Trump Puts Arizona into Play for Democrats

When they start debating, Trump will crush her.
The Clinton's have done ZERO for minorities.

If you keep saying that, it doesn't make it true. Just one statement from a Phrump supporter.....

"Next time we might have to kill him."
You are correct; my saying it doesn't make it true.
Reality makes it true.
Name one piece of Legislation that Bill, with Hillary at his side, fought for that didn't increase unemployment amongst Blacks.
The very fact that you posted nothing that helped Blacks shows you have nothing.

Let me know when you get back from Mars.....:banana:
When over 15% of minorities vote for Phrump in the General, you will have a point. Phrump will lose badly in November.
That's because many uneducated minorities think a speech equals legislation.
But YOU have nothing to post in Hillary's favor.
Nuff said.

Says the person whose party is desperately trying to suppress voting rights.
Huh? Every Democrat out there has SOME piece of Identity.
What's wrong with showing it when voting?
And since this has been an issue for OVER 8 YEARS why haven't the bleeding heart Liberals already settled the issue by issuing some form of Identity?
Thinking does not seem to be your forte.
If you keep saying that, it doesn't make it true. Just one statement from a Phrump supporter.....

"Next time we might have to kill him."
You are correct; my saying it doesn't make it true.
Reality makes it true.
Name one piece of Legislation that Bill, with Hillary at his side, fought for that didn't increase unemployment amongst Blacks.
The very fact that you posted nothing that helped Blacks shows you have nothing.

Let me know when you get back from Mars.....:banana:
When over 15% of minorities vote for Phrump in the General, you will have a point. Phrump will lose badly in November.
That's because many uneducated minorities think a speech equals legislation.
But YOU have nothing to post in Hillary's favor.
Nuff said.

Says the person whose party is desperately trying to suppress voting rights.
Huh? Every Democrat out there has SOME piece of Identity.
What's wrong with showing it when voting?
And since this has been an issue for OVER 8 YEARS why haven't the bleeding heart Liberals already settled the issue by issuing some form of Identity?
Thinking does not seem to be your forte.

I don't debate racist.
You are correct; my saying it doesn't make it true.
Reality makes it true.
Name one piece of Legislation that Bill, with Hillary at his side, fought for that didn't increase unemployment amongst Blacks.
The very fact that you posted nothing that helped Blacks shows you have nothing.

Let me know when you get back from Mars.....:banana:
When over 15% of minorities vote for Phrump in the General, you will have a point. Phrump will lose badly in November.
That's because many uneducated minorities think a speech equals legislation.
But YOU have nothing to post in Hillary's favor.
Nuff said.

Says the person whose party is desperately trying to suppress voting rights.
Huh? Every Democrat out there has SOME piece of Identity.
What's wrong with showing it when voting?
And since this has been an issue for OVER 8 YEARS why haven't the bleeding heart Liberals already settled the issue by issuing some form of Identity?
Thinking does not seem to be your forte.

I don't debate racist.
The fact that I want American citizens, regardless of religion or race, to have job and career opportunities makes me a racist.
Please let us know you're not retarded.
"Trump Puts Arizona into Play for Democrats"

Whether this occurs or not isn’t the issue.

The issue is that there are polling data suggesting the possibility – further evidence that Trump is unelectable.
Let me know when you get back from Mars.....:banana:
When over 15% of minorities vote for Phrump in the General, you will have a point. Phrump will lose badly in November.
That's because many uneducated minorities think a speech equals legislation.
But YOU have nothing to post in Hillary's favor.
Nuff said.

Says the person whose party is desperately trying to suppress voting rights.
Huh? Every Democrat out there has SOME piece of Identity.
What's wrong with showing it when voting?
And since this has been an issue for OVER 8 YEARS why haven't the bleeding heart Liberals already settled the issue by issuing some form of Identity?
Thinking does not seem to be your forte.

I don't debate racist.
The fact that I want American citizens, regardless of religion or race, to have job and career opportunities makes me a racist.
Please let us know you're not retarded.

"Uneducated minorities" Grt some help before an angry black person beats uou to death. Now. Go away...
That's because many uneducated minorities think a speech equals legislation.
But YOU have nothing to post in Hillary's favor.
Nuff said.

