Trump Rages: "If Russia Interfered, Why Didn't Obama Stop Them?

In order to believe this is all a dems ploy this ploy would have to go back decades involving a number of players then making sure those players were picked by Trump.

Then the Democrats made sure all of them lied about their interactions and also the Democrats made Russia do plenty of businesswith all of themmaking them rich in order to take down Trump who hadn't even run for President yet.

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why would moscow want Trump instead of uranium hillary ?
They wanted the US to back off of their occupation of Crimea, relax sanctions, and to rattle the alliances held with western europe, to name a few reasons. It's possible too that Russia just wants the US to look inept as a selling point to his own people.
why would moscow want Trump instead of uranium hillary ?
They wanted the US to back off of their occupation of Crimea, relax sanctions, and to rattle the alliances held with western europe, to name a few reasons. It's possible too that Russia just wants the US to look inept as a selling point to his own people.

Or they wanted somebody they had a blackmail dossier on, from his trip to moscow.
I'm still waiting for why OFuckface didn't stop it. Doesn't he know the Dems are on suicide watch over it?

Why didn't Obama stop them?

Real simple. The establishment rigged the democrat primary and thought that Crooked Hillary would easily win the general election with their collusion and assorted propaganda. Any discussion of a foreign country messing with the election would undermine Crooked Hillary theoretical win. Thankfully the American people voting for The Donald in a landslide...So they project the fake Russia Hack narrative against The Donald!

Hillary got 3 million more votes than Trump. So if you want to talk who the American people voted for, it was Clinton by 3%.

Take your argument to the Founding Fathers.
Trump rages. Deja vous.

Most likely stopping them is easier said then done since it's not discovered until after the fact and more importently - Obama doesn't want to be seen as influencing the election.
Eleven million more voted against Trump than for him, and that just enrages the snowflake alt right and far right cucks.
Thankfully the American people voting for The Donald in a landslide...

Hillary got 3 million more votes than Trump. So if you want to talk who the American people voted for, it was Clinton by 3%.

Take your argument to the Founding Fathers.

I didn't say Trump didn't get elected. I said the bulk of the american people didn't vote for him.
The bulk didn't vote for Hillary either. Oh wait that isn't true, the bulk of the voters that actually elect the president voted for Trump.
The plurality of the voters voted for Clinton.

ELEVEN MILLION MORE voted against Trump than for him.

That just grits, Freewill.
The plurality of the voters voted for Clinton.

ELEVEN MILLION MORE voted against Trump than for him.

That just grits, Freewill.
And 8 million voted against hillary then voted or her, take way the illegals that voted for Hillary and the she has less of the majority.

All that said, don't you find yourself in a pathetic position that you try and claim victory when you were dealt such a stunning defeat? Don't you think it is time for introspection? Don't you think you need to examine why everything you predicted went so wrong? I will say one thing, at least you have given up on the charade of pretending to be a Republican just trying to save the party.
Eleven million more voted against Trump than for him, and that just enrages the snowflake alt right and far right cucks.
Nope, we can say president Trump.
Yep, and because of those votes and the actions of his people and himself, his legislative programs are gaining almost no traction in Congress. Mitch is having a dickens of a time getting the health bill through the Senate, and Ryan is terrified of it coming back to the House. No wall. No tax reform. Multiple FBI and congressional investigations against him and his people by his own Party. Yup, elections have consequences as the Donald is finding out.

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