Trump Really Scares You Liberals

Trump has screwed the GOP. They know he cannot win the General and yet they cannot stop him.

So, many here are forced to defend his ignorance. HILARIOUS!
I don't think you're laughing. :D

the dems and the establishment rino repubs are not laughing, they are scared shitless of a candidate who owes them nothing and only has to answer to the American people.

the libs are particularly scared of a candidate who will actually put the USA first and do what is needed to eliminate our enemies and secure the safety of americans.
We don't have to worry about anything because the GOP won't nominate the Donald.
Trump has screwed the GOP. They know he cannot win the General and yet they cannot stop him.

So, many here are forced to defend his ignorance. HILARIOUS!
I don't think you're laughing. :D

the dems and the establishment rino repubs are not laughing, they are scared shitless of a candidate who owes them nothing and only has to answer to the American people.

the libs are particularly scared of a candidate who will actually put the USA first and do what is needed to eliminate our enemies and secure the safety of americans.
We would rather trump be president than rubio, bush, Cruz, Christy, carson, kasich or carli and it seems so would Republicans if you believe the polls.

So stop blaming Democrats every time the GOP fucks you. It makes you look stupid.
You liberals are just running wild. I mean damn Trump mis-speaks and you have a come-a-part. Hillary lies and you yawn. Each and every one of you TRYING to call "the shot" that brings it to an end. And NOTHING is working, NOTHING.

I remember watching this same sort of liberal fear with Reagan. "Oh hes going to nuke everybody was the cry" DESPITE the fact democrats are the ONLY ones in ANY country to ever drop a nuke. And you folks dropped TWO! And he saying he would do some of the very things you want like RAISE taxes on the richest of the rich. {Hillary IS one by the way} What does her charity need with a hedge fund manager INVESTING donation? I don't know, ask her son in law its him.

And Trump WANTS to stay OUT of the civil war in Syria.What is wrong with that? Hillary wants to go in and THAT costs lives AMERICAN lives. THAT should be a non starter. He WANTS to build camps THERE not here. After France I think that is a good idea.

American jobs SHOULD be filled by American CITIZENS not islamic terrorists and NOT ILLEGALS. What part of America does FOR Americans FIRST do you not understand? Seems rather easy to me. You know if you kicked EVERY islamic refugee out of the country PLUS every ILLEGAL American citizens using welfare COULD get an increase.

But I have to admit It IS funny watching you run around like a chicken with its head cut off. I have be-headed a few chickens in my day so I know what it looks like. Here you democrats have a bigger FAILURE then Carter and we ALL know what came after Carter.

So history WILL repeat and you will whine but like post Cater America and Americans will NOT care. I'm not saying you are done as a party but Obama still has a year to fix that. And if there is another terrorist attack no matter where in the world it is democrats WILL suffer. And rightfully so.

He says as he prays for "another terrorist attack no matter where in the world".
Trump's done with Muslims just like Hispanics. I think his next target is going to be blacks, maybe sending them back to Africa. All he needs is the right media event. The more politically incorrect he is the higher his poll numbers. He's attacked Hispanics, women, the disabled, and Muslims and his supporters love him for it. Blacks have got to be next on the list.
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You liberals are just running wild. I mean damn Trump mis-speaks and you have a come-a-part. Hillary lies and you yawn. Each and every one of you TRYING to call "the shot" that brings it to an end. And NOTHING is working, NOTHING.

I remember watching this same sort of liberal fear with Reagan. "Oh hes going to nuke everybody was the cry" DESPITE the fact democrats are the ONLY ones in ANY country to ever drop a nuke. And you folks dropped TWO! And he saying he would do some of the very things you want like RAISE taxes on the richest of the rich. {Hillary IS one by the way} What does her charity need with a hedge fund manager INVESTING donation? I don't know, ask her son in law its him.

And Trump WANTS to stay OUT of the civil war in Syria.What is wrong with that? Hillary wants to go in and THAT costs lives AMERICAN lives. THAT should be a non starter. He WANTS to build camps THERE not here. After France I think that is a good idea.

