Trump Really Scares You Liberals

Washington (CNN)Donald Trump said Wednesday that he would kill the families of terrorists in order to win the fight against ISIS. The billionaire businessman was asked by the hosts of Fox News' "Fox and Friends" how to fight ISIS but also minimize c ... (CNN)
Washington (CNN)Donald Trump said Wednesday that he would kill the families of terrorists in order to win the fight against ISIS. The billionaire businessman was asked by the hosts of Fox News' "Fox and Friends" how to fight ISIS but also minimize c ... (CNN)
Sort of the 'Godfather' meets the old slogan 'Kill em all and Let god sort it out', huh?

Islamic Extremists believe that all non-Muslims who refuse to convert should be killed. I guess Trump is one of those 'Fight Fire with Fire' guys...
... do some ... research

The USSR, in part, broke apart after going bankrupt trying to keep up with the US' military spending...thus Reagan 'won' the cold war.

ANYONE who thinks 1 man can do anything on his own, however, is naïve...unless that man is Obama...because he has a pen and a phone. :p
it collapsed because of its economic problems, oil with the Saudis, and middle east... they relied on their on reserves plus the war in Afghanistan reagan had nothing to do with it... as for the cause of their economy to collapsed this was cause by the bills that Carter passed forcing the russians to extend their reserves ... Reagan didn't do anything accept take credit for something he had no control over...

as for the obama crack... once again you have shown your biased in these matters ... most of all your stupidity....
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I remember election night, 1980. After 4 agonizing years of Jimmy (inbred) Carter, people finally felt optimistic. One man interviewed on the street said "This is a great day, Ronald Reagan's gonna save the world, it's a great way to end the year". When Trump (or Cruz) wins the election, it WILL raise the spirits of Patriotic Americans once again as it did when the incomparable Ronald Reagan won back in 1980. Liberals are wringing their hands because they see history poised to repeat itself.
how bad was he??? reagan fucked this country up so bad, we are still trying to remove all the harm he had caused ... at least Carter did a better job...

Were you alive when carter was president? Do you remember lines at gas stations? 15% mortgage rates? the failed Iran hostage rescue attempt? Carter was basically a good man, but a terrible president.

How about the Reagan years, were you alive then? Do you remember breaking up the USSR and ending the cold war? Do you remember the return of patriotism to the USA? Do you remember a president who had guts and loved this country?

Probably not, I suspect that you are a kid who has been indoctrinated by the liberal teachers union into believing that only a Marxist collectivist can be a good president.
yes I was alive when carter was in office ... as we all know, but you for some reason the president has nothing to do with how gas is sold... the president has nothing to do over how interest rates go up ....

reagan had nothing to do with breaking up the ussr and anyone with a brain know how they broke up ... i guess you forgot about contra didn't you???? he should have been impeached over that... you're talking of patriotism ??? thats funny ... very funny ... especially when reagan jumped on the band wagon saying tear down the wall... he had nothing to do with that too ... do some god damn research

Like it or not, the president gets the credit or the blame for what happens during his time in office.

Your view of history is interesting----------but totally wrong on both Carter and Reagan.
have you passed your GED YET
how bad was he??? reagan fucked this country up so bad, we are still trying to remove all the harm he had caused ... at least Carter did a better job...

Were you alive when carter was president? Do you remember lines at gas stations? 15% mortgage rates? the failed Iran hostage rescue attempt? Carter was basically a good man, but a terrible president.

How about the Reagan years, were you alive then? Do you remember breaking up the USSR and ending the cold war? Do you remember the return of patriotism to the USA? Do you remember a president who had guts and loved this country?

Probably not, I suspect that you are a kid who has been indoctrinated by the liberal teachers union into believing that only a Marxist collectivist can be a good president.
yes I was alive when carter was in office ... as we all know, but you for some reason the president has nothing to do with how gas is sold... the president has nothing to do over how interest rates go up ....

reagan had nothing to do with breaking up the ussr and anyone with a brain know how they broke up ... i guess you forgot about contra didn't you???? he should have been impeached over that... you're talking of patriotism ??? thats funny ... very funny ... especially when reagan jumped on the band wagon saying tear down the wall... he had nothing to do with that too ... do some god damn research

Like it or not, the president gets the credit or the blame for what happens during his time in office.

