Trump Puts Arizona into Play for Democrats

Trump is drawing huge crowds and large numbers of new voters to the GOP. Not to mention thousands of blue collar democrats that are switching to Trump.

Love him or hate him, Trump has all of the momentum, all of the energy, and he will be nearly impossible to beat.
And your predictions in 2012 were so dead on, LOL.
Let's see. Over 50% of women have a very jaundiced view of Trump. Blacks and Latinos do not like him. Native Americans don't like him. Most of the people younger than 30 despise him. And a good many of we older types recognize the lines that he is peddling. We recognize them from the history of Italy and Germany in the '20's and '30's. No, Trump cannot win the general, as a independent or as the GOP candidate.
Democrat dominance is inevitable. The stupid and lazy now outnumber the smart and productive. Our schools are producing levels of ignorance unseen in 100 years. Stupidity, hatred, entitlement mentality, group think, and the inability to use critical thinking are leading us to this Democrat one party rule. I pity the young.
what gets me . is you folks in the dem base aren't MORE UPSET over this canceling out your VOTES. instead you run around worrying over Republican republican republican. hence how you acquired the label SHEEP

Hilarious Video Spoofs THE SUPER DELEGATES Who Are Rescuing Hillary’s Campaign

March 17, 2016


Have you noticed that no matter what the outcomes are for Democratic primaries, Hillary always seems to beat Bernie Sanders in the delegate count where it really matters?

People who are old enough to remember the Super Friends cartoon series will really love this.

The folks at Reason TV have outdone themselves:

Super Delegates…to the Rescue (of Hillary Clinton)!

In the Great Hall of Democracy, there are assembled the Democratic Party’s greatest heroes, created from the establishment elite.

Party leaders! Fundraisers! Lobbyists! And…Jimmy Carter!?!?

They are the Super Delegates, 700 electors chosen by party leaders who can vote at the national convention for whichever Democratic candidate they choose, regardless of whom primary and caucus voters actually selected.

Their mission? To fight grassroots candidates that might represent the party’s base, to right that which is wrong (according to privileged insiders), and to serve all mankind! Well, no, just Hillary Clinton in the current election season, OK?

VIDEO at the site
watch it here:
Hilarious Video Spoofs THE SUPER DELEGATES Who Are Rescuing Hillary's Campaign - Progressives Today
Last night at a Trump rally in Arizona a Trump protester was viciously beaten by a Trump supporter.
Last night at a Trump rally in Arizona a Trump protester was viciously beaten by a Trump supporter.
They came in with KKK hoods to disrupt and a black man beat one of their asses..............That is what the protesters wanted.........The protester asked for it and received it.
How are the GOP brains going to stop him? He has threatened the GOP with riots. Even if they exceed with an establishment candidate, Trump will run third party. His rabid supporters will follow him.

For starters, unless Trump amasses an outright majority of delegates before Cleveland, he'll never be the nominee. Even then I believe that the GOP establishment has the will to change the rules of the convention to pull an outright Screwjob.

As for Trump running 3rd party, that has no relevance to what you stated. In fact, it's the antithesis of your claim of Trump being the face of the GOP.

Actually if Trump goes third party and were able to take away a plurality of GOP votes then yeah, he's the GOP.

You should ask your teacher to help you with your grammar, because that's not quite intelligible.

You really shouldnt be pointing fingers...

"Sometimes I wonder if you're blind, and you rely on special software to read posts to you, and if it's set to Japanese. Because you didn't comprehend the first thing that that post said."
Last night at a Trump rally in Arizona a Trump protester was viciously beaten by a Trump supporter.
They came in with KKK hoods to disrupt and a black man beat one of their asses..............That is what the protesters wanted.........The protester asked for it and received it.

A good old fashioned ass beating is needed every once in a while to teach humility.
This shit keeps up America will ONLY be a democrat party run country because the current GOP's REFUSAL to fight back against white genocide which is exactly what is happening no matter what you want to call it America is becoming darker and darker and more and more liberal and eventually the GOP will not matter it will be an eternal opposition party relegated to a laughing stock. Fight back now or watch RED states become barely red and then toss up and then BLUE.

It isn't white genocide. It is the natural process of evolution. Races mixing. Has been going on since the beginning of mankind. It is simply faster now because of easy global travel and immigration. There will come a time (oh the horror) when there will be no purely white people, nor any purely black or Asian people, etc. It is the natural order of things…”the times they are a-changin.”
This shit keeps up America will ONLY be a democrat party run country because the current GOP's REFUSAL to fight back against white genocide which is exactly what is happening no matter what you want to call it America is becoming darker and darker and more and more liberal and eventually the GOP will not matter it will be an eternal opposition party relegated to a laughing stock. Fight back now or watch RED states become barely red and then toss up and then BLUE.

It isn't white genocide. It is the natural process of evolution. Races mixing. Has been going on since the beginning of mankind. It is simply faster now because of easy global travel and immigration. There will come a time (oh the horror) when there will be no purely white people, nor any purely black or Asian people, etc. It is the natural order of things…”the times they are a-changin.”

Beauty lies in the beholder. A rose by any other name is still a rose.
"Clinton’s draws support from Hispanics overall and also had a slightly higher percentage of Republicans who “crossed over” to support her versus Trump."

When they start debating, Trump will crush her.
The Clinton's have done ZERO for minorities.

If you keep saying that, it doesn't make it true. Just one statement from a Phrump supporter.....

"Next time we might have to kill him."
This shit keeps up America will ONLY be a democrat party run country because the current GOP's REFUSAL to fight back against white genocide which is exactly what is happening no matter what you want to call it America is becoming darker and darker and more and more liberal and eventually the GOP will not matter it will be an eternal opposition party relegated to a laughing stock. Fight back now or watch RED states become barely red and then toss up and then BLUE.

Yoar really a liberal sock, aren't you Odious?

It's kinda disturbing to think that guys like Odium are real isn't it...and now Trump rallies are full of them.

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