American jobs SHOULD be filled by American CITIZENS not islamic terrorists and NOT ILLEGALS. What part of America does FOR Americans FIRST do you not understand? Seems rather easy to me. You know if you kicked EVERY islamic refugee out of the country PLUS every ILLEGAL American citizens using welfare COULD get an increase.

But I have to admit It IS funny watching you run around like a chicken with its head cut off. I have be-headed a few chickens in my day so I know what it looks like. Here you democrats have a bigger FAILURE then Carter and we ALL know what came after Carter.

So history WILL repeat and you will whine but like post Cater America and Americans will NOT care. I'm not saying you are done as a party but Obama still has a year to fix that. And if there is another terrorist attack no matter where in the world it is democrats WILL suffer. And rightfully so.

He says as he prays for "another terrorist attack no matter where in the world".
Trump's done with Muslims just like Hispanics. I think his next target is going to blacks, maybe sending them back to Africa. All he needs is the right media event. The more politically incorrect he is the higher his poll numbers. He's attacked Hispanics, women, the disabled, and Muslims and his supporters love him for it. Blacks have got to be next on the list.
Or gays. They could be next.

No matter how foul trump gets he's still more popular than the 9 dwarfs. Fiorino jeb Christie Ryan kasich rubio Cruz huckabee and carson.

If those guys aren't even popular with Republicans, what makes them think they'll do well against the clintins?
You liberals are just running wild. I mean damn Trump mis-speaks and you have a come-a-part. Hillary lies and you yawn. Each and every one of you TRYING to call "the shot" that brings it to an end. And NOTHING is working, NOTHING.

I remember watching this same sort of liberal fear with Reagan. "Oh hes going to nuke everybody was the cry" DESPITE the fact democrats are the ONLY ones in ANY country to ever drop a nuke. And you folks dropped TWO! And he saying he would do some of the very things you want like RAISE taxes on the richest of the rich. {Hillary IS one by the way} What does her charity need with a hedge fund manager INVESTING donation? I don't know, ask her son in law its him.

And Trump WANTS to stay OUT of the civil war in Syria.What is wrong with that? Hillary wants to go in and THAT costs lives AMERICAN lives. THAT should be a non starter. He WANTS to build camps THERE not here. After France I think that is a good idea.

American jobs SHOULD be filled by American CITIZENS not islamic terrorists and NOT ILLEGALS. What part of America does FOR Americans FIRST do you not understand? Seems rather easy to me. You know if you kicked EVERY islamic refugee out of the country PLUS every ILLEGAL American citizens using welfare COULD get an increase.

But I have to admit It IS funny watching you run around like a chicken with its head cut off. I have be-headed a few chickens in my day so I know what it looks like. Here you democrats have a bigger FAILURE then Carter and we ALL know what came after Carter.

So history WILL repeat and you will whine but like post Cater America and Americans will NOT care. I'm not saying you are done as a party but Obama still has a year to fix that. And if there is another terrorist attack no matter where in the world it is democrats WILL suffer. And rightfully so.

He says as he prays for "another terrorist attack no matter where in the world".
Trump's done with Muslims just like Hispanics. I think his next target is going to blacks, maybe sending them back to Africa. All he needs is the right media event. The more politically incorrect he is the higher his poll numbers. He's attacked Hispanics, women, the disabled, and Muslims and his supporters love him for it. Blacks have got to be next on the list.
Or gays. They could be next.

No matter how foul trump gets he's still more popular than the 9 dwarfs. Fiorino jeb Christie Ryan kasich rubio Cruz huckabee and carson.

If those guys aren't even popular with Republicans, what makes them think they'll do well against the clintins?
Maybe but I favor blacks. Trump was poised for an attack on blacks recently. Remember his claim of 81% of all murders of whites were commented by blacks. It was totally incorrect but it gave us a direction he was headed. Then the Islamic terrorist attack fell into his lap and he couldn't resist it. When this dies out as it always does, Trump's got to come up with something to grab media attention. Violence and blacks are far more common than gays and violence so I say it's got to be blacks. The media is expecting some blockbuster statements from Trump and you can bet he's going give them something.
You liberals are just running wild. I mean damn Trump mis-speaks and you have a come-a-part. Hillary lies and you yawn. Each and every one of you TRYING to call "the shot" that brings it to an end. And NOTHING is working, NOTHING.

