Trump Rape Accuser Shows Left Have Reached a New Level Of Insanity

Thanks for confirming. I actually misoverestimated your what-passes-for intellect.
What are you, five years old?

Oh, the little girlie-mon is trying to in intimidate me. LOL.

Honey, my pinky toe is smarter than you little head will ever be. I can probably kick your ass too. LOL


I see I overestimated your age as well. Must be recess at the Romper Room.
You would have to ask Joe Biden that question.

Strawman. Please show where I have ever supported sexual assault or even supported Biden. Hell I fucking started a thread a couple weeks ago saying I WOULDN'T VOTE for Joe Biden.

Try again.
First, she won’t pursue rape charges because it’s disrespectful to the illegals being raped at our border, then later says she regrets not asking Trump for his tax returns when they first met.

And the Leftard Media keeps giving her airtime as if they think she makes Trump look bad.

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So in 1996 she wanted to see his tax returns????

That's an extremely odd question, don't you think?

I wonder if they'll ever run out of lying ***** with grudge against a Republican president?

Reading is also a lost art.

When I read it it says that she regrets NOW not having asked for it THEN.

Perhaps linear time is yet another lost art.
Sorry but she mentioned she should have asked him for his tax if it would have mattered. Back in 1996 a person's tax returns weren't an issue like it is today.

Hello.......this is a dead givaway to the people propping up this lying whore.

Nevermind the fact that a private citizen's tax returns are private and not something evil Democrats can demand from Republicans on a whim.
Also, who cares that the possibility that he might be POTUS would never cross anyone's mind back then....or the fact that Trump was a Democrat back then.
Her story is horse shit.
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Why the author accusing Trump of rape won’t bring charges

Hot ^

When the rape allegations brought against President Trump by advice columnist E. Jean Carroll surfaced on Friday, you could instantly predict that we were going to see a standoff between supporters on both sides. That’s been playing out over the weekend already, but one interview that Carroll did on Friday night caught my attention. She appeared on MSNBC and one of the expected subjects came up. She’s made a very serious charge in her upcoming book, far beyond any sort of harassment or inappropriate touching, so is she going to bring charges?

Apparently not. That’s her call to make, of course, but why? It’s her reason that definitely gave me pause. (Daily Caller)

Bringing the charge would be “disrespectful to the women who are down on the border who are being raped around the clock down there without any protection,” Carroll said in an interview with MSNBC’s “The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell.”

“It would just be disrespectful,” Carroll said in the interview Friday. “Mine was three minutes. … I can handle it. I can keep going. My life has gone on. I’m a happy woman, but for the women down there and for the women — actually around the world, and every culture this is going on.”

Carroll has had an advice column in Elle magazine called “Ask E. Jean” since 1993.

You can watch that brief exchange here.

Does that make any sense? If we assume that her various tales of abuse are true, it’s easy to see how she would feel empathetic toward other victims and want to stand in solidarity with them. But why would it be disrespectful of those other women to bring your own charges? If you happen to be financially well off and someone robs your house, you don’t fail to report the crime out of empathy for poorer people who are burglarized.

There’s actually a far better reason she could have given. The statute of limitations for rape in New York was five years when she claims the attack took place. That was expanded greatly around 2006, but it didn’t apply to cases where the original statute had already run out. So one good recent for her not to bring charges might be that it’s probably almost impossible to get a conviction that this point.

We’re hearing from some commentators that elements of Carroll’s story seem to suggest inconsistencies. Perhaps, but the more we see of the woman herself as she makes the media rounds, well… she can be hard to follow at times. And then there’s this.

Aside from the glaring flaws in her rape tale
And zero corroboration

This is not helpful to talking her seriously

— Jim Hanson (@Uncle_Jimbo) June 23, 2019

I have no clue as to what went on in that department store dressing room back in the nineties, assuming Trump was there at all. Could her story be true? It’s certainly possible, and if so I would expect the President to deny it. Of course, it’s been more than a quarter century and Carroll is in her seventies now. Could she be remembering it a bit differently than how it happened? Who’s to say?

The claim that she told two other people about it in the immediate aftermath – assuming their own honesty in reporting it – lends some credibility to the claim. It’s also definitely believable that someone would decide not to report such a thing to the police, particularly when the accused is a wealthy and powerful individual.

