Trump Really Scares You Liberals

He scares me in a holy shit, there are enough retards in this country to actually vote for Trump to win a party's nomination for President kind of way.

Do you actually believe that Hillary Clinton would be a good president? Yes or no.
I'd prefer Sanders but would put Clinton and Kasich after him. I don't want anyone else running for President to actually be President besides those three.
He scares me in a holy shit, there are enough retards in this country to actually vote for Trump to win a party's nomination for President kind of way.

Do you actually believe that Hillary Clinton would be a good president? Yes or no.
I'd prefer Sanders but would put Clinton and Kasich after him. I don't want anyone else running for President to actually be President besides those three.

then expect to be disappointed because none of those three will ever be president.
it is a known fact that the refugee population contains "would-be terrorists".

-aaaaand we're right back where we started last week.

--- link?

But on the refugee issue. why has Saudi Arabia refused to take any of them?

Why did you stop beating your wife?

Again --- link?
You liberals are just running wild. I mean damn Trump mis-speaks and you have a come-a-part. Hillary lies and you yawn. Each and every one of you TRYING to call "the shot" that brings it to an end. And NOTHING is working, NOTHING.

I remember watching this same sort of liberal fear with Reagan. "Oh hes going to nuke everybody was the cry" DESPITE the fact democrats are the ONLY ones in ANY country to ever drop a nuke. And you folks dropped TWO! And he saying he would do some of the very things you want like RAISE taxes on the richest of the rich. {Hillary IS one by the way} What does her charity need with a hedge fund manager INVESTING donation? I don't know, ask her son in law its him.

And Trump WANTS to stay OUT of the civil war in Syria.What is wrong with that? Hillary wants to go in and THAT costs lives AMERICAN lives. THAT should be a non starter. He WANTS to build camps THERE not here. After France I think that is a good idea.

American jobs SHOULD be filled by American CITIZENS not islamic terrorists and NOT ILLEGALS. What part of America does FOR Americans FIRST do you not understand? Seems rather easy to me. You know if you kicked EVERY islamic refugee out of the country PLUS every ILLEGAL American citizens using welfare COULD get an increase.

But I have to admit It IS funny watching you run around like a chicken with its head cut off. I have be-headed a few chickens in my day so I know what it looks like. Here you democrats have a bigger FAILURE then Carter and we ALL know what came after Carter.

So history WILL repeat and you will whine but like post Cater America and Americans will NOT care. I'm not saying you are done as a party but Obama still has a year to fix that. And if there is another terrorist attack no matter where in the world it is democrats WILL suffer. And rightfully so.

Trump Really Scares You Liberals

Trump really scares many of us conservatives, too. Not as much as Barry and Hillary, though. ;)

Cruz/Carly :thup:

Fiorina would only be an okay VP if the President could keep her on a leash.

...dang that one made ME laugh out loud...
it is a known fact that the refugee population contains "would-be terrorists".

-aaaaand we're right back where we started last week.

--- link?

But on the refugee issue. why has Saudi Arabia refused to take any of them?

Why did you stop beating your wife?

Again --- link?

Googly images. Complete failure.

As noted before, most dishonest hacks, when they've been exposed as fabricators, slither away under cover of darkness hoping the whole thing will blow over. Not you though. You come back and bump your own ignorance. You must be the type that picks at scabs.

What is it with you righties always with the idea that Liberals are scared of righties?

I used to hear that about Sarah Palin, and she's the gift that kept on giving. Liberals love her being around and talking.

I'll spare you the psychobabble about personality types that have a need to be feared, and self identified "conservatives"
You liberals are just running wild. I mean damn Trump mis-speaks and you have a come-a-part. Hillary lies and you yawn. Each and every one of you TRYING to call "the shot" that brings it to an end. And NOTHING is working, NOTHING.

I remember watching this same sort of liberal fear with Reagan. "Oh hes going to nuke everybody was the cry" DESPITE the fact democrats are the ONLY ones in ANY country to ever drop a nuke. And you folks dropped TWO! And he saying he would do some of the very things you want like RAISE taxes on the richest of the rich. {Hillary IS one by the way} What does her charity need with a hedge fund manager INVESTING donation? I don't know, ask her son in law its him.

