Trump Really Scares You Liberals

The world is afraid of Trump. No one has seen a Fascist like this since Hitler and Mussolini. Castro does not even approach the level of arrogance and ignorance that Trump has shown.

The man has been handed a golden spoon all his life. NO ONE has actually said NO to him his entire life. he thinks he can say and do anything that he wants and the world go on. The only ones supporting him are the low information RW loons that have him leading in the Republican poll.


But please keep promoting him, since the GOP has no choice. You either hand him the nomination or he runs as a third party and the Dems win 4 more years in the WH. I understand your suffering and pain and I LOVE IT.....:woohoo:
it is a known fact that the refugee population contains "would-be terrorists".

what percent?

and there's no one named "obozo", little ijit. don't you even have the brain power to get our president's name correct?

oh right.. you have no working synapses. I almost forgot.

What % would be acceptable? It only takes one or two and Obama wants to let in thousands. How many San Bernadinos does it take for you libtards to recognize the threat to YOUR life?

Obama is a clown, so Obozo is a good nickname for him.

and what do we do with your christian terrorists?

Name 3 Christian terrorists who have killed americans in the name of Jesus. Or just name one.
I remember election night, 1980. After 4 agonizing years of Jimmy (inbred) Carter, people finally felt optimistic. One man interviewed on the street said "This is a great day, Ronald Reagan's gonna save the world, it's a great way to end the year". When Trump (or Cruz) wins the election, it WILL raise the spirits of Patriotic Americans once again as it did when the incomparable Ronald Reagan won back in 1980. Liberals are wringing their hands because they see history poised to repeat itself.

And you should be proud. For the first time in US history, the middle class has now sunk to less that 50% of the population. RR and his trickle down crap were the worst scourge this country has ever had to endure.

The world is afraid of Trump. No one has seen a Fascist like this since Hitler and Mussolini. Castro does not even approach the level of arrogance and ignorance that Trump has shown.

The man has been handed a golden spoon all his life. NO ONE has actually said NO to him his entire life. he thinks he can say and do anything that he wants and the world go on. The only ones supporting him are the low information RW loons that have him leading in the Republican poll.


But please keep promoting him, since the GOP has no choice. You either hand him the nomination or he runs as a third party and the Dems win 4 more years in the WH. I understand your suffering and pain and I LOVE IT.....:woohoo:

If it comes down to Trump vs the hildebeast or the socialist-----------Trump will win. The media and the establishment of both parties don't want Trump because they cannot control him, but the people want him because he speaks for the average American who is fed up with the corruption and incompetence of both parties.

Lets look at what the dems have to offer:
1. an old, white, corrupt, lying, angry, demented, female
2. an old, white, socialist, demented, male.

Do you really think the people of the USA want either of them?
The world is afraid of Trump. No one has seen a Fascist like this since Hitler and Mussolini. Castro does not even approach the level of arrogance and ignorance that Trump has shown.

The man has been handed a golden spoon all his life. NO ONE has actually said NO to him his entire life. he thinks he can say and do anything that he wants and the world go on. The only ones supporting him are the low information RW loons that have him leading in the Republican poll.


But please keep promoting him, since the GOP has no choice. You either hand him the nomination or he runs as a third party and the Dems win 4 more years in the WH. I understand your suffering and pain and I LOVE IT.....:woohoo:

If it comes down to Trump vs the hildebeast or the socialist-----------Trump will win. The media and the establishment of both parties don't want Trump because they cannot control him, but the people want him because he speaks for the average American who is fed up with the corruption and incompetence of both parties.

Lets look at what the dems have to offer:
1. an old, white, corrupt, lying, angry, demented, female
2. an old, white, socialist, demented, male.

Do you really think the people of the USA want either of them?

None of those mentioned are "demented". Not even Rump, who knows exactly what he's doing, which has zero to do with what he's saying. Con artists are like that.

As for the media, you gotta be on crack. The media can't get enough of Rump. When Rump finally dumps, the media will sigh and say 'it was a good ride while it lasted'. The media gets the same thing out of Rump that Rump does: attention. That's what they both thrive on. They absolutely lap it up. A Rump Presidency, in a world where that could happen, would be an absolute media gold mine.