Your view of history is interesting----------but totally wrong on both Carter and Reagan.


^^^brilliant retort, typical libtard.
well redfish when you say hysterical shit all we can do is laugh ... like your response to me was not only pathetic but not worth your time you took to write it ....
  • NEW Q Poll...Trump leads, Carson fades in national poll (Jeb at 5%)
    The Hill ^ | 12/2/15 | Jonathan Easley
    Donald Trump continues to hold a commanding national lead over the field of Republican contenders, as Ben Carson falls back into the pack, according to a new poll. A Quinnipiac University survey released Wednesday finds Trump taking 27 percent support, a 10-point lead over the next closest contender. That's a slight increase for Trump, who stood at 24 percent in the same poll from last month. "It doesn't seem to matter what he says or who he offends, whether the facts are contested or the 'political correctness' is challenged, Donald Trump seems to be wearing Kevlar," said Tim Malloy, assistant...
He just get stronger as the FAGERALS keep complaining more and more!

Do you know what that poll says, Vagifail?

It doesn't say that Trump is getting stronger. It says Rubio and Cruz are getting stronger.

That Trump remains pretty much at where he's been since August, Carson is slipping, and Rubio and Cruz are rising.

That's what's going to happen. Cruz will pick up Carson's voters, and Rubio will pick up everyone else's. Then, Cruz and Rubio will get up to the same level Trump is at.

And behind the scenes, Cruz's operatives will start plunging knives into Trump's back while Cruz smiles and pretends he's Donald's friend.

Cruz and Rubio are both competing to be Trump's VP. Don't fool yourself.
so the republican head moron is watching dumb and dumber compete ??? priceless
You liberals are just running wild. I mean damn Trump mis-speaks and you have a come-a-part. Hillary lies and you yawn. Each and every one of you TRYING to call "the shot" that brings it to an end. And NOTHING is working, NOTHING.

I remember watching this same sort of liberal fear with Reagan. "Oh hes going to nuke everybody was the cry" DESPITE the fact democrats are the ONLY ones in ANY country to ever drop a nuke. And you folks dropped TWO! And he saying he would do some of the very things you want like RAISE taxes on the richest of the rich. {Hillary IS one by the way} What does her charity need with a hedge fund manager INVESTING donation? I don't know, ask her son in law its him.

And Trump WANTS to stay OUT of the civil war in Syria.What is wrong with that? Hillary wants to go in and THAT costs lives AMERICAN lives. THAT should be a non starter. He WANTS to build camps THERE not here. After France I think that is a good idea.

American jobs SHOULD be filled by American CITIZENS not islamic terrorists and NOT ILLEGALS. What part of America does FOR Americans FIRST do you not understand? Seems rather easy to me. You know if you kicked EVERY islamic refugee out of the country PLUS every ILLEGAL American citizens using welfare COULD get an increase.

But I have to admit It IS funny watching you run around like a chicken with its head cut off. I have be-headed a few chickens in my day so I know what it looks like. Here you democrats have a bigger FAILURE then Carter and we ALL know what came after Carter.

So history WILL repeat and you will whine but like post Cater America and Americans will NOT care. I'm not saying you are done as a party but Obama still has a year to fix that. And if there is another terrorist attack no matter where in the world it is democrats WILL suffer. And rightfully so.

Cons live every moment in fear. Your minds are hardwired to be scared all the time. While I feel sorry for you no one can fix you but you, BUT, you are far too lazy and ignorant to let go of your abject fear.

Reagan was the most criminal person to ever hold high office in the US. 138 members of his administration were indicted on charges with many convicted. Even Nixon only had 8 indicted.
He wiped his ass with the Constitution every day he was in office and illegally sold weapons to Iran. Yes, he helped Iran become what they are now. Thanks dumbass.

The only thing anyone has to fear from a Republican in office is corruption, lying, stealing, wiping their ass with the Constitution, and a first lady that sees a tarot card reader for advice.

