Trump Rants About Biden During Israel Attack

To think, morons like you voted for Joe Bribem because he was going to unite the country and make the world respect the US. This country is uniting, uniting against Joe Bribem, and the only respect is going to be when Irael bombs Iran out of existence. Iran being stupid Muslims(like Democrats) think that when they start some shit with a powerful country, the country wont respond, but Israel just had an opening to launch their superior forces against the camel jockeys. I refer to the Iraq Red Brigade that was supposed to be the elite of Saddam Hussain that only took two weeks to destroy in Desert Storm 1.....
"bribem". "stupid Muslims". "Camel jockeys" A Stormfront lite veteran, what a surprise.

Yeah, I'm going to take your opinion seriously.

I know this makes me a bad person, but damn I love threads like this as I get to see so many people whine and cry about the "stolen election".

Knowing these sheep are going to go to their graves thinking the election was stolen and never having any proof it was makes me happy as fuck. They are truly no different than the flat earthers.
Don't forget the flag waving and patriotic ranting while they attack the backbone of our system of government based only on the word of One Man.

Truly a sight to see.
Actually, that's your first language. You demofascists project a lot.

Were you more self aware you would know that.

Trump is a blowhard, and a narcissist. He always has been. But his policies as president were vastly superior to the halfwit you simps installed.

Now, flee to Panama before you can't.

That sentence is perfect. I love this bar.
Trump had an opportunity to show some leadership here and send a stately message to the country. Instead, he makes it about himself, rants and makes up things about Biden, and overall makes no sense. What a stable genius this man is.


It is obviously the case that such incidents did not happen on Trump’s watch. As a candidate, Trump has every right to take note of the dichotomy and to expose Brandon as the ineffectual skell the Potato is.
Don't forget the flag waving and patriotic ranting while they attack the backbone of our system of government based only on the word of One Man.

Truly a sight to see.
Most patriotic flag wavers I know deeply distrust gubmint and its hordes of bureaucrats, the word of "One Man" notwithstanding.
Where the hell is the doddering old fool when Americans want to know the US government's position in an international crisis? Is it past his bed time?
This is a double edged sword politically. If he cheers on Israel he loses Michigan. If he doesn't
He loses the centrists. Best bet...say nothing.
Ah, another patriotic election denier.
Yes, it is patriotic to point out election fraud.

You cultists can't stand to have your propaganda questioned.

Remember, dumbass, this is the USA, we are not just free to question authority, but ENCOURAGED to.

Boot licking sheep, like you...will never understand.
Another pathetic dullard bootlicker, too dense to see the irony of having an avatar that's referential to a man who deeply distrusted and disdained The State. :laugh2:
He registered people to vote at his concerts.

He believed in elections, unlike the cultist deniers.
He registered people to vote at his concerts.

He believed in elections, unlike the cultist deniers.
He believed in non fraudulent elections. Not show elections like Mugabe's Zimbabwe, or stalins CCCP.


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