Trump Rally in Council Bluffs Iowa

Don't need to actually watch them. They are cookie cutter. Predictable. Watch the crowd closely when you're busy with your tongue out, lapping up his every word.
Most of the people around him will look bored and disinterested after a while. Why? Because he says the same thing..every..friggin..rally. :auiqs.jpg:
It's like a Grateful Dead con-cert....the majority of them move from rally to rally to rally.
the people that run the country will not left Biden debate Trump ! bank on Biden ducking debating Trump after Trump is the nominee .
Ah....remember when MAGAts claimed that Biden wouldn't show up to debate the orange sexual abuser in 2020?
Ok, I confess myself disappointed. I went to the bottom of the media barrel in Newsmax and OANN and no one had ANY coverage on Trump's important Iowa presser.

Where did my country go??? :auiqs.jpg:
Why would I whine? The man I voted for was elected President and is currently in the WH....doing an OK job.

Says a lot.

"Okay" is good enough.

Remind me never to hire you.

Cant afford food,
Can't afford gas ,
Eighty-one million votes, my ass.

And covered one..apparently.

Really, Frack? Maybe that is just because you plan your news coverage that way. Earlier, I went up to my home theater, turned on my TV, and there was Trump at his rally giving a rather great talk about things right there live on my TV! And looking and sounding more fit and better than ever.

And as usual, he was telling people inside details about stuff no one but a president would know, spilling the beans on you Marxists, and there is nothing you have ever done or can ever do that can stop him.

Just as Disney has lost 900 million dollars on just their films in just the past year alone, you and your sorry ilk at the MSM are just hurting themselves to spite themselves because whereas millions /could/ have been watching Trump on NBC, CBS or Fox like they were in 2015-2021, all you've accomplished is to grow the networks and wealth and profitability of more and more competing, alternative news channels! And they get better and their audiences grow by the day!

All lost viewers who used to tune into the MSM. Millions.

THANK YOU! :thanks:
This is boring even by your low-bar standards.
You're a really bad liar, Frack. We both know that I am anything but boring!

You sound like your savior. Tired and worn out.
Neither Trump nor I are tired or worn out. Just your lame attempts at aloofness are. They tell on you of our success.

Trump is going to get onstage tonight and do what he always does. Whine, complain, threaten, and bitch
Another idiot who never left shore telling others how far not to go. You obviously didn't listen to him for even 5 seconds. Thar's OK Jack, ignorance befits you.

like a teenager who wasn't invited to the prom.
Honestly Jack, America is sick of your prom and few people want to pull the lever ever again for Joe Biden--- we've had a taste of your "prom."

conduct a revenge tour on his perceived enemies
You talking about yourselves, Jack? Because that is all you idiot democrats have and do: hate, envy, fear and retaliation.

he has no ideas to move the country forward.
Since you didn't watch, you wouldn't know. All anyone has to do to move the country far forward is to simply unplug Joe Biden from his hospital bed and stop any more of his dreaded "policies."

It must be killing Republicans to watch this asshole slowly but surely destroy their party.
I know it is killing you, because while the GOP was an easy, welcome target, what Trump is rebuilding it as won't be. And THAT is what you really fear.

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