I remember watching this same sort of liberal fear with Reagan. "Oh hes going to nuke everybody was the cry" DESPITE the fact democrats are the ONLY ones in ANY country to ever drop a nuke. And you folks dropped TWO! And he saying he would do some of the very things you want like RAISE taxes on the richest of the rich. {Hillary IS one by the way} What does her charity need with a hedge fund manager INVESTING donation? I don't know, ask her son in law its him.

And Trump WANTS to stay OUT of the civil war in Syria.What is wrong with that? Hillary wants to go in and THAT costs lives AMERICAN lives. THAT should be a non starter. He WANTS to build camps THERE not here. After France I think that is a good idea.

American jobs SHOULD be filled by American CITIZENS not islamic terrorists and NOT ILLEGALS. What part of America does FOR Americans FIRST do you not understand? Seems rather easy to me. You know if you kicked EVERY islamic refugee out of the country PLUS every ILLEGAL American citizens using welfare COULD get an increase.

But I have to admit It IS funny watching you run around like a chicken with its head cut off. I have be-headed a few chickens in my day so I know what it looks like. Here you democrats have a bigger FAILURE then Carter and we ALL know what came after Carter.

So history WILL repeat and you will whine but like post Cater America and Americans will NOT care. I'm not saying you are done as a party but Obama still has a year to fix that. And if there is another terrorist attack no matter where in the world it is democrats WILL suffer. And rightfully so.

He says as he prays for "another terrorist attack no matter where in the world".
Trump's done with Muslims just like Hispanics. I think his next target is going to blacks, maybe sending them back to Africa. All he needs is the right media event. The more politically incorrect he is the higher his poll numbers. He's attacked Hispanics, women, the disabled, and Muslims and his supporters love him for it. Blacks have got to be next on the list.
Or gays. They could be next.

No matter how foul trump gets he's still more popular than the 9 dwarfs. Fiorino jeb Christie Ryan kasich rubio Cruz huckabee and carson.

If those guys aren't even popular with Republicans, what makes them think they'll do well against the clintins?
Maybe but I favor blacks. Trump was poised for an attack on blacks recently. Remember his claim of 81% of all murders of whites were commented by blacks. It was totally incorrect but it gave us a direction he was headed. Then the Islamic terrorist attack fell into his lap and he couldn't resist it. When this dies out as it always does, Trump's got to come up with something to grab media attention. Violence and blacks are far more common than gays and violence so I say it's got to be blacks. The media is expecting some blockbuster statements from Trump and you can bet he's going give them something.
I disagree, it will be ILLEGALS. The group that CAN'T vote.
You liberals are just running wild. I mean damn Trump mis-speaks and you have a come-a-part. Hillary lies and you yawn. Each and every one of you TRYING to call "the shot" that brings it to an end. And NOTHING is working, NOTHING.

I remember watching this same sort of liberal fear with Reagan. "Oh hes going to nuke everybody was the cry" DESPITE the fact democrats are the ONLY ones in ANY country to ever drop a nuke. And you folks dropped TWO! And he saying he would do some of the very things you want like RAISE taxes on the richest of the rich. {Hillary IS one by the way} What does her charity need with a hedge fund manager INVESTING donation? I don't know, ask her son in law its him.

And Trump WANTS to stay OUT of the civil war in Syria.What is wrong with that? Hillary wants to go in and THAT costs lives AMERICAN lives. THAT should be a non starter. He WANTS to build camps THERE not here. After France I think that is a good idea.

American jobs SHOULD be filled by American CITIZENS not islamic terrorists and NOT ILLEGALS. What part of America does FOR Americans FIRST do you not understand? Seems rather easy to me. You know if you kicked EVERY islamic refugee out of the country PLUS every ILLEGAL American citizens using welfare COULD get an increase.

But I have to admit It IS funny watching you run around like a chicken with its head cut off. I have be-headed a few chickens in my day so I know what it looks like. Here you democrats have a bigger FAILURE then Carter and we ALL know what came after Carter.

