Trump Puts Arizona into Play for Democrats

How are the GOP brains going to stop him? He has threatened the GOP with riots. Even if they exceed with an establishment candidate, Trump will run third party. His rabid supporters will follow him.

For starters, unless Trump amasses an outright majority of delegates before Cleveland, he'll never be the nominee. Even then I believe that the GOP establishment has the will to change the rules of the convention to pull an outright Screwjob.

As for Trump running 3rd party, that has no relevance to what you stated. In fact, it's the antithesis of your claim of Trump being the face of the GOP.

Trump will be the Face of the GOP. Whether he is the nominee or not, he will be the Face. A funny face, but the Face.
This shit keeps up America will ONLY be a democrat party run country because the current GOP's REFUSAL to fight back against white genocide which is exactly what is happening no matter what you want to call it America is becoming darker and darker and more and more liberal and eventually the GOP will not matter it will be an eternal opposition party relegated to a laughing stock. Fight back now or watch RED states become barely red and then toss up and then BLUE.

It isn't white genocide. It is the natural process of evolution. Races mixing. Has been going on since the beginning of mankind. It is simply faster now because of easy global travel and immigration. There will come a time (oh the horror) when there will be no purely white people, nor any purely black or Asian people, etc. It is the natural order of things…”the times they are a-changin.”

Agree....... Actually if you go to malls and other places with lots of people. I see more and more biracial couples.
How are the GOP brains going to stop him? He has threatened the GOP with riots. Even if they exceed with an establishment candidate, Trump will run third party. His rabid supporters will follow him.

For starters, unless Trump amasses an outright majority of delegates before Cleveland, he'll never be the nominee. Even then I believe that the GOP establishment has the will to change the rules of the convention to pull an outright Screwjob.

As for Trump running 3rd party, that has no relevance to what you stated. In fact, it's the antithesis of your claim of Trump being the face of the GOP.

Trump will be the Face of the GOP. Whether he is the nominee or not, he will be the Face. A funny face, but the Face.

Yeah, because not being nominated by the GOP makes you the "face" of the GOP.

The problem here is that even while the majority of the GOP fervently fights to eject Trump, Democrats are desperately trying to do everything in their power to force Trump on us. How many thousands of Democrats have been switching party registrations just to cast Trojan Horse votes? Meanwhile there are you fools who are here on this board constantly trying to argue and insist that Trump has to be nominated, as if it's owed to him, and trying to invoke scare tactics to convince the rest of the GOP that we better support Trump, or else.

Trump isn't a Republican, and he's not a conservative. He's one of your own. The real legacy of the Donald Trump candidacy is that it shows just how low down and dirty the Democratic party is.
Agree....... Actually if you go to malls and other places with lots of people. I see more and more biracial couples.

Yep. People just don't care if you're a different race. Especially now that it's become unequivocally clear that blends make the most beautiful babies.
Agree....... Actually if you go to malls and other places with lots of people. I see more and more biracial couples.

Yep. People just don't care if you're a different race. Especially now that it's become unequivocally clear that blends make the most beautiful babies.

If racial mixing makes you happy, why do you libs support blatant racists like Sharpton, Whoopi, and Jackson?
Agree....... Actually if you go to malls and other places with lots of people. I see more and more biracial couples.

Yep. People just don't care if you're a different race. Especially now that it's become unequivocally clear that blends make the most beautiful babies.

If racial mixing makes you happy, why do you libs support blatant racists like Sharpton, Whoopi, and Jackson?

Maybe you should go ask a liberal.
Agree....... Actually if you go to malls and other places with lots of people. I see more and more biracial couples.

Yep. People just don't care if you're a different race. Especially now that it's become unequivocally clear that blends make the most beautiful babies.

If racial mixing makes you happy, why do you libs support blatant racists like Sharpton, Whoopi, and Jackson?

Maybe you should go ask a liberal.

you expressed a liberal viewpoint. What does that make you?
Trump is drawing huge crowds and large numbers of new voters to the GOP. Not to mention thousands of blue collar democrats that are switching to Trump.

Love him or hate him, Trump has all of the momentum, all of the energy, and he will be nearly impossible to beat.

I ran into Trump by accident in NY around 2012. And he create a lot of attention and good crowd even before he became presidential candidate. People attending his rally doesn't mean they are Trump supporters. I know lots of republicans ( educated I mean ) and I have not seen one single soul that will support Trump. Even Jewish people are disgusted with Trump.

Jewish leaders plan boycott of Donald Trump at AIPAC -

You're living in denial. People are attending his rallies AND they are voting for him in the primaries.

