things. He's supposed to be working FOR us NOT against us.
Fed Ex and UPS have claimed unfair contracts with Amazon...............

The USPS is still losing money.............overall ............and Amazon is getting unfair advantages over the competition who could also make the deliveries..................

Catch 22 these package deals are keeping the USPS alive.............push too far and they will be even in worse shape.
unfair contracts?....a few years ago when they were shopping this huge delivery contract between the big 3,they tested all 3 services for about a year to see who got the job done better....guess who won?....UPS and Fed-X were having the PO deliver a whole bunch of their parcels to residential neighborhoods,a big plus for the PO at that time....unfair contracts?....yea right....they all make out on this exchange for Fed-X flying the PO's first class mail,they got to put their collection boxes at Post Offices nation wide...UPS and the PO have a parcel exchange were if someone hands a carrier a UPS parcel or vice versa,they take it and do what is supposed to be done with it like return or mail it........they all are making out...
PS----I googled----seems I am not alone in noting the BIG TIME SLANT-----in the Washington Post

Yes it most certainly is an impeachable offense. We'll add that to the several dozen others. :wink:
In the mean time, we watch the cowards of the Republican lead Congress and their Sheep do nothing to preserve our Constitutionally bound Democracy, in favor of massive corruption against this country.

Indeed, even most of the ones scurrying back under their rocks remain invertebrates.

Sad :(

that bill was co-sponsored by democrats....and obama and co sure as hell did nothing about it....

Congress passed the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act in 2006 and it was signed by President Bush. Obama had nothing to do with it.
yea no shit,and obama who told our union how important we are sure as hell did not do much in getting rid of that bill did he? is cheap....

And he would have been able to do that HOW ..

With 6 years of Republican leadership in Congress and the first two without a supermajority and DINOs like Joe Lieberman?
my impression of the Washington Post -----based on having
read articles printed therein-----is-----that ....... it stinks
It also stinks that a corrupt, illegal president uses a government office to abuse power by attacking a corporation, because said corporation doesn't do as he wants them to do.

And based on the articles "you read in the Washington Post" that has absolutely nothing at all to do with an illegal abuse of power.
my impression of the Washington Post -----based on having
read articles printed therein-----is-----that ....... it stinks
It also stinks that a corrupt, illegal president uses a government office to abuse power by attacking a corporation, because said corporation doesn't do as he wants them to do.

And based on the articles "you read in the Washington Post" that has absolutely nothing at all to do with an illegal abuse of power.

I did not suggest that my opinion on the quality of the
WASHINGTON POST has anything to do with the
actions of Trump which seem to be AGAINST that paper---somehow. It is not clear to me that his actions are
ILLEGAL------he seems to believe that Amazon gets more
from the US Postoffice than it gives
my impression of the Washington Post -----based on having
read articles printed therein-----is-----that ....... it stinks
It also stinks that a corrupt, illegal president uses a government office to abuse power by attacking a corporation, because said corporation doesn't do as he wants them to do.

And based on the articles "you read in the Washington Post" that has absolutely nothing at all to do with an illegal abuse of power.

I did not suggest that my opinion on the quality of the
WASHINGTON POST has anything to do with the
actions of Trump which seem to be AGAINST that paper---somehow. It is not clear to me that his actions are
ILLEGAL------he seems to believe that Amazon gets more
from the US Postoffice than it gives
Dig deep into the weeds, and you will find that the feud is more with the Washington Post than it is with Amazon. Trump is just using Amazon for blackmail purposes, because the WP prints truth in reporting, and both are owned by the same man. Therefore, Trump is once again abusing power of the office to hurt a business, based on trying to punish the WP, for reporting the truth in the Mueller investigation against him, by way of Amazon.

This guy is abusing power and violating the Emoluments clause everywhere; Donald Trump’s Twitter feud with Amazon, explained

Here's another violation reported by the WP that exposes Trump. So Trump punishes Amazon. The scam is very clear to see; Opinion | Trump’s latest violation of the emoluments clause, why Amazon is being hit.
Dig deep into the weeds, and you will find that the feud is more with the Washington Post than it is with Amazon. Trump is just using Amazon for blackmail purposes, because the WP prints truth in reporting, and both are owned by the same man. Therefore, Trump is once again abusing power of the office to hurt a business, based on trying to punish the WP, for reporting the truth in the Mueller investigation against him, by way of Amazon.

This guy is abusing power and violating the Emoluments clause everywhere; Donald Trump’s Twitter feud with Amazon, explained

Here's another violation reported by the WP that exposes Trump. So Trump punishes Amazon. The scam is very clear to see; Opinion | Trump’s latest violation of the emoluments clause, why Amazon is being hit.

Donald may not drink but at present, but he's drunk on power ..

Pretty much thinks he can do anything he pleases any time he pleases it.

It'll likely take jail time to wean him off of this horrible habit.

Screw Amazon, it has made America even lazier than ever, and made Amazon to big for there britches ,get off your ass and shop locally.
Dig deep into the weeds, and you will find that the feud is more with the Washington Post than it is with Amazon. Trump is just using Amazon for blackmail purposes, because the WP prints truth in reporting, and both are owned by the same man. Therefore, Trump is once again abusing power of the office to hurt a business, based on trying to punish the WP, for reporting the truth in the Mueller investigation against him, by way of Amazon.

This guy is abusing power and violating the Emoluments clause everywhere; Donald Trump’s Twitter feud with Amazon, explained

Here's another violation reported by the WP that exposes Trump. So Trump punishes Amazon. The scam is very clear to see; Opinion | Trump’s latest violation of the emoluments clause, why Amazon is being hit.

Donald may not drink but at present, but he's drunk on power ..

Pretty much thinks he can do anything he pleases any time he pleases it.

It'll likely take jail time to wean him off of this horrible habit.

Trump is the man, now crooked Hillary should be in prison.[/QUOTE]
Screw Amazon, it has made America even lazier than ever, and made Amazon to big for there britches ,get off your ass and shop locally.

Bet you that Donald Trump secretly orders from Amazon and lists his address as:

David Dennison
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500

that bill was co-sponsored by democrats....and obama and co sure as hell did nothing about it....

Congress passed the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act in 2006 and it was signed by President Bush. Obama had nothing to do with it.
yea no shit,and obama who told our union how important we are sure as hell did not do much in getting rid of that bill did he? is cheap....

And he would have been able to do that HOW ..

With 6 years of Republican leadership in Congress and the first two without a supermajority and DINOs like Joe Lieberman?
bullshit he never even talked about it....we had all kinds of Democratic Senators talk to our Union telling us how this thing has to soon as they left us it was like they never even mentioned it....the President has a lot of influence over the board of governors since he appoints and dismisses them...
PS----I googled----seems I am not alone in noting the BIG TIME SLANT-----in the Washington Post

They tend to print the truth. I guess that's a big time slant.
Amazon isn't his first target. I remember when he went after Boeing and I thought the RWs would not stand for it. They applauded it. That's the way its been ever since. When he attacks the US, they love it. When he gives more to other countries, they love it. When he lies about what he's going to do, the RWNJs love it. When it comes out that he lied about giving a donation to vets or the other things he's done to vets, military, the RWNJs LOVE it.

He's a globalist. The most globalist prez in our history. The RWNJs know that but they just keep on saying he's against "globalism". They know he is moving even more businesses off shore and they love that too. And they really really love that he hires only foreign and illegal employees AND that he refuses to make any of his own shit in the US.

Have we ever before had a "president" who is ANTI-America as trump is?

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