Trump Rally Tomorrow (And A Message For All Democrats)

Having a fun vacation on the little isle of denial?

Billy builds up islands of denial all around him like the Red Communist Chinese he so adores build up islands in the South China Sea for military bases.

I wonder, as Japan readies itself for possible war, I wonder if their top general has called Xi Jingping yet to tell them that if Japan attacks, he will call first to warn them?

Nope, only a shitstain progressive cumlicking traitor in America would do that.
Okay, before all of you start yelling that it's been proven that Biden won,.. they didn't prove diddly squat! First of all I keep googling it and all I keep seeing is a draft that Biden won, if they're so sure of that why don't they just finish up counting and make it official? It seems like they're doing this deliberately and hiding something just like I figured they would. Second of all, even if he did really win, that's just one state,.. why not audit all of the states in question?

You'll never be satisfied. So quit acting like there is some end to your delusions. There is no mechanism in place to overturn the election at this point even if they did find massive voter fraud (which they wont).

There are no states in question. Just because trump says there is voter fraud doesnt mean that is true. Get that through your thick skull.
The results of the Cyber Ninjas' Maricopa County, AZ "Audit" were made public within the last 24 hours. The unsurprising results were that Biden WON the vote in the Presidential race by a wider margin in THIS COUNT than all three counts done by the bloody County.

Here is a link to a source from a conservative media source explaining the details... enjoy!

I stopped reading when it said the official results will be announced as in they haven't even been announced yet.
I stopped reading when it said the official results will be announced as in they haven't even been announced yet.
The official county results were announced almost a year ago, in November 2020. This cyberninja investigation does not alter the official count. Cyberninja's results were to be "officially" announced at 1pm PST.
The official county results were announced almost a year ago, in November 2020. This cyberninja investigation does not alter the official count. Cyberninja's results were to be "officially" announced at 1pm PST.

You democraps don't understand much about how audit works do you? (Btw, it's been past the time they gave for announcing the results and so far they haven't.)
You democraps don't understand much about how audit works do you? (Btw, it's been past the time they gave for announcing the results and so far they haven't.)
Why dont you tell us then, dumbass? This should be good. Nothing is going to change the official results of the election. In fact a cyberninja rep has already come out and said there was no proof of fraud found. Of course trump is already out there doing what he does, lie, and say cyberninja found fraud.
You democraps don't understand much about how audit works do you? (Btw, it's been past the time they gave for announcing the results and so far they haven't.)
What, are you desperately waiting for them to tell you the draft that's out there is a hoax?

Good luck with that. :lol:
You democraps don't understand much about how audit works do you? (Btw, it's been past the time they gave for announcing the results and so far they haven't.)

It was not an election audit. Those procedures are outlined in the states election law and must be completed before an election is certified by the state. AZ certified their election last year.

The are presenting there report to the AZ Senate right now.

The non certified audits are nothing but a tactic by the Neo-GOP to sow distrust in our Democratic Elections.

Authoritarians hate Democracies.

Putin Smiles.
Yeah, but right now there's still currently no official evidence that it wasn't. And until I hear the official results for every single state then I'm sticking to that.
Evidence that something doesnt exist? See this is where your illogical "minds" get you in trouble. You cant prove something doesnt exist. Thats why you dumb pieces of shit will never be satisfied. I've had to explain this basic logic concept to a number of you dummies, but for most it never sinks into their thick skulls.

The official election results were posted for all 50 states in November 2020. If you dont like it, too fucking bad. Nobody gives a fuck what you traitors think.
Yeah, but right now there's still currently no official evidence that it wasn't. And until I hear the official results for every single state then I'm sticking to that.
All 50 elections were certified by their states last year. That's official.
Yeah, but right now there's still currently no official evidence that it wasn't. And until I hear the official results for every single state then I'm sticking to that.

I hope that keeps you warm this winter, all that hate is supposed to be good for that
Forget it I'm not wasting my breath with you idiots.


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