Trump has more received more votes at this point in the process than Romney did in 2012. Keep in mind, Romney was practically unopposed and had the full support and backing of the GOP.


Why would I do that? I know couple of people that attended his rallies but they are not trump supporters. They showed me a video showing a large number of people that are not cheering while everyone else are cheering. And if you watched CNN yesterday in Arizona. People are cheering but on the background they are not cheering and they don't look amused. Pay attention to these rallies next time.
Trump is drawing huge crowds and large numbers of new voters to the GOP. Not to mention thousands of blue collar democrats that are switching to Trump.

Love him or hate him, Trump has all of the momentum, all of the energy, and he will be nearly impossible to beat.

I ran into Trump by accident in NY around 2012. And he create a lot of attention and good crowd even before he became presidential candidate. People attending his rally doesn't mean they are Trump supporters. I know lots of republicans ( educated I mean ) and I have not seen one single soul that will support Trump. Even Jewish people are disgusted with Trump.

Jewish leaders plan boycott of Donald Trump at AIPAC -

You're living in denial. People are attending his rallies AND they are voting for him in the primaries.

Trump has more received more votes at this point in the process than Romney did in 2012. Keep in mind, Romney was practically unopposed and had the full support and backing of the GOP.


Why would I do that? I know couple of people that attended his rallies but they are not trump supporters. They showed me a video showing a large number of people that are not cheering while everyone else are cheering. And if you watched CNN yesterday in Arizona. People are cheering but on the background they are not cheering. Pay attention to these rallies next time.

unlike the Hillary rallies where all 15 people are cheering?
How are the GOP brains going to stop him? He has threatened the GOP with riots. Even if they exceed with an establishment candidate, Trump will run third party. His rabid supporters will follow him.

For starters, unless Trump amasses an outright majority of delegates before Cleveland, he'll never be the nominee. Even then I believe that the GOP establishment has the will to change the rules of the convention to pull an outright Screwjob.

As for Trump running 3rd party, that has no relevance to what you stated. In fact, it's the antithesis of your claim of Trump being the face of the GOP.

Trump will be the Face of the GOP. Whether he is the nominee or not, he will be the Face. A funny face, but the Face.

Yeah, because not being nominated by the GOP makes you the "face" of the GOP.

The problem here is that even while the majority of the GOP fervently fights to eject Trump, Democrats are desperately trying to do everything in their power to force Trump on us. How many thousands of Democrats have been switching party registrations just to cast Trojan Horse votes? Meanwhile there are you fools who are here on this board constantly trying to argue and insist that Trump has to be nominated, as if it's owed to him, and trying to invoke scare tactics to convince the rest of the GOP that we better support Trump, or else.

Trump isn't a Republican, and he's not a conservative. He's one of your own. The real legacy of the Donald Trump candidacy is that it shows just how low down and dirty the Democratic party is.

He is Frankenstein's monster created by the extremes of the GOP. Phrump's supporter are rabid fanatics that will not let him go, regardless of what happens at the convention. Conclusion....--GOP SCREWED!
Trump is drawing huge crowds and large numbers of new voters to the GOP. Not to mention thousands of blue collar democrats that are switching to Trump.

Love him or hate him, Trump has all of the momentum, all of the energy, and he will be nearly impossible to beat.

I ran into Trump by accident in NY around 2012. And he create a lot of attention and good crowd even before he became presidential candidate. People attending his rally doesn't mean they are Trump supporters. I know lots of republicans ( educated I mean ) and I have not seen one single soul that will support Trump. Even Jewish people are disgusted with Trump.

Jewish leaders plan boycott of Donald Trump at AIPAC -

You're living in denial. People are attending his rallies AND they are voting for him in the primaries.

Trump has more received more votes at this point in the process than Romney did in 2012. Keep in mind, Romney was practically unopposed and had the full support and backing of the GOP.


Why would I do that? I know couple of people that attended his rallies but they are not trump supporters. They showed me a video showing a large number of people that are not cheering while everyone else are cheering. And if you watched CNN yesterday in Arizona. People are cheering but on the background they are not cheering. Pay attention to these rallies next time.

unlike the Hillary rallies where all 15 people are cheering?

I observe that too. My point is........... just because people attended these rallies that doesn't mean they are supporters. Capisce?
This shit keeps up America will ONLY be a democrat party run country because the current GOP's REFUSAL to fight back against white genocide which is exactly what is happening no matter what you want to call it America is becoming darker and darker and more and more liberal and eventually the GOP will not matter it will be an eternal opposition party relegated to a laughing stock. Fight back now or watch RED states become barely red and then toss up and then BLUE.