On the other side of the ledger, she’s had a very, very long time to make this public. That’s particularly true when you consider the number of women who made similar claims during the 2016 campaign and were taken very seriously by the media. Why not jump on the dogpile then? Again, she was obviously under no obligation to do so, but it seems as if it might have been more comfortable to do it then. There’s also the reality that making such a claim just as you’re releasing and promoting a book doesn’t exactly bolster confidence.

But as I said, none of that proves anything one way or the other and at least for now it’s still her word against his. But the reason given for not pressing charges is certainly curious.
The woman who recently accused Trump of rape in a book she wrote seems credible and honest. Trump, on the other hand, is a proven prolific serial compulsive liar and well known for decades for his dishonesty.
Someone claiming that Trump was shopping and buys off the rack is not credible.

Actually a woman claiming that she invited a man she met at a party ten years ago into a dressing room to watch her try on a see through body suit is not credible.
.......But as I said, none of that proves anything one way or the other and at least for now it’s still her word against his. But the reason given for not pressing charges is certainly curious.

She's a liar for sure. How many decades to we have to see this same old Democrat trick: They did it to Herman Cain, Kavanaugh, they even tried to pull it on Bush Senior but it was just to unbelievable to bite on.

They did it to media folks too like Bill O'Reilly. Does anybody actually believe that a man like O'Reilly actually called a black co-worker Brown Sugar? Come on!!

They recently tried to pull it on Charles Payne but he wasn't having it.
Kind of odd the number of laws in New York that have no statute of limitations, but with that said why would she try to press charges on something that only 2 people were there and it is a he said/she said situation?

How many women have to accuse Trump of sexual assault before his supporters start to question if he has in fact done it before?

He's on tape saying he can get away with sexual assault because of his money and fame.

He's cheated on every (?) wife he's had including his current one.

He's lied about all of those he's cheated with even when there is evidence he did.

I'm starting to think if there was video tape of him doing it, as long as he says it isn't true, his supporters would say it was a lie that didn't happen.

Cheating and rape are two completely different things.

I understand that, but the point is he's lied about the cheating.

He was caught on tape describing how he can get away with sexual assault due to his money and fame.
Thats NOT what he said RETARD, he said they LET him do it as in no force no attack, they willingly allow it. Man you people never listen to anything do you?

LOL! He brags about women willingly allowing him to sexual assault them because of his money and fame?

Is it sexual assault if a woman 'willingly allows' her boss to kiss them and touch their genitals?

Is it sexual assault when a student willingly allows their teacher to kiss them and touch their genitals?

Is it sexual assault if a patient willingly allows their doctor or behavioral health specialist to kiss or touch their genitals?

Is it sexual assault if a army recruit willingly allows a Gunny to kiss and touch their genitals?
Of course it's not assault. An assault by it's very nature is without consent.
Kind of odd the number of laws in New York that have no statute of limitations, but with that said why would she try to press charges on something that only 2 people were there and it is a he said/she said situation?

How many women have to accuse Trump of sexual assault before his supporters start to question if he has in fact done it before?

He's on tape saying he can get away with sexual assault because of his money and fame.

He's cheated on every (?) wife he's had including his current one.

He's lied about all of those he's cheated with even when there is evidence he did.

I'm starting to think if there was video tape of him doing it, as long as he says it isn't true, his supporters would say it was a lie that didn't happen.

Cheating and rape are two completely different things.

I understand that, but the point is he's lied about the cheating.

He was caught on tape describing how he can get away with sexual assault due to his money and fame.
Thats NOT what he said RETARD, he said they LET him do it as in no force no attack, they willingly allow it. Man you people never listen to anything do you?
He said they allowed him to do it. Many of them said they didn't allow him to do it. Are we now to take the word of rapists who say their victims wanted it?
Kind of odd the number of laws in New York that have no statute of limitations, but with that said why would she try to press charges on something that only 2 people were there and it is a he said/she said situation?

How many women have to accuse Trump of sexual assault before his supporters start to question if he has in fact done it before?

He's on tape saying he can get away with sexual assault because of his money and fame.

He's cheated on every (?) wife he's had including his current one.

He's lied about all of those he's cheated with even when there is evidence he did.