And Trump WANTS to stay OUT of the civil war in Syria.What is wrong with that? Hillary wants to go in and THAT costs lives AMERICAN lives. THAT should be a non starter. He WANTS to build camps THERE not here. After France I think that is a good idea.

American jobs SHOULD be filled by American CITIZENS not islamic terrorists and NOT ILLEGALS. What part of America does FOR Americans FIRST do you not understand? Seems rather easy to me. You know if you kicked EVERY islamic refugee out of the country PLUS every ILLEGAL American citizens using welfare COULD get an increase.

But I have to admit It IS funny watching you run around like a chicken with its head cut off. I have be-headed a few chickens in my day so I know what it looks like. Here you democrats have a bigger FAILURE then Carter and we ALL know what came after Carter.

So history WILL repeat and you will whine but like post Cater America and Americans will NOT care. I'm not saying you are done as a party but Obama still has a year to fix that. And if there is another terrorist attack no matter where in the world it is democrats WILL suffer. And rightfully so.
Trump scares me and embarrasses me as a citizen of the USA. I am also embarrasses that up to 20% of USA citizens support him.
He is like a used car salesman, he will say whatever he feels his segment wants to hear, regardless if it can be done in the real world. He is a racist and a bigot. He appeals mainly to what our society calls "white trash".


HIs proposals are completely reasonable.

1. Deport illegal aliens. YOu know, as the law demands.

2. Renegotiate Trade Deals where we are running enormous Trade Deficits and shrinking the Middle Class.

That you want to dismiss people who like that as "white trash" is just you being an elitist jerk.

He's only "reasonable" to vicious rightwingnut pond scum.

I assume that you, as left wing pond scum, consider obozo and the hildebeast to be reasonable. You are in a fantasy world brought on by indoctrination and brainwashing.

try that again in English and with some level of rational thought.

oh right... you can't. :cuckoo:
What is it with you righties always with the idea that Liberals are scared of righties?

I used to hear that about Sarah Palin, and she's the gift that kept on giving. Liberals love her being around and talking.

I'll spare you the psychobabble about personality types that have a need to be feared, and self identified "conservatives"

it's because they can't address the stupidity of their candidates or their positions so rather than deal with our laughing at them and pointing out the stupidity of their candidates and positions, it makes them feel better about themselves to think we're "afraid" of them. it's kind of like the gun thing... they figure if they thump around acting like little ignorant bullies, they'll make their lies true.

it's kind of sad, really but I guess it's like what little boys do when they play sports. my boss calls it "talking smack"
He scares me in a holy shit, there are enough retards in this country to actually vote for Trump to win a party's nomination for President kind of way.

Do you actually believe that Hillary Clinton would be a good president? Yes or no.
I'd prefer Sanders but would put Clinton and Kasich after him. I don't want anyone else running for President to actually be President besides those three.

then expect to be disappointed because none of those three will ever be president.
I'm not delusional, I don't think Sanders has a prayer. However, Clinton is most likely to win whether you like it or not. She certainly isn't going to lose to Trump, Cruz or Carson.
What is it with you righties always with the idea that Liberals are scared of righties?

I used to hear that about Sarah Palin, and she's the gift that kept on giving. Liberals love her being around and talking.

I'll spare you the psychobabble about personality types that have a need to be feared, and self identified "conservatives"

it's because they can't address the stupidity of their candidates or their positions so rather than deal with our laughing at them and pointing out the stupidity of their candidates and positions, it makes them feel better about themselves to think we're "afraid" of them. it's kind of like the gun thing... they figure if they thump around acting like little ignorant bullies, they'll make their lies true.

it's kind of sad, really but I guess it's like what little boys do when they play sports. my boss calls it "talking smack"
Bunch of mullet wearing knuckle draggers
it is a known fact that the refugee population contains "would-be terrorists".

what percent?

and there's no one named "obozo", little ijit. don't you even have the brain power to get our president's name correct?

oh right.. you have no working synapses. I almost forgot.

