Trump Rally in Council Bluffs Iowa

Trump is the best president we've had. Americans should be trying to put him back in the White House, not behind bars.

Trump is one of the very few presidents of my life both truly engaged with the American people AND on an agenda to take ill-gotten power back out of the hands of big government back into the hands of the citizens!

And look what he has accomplished more good things OUT of office than Bilbo Biden has IN office!
  • He has taken billions out of the hands of the Left.
  • He has gotten us out of war even if it had to be finished by Biden badly as Bilbo tries to drag us back into yet more!
  • He has CRUSHED Row v. Wade.
  • Now he has rid us finally of Affirmative Action.
Trump gets done more out of office as a private citizen then all of the collective idiocy of Washington ever gets done IN office!
All counted ballots were approved by the court and certified by each state.

How can a state certify ballots that were counted in violation of their own state laws using methods not adopted, ratified nor voted on by their own legislative bodies?

ANSWER: they can't.

The entire 2020 election needs a do-over or elections don't mean crap in this country anymore.

Democraps have taken us to a banana republic as the only way they could criminally seize power.
How can a state certify ballots that were counted in violation of their own state laws using methods not adopted, ratified nor voted on by their own legislative bodies?

ANSWER: they can't.

The entire 2020 election needs a do-over or elections don't mean crap in this country anymore.

Democraps have taken us to a banana republic as the only way they could criminally seize power.
Again, dumbass. The courts said all laws were followed. You're still just pouting.
How can a state certify ballots that were counted in violation of their own state laws using methods not adopted, ratified nor voted on by their own legislative bodies?

ANSWER: they can't.

The entire 2020 election needs a do-over or elections don't mean crap in this country anymore.

Democraps have taken us to a banana republic as the only way they could criminally seize power.
Everybody in the individual states voted under the same conditions
Again, dumbass. The courts said all laws were followed. You're still just pouting.

Oh boy. The courts who wouldn't even hear Trump's cases and told him he needed to file BEFORE the 2020 election and claimed he had no standing are now assuring us that everything was on the up and up despite me LIVING in a swing state and KNOWING the laws weren't followed!

The entire 2020 election was illegal and out of order.
Oh boy. The courts who wouldn't even hear Trump's cases and told him he needed to file BEFORE the 2020 election and claimed he had no standing are now assuring us that everything was on the up and up despite me LIVING in a swing state and KNOWING the laws weren't followed!

The entire 2020 election was illegal and out of order.
Cry more
Oh boy. The courts who wouldn't even hear Trump's cases and told him he needed to file BEFORE the 2020 election and claimed he had no standing are now assuring us that everything was on the up and up despite me LIVING in a swing state and KNOWING the laws weren't followed!

The entire 2020 election was illegal and out of order.
When did your cult first decide the whole world is out to get you?

Look, Honey, BLOW ME. You've been here a grand total of 2 days. I usually don't acknowledge people until you've put in more like at least a year here. Until then, you don't know crap about nothin. You're just another sawed-off troll looking to bash conservatism because you suck communist dicks. YOU are the one crying because despite everything, years and years and billions spent, Trump is still in the race as the most popular politician and candidate for the WH on the planet.
Look, Honey, BLOW ME. You've been here a grand total of 2 days. I usually don't acknowledge people until you've put in more like at least a year here. Until then, you don't know crap about nothin. You're just another sawed-off troll looking to bash conservatism because you suck communist dicks. YOU are the one crying because despite everything, years and years and billions spent, Trump is still in the race as the most popular politician and candidate for the WH on the planet.
The most popular for cult members. You seem to think your cult is the same as real people. Not even close.
The most popular for cult members.
A cult of sane, intelligent people wanting happiness and prosperity for America again.

You seem to think your cult is the same as real people.
We are better than real people, we are true patriot American citizens born free. You wouldn't cut it as a fanny pillow.
A cult of sane, intelligent people wanting happiness and prosperity for America again.

We are better than real people, we are true patriot American citizens born free. You wouldn't cut it as a fanny pillow.
Yes, it's obvious that you think you are better than everybody else. Trump thinks the same thing. It's why he has gotten himself into so much trouble.
Yes, it's obvious that you think you are better than everybody else.
No, everyone is just better than you.

Trump thinks the same thing.
Yes, Trump is way better than you, too.

It's why he has gotten himself into so much trouble.
Don't you mean the democrat party and Biddum Administration had everything to do with that?
Face it, you only win elections by cheating and oppression.
Back in 2012, you used the IRS to suppress Romney organizations.
2016, you spied on the Trump campaign and interfered in his Administration.
2020, you rigged the election then admitted as much in national print.
2022, the government admitted they had been colluding with social media and news outfits to buoy Biden while working to oppress his political opposition.
No, everyone is just better than you.

Yes, Trump is way better than you, too.

Don't you mean the democrat party and Biddum Administration had everything to do with that?
Face it, you only win elections by cheating and oppression.
Back in 2012, you used the IRS to suppress Romney organizations.
2016, you spied on the Trump campaign and intyerferred in his Administration.
2020, you rigged the election then admitted as much in national print.
Quit whining. I'll bet you are pouting now because the unemployment rate is better than it's been since the 60s.

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