I'm starting to think if there was video tape of him doing it, as long as he says it isn't true, his supporters would say it was a lie that didn't happen.

Cheating and rape are two completely different things.

I understand that, but the point is he's lied about the cheating.

He was caught on tape describing how he can get away with sexual assault due to his money and fame.
Thats NOT what he said RETARD, he said they LET him do it as in no force no attack, they willingly allow it. Man you people never listen to anything do you?

LOL! He brags about women willingly allowing him to sexual assault them because of his money and fame?

Is it sexual assault if a woman 'willingly allows' her boss to kiss them and touch their genitals?

Is it sexual assault when a student willingly allows their teacher to kiss them and touch their genitals?

Is it sexual assault if a patient willingly allows their doctor or behavioral health specialist to kiss or touch their genitals?

Is it sexual assault if a army recruit willingly allows a Gunny to kiss and touch their genitals?
Of course it's not assault. An assault by it's very nature is without consent.

Did Trump say they told him he could do it, thus giving consent? Or did he say the willingly let him do it? Do you understand the difference?
.......But as I said, none of that proves anything one way or the other and at least for now it’s still her word against his. But the reason given for not pressing charges is certainly curious.

She's a liar for sure. How many decades to we have to see this same old Democrat trick: They did it to Herman Cain, Kavanaugh, they even tried to pull it on Bush Senior but it was just to unbelievable to bite on.

They did it to media folks too like Bill O'Reilly. Does anybody actually believe that a man like O'Reilly actually called a black co-worker Brown Sugar? Come on!!

They recently tried to pull it on Charles Payne but he wasn't having it.
A woman tried to pull it on Michael Weatherly. He was so furious he said he would end the show. After 17 years on NCIS without nonsense, a twit on Bull tries to make her name.
.......But as I said, none of that proves anything one way or the other and at least for now it’s still her word against his. But the reason given for not pressing charges is certainly curious.

She's a liar for sure. How many decades to we have to see this same old Democrat trick: They did it to Herman Cain, Kavanaugh, they even tried to pull it on Bush Senior but it was just to unbelievable to bite on.

They did it to media folks too like Bill O'Reilly. Does anybody actually believe that a man like O'Reilly actually called a black co-worker Brown Sugar? Come on!!

They recently tried to pull it on Charles Payne but he wasn't having it.
Oh, for fuck's sake.... rightwingnuts tried claiming Democrats were running a child pornography ring out of the basement of a pizza parlor.
Kind of odd the number of laws in New York that have no statute of limitations, but with that said why would she try to press charges on something that only 2 people were there and it is a he said/she said situation?

How many women have to accuse Trump of sexual assault before his supporters start to question if he has in fact done it before?

He's on tape saying he can get away with sexual assault because of his money and fame.

He's cheated on every (?) wife he's had including his current one.

He's lied about all of those he's cheated with even when there is evidence he did.

I'm starting to think if there was video tape of him doing it, as long as he says it isn't true, his supporters would say it was a lie that didn't happen.

Cheating and rape are two completely different things.

I understand that, but the point is he's lied about the cheating.

He was caught on tape describing how he can get away with sexual assault due to his money and fame.
Thats NOT what he said RETARD, he said they LET him do it as in no force no attack, they willingly allow it. Man you people never listen to anything do you?
He said they allowed him to do it. Many of them said they didn't allow him to do it. Are we now to take the word of rapists who say their victims wanted it?
The victims are apparently victimizers. Unsubstantiated claims of sexual assault are epidemic. A claim that the victim wanted it is very different from a claim that the accused doesn't know the victim at all.

Woman Who Claimed Brett Kavanaugh Raped Her Now Admits She Never Met Him

See how that works.
Kind of odd the number of laws in New York that have no statute of limitations, but with that said why would she try to press charges on something that only 2 people were there and it is a he said/she said situation?

How many women have to accuse Trump of sexual assault before his supporters start to question if he has in fact done it before?

He's on tape saying he can get away with sexual assault because of his money and fame.

He's cheated on every (?) wife he's had including his current one.

He's lied about all of those he's cheated with even when there is evidence he did.

I'm starting to think if there was video tape of him doing it, as long as he says it isn't true, his supporters would say it was a lie that didn't happen.

Cheating and rape are two completely different things.

I understand that, but the point is he's lied about the cheating.

