Trump Rally Tomorrow (And A Message For All Democrats)

You pathetic trash need to put your bug boy pants on, man the fuck up, and admit Trump lost.

Trump is unelectable and will never be president again because he is too weak and pathetic to even admit he lost the election.
You big-city Dems need to start running honest elections if you want anyone to believe in the results.

As for Trump being unelectable, that's exactly what you said in 2016, but ---- SURPRISE!! So we'll see.

Don't bother answering, you are plainly nothing but an insult machine, so I'm putting you on ignore, as I do all the worthless types who substitute shrieking curses for conversation.
You big-city Dems need to start running honest elections if you want anyone to believe in the results.

As for Trump being unelectable, that's exactly what you said in 2016, but ---- SURPRISE!! So we'll see.

Don't bother answering, you are plainly nothing but an insult machine, so I'm putting you on ignore, as I do all the worthless types who substitute shrieking curses for conversation.
Your tears make me happy.

You are a pathetic weakling. You claim election fraud, yet nobody has any evidence of fraud at all in anyway.

Your fake claims of fraud make you look weak and pathetic, because you are weak and pathetic.

Your tears make me happy !!!

There is not a remote shred of evidence of fraud. Nobody in the entire world or country has presented any evidence of fraud. You pathetic trash just made it up, and you retards believe the lies.

You are a total joke and embarrassment.

You pathetic trash can never take responsibility for anything in life, all you do is blame everybody else for your failures.
LOL “no shred of evidence”, this is EXACTLY what I am talking about.



All par for the course for you gullible idiots that believe in the BIG LIE:
As a lifelong conservative (not a Republican!), I can tell you that the Trump wing of the GOP is hurting the conservative movement politically. You people need to let the giant orange clown go away.
Who are you to tell us what we "need"?

No, we don't. Sheeeeeeeeeeeesh, all these control freaks.

I suppose you're a vaccine/mask control freak too. Some conservative. As if.

Like I said, you have no evidence of fraud at all.

You are just a pussy who can't admit Trump lost. The AZ audit proved Biden won.

Nobody has presented any credible real evidence of fraud yet.
-^^ LOL there we go.

Keep clicking your heels together,
“There is no fraud”
“There is no fraud”
“There is no fraud”
-^^ LOL there we go.

Keep clicking your heels together,
“There is no fraud”
“There is no fraud”
“There is no fraud”
WOW !!!
Well seeing how all the courts in the US, all the election officials in the, and now the AZ audit have all said there was no fraud and Biden is the winner, you look stupid and weak.

You keep clicking your heels together praying for fraud, but there is none. And nobody credible in the entire country has provided credible evidence of fraud.

The AZ audit was a huge fail. Biden won.

You are living in a total fantasy land, and you have no credible evidence at all. You look stupid and pathetic.

The GOP is a total pathetic joke, and a bunch of pussies.
You pathetic shit weasels sound more and more desperate everyday. Your fraudulent-elect is a complete failure and can’t even answer questions or speak more than two sentences. There is a mountain of evidence of fraud in AZ alone.

OMG, Trigger,

What have they done to you?
You pathetic shit weasels sound more and more desperate everyday. Your fraudulent-elect is a complete failure and can’t even answer questions or speak more than two sentences. There is a mountain of evidence of fraud in AZ alone.
Please keep your hallucinations to yourself!

Please explain, WHAT hallucinations? Other than the ones you reveal daily.
  • You are a bunch of pathetic shit-weasels. That is probably the most flattering way of putting it.
  • Desperation oozes from you people. That is no hallucination.
  • That Joe is the fraudent elect is no hallucination. Only a boob could look at the raw data of the two people and believe Joe could really win honestly.
  • None of you idiots ever directly answer any question other than dismissively with attempted putdowns in deflection. No hallucinations there.
Your very dismissal of Hawk's message with your "hallucination" bullcrap is plain evidence of all of the above. You have put an idiot in office who can't even be trusted to talk and speak for himself, needs direction in everything he does and STILL, everything he touches turns to a dumpster fire that even your own leftwing media is at wit's end trying to ignore, excuse, explain and suppress it all.
Do I strike you as the type of person who likes trump?

No one cares what you like! Presidents are not elected to be liked. They are elected to do a very important job, upon which the nation and world depend. We had a great man in office doing just that. You stole his election and put an idiot clueless fuck in there that literally needs his wife to wipe his own ass when he can avoid tripping and falling down.
Well then Arizona officially needs to come out and say Biden won for sure. So far that hasn't happened yet to my knowledge. Also, they need to audit all the other states in question as well.
The results of the Cyber Ninjas' Maricopa County, AZ "Audit" were made public within the last 24 hours. The unsurprising results were that Biden WON the vote in the Presidential race by a wider margin in THIS COUNT than all three counts done by the bloody County.

Here is a link to a source from a conservative media source explaining the details... enjoy!


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