What % would be acceptable? It only takes one or two and Obama wants to let in thousands. How many San Bernadinos does it take for you libtards to recognize the threat to YOUR life?

Obama is a clown, so Obozo is a good nickname for him.
He scares me in a holy shit, there are enough retards in this country to actually vote for Trump to win a party's nomination for President kind of way.

Do you actually believe that Hillary Clinton would be a good president? Yes or no.
I'd prefer Sanders but would put Clinton and Kasich after him. I don't want anyone else running for President to actually be President besides those three.

then expect to be disappointed because none of those three will ever be president.
I'm not delusional, I don't think Sanders has a prayer. However, Clinton is most likely to win whether you like it or not. She certainly isn't going to lose to Trump, Cruz or Carson.

Can she win from a jail cell or under indictment? She clearly violated US security regulations regarding classified data.

For many years I held a top secret clearance, If I did what she did, I would be in jail today.

Why do you libs think the Clintons are above the law?
it is a known fact that the refugee population contains "would-be terrorists".

what percent?

and there's no one named "obozo", little ijit. don't you even have the brain power to get our president's name correct?

oh right.. you have no working synapses. I almost forgot.

What % would be acceptable? It only takes one or two and Obama wants to let in thousands. How many San Bernadinos does it take for you libtards to recognize the threat to YOUR life?

Obama is a clown, so Obozo is a good nickname for him.

Again Elmo --- neither of those shooters were Syrian, and neither was a refugee. Not related in any way.
You liberals are just running wild. I mean damn Trump mis-speaks and you have a come-a-part. Hillary lies and you yawn. Each and every one of you TRYING to call "the shot" that brings it to an end. And NOTHING is working, NOTHING.

I remember watching this same sort of liberal fear with Reagan. "Oh hes going to nuke everybody was the cry" DESPITE the fact democrats are the ONLY ones in ANY country to ever drop a nuke. And you folks dropped TWO! And he saying he would do some of the very things you want like RAISE taxes on the richest of the rich. {Hillary IS one by the way} What does her charity need with a hedge fund manager INVESTING donation? I don't know, ask her son in law its him.

And Trump WANTS to stay OUT of the civil war in Syria.What is wrong with that? Hillary wants to go in and THAT costs lives AMERICAN lives. THAT should be a non starter. He WANTS to build camps THERE not here. After France I think that is a good idea.

American jobs SHOULD be filled by American CITIZENS not islamic terrorists and NOT ILLEGALS. What part of America does FOR Americans FIRST do you not understand? Seems rather easy to me. You know if you kicked EVERY islamic refugee out of the country PLUS every ILLEGAL American citizens using welfare COULD get an increase.

But I have to admit It IS funny watching you run around like a chicken with its head cut off. I have be-headed a few chickens in my day so I know what it looks like. Here you democrats have a bigger FAILURE then Carter and we ALL know what came after Carter.

So history WILL repeat and you will whine but like post Cater America and Americans will NOT care. I'm not saying you are done as a party but Obama still has a year to fix that. And if there is another terrorist attack no matter where in the world it is democrats WILL suffer. And rightfully so.
I want that fat Cocksucker to win the nomination of your bitch party, because Clinton will gut him like a cold dead fish in the general election...

The only thing about Trump that worries me is him getting assassinated, or having a stroke, just hang on another 2 months...

Can't wait to see the pain in you Repugs, and Tea Maggots hearts when your red Headed Frankenstein goes down in flames...

Liberals are pulling for Trump..
You liberals are just running wild. I mean damn Trump mis-speaks and you have a come-a-part. Hillary lies and you yawn. Each and every one of you TRYING to call "the shot" that brings it to an end. And NOTHING is working, NOTHING.

I remember watching this same sort of liberal fear with Reagan. "Oh hes going to nuke everybody was the cry" DESPITE the fact democrats are the ONLY ones in ANY country to ever drop a nuke. And you folks dropped TWO! And he saying he would do some of the very things you want like RAISE taxes on the richest of the rich. {Hillary IS one by the way} What does her charity need with a hedge fund manager INVESTING donation? I don't know, ask her son in law its him.