The media isn't about "control" -- it is, but not control of its subjects. It's about control of its audience.
it is a known fact that the refugee population contains "would-be terrorists".

what percent?

and there's no one named "obozo", little ijit. don't you even have the brain power to get our president's name correct?

oh right.. you have no working synapses. I almost forgot.

What % would be acceptable? It only takes one or two and Obama wants to let in thousands. How many San Bernadinos does it take for you libtards to recognize the threat to YOUR life?

Obama is a clown, so Obozo is a good nickname for him.

and what do we do with your christian terrorists?

Name 3 Christian terrorists who have killed americans in the name of Jesus. Or just name one.

Robert Dear
Eric Rudolph
Paul Jennings Hill

Want more?
The world is afraid of Trump. No one has seen a Fascist like this since Hitler and Mussolini. Castro does not even approach the level of arrogance and ignorance that Trump has shown.

The man has been handed a golden spoon all his life. NO ONE has actually said NO to him his entire life. he thinks he can say and do anything that he wants and the world go on. The only ones supporting him are the low information RW loons that have him leading in the Republican poll.


But please keep promoting him, since the GOP has no choice. You either hand him the nomination or he runs as a third party and the Dems win 4 more years in the WH. I understand your suffering and pain and I LOVE IT.....:woohoo:

If it comes down to Trump vs the hildebeast or the socialist-----------Trump will win. The media and the establishment of both parties don't want Trump because they cannot control him, but the people want him because he speaks for the average American who is fed up with the corruption and incompetence of both parties.

Lets look at what the dems have to offer:
1. an old, white, corrupt, lying, angry, demented, female
2. an old, white, socialist, demented, male.

Do you really think the people of the USA want either of them?

None of those mentioned are "demented". Not even Rump, who knows exactly what he's doing, which has zero to do with what he's saying. Con artists are like that.

As for the media, you gotta be on crack. The media can't get enough of Rump. When Rump finally dumps, the media will sigh and say 'it was a good ride while it lasted'. The media gets the same thing out of Rump that Rump does: attention. That's what they both thrive on. They absolutely lap it up.

The media isn't about "control" -- it is, but not control of its subjects. It's about control of its audience.

Sorry, but both Hillary and Bernie are suffering from early onset dementia. Hillary's assistant Uma has said that she gets confused easily and cautioned her staff about keeping things simple when talking to her. She is also known to go off on her staff with expletive filled rants over nothing. Face it, she is a terrible person who should never be in any postions of authority'

as to the Vermont socialist. his dementia is evident every time he speaks.
it is a known fact that the refugee population contains "would-be terrorists".

what percent?

and there's no one named "obozo", little ijit. don't you even have the brain power to get our president's name correct?

oh right.. you have no working synapses. I almost forgot.

What % would be acceptable? It only takes one or two and Obama wants to let in thousands. How many San Bernadinos does it take for you libtards to recognize the threat to YOUR life?

Obama is a clown, so Obozo is a good nickname for him.

and what do we do with your christian terrorists?

Name 3 Christian terrorists who have killed americans in the name of Jesus. Or just name one.

Robert Dear
Eric Rudolph
Paul Jennings Hill

Want more?

not one of those said "Jesus is savior" as he committed murder. They may have claimed to be Christians, but their actions were not compliant with Biblical teachings or Christian doctrine.

On that topic. Religious tolerance is a two way street. How many Christian churches and Jewish synagoges are there in Saudi Arabia and Iran? or any muslim nation for that matter?
not one of those said "Jesus is savior" as he committed murder. They may have claimed to be Christians, but their actions were not compliant with Biblical teachings or Christian doctrine.

Ah yes, the old "No True Scotsman" fallacy meets Double Standard. When "they" do it it's inherent in the religion; "we" do it --- they're "lone wolves" Having it both ways: Priceless.
Wake me when you come up with an original argument.

But wait -- NOW how much would you pay....

not one of those said "Jesus is savior" as he committed murder.

Apparently the double standard is so deep, there's an actual script they have to follow. And if they don't deliver the line exactly right -- it doesn't count. The equivalent of the seven-year-old crossing his fingers behind his back.