The dregs of society.
  • NEW Q Poll...Trump leads, Carson fades in national poll (Jeb at 5%)
    The Hill ^ | 12/2/15 | Jonathan Easley
    Donald Trump continues to hold a commanding national lead over the field of Republican contenders, as Ben Carson falls back into the pack, according to a new poll. A Quinnipiac University survey released Wednesday finds Trump taking 27 percent support, a 10-point lead over the next closest contender. That's a slight increase for Trump, who stood at 24 percent in the same poll from last month. "It doesn't seem to matter what he says or who he offends, whether the facts are contested or the 'political correctness' is challenged, Donald Trump seems to be wearing Kevlar," said Tim Malloy, assistant...
He just get stronger as the FAGERALS keep complaining more and more!

Do you know what that poll says, Vagifail?

It doesn't say that Trump is getting stronger. It says Rubio and Cruz are getting stronger.

That Trump remains pretty much at where he's been since August, Carson is slipping, and Rubio and Cruz are rising.

That's what's going to happen. Cruz will pick up Carson's voters, and Rubio will pick up everyone else's. Then, Cruz and Rubio will get up to the same level Trump is at.

And behind the scenes, Cruz's operatives will start plunging knives into Trump's back while Cruz smiles and pretends he's Donald's friend.

Cruz and Rubio are both competing to be Trump's VP. Don't fool yourself.
so the republican head moron is watching dumb and dumber compete ??? priceless

If you want to vote for a corrupt crazy lying old white woman or a crazy old white socialist, go right ahead.

Count on my vote cancelling yours.

BTW, what happened to the dems being the party of diversity?

rich, old, white--------------diversity?
You liberals are just running wild. I mean damn Trump mis-speaks and you have a come-a-part. Hillary lies and you yawn. Each and every one of you TRYING to call "the shot" that brings it to an end. And NOTHING is working, NOTHING.

I remember watching this same sort of liberal fear with Reagan. "Oh hes going to nuke everybody was the cry" DESPITE the fact democrats are the ONLY ones in ANY country to ever drop a nuke. And you folks dropped TWO! And he saying he would do some of the very things you want like RAISE taxes on the richest of the rich. {Hillary IS one by the way} What does her charity need with a hedge fund manager INVESTING donation? I don't know, ask her son in law its him.

And Trump WANTS to stay OUT of the civil war in Syria.What is wrong with that? Hillary wants to go in and THAT costs lives AMERICAN lives. THAT should be a non starter. He WANTS to build camps THERE not here. After France I think that is a good idea.

American jobs SHOULD be filled by American CITIZENS not islamic terrorists and NOT ILLEGALS. What part of America does FOR Americans FIRST do you not understand? Seems rather easy to me. You know if you kicked EVERY islamic refugee out of the country PLUS every ILLEGAL American citizens using welfare COULD get an increase.

But I have to admit It IS funny watching you run around like a chicken with its head cut off. I have be-headed a few chickens in my day so I know what it looks like. Here you democrats have a bigger FAILURE then Carter and we ALL know what came after Carter.

So history WILL repeat and you will whine but like post Cater America and Americans will NOT care. I'm not saying you are done as a party but Obama still has a year to fix that. And if there is another terrorist attack no matter where in the world it is democrats WILL suffer. And rightfully so.

Cons live every moment in fear. Your minds are hardwired to be scared all the time. While I feel sorry for you no one can fix you but you, BUT, you are far too lazy and ignorant to let go of your abject fear.

Reagan was the most criminal person to ever hold high office in the US. 138 members of his administration were indicted on charges with many convicted. Even Nixon only had 8 indicted.
He wiped his ass with the Constitution every day he was in office and illegally sold weapons to Iran. Yes, he helped Iran become what they are now. Thanks dumbass.

The only thing anyone has to fear from a Republican in office is corruption, lying, stealing, wiping their ass with the Constitution, and a first lady that sees a tarot card reader for advice.

The dregs of society.

The French are rounding up muslim would-be terrorists. So are the Brits, Belgians, and Russians.

But obozo is opening our borders to them. So tell us, who exactly has it wrong?
  • NEW Q Poll...Trump leads, Carson fades in national poll (Jeb at 5%)
    The Hill ^ | 12/2/15 | Jonathan Easley
    Donald Trump continues to hold a commanding national lead over the field of Republican contenders, as Ben Carson falls back into the pack, according to a new poll. A Quinnipiac University survey released Wednesday finds Trump taking 27 percent support, a 10-point lead over the next closest contender. That's a slight increase for Trump, who stood at 24 percent in the same poll from last month. "It doesn't seem to matter what he says or who he offends, whether the facts are contested or the 'political correctness' is challenged, Donald Trump seems to be wearing Kevlar," said Tim Malloy, assistant...
He just get stronger as the FAGERALS keep complaining more and more!