And Trump WANTS to stay OUT of the civil war in Syria.What is wrong with that? Hillary wants to go in and THAT costs lives AMERICAN lives. THAT should be a non starter. He WANTS to build camps THERE not here. After France I think that is a good idea.

American jobs SHOULD be filled by American CITIZENS not islamic terrorists and NOT ILLEGALS. What part of America does FOR Americans FIRST do you not understand? Seems rather easy to me. You know if you kicked EVERY islamic refugee out of the country PLUS every ILLEGAL American citizens using welfare COULD get an increase.

But I have to admit It IS funny watching you run around like a chicken with its head cut off. I have be-headed a few chickens in my day so I know what it looks like. Here you democrats have a bigger FAILURE then Carter and we ALL know what came after Carter.

So history WILL repeat and you will whine but like post Cater America and Americans will NOT care. I'm not saying you are done as a party but Obama still has a year to fix that. And if there is another terrorist attack no matter where in the world it is democrats WILL suffer. And rightfully so.
If you are not scared of Trumps ideas there is something wrong with you.
The first impulse is to laugh at the idiot but we can look at history to see what people like Trump have turned countries into fascist states
You liberals are just running wild. I mean damn Trump mis-speaks and you have a come-a-part. Hillary lies and you yawn. Each and every one of you TRYING to call "the shot" that brings it to an end. And NOTHING is working, NOTHING.

I remember watching this same sort of liberal fear with Reagan. "Oh hes going to nuke everybody was the cry" DESPITE the fact democrats are the ONLY ones in ANY country to ever drop a nuke. And you folks dropped TWO! And he saying he would do some of the very things you want like RAISE taxes on the richest of the rich. {Hillary IS one by the way} What does her charity need with a hedge fund manager INVESTING donation? I don't know, ask her son in law its him.

And Trump WANTS to stay OUT of the civil war in Syria.What is wrong with that? Hillary wants to go in and THAT costs lives AMERICAN lives. THAT should be a non starter. He WANTS to build camps THERE not here. After France I think that is a good idea.

American jobs SHOULD be filled by American CITIZENS not islamic terrorists and NOT ILLEGALS. What part of America does FOR Americans FIRST do you not understand? Seems rather easy to me. You know if you kicked EVERY islamic refugee out of the country PLUS every ILLEGAL American citizens using welfare COULD get an increase.

But I have to admit It IS funny watching you run around like a chicken with its head cut off. I have be-headed a few chickens in my day so I know what it looks like. Here you democrats have a bigger FAILURE then Carter and we ALL know what came after Carter.

So history WILL repeat and you will whine but like post Cater America and Americans will NOT care. I'm not saying you are done as a party but Obama still has a year to fix that. And if there is another terrorist attack no matter where in the world it is democrats WILL suffer. And rightfully so.
If you are not scared of Trumps ideas there is something wrong with you.
The first impulse is to laugh at the idiot but we can look at history to see what people like Trump have turned countries into fascist states

Right, because Enforcing the Law and Renegotiating bad Trade Deals is Evul.


it is a known fact that the refugee population contains "would-be terrorists".

what percent?

and there's no one named "obozo", little ijit. don't you even have the brain power to get our president's name correct?

oh right.. you have no working synapses. I almost forgot.

What % would be acceptable? It only takes one or two and Obama wants to let in thousands. How many San Bernadinos does it take for you libtards to recognize the threat to YOUR life?

Obama is a clown, so Obozo is a good nickname for him.

and what do we do with your christian terrorists?
I remember election night, 1980. After 4 agonizing years of Jimmy (inbred) Carter, people finally felt optimistic. One man interviewed on the street said "This is a great day, Ronald Reagan's gonna save the world, it's a great way to end the year". When Trump (or Cruz) wins the election, it WILL raise the spirits of Patriotic Americans once again as it did when the incomparable Ronald Reagan won back in 1980. Liberals are wringing their hands because they see history poised to repeat itself.

And you should be proud. For the first time in US history, the middle class has now sunk to less that 50% of the population. RR and his trickle down crap were the worst scourge this country has ever had to endure.

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