Says the person whose party is desperately trying to suppress voting rights.
Huh? Every Democrat out there has SOME piece of Identity.
What's wrong with showing it when voting?
And since this has been an issue for OVER 8 YEARS why haven't the bleeding heart Liberals already settled the issue by issuing some form of Identity?
Thinking does not seem to be your forte.

I don't debate racist.
The fact that I want American citizens, regardless of religion or race, to have job and career opportunities makes me a racist.
Please let us know you're not retarded.

"Uneducated minorities" Grt some help before and angry black person beats uou to death. Now. Go away...
I want good education and career opportunities for all Americans.
You are a Limousine Liberal with a seemingly low IQ.
If this is true I'm very confident that my predictions for Tuesday will be accurate
Soon, the police will have to start kent stating these violent protesters.

and sooner the better for all of us, there is no need for these liberscum to be causing their violent protests, if they don't like him just stay away. :up:

If they want to lay down on a highway to disrupt traffic then there will be no crying when someone runs right over them. Hell with em.
Breaking: American woman raped, boyfriend beaten half to death by...ILLEGAL ALIENS who had been previously arrested and some deported. Charges include - rape, kidnapping, assault with a dangerous weapon, robbery, battery, and witness intimidation.

How many American citizens have to be brutalized before we kick all these asshole illegals out of our country and keep them out?
Trump is drawing huge crowds and large numbers of new voters to the GOP. Not to mention thousands of blue collar democrats that are switching to Trump.

Love him or hate him, Trump has all of the momentum, all of the energy, and he will be nearly impossible to beat.

You win with votes not energy of idiots... There is plenty responsible people in America to not fall for a snake oil merchant....

You excuse his inability to tell the truth....
Hildabeast was here in Phoenix today....the stage backdrop was young illegals waving American Flags and cheering for old Granny Pants....every picture tells a story don't it?
Trump is drawing huge crowds and large numbers of new voters to the GOP. Not to mention thousands of blue collar democrats that are switching to Trump.

Love him or hate him, Trump has all of the momentum, all of the energy, and he will be nearly impossible to beat.

You win with votes not energy of idiots... There is plenty responsible people in America to not fall for a snake oil merchant....

You excuse his inability to tell the truth....

He's garnered 4.2 million votes so far. More than any other Republican running and just shy of hiLIARy's total. The enthusiasm is translating into votes. Good luck with hiLIARy.

Trump has put almost every state into play for the Democrats.

But not South Carolina. At least that's still a safe red state. For the moment.

I would have thought Utah and Idaho were safe red states, but Trump's Romney-bashing is giving Democrats a chance there as well.
Trump is drawing huge crowds and large numbers of new voters to the GOP. Not to mention thousands of blue collar democrats that are switching to Trump.

Love him or hate him, Trump has all of the momentum, all of the energy, and he will be nearly impossible to beat.

I ran into Trump by accident in NY around 2012. And he create a lot of attention and good crowd even before he became presidential candidate. People attending his rally doesn't mean they are Trump supporters. I know lots of republicans ( educated I mean ) and I have not seen one single soul that will support Trump. Even Jewish people are disgusted with Trump.

Jewish leaders plan boycott of Donald Trump at AIPAC -

You're living in denial. People are attending his rallies AND they are voting for him in the primaries.

Trump has more received more votes at this point in the process than Romney did in 2012. Keep in mind, Romney was practically unopposed and had the full support and backing of the GOP.


Why would I do that? I know couple of people that attended his rallies but they are not trump supporters. They showed me a video showing a large number of people that are not cheering while everyone else are cheering. And if you watched CNN yesterday in Arizona. People are cheering but on the background they are not cheering and they don't look amused. Pay attention to these rallies next time.

It takes a special kind of idiot to go through all the time and trouble it takes to attend a campaign rally for someone for whom you will not vote. They must be the liberal cross-overs if they are that stupid.
Trump is accelerating voter registration amongst Hispanics in Arizona.

The Latino population is 30.5% of the total and growing. But Latinos vote less frequently than their white counterparts; they make up 17% of the state's registered voters, according to the National Assn. of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials.