Do you know what that poll says, Vagifail?

It doesn't say that Trump is getting stronger. It says Rubio and Cruz are getting stronger.

That Trump remains pretty much at where he's been since August, Carson is slipping, and Rubio and Cruz are rising.

That's what's going to happen. Cruz will pick up Carson's voters, and Rubio will pick up everyone else's. Then, Cruz and Rubio will get up to the same level Trump is at.

And behind the scenes, Cruz's operatives will start plunging knives into Trump's back while Cruz smiles and pretends he's Donald's friend.

Cruz and Rubio are both competing to be Trump's VP. Don't fool yourself.
so the republican head moron is watching dumb and dumber compete ??? priceless

and your leading dem candidate is running from the FBI. The indictments are coming. HRC will never be the dem candidate or president. She is a criminal.
You liberals are just running wild. I mean damn Trump mis-speaks and you have a come-a-part. Hillary lies and you yawn. Each and every one of you TRYING to call "the shot" that brings it to an end. And NOTHING is working, NOTHING.

I remember watching this same sort of liberal fear with Reagan. "Oh hes going to nuke everybody was the cry" DESPITE the fact democrats are the ONLY ones in ANY country to ever drop a nuke. And you folks dropped TWO! And he saying he would do some of the very things you want like RAISE taxes on the richest of the rich. {Hillary IS one by the way} What does her charity need with a hedge fund manager INVESTING donation? I don't know, ask her son in law its him.

And Trump WANTS to stay OUT of the civil war in Syria.What is wrong with that? Hillary wants to go in and THAT costs lives AMERICAN lives. THAT should be a non starter. He WANTS to build camps THERE not here. After France I think that is a good idea.

American jobs SHOULD be filled by American CITIZENS not islamic terrorists and NOT ILLEGALS. What part of America does FOR Americans FIRST do you not understand? Seems rather easy to me. You know if you kicked EVERY islamic refugee out of the country PLUS every ILLEGAL American citizens using welfare COULD get an increase.

But I have to admit It IS funny watching you run around like a chicken with its head cut off. I have be-headed a few chickens in my day so I know what it looks like. Here you democrats have a bigger FAILURE then Carter and we ALL know what came after Carter.

So history WILL repeat and you will whine but like post Cater America and Americans will NOT care. I'm not saying you are done as a party but Obama still has a year to fix that. And if there is another terrorist attack no matter where in the world it is democrats WILL suffer. And rightfully so.

Cons live every moment in fear. Your minds are hardwired to be scared all the time. While I feel sorry for you no one can fix you but you, BUT, you are far too lazy and ignorant to let go of your abject fear.

Reagan was the most criminal person to ever hold high office in the US. 138 members of his administration were indicted on charges with many convicted. Even Nixon only had 8 indicted.
He wiped his ass with the Constitution every day he was in office and illegally sold weapons to Iran. Yes, he helped Iran become what they are now. Thanks dumbass.

The only thing anyone has to fear from a Republican in office is corruption, lying, stealing, wiping their ass with the Constitution, and a first lady that sees a tarot card reader for advice.

The dregs of society.

The French are rounding up muslim would-be terrorists. So are the Brits, Belgians, and Russians.

But obozo is opening our borders to them.

AGAIN ---- Link?
You liberals are just running wild. I mean damn Trump mis-speaks and you have a come-a-part. Hillary lies and you yawn. Each and every one of you TRYING to call "the shot" that brings it to an end. And NOTHING is working, NOTHING.

I remember watching this same sort of liberal fear with Reagan. "Oh hes going to nuke everybody was the cry" DESPITE the fact democrats are the ONLY ones in ANY country to ever drop a nuke. And you folks dropped TWO! And he saying he would do some of the very things you want like RAISE taxes on the richest of the rich. {Hillary IS one by the way} What does her charity need with a hedge fund manager INVESTING donation? I don't know, ask her son in law its him.

And Trump WANTS to stay OUT of the civil war in Syria.What is wrong with that? Hillary wants to go in and THAT costs lives AMERICAN lives. THAT should be a non starter. He WANTS to build camps THERE not here. After France I think that is a good idea.