Where do you people come UP with this shit? Because I heard the same wacko idea from another poster. Are any of you parrots capable of independent thought?


On that topic. Religious tolerance is a two way street. How many Christian churches and Jewish synagoges are there in Saudi Arabia and Iran? or any muslim nation for that matter?

No idea. That info has no purpose for me. Why would I know that?
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it is a known fact that the refugee population contains "would-be terrorists".

what percent?

and there's no one named "obozo", little ijit. don't you even have the brain power to get our president's name correct?

oh right.. you have no working synapses. I almost forgot.

What % would be acceptable? It only takes one or two and Obama wants to let in thousands. How many San Bernadinos does it take for you libtards to recognize the threat to YOUR life?

Obama is a clown, so Obozo is a good nickname for him.

and what do we do with your christian terrorists?

Name 3 Christian terrorists who have killed americans in the name of Jesus. Or just name one.

Robert Lewis Dear

Eric Rudolph

Charles Barbee, Robert Berry and Jay Merelle

Jim David Adkisson
it is a known fact that the refugee population contains "would-be terrorists".

what percent?

and there's no one named "obozo", little ijit. don't you even have the brain power to get our president's name correct?

oh right.. you have no working synapses. I almost forgot.

What % would be acceptable? It only takes one or two and Obama wants to let in thousands. How many San Bernadinos does it take for you libtards to recognize the threat to YOUR life?

Obama is a clown, so Obozo is a good nickname for him.

and what do we do with your christian terrorists?

Name 3 Christian terrorists who have killed americans in the name of Jesus. Or just name one.

Robert Lewis Dear

Eric Rudolph

Charles Barbee, Robert Berry and Jay Merelle

Jim David Adkisson

Which of them shouted out "Jesus is lord" as they committed the murder of innocents?

It does matter since virtually all muslim terrorists have shouted "allahu Akbar" as they committed their murders.

The Koran says that devout muslims should kill infidels (non-believers). can you cite a passage in the Bible or Torah that is anywhere close to that?
not one of those said "Jesus is savior" as he committed murder. They may have claimed to be Christians, but their actions were not compliant with Biblical teachings or Christian doctrine.

Ah yes, the old "No True Scotsman" fallacy meets Double Standard. When "they" do it it's inherent in the religion; "we" do it --- they're "lone wolves" Having it both ways: Priceless.
Wake me when you come up with an original argument.

But wait -- NOW how much would you pay....

not one of those said "Jesus is savior" as he committed murder.

Apparently the double standard is so deep, there's an actual script they have to follow. And if they don't deliver the line exactly right -- it doesn't count. The equivalent of the seven-year-old crossing his fingers behind his back.

Where do you people come UP with this shit? Because I heard the same wacko idea from another poster. Are any of you parrots capable of independent thought?


On that topic. Religious tolerance is a two way street. How many Christian churches and Jewish synagoges are there in Saudi Arabia and Iran? or any muslim nation for that matter?

No idea. That info has no purpose for me. Why would I know that?

Because you libs DEMAND that americans tolerate islam and its followers but you never DEMAND that muslim countries tolerate Christianity, Jews, Hindus, Shintos, Buddists, or any other religion. Its called hypocrisy, hop stick, hypocrisy.
it is a known fact that the refugee population contains "would-be terrorists".

what percent?

and there's no one named "obozo", little ijit. don't you even have the brain power to get our president's name correct?

oh right.. you have no working synapses. I almost forgot.

What % would be acceptable? It only takes one or two and Obama wants to let in thousands. How many San Bernadinos does it take for you libtards to recognize the threat to YOUR life?

Obama is a clown, so Obozo is a good nickname for him.

and what do we do with your christian terrorists?

Name 3 Christian terrorists who have killed americans in the name of Jesus. Or just name one.

Robert Dear
Eric Rudolph
Paul Jennings Hill

Want more?

Redfool requires that they yell "Jesus is Lord" while committing these atrocities, before we can add them to the list. lol
what percent?

and there's no one named "obozo", little ijit. don't you even have the brain power to get our president's name correct?

oh right.. you have no working synapses. I almost forgot.

What % would be acceptable? It only takes one or two and Obama wants to let in thousands. How many San Bernadinos does it take for you libtards to recognize the threat to YOUR life?