He was caught on tape describing how he can get away with sexual assault due to his money and fame.
Thats NOT what he said RETARD, he said they LET him do it as in no force no attack, they willingly allow it. Man you people never listen to anything do you?
He said they allowed him to do it. Many of them said they didn't allow him to do it. Are we now to take the word of rapists who say their victims wanted it?
The victims are apparently victimizers. Unsubstantiated claims of sexual assault are epidemic. A claim that the victim wanted it is very different from a claim that the accused doesn't know the victim at all.

Woman Who Claimed Brett Kavanaugh Raped Her Now Admits She Never Met Him

See how that works.
Their claims are not unsubstantiated. Trump substantiated their claim when he said they let you do "anything."

Seems many of them didn't let him.
Kind of odd the number of laws in New York that have no statute of limitations, but with that said why would she try to press charges on something that only 2 people were there and it is a he said/she said situation?

How many women have to accuse Trump of sexual assault before his supporters start to question if he has in fact done it before?

He's on tape saying he can get away with sexual assault because of his money and fame.

He's cheated on every (?) wife he's had including his current one.

He's lied about all of those he's cheated with even when there is evidence he did.

I'm starting to think if there was video tape of him doing it, as long as he says it isn't true, his supporters would say it was a lie that didn't happen.

Cheating and rape are two completely different things.

I understand that, but the point is he's lied about the cheating.

He was caught on tape describing how he can get away with sexual assault due to his money and fame.
Thats NOT what he said RETARD, he said they LET him do it as in no force no attack, they willingly allow it. Man you people never listen to anything do you?
He said they allowed him to do it. Many of them said they didn't allow him to do it. Are we now to take the word of rapists who say their victims wanted it?
The victims are apparently victimizers. Unsubstantiated claims of sexual assault are epidemic. A claim that the victim wanted it is very different from a claim that the accused doesn't know the victim at all.

Woman Who Claimed Brett Kavanaugh Raped Her Now Admits She Never Met Him

See how that works.

I don't think you know what the word epidemic means.
First, she won’t pursue rape charges because it’s disrespectful to the illegals being raped at our border, then later says she regrets not asking Trump for his tax returns when they first met.

And the Leftard Media keeps giving her airtime as if they think she makes Trump look bad.

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If it were a woman accusing a democrat of rape, you would never question her veracity.

If a woman accused a democrat of rape, you would never hear about it in the first place, the Fascist press would spike the story with a vengeance.
First, she won’t pursue rape charges because it’s disrespectful to the illegals being raped at our border, then later says she regrets not asking Trump for his tax returns when they first met.

And the Leftard Media keeps giving her airtime as if they think she makes Trump look bad.

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If it were a woman accusing a democrat of rape, you would never question her veracity.

If a woman accused a democrat of rape, you would never hear about it in the first place, the Fascist press would spike the story with a vengeance.
CNN - White House denies allegations of 1978 sexual assault by Clinton - February 20, 1999

The woman, Juanita Broaddrick, now 55, lives in Van Buren, Arkansas. She claimed in interviews with The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post that Clinton assaulted her in 1978.

Don't you ever feel stupid?

Kind of odd the number of laws in New York that have no statute of limitations, but with that said why would she try to press charges on something that only 2 people were there and it is a he said/she said situation?

How many women have to accuse Trump of sexual assault before his supporters start to question if he has in fact done it before?

He's on tape saying he can get away with sexual assault because of his money and fame.

He's cheated on every (?) wife he's had including his current one.

He's lied about all of those he's cheated with even when there is evidence he did.

I'm starting to think if there was video tape of him doing it, as long as he says it isn't true, his supporters would say it was a lie that didn't happen.
Perhaps if you Trump haters could find one who is actually credible and has a witness to the event. There is no shortage of leftwing women willing to smear a Republican politicians.
I'm starting to think if there was video tape of him doing it, as long as he says it isn't true, his supporters would say it was a lie that didn't happen.

Well, here's the problem. The left has made so many bogus claims like this now that even if it's true it's not going to be taken seriously. It's the "Boy Who Cried Wolf" scenario and they have only themselves to blame for it. It's no different than accusations of racism. No one cares about being called racist anymore because these days the definition of the word "racist" is to disagree with a Democrat.

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