American jobs SHOULD be filled by American CITIZENS not islamic terrorists and NOT ILLEGALS. What part of America does FOR Americans FIRST do you not understand? Seems rather easy to me. You know if you kicked EVERY islamic refugee out of the country PLUS every ILLEGAL American citizens using welfare COULD get an increase.

But I have to admit It IS funny watching you run around like a chicken with its head cut off. I have be-headed a few chickens in my day so I know what it looks like. Here you democrats have a bigger FAILURE then Carter and we ALL know what came after Carter.

So history WILL repeat and you will whine but like post Cater America and Americans will NOT care. I'm not saying you are done as a party but Obama still has a year to fix that. And if there is another terrorist attack no matter where in the world it is democrats WILL suffer. And rightfully so.

Cons live every moment in fear. Your minds are hardwired to be scared all the time. While I feel sorry for you no one can fix you but you, BUT, you are far too lazy and ignorant to let go of your abject fear.

Reagan was the most criminal person to ever hold high office in the US. 138 members of his administration were indicted on charges with many convicted. Even Nixon only had 8 indicted.
He wiped his ass with the Constitution every day he was in office and illegally sold weapons to Iran. Yes, he helped Iran become what they are now. Thanks dumbass.

The only thing anyone has to fear from a Republican in office is corruption, lying, stealing, wiping their ass with the Constitution, and a first lady that sees a tarot card reader for advice.

The dregs of society.

The French are rounding up muslim would-be terrorists. So are the Brits, Belgians, and Russians.

But obozo is opening our borders to them.

AGAIN ---- Link?

turn on your TV or radio, dipshit.
You liberals are just running wild. I mean damn Trump mis-speaks and you have a come-a-part. Hillary lies and you yawn. Each and every one of you TRYING to call "the shot" that brings it to an end. And NOTHING is working, NOTHING.

I remember watching this same sort of liberal fear with Reagan. "Oh hes going to nuke everybody was the cry" DESPITE the fact democrats are the ONLY ones in ANY country to ever drop a nuke. And you folks dropped TWO! And he saying he would do some of the very things you want like RAISE taxes on the richest of the rich. {Hillary IS one by the way} What does her charity need with a hedge fund manager INVESTING donation? I don't know, ask her son in law its him.

And Trump WANTS to stay OUT of the civil war in Syria.What is wrong with that? Hillary wants to go in and THAT costs lives AMERICAN lives. THAT should be a non starter. He WANTS to build camps THERE not here. After France I think that is a good idea.

American jobs SHOULD be filled by American CITIZENS not islamic terrorists and NOT ILLEGALS. What part of America does FOR Americans FIRST do you not understand? Seems rather easy to me. You know if you kicked EVERY islamic refugee out of the country PLUS every ILLEGAL American citizens using welfare COULD get an increase.

But I have to admit It IS funny watching you run around like a chicken with its head cut off. I have be-headed a few chickens in my day so I know what it looks like. Here you democrats have a bigger FAILURE then Carter and we ALL know what came after Carter.

So history WILL repeat and you will whine but like post Cater America and Americans will NOT care. I'm not saying you are done as a party but Obama still has a year to fix that. And if there is another terrorist attack no matter where in the world it is democrats WILL suffer. And rightfully so.

Cons live every moment in fear. Your minds are hardwired to be scared all the time. While I feel sorry for you no one can fix you but you, BUT, you are far too lazy and ignorant to let go of your abject fear.

Reagan was the most criminal person to ever hold high office in the US. 138 members of his administration were indicted on charges with many convicted. Even Nixon only had 8 indicted.
He wiped his ass with the Constitution every day he was in office and illegally sold weapons to Iran. Yes, he helped Iran become what they are now. Thanks dumbass.

The only thing anyone has to fear from a Republican in office is corruption, lying, stealing, wiping their ass with the Constitution, and a first lady that sees a tarot card reader for advice.

The dregs of society.

The French are rounding up muslim would-be terrorists. So are the Brits, Belgians, and Russians.

But obozo is opening our borders to them.

AGAIN ---- Link?

turn on your TV or radio, dipshit.

So you have nothing.