Obama is a clown, so Obozo is a good nickname for him.

and what do we do with your christian terrorists?

Name 3 Christian terrorists who have killed americans in the name of Jesus. Or just name one.

Robert Dear
Eric Rudolph
Paul Jennings Hill

Want more?

Redfool requires that they yell "Jesus is Lord" while committing these atrocities, before we can add them to the list. lol

I asked you which ones committed murder in the name of Christianity, not which ones claimed to be Christians-------------do you understand the question, idiot?
You liberals are just running wild. I mean damn Trump mis-speaks and you have a come-a-part. Hillary lies and you yawn. Each and every one of you TRYING to call "the shot" that brings it to an end. And NOTHING is working, NOTHING.

I remember watching this same sort of liberal fear with Reagan. "Oh hes going to nuke everybody was the cry" DESPITE the fact democrats are the ONLY ones in ANY country to ever drop a nuke. And you folks dropped TWO! And he saying he would do some of the very things you want like RAISE taxes on the richest of the rich. {Hillary IS one by the way} What does her charity need with a hedge fund manager INVESTING donation? I don't know, ask her son in law its him.

And Trump WANTS to stay OUT of the civil war in Syria.What is wrong with that? Hillary wants to go in and THAT costs lives AMERICAN lives. THAT should be a non starter. He WANTS to build camps THERE not here. After France I think that is a good idea.

American jobs SHOULD be filled by American CITIZENS not islamic terrorists and NOT ILLEGALS. What part of America does FOR Americans FIRST do you not understand? Seems rather easy to me. You know if you kicked EVERY islamic refugee out of the country PLUS every ILLEGAL American citizens using welfare COULD get an increase.

But I have to admit It IS funny watching you run around like a chicken with its head cut off. I have be-headed a few chickens in my day so I know what it looks like. Here you democrats have a bigger FAILURE then Carter and we ALL know what came after Carter.

So history WILL repeat and you will whine but like post Cater America and Americans will NOT care. I'm not saying you are done as a party but Obama still has a year to fix that. And if there is another terrorist attack no matter where in the world it is democrats WILL suffer. And rightfully so.

Republicans on USMB kill me.
Today, Trump scares liberals. But in the past liberals have been told that Palin scares them, Perry scares them, Bachmann scares them, Romney scares them, Paul scares them, Ryan scares them, Cruz scares liberals and I'm sure I'm missing a few more politicians that scare liberals. For some odd reason right wing posters think their candidates scare the liberals, yet none have won anything to scare anyone.
I basically :laugh: every time I see a thread telling liberals who they are afraid off. The ironic thing is that the GOP is the party of fear. They use it on their minions all the time. Just because Repugs walk around in fear 24/7, doesn't mean every one else is pissing in their pants in fear of whatever! :2up:
You liberals are just running wild. I mean damn Trump mis-speaks and you have a come-a-part. Hillary lies and you yawn. Each and every one of you TRYING to call "the shot" that brings it to an end. And NOTHING is working, NOTHING.

I remember watching this same sort of liberal fear with Reagan. "Oh hes going to nuke everybody was the cry" DESPITE the fact democrats are the ONLY ones in ANY country to ever drop a nuke. And you folks dropped TWO! And he saying he would do some of the very things you want like RAISE taxes on the richest of the rich. {Hillary IS one by the way} What does her charity need with a hedge fund manager INVESTING donation? I don't know, ask her son in law its him.

And Trump WANTS to stay OUT of the civil war in Syria.What is wrong with that? Hillary wants to go in and THAT costs lives AMERICAN lives. THAT should be a non starter. He WANTS to build camps THERE not here. After France I think that is a good idea.

American jobs SHOULD be filled by American CITIZENS not islamic terrorists and NOT ILLEGALS. What part of America does FOR Americans FIRST do you not understand? Seems rather easy to me. You know if you kicked EVERY islamic refugee out of the country PLUS every ILLEGAL American citizens using welfare COULD get an increase.

But I have to admit It IS funny watching you run around like a chicken with its head cut off. I have be-headed a few chickens in my day so I know what it looks like. Here you democrats have a bigger FAILURE then Carter and we ALL know what came after Carter.