If Trump is the Republican nominee, "people are actually saying Arizona could be competitive this year," said Rep. Ruben Gallego, a Democrat who represents Phoenix and its suburbs. Previously "many of us thought that maybe in 2020 we would be a purplish swing state."

Latinos here have been particularly receptive to the get-out-the-vote efforts because many have lived through some of the toughest anti-immigration laws passed in recent years in this country. ...

Arizona is going through what California experienced two decades ago during the battle over Proposition 187, which would have ended many taxpayer-funded state services to those in the country illegally. Voters approved the measure in 1994, but it was nullified by the courts.

The aftermath — growing Latino clout at the ballot box — is among the factors that turned California, a once-red state home to Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon, into a cobalt blue state that last elected a Republican statewide a decade ago.
Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, whose father is Mexican American, said he sees the similarities.

"People are mobilizing," he said in an interview after rallying volunteers at a Phoenix phone bank for Hillary Clinton, who is seeking the Democratic presidential nomination. "The abuelas are like, 'It's finally time to become citizens,' and I think that's going to be a force in a lot of states, in places like Colorado and places like Arizona, some that have been in play for a long time and some that haven't."​

'A good villain': Trump aids Latino activists in trying to turn Arizona blue
Trump is drawing huge crowds and large numbers of new voters to the GOP. Not to mention thousands of blue collar democrats that are switching to Trump.

Love him or hate him, Trump has all of the momentum, all of the energy, and he will be nearly impossible to beat.

I ran into Trump by accident in NY around 2012. And he create a lot of attention and good crowd even before he became presidential candidate. People attending his rally doesn't mean they are Trump supporters. I know lots of republicans ( educated I mean ) and I have not seen one single soul that will support Trump. Even Jewish people are disgusted with Trump.

Jewish leaders plan boycott of Donald Trump at AIPAC -

You're living in denial. People are attending his rallies AND they are voting for him in the primaries.

Trump has more received more votes at this point in the process than Romney did in 2012. Keep in mind, Romney was practically unopposed and had the full support and backing of the GOP.


Why would I do that? I know couple of people that attended his rallies but they are not trump supporters. They showed me a video showing a large number of people that are not cheering while everyone else are cheering. And if you watched CNN yesterday in Arizona. People are cheering but on the background they are not cheering and they don't look amused. Pay attention to these rallies next time.

It takes a special kind of idiot to go through all the time and trouble it takes to attend a campaign rally for someone for whom you will not vote. They must be the liberal cross-overs if they are that stupid.

That's mighty of you to questions people interest and curiosity.
This shit keeps up America will ONLY be a democrat party run country because the current GOP's REFUSAL to fight back against white genocide which is exactly what is happening no matter what you want to call it America is becoming darker and darker and more and more liberal and eventually the GOP will not matter it will be an eternal opposition party relegated to a laughing stock. Fight back now or watch RED states become barely red and then toss up and then BLUE.
Read something, learn something.

This is from Republican strategist Stuart Stevens.

There Aren’t Enough White Voters for GOP Win
Arizona has consistently voted Republican. Since 1952, the Republicans have won Arizona in 14 of 15 Presidential elections. But Trump's extremely high negative ratings, particularly amongst Hispanics, puts Arizona into play for Hillary.

In the first Trump v. Clinton Arizona poll, the two are tied. If Cruz were the nominee, he'd be leading Clinton by 6%.

Arizona voters are evenly divided on who they would vote for in this fall’s presidential and Senate races, according to a new Merrill Poll. The poll found that DonaldTrump and Hilary Clinton are in a dead heat with 38 percent of the vote each, while 9 percent said they would vote for neither candidate and 15 percent were undecided. A head to head matchup between Clinton and Ted Cruz also resulted in a statistical dead heat, with 41 percent for Cruz and 35 percent for Clinton. ...

Dr. Tara Blanc, co director of the Merrill Poll, said that Clinton’s support among Hispanic voters and the crossover advantage she received from Republicans against Trump largely explain why she is competitive in Arizona. “ One thing to note, however, is that contrary to what we found in the primary election, the percentage of voters who are undecided is relatively low across these matchups, so there’s less room for change.”​

Edit - Did my math wrong.

Let them select Trump and Texas might have blue balls in November...

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