Onus is always on the asserter, Dumbfuck.
You liberals are just running wild. I mean damn Trump mis-speaks and you have a come-a-part. Hillary lies and you yawn. Each and every one of you TRYING to call "the shot" that brings it to an end. And NOTHING is working, NOTHING.

I remember watching this same sort of liberal fear with Reagan. "Oh hes going to nuke everybody was the cry" DESPITE the fact democrats are the ONLY ones in ANY country to ever drop a nuke. And you folks dropped TWO! And he saying he would do some of the very things you want like RAISE taxes on the richest of the rich. {Hillary IS one by the way} What does her charity need with a hedge fund manager INVESTING donation? I don't know, ask her son in law its him.

And Trump WANTS to stay OUT of the civil war in Syria.What is wrong with that? Hillary wants to go in and THAT costs lives AMERICAN lives. THAT should be a non starter. He WANTS to build camps THERE not here. After France I think that is a good idea.

American jobs SHOULD be filled by American CITIZENS not islamic terrorists and NOT ILLEGALS. What part of America does FOR Americans FIRST do you not understand? Seems rather easy to me. You know if you kicked EVERY islamic refugee out of the country PLUS every ILLEGAL American citizens using welfare COULD get an increase.

But I have to admit It IS funny watching you run around like a chicken with its head cut off. I have be-headed a few chickens in my day so I know what it looks like. Here you democrats have a bigger FAILURE then Carter and we ALL know what came after Carter.

So history WILL repeat and you will whine but like post Cater America and Americans will NOT care. I'm not saying you are done as a party but Obama still has a year to fix that. And if there is another terrorist attack no matter where in the world it is democrats WILL suffer. And rightfully so.

Cons live every moment in fear. Your minds are hardwired to be scared all the time. While I feel sorry for you no one can fix you but you, BUT, you are far too lazy and ignorant to let go of your abject fear.

Reagan was the most criminal person to ever hold high office in the US. 138 members of his administration were indicted on charges with many convicted. Even Nixon only had 8 indicted.
He wiped his ass with the Constitution every day he was in office and illegally sold weapons to Iran. Yes, he helped Iran become what they are now. Thanks dumbass.

The only thing anyone has to fear from a Republican in office is corruption, lying, stealing, wiping their ass with the Constitution, and a first lady that sees a tarot card reader for advice.

The dregs of society.

The French are rounding up muslim would-be terrorists. So are the Brits, Belgians, and Russians.

But obozo is opening our borders to them.

AGAIN ---- Link?

turn on your TV or radio, dipshit.

So you have nothing.

Onus is always on the asserter, Dumbfuck.

the national and international media has been reporting it, dumbfuck. open your fricken eyes and ears.
Cons live every moment in fear. Your minds are hardwired to be scared all the time. While I feel sorry for you no one can fix you but you, BUT, you are far too lazy and ignorant to let go of your abject fear.

Reagan was the most criminal person to ever hold high office in the US. 138 members of his administration were indicted on charges with many convicted. Even Nixon only had 8 indicted.
He wiped his ass with the Constitution every day he was in office and illegally sold weapons to Iran. Yes, he helped Iran become what they are now. Thanks dumbass.

The only thing anyone has to fear from a Republican in office is corruption, lying, stealing, wiping their ass with the Constitution, and a first lady that sees a tarot card reader for advice.

The dregs of society.

The French are rounding up muslim would-be terrorists. So are the Brits, Belgians, and Russians.

But obozo is opening our borders to them.

AGAIN ---- Link?

turn on your TV or radio, dipshit.

So you have nothing.

Onus is always on the asserter, Dumbfuck.

the national and international media has been reporting it, dumbfuck. open your fricken eyes and ears.

So --- you have nothing.

Already said that.
You liberals are just running wild. I mean damn Trump mis-speaks and you have a come-a-part. Hillary lies and you yawn. Each and every one of you TRYING to call "the shot" that brings it to an end. And NOTHING is working, NOTHING.

I remember watching this same sort of liberal fear with Reagan. "Oh hes going to nuke everybody was the cry" DESPITE the fact democrats are the ONLY ones in ANY country to ever drop a nuke. And you folks dropped TWO! And he saying he would do some of the very things you want like RAISE taxes on the richest of the rich. {Hillary IS one by the way} What does her charity need with a hedge fund manager INVESTING donation? I don't know, ask her son in law its him.

