Trump Rally In 5 Minutes

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Apparently the Democrats outside are trying to attack all the news agencies .. so much for Free Press
And you can say that shit with a straight face, you mentally challenged simplistic idiot? It was the whoring press that help put your lunatic in the white house with non stop press coverage during the campaigning days and the minute the bitch gets in the white house he turns on them.


Keeping Trump in the media was the democrats plan. They thought Hillary could beat any of the Republicans but they thought Trump was a joke and was the easiest to beat. So the democrats COLLUDED with the media to make sure Trump would win the nomination.

Now all you idiots are mad because the plan backfired.
Where the fuck does he get this energy!? His poor wife ! Hah

This rally will be among the 5 best rallies of President Trump! and all of his rallies are pretty amazing!

This one is particularly amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Okay, I'm turning it off, he's promoting media and none of em are journalists he's promoting, sorry. I can only take so much.
Unbound respect for Law Enforcement! says the President!

It will not happen like in Europe.....where different ideologies take control , thanks to immigrants


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