Yoar really a liberal sock, aren't you Odious?
I am not the one that claimed I would vote for a Soda Banning Gun Hating Jew liberal posing a republican that would have been YOU.
At least learn how to use proper grammar...It is called the Democratic Party. Not the democrat...
This shit keeps up America will ONLY be a democrat party run country because the current GOP's REFUSAL to fight back against white genocide which is exactly what is happening no matter what you want to call it America is becoming darker and darker and more and more liberal and eventually the GOP will not matter it will be an eternal opposition party relegated to a laughing stock. Fight back now or watch RED states become barely red and then toss up and then BLUE.

It isn't white genocide. It is the natural process of evolution. Races mixing. Has been going on since the beginning of mankind. It is simply faster now because of easy global travel and immigration. There will come a time (oh the horror) when there will be no purely white people, nor any purely black or Asian people, etc. It is the natural order of things…”the times they are a-changin.”
Actually it is White Genocide. Evolution is races evolving not mixing. Oh and no it hasn't been going on since the beginning of mankind. White Americans have Remained “Shockingly European” Despite Decades of Pro-Racial Mixing Propaganda, New DNA Study Reveals -

There is nothing NATURAL about racial mixing just like there is nothing NATURAL about a Tiger and a Lion mixing or Dog and Cat. No doubt you sick fucks want that as well.
This shit keeps up America will ONLY be a democrat party run country because the current GOP's REFUSAL to fight back against white genocide which is exactly what is happening no matter what you want to call it America is becoming darker and darker and more and more liberal and eventually the GOP will not matter it will be an eternal opposition party relegated to a laughing stock. Fight back now or watch RED states become barely red and then toss up and then BLUE.

Yoar really a liberal sock, aren't you Odious?

It's kinda disturbing to think that guys like Odium are real isn't it...and now Trump rallies are full of them.

There are millions of us like me most are just scared of being called racist or losing a job or family etc. Better get used to it. We got a man in Trump that's not only accepted by the main stream media but is also extremely UN PC and can get away with it. He isn't explicitly pro white but he doesn't need to be.
This shit keeps up America will ONLY be a democrat party run country because the current GOP's REFUSAL to fight back against white genocide which is exactly what is happening no matter what you want to call it America is becoming darker and darker and more and more liberal and eventually the GOP will not matter it will be an eternal opposition party relegated to a laughing stock. Fight back now or watch RED states become barely red and then toss up and then BLUE.

It isn't white genocide. It is the natural process of evolution. Races mixing. Has been going on since the beginning of mankind. It is simply faster now because of easy global travel and immigration. There will come a time (oh the horror) when there will be no purely white people, nor any purely black or Asian people, etc. It is the natural order of things…”the times they are a-changin.”
Actually it is White Genocide. Evolution is races evolving not mixing. Oh and no it hasn't been going on since the beginning of mankind. White Americans have Remained “Shockingly European” Despite Decades of Pro-Racial Mixing Propaganda, New DNA Study Reveals -

There is nothing NATURAL about racial mixing just like there is nothing NATURAL about a Tiger and a Lion mixing or Dog and Cat. No doubt you sick fucks want that as well.
This shit keeps up America will ONLY be a democrat party run country because the current GOP's REFUSAL to fight back against white genocide which is exactly what is happening no matter what you want to call it America is becoming darker and darker and more and more liberal and eventually the GOP will not matter it will be an eternal opposition party relegated to a laughing stock. Fight back now or watch RED states become barely red and then toss up and then BLUE.

Yoar really a liberal sock, aren't you Odious?

It's kinda disturbing to think that guys like Odium are real isn't it...and now Trump rallies are full of them.

There are millions of us like me most are just scared of being called racist or losing a job or family etc. Better get used to it. We got a man in Trump that's not only accepted by the main stream media but is also extremely UN PC and can get away with it. He isn't explicitly pro white but he doesn't need to be.
There is but one race, the human race, albeit, you reside in the lower tiers..
Phrump's supporter are rabid fanatics that will not let him go, regardless of what happens at the convention.

And that is why Trump is not the face of the GOP. His supporters are nothing more than fringe fanatics. They do not represent the whole. Much like Osama bin Laden is not the face of Islam.
Agree....... Actually if you go to malls and other places with lots of people. I see more and more biracial couples.

Yep. People just don't care if you're a different race. Especially now that it's become unequivocally clear that blends make the most beautiful babies.

If racial mixing makes you happy, why do you libs support blatant racists like Sharpton, Whoopi, and Jackson?

Maybe you should go ask a liberal.

you expressed a liberal viewpoint. What does that make you?

What? :cuckoo:

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