And Trump WANTS to stay OUT of the civil war in Syria.What is wrong with that? Hillary wants to go in and THAT costs lives AMERICAN lives. THAT should be a non starter. He WANTS to build camps THERE not here. After France I think that is a good idea.

American jobs SHOULD be filled by American CITIZENS not islamic terrorists and NOT ILLEGALS. What part of America does FOR Americans FIRST do you not understand? Seems rather easy to me. You know if you kicked EVERY islamic refugee out of the country PLUS every ILLEGAL American citizens using welfare COULD get an increase.

But I have to admit It IS funny watching you run around like a chicken with its head cut off. I have be-headed a few chickens in my day so I know what it looks like. Here you democrats have a bigger FAILURE then Carter and we ALL know what came after Carter.

So history WILL repeat and you will whine but like post Cater America and Americans will NOT care. I'm not saying you are done as a party but Obama still has a year to fix that. And if there is another terrorist attack no matter where in the world it is democrats WILL suffer. And rightfully so.

Cons live every moment in fear. Your minds are hardwired to be scared all the time. While I feel sorry for you no one can fix you but you, BUT, you are far too lazy and ignorant to let go of your abject fear.

Reagan was the most criminal person to ever hold high office in the US. 138 members of his administration were indicted on charges with many convicted. Even Nixon only had 8 indicted.
He wiped his ass with the Constitution every day he was in office and illegally sold weapons to Iran. Yes, he helped Iran become what they are now. Thanks dumbass.

The only thing anyone has to fear from a Republican in office is corruption, lying, stealing, wiping their ass with the Constitution, and a first lady that sees a tarot card reader for advice.

The dregs of society.

The French are rounding up muslim would-be terrorists. So are the Brits, Belgians, and Russians.

But obozo is opening our borders to them.

AGAIN ---- Link?

turn on your TV or radio, dipshit.

So you have nothing.

Onus is always on the asserter, Dumbfuck.

are you the only person who does not listen to the news? Why should I link something that all the news outlets are saying on a daily basis?
libs are too dishonest to ever admit it. But why would they spend so much time attacking him if they were not worried about him? THINK.

By that logic, you guys are scared to death of Hillary...right?
Perhaps scared to death that such an incompetent and corrupt criminal **** might get elected.

Don't worry, Hillary Clinton will not ever be president.
She needs to be in prison or worse.
You liberals are just running wild. I mean damn Trump mis-speaks and you have a come-a-part. Hillary lies and you yawn. Each and every one of you TRYING to call "the shot" that brings it to an end. And NOTHING is working, NOTHING.

I remember watching this same sort of liberal fear with Reagan. "Oh hes going to nuke everybody was the cry" DESPITE the fact democrats are the ONLY ones in ANY country to ever drop a nuke. And you folks dropped TWO! And he saying he would do some of the very things you want like RAISE taxes on the richest of the rich. {Hillary IS one by the way} What does her charity need with a hedge fund manager INVESTING donation? I don't know, ask her son in law its him.

And Trump WANTS to stay OUT of the civil war in Syria.What is wrong with that? Hillary wants to go in and THAT costs lives AMERICAN lives. THAT should be a non starter. He WANTS to build camps THERE not here. After France I think that is a good idea.

American jobs SHOULD be filled by American CITIZENS not islamic terrorists and NOT ILLEGALS. What part of America does FOR Americans FIRST do you not understand? Seems rather easy to me. You know if you kicked EVERY islamic refugee out of the country PLUS every ILLEGAL American citizens using welfare COULD get an increase.

But I have to admit It IS funny watching you run around like a chicken with its head cut off. I have be-headed a few chickens in my day so I know what it looks like. Here you democrats have a bigger FAILURE then Carter and we ALL know what came after Carter.

So history WILL repeat and you will whine but like post Cater America and Americans will NOT care. I'm not saying you are done as a party but Obama still has a year to fix that. And if there is another terrorist attack no matter where in the world it is democrats WILL suffer. And rightfully so.
Trump scares me and embarrasses me as a citizen of the USA. I am also embarrasses that up to 20% of USA citizens support him.
He is like a used car salesman, he will say whatever he feels his segment wants to hear, regardless if it can be done in the real world. He is a racist and a bigot. He appeals mainly to what our society calls "white trash".

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