So history WILL repeat and you will whine but like post Cater America and Americans will NOT care. I'm not saying you are done as a party but Obama still has a year to fix that. And if there is another terrorist attack no matter where in the world it is democrats WILL suffer. And rightfully so.

Republicans on USMB kill me.
Today, Trump scares liberals. But in the past liberals have been told that Palin scares them, Perry scares them, Bachmann scares them, Romney scares them, Paul scares them, Ryan scares them, Cruz scares liberals and I'm sure I'm missing a few more politicians that scare liberals. For some odd reason right wing posters think their candidates scare the liberals, yet none have won anything to scare anyone.
I basically :laugh: every time I see a thread telling liberals who they are afraid off. The ironic thing is that the GOP is the party of fear. They use it on their minions all the time. Just because Repugs walk around in fear 24/7, doesn't mean every one else is pissing in their pants in fear of whatever! :2up:

nice rant, but off topic.

liberals fear (are intolerant of) anyone who does not subscribe to their left wing ideology.

Why is that? any idea? Liberals fear dissent because even in their small minds they know that when both sides are given equal time, the left always loses the debate because liberalism is based on emotion, not reality.

So to say that they "fear" is really saying that they cannot contend with anyone or anything that disagrees with their Marxist collectivist ideology.
What % would be acceptable? It only takes one or two and Obama wants to let in thousands. How many San Bernadinos does it take for you libtards to recognize the threat to YOUR life?

Obama is a clown, so Obozo is a good nickname for him.

and what do we do with your christian terrorists?

Name 3 Christian terrorists who have killed americans in the name of Jesus. Or just name one.

Robert Dear
Eric Rudolph
Paul Jennings Hill

Want more?

Redfool requires that they yell "Jesus is Lord" while committing these atrocities, before we can add them to the list. lol

I asked you which ones committed murder in the name of Christianity, not which ones claimed to be Christians-------------do you understand the question, idiot?

They were motivated to kill by religion, you idiot.

One person who spoke with him extensively about his religious views said Dear, who is 57, had praised people who attacked abortion providers, saying they were doing “God’s work.”

Read more here: For Robert Dear, religion and rage before Planned Parenthood attack
Bed wetters are easily scared. They're afraid of guns, white men, Christians, mean words, you name it.

Hey bed wetters, you want a "safe space"?

Try North Korea. Pot is legal there too.

and what do we do with your christian terrorists?

Name 3 Christian terrorists who have killed americans in the name of Jesus. Or just name one.

Robert Dear
Eric Rudolph
Paul Jennings Hill

Want more?

Redfool requires that they yell "Jesus is Lord" while committing these atrocities, before we can add them to the list. lol

I asked you which ones committed murder in the name of Christianity, not which ones claimed to be Christians-------------do you understand the question, idiot?

They were motivated to kill by religion, you idiot.

One person who spoke with him extensively about his religious views said Dear, who is 57, had praised people who attacked abortion providers, saying they were doing “God’s work.”

Read more here: For Robert Dear, religion and rage before Planned Parenthood attack

he also reiterated at his court appearance, against his attorney's advice, that he did what he did to "save the babies".

just another religious nutter. just by a different brand name.
what percent?

and there's no one named "obozo", little ijit. don't you even have the brain power to get our president's name correct?

oh right.. you have no working synapses. I almost forgot.

What % would be acceptable? It only takes one or two and Obama wants to let in thousands. How many San Bernadinos does it take for you libtards to recognize the threat to YOUR life?

Obama is a clown, so Obozo is a good nickname for him.

and what do we do with your christian terrorists?

Name 3 Christian terrorists who have killed americans in the name of Jesus. Or just name one.

Robert Dear
Eric Rudolph
Paul Jennings Hill

Want more?

not one of those said "Jesus is savior" as he committed murder. They may have claimed to be Christians, but their actions were not compliant with Biblical teachings or Christian doctrine.

On that topic. Religious tolerance is a two way street. How many Christian churches and Jewish synagoges are there in Saudi Arabia and Iran? or any muslim nation for that matter?

So Red, are you having a seizure? Responding to yourself over and over and over is not good.

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