So history WILL repeat and you will whine but like post Cater America and Americans will NOT care. I'm not saying you are done as a party but Obama still has a year to fix that. And if there is another terrorist attack no matter where in the world it is democrats WILL suffer. And rightfully so.

He says as he prays for "another terrorist attack no matter where in the world".
Trump's done with Muslims just like Hispanics. I think his next target is going to blacks, maybe sending them back to Africa. All he needs is the right media event. The more politically incorrect he is the higher his poll numbers. He's attacked Hispanics, women, the disabled, and Muslims and his supporters love him for it. Blacks have got to be next on the list.
Or gays. They could be next.

No matter how foul trump gets he's still more popular than the 9 dwarfs. Fiorino jeb Christie Ryan kasich rubio Cruz huckabee and carson.

If those guys aren't even popular with Republicans, what makes them think they'll do well against the clintins?
Maybe but I favor blacks. Trump was poised for an attack on blacks recently. Remember his claim of 81% of all murders of whites were commented by blacks. It was totally incorrect but it gave us a direction he was headed. Then the Islamic terrorist attack fell into his lap and he couldn't resist it. When this dies out as it always does, Trump's got to come up with something to grab media attention. Violence and blacks are far more common than gays and violence so I say it's got to be blacks. The media is expecting some blockbuster statements from Trump and you can bet he's going give them something.
I disagree, it will be ILLEGALS. The group that CAN'T vote.
.Well he's not going to get any black votes so why not blacks. Folks are getting tired of hearing about illegals and Muslims. Now if some nut walked into a bar and killed a couple of dozen gays, then I think he would grab media attention by coming up some pro-gay proposal that would grab media attention, win some Democrat votes and lose some Republican votes but it would allow him to command media attention. For Trump, that's what the election is all about, getting in the news. He approaches the campaign as a showman and it's been working quite well for him.
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Trump will make a deal with the Clinton's when they get back the WH. With their New York connections, they will remove the Statue of Liberty and replace it with a Statue of Trump.
Small price to pay for getting him to destroy the Republican Party.

Donald Trump, the next Secretary of State in the Hillary Clinton administration. He will be rewarded for handing Hillary the White House.

Winner--------------dumbass post of the day.:ahole-1::ahole-1:
You seem like a miserable person. All that hate locked up inside you leaves no room for any levity.
Let's try to be honest, Republicans are the ones who are terrified about Trump becoming the nominee. It will cause the Republicans to not only get beat again for the Presidency, but they will be saying good-bye to control in the House and Senate.
Trump will make a deal with the Clinton's when they get back the WH. With their New York connections, they will remove the Statue of Liberty and replace it with a Statue of Trump.
Small price to pay for getting him to destroy the Republican Party.

Donald Trump, the next Secretary of State in the Hillary Clinton administration. He will be rewarded for handing Hillary the White House.

Winner--------------dumbass post of the day.:ahole-1::ahole-1:
You seem like a miserable person. All that hate locked up inside you leaves no room for any levity.

My post was full of levity. Sorry if it was too subtle for your feeble mind. I am fully aware that you were trying to be funny in the post that I replied to, but it wasn't funny, it was juvenile.
Let's try to be honest, Republicans are the ones who are terrified about Trump becoming the nominee. It will cause the Republicans to not only get beat again for the Presidency, but they will be saying good-bye to control in the House and Senate.

Well, not ordinary republicans but the republican establishment.

They created this monster and now it's out of control, very amusing

Trump/El Chapo 2016!

He says as he prays for "another terrorist attack no matter where in the world".
Trump's done with Muslims just like Hispanics. I think his next target is going to blacks, maybe sending them back to Africa. All he needs is the right media event. The more politically incorrect he is the higher his poll numbers. He's attacked Hispanics, women, the disabled, and Muslims and his supporters love him for it. Blacks have got to be next on the list.
Or gays. They could be next.

No matter how foul trump gets he's still more popular than the 9 dwarfs. Fiorino jeb Christie Ryan kasich rubio Cruz huckabee and carson.

If those guys aren't even popular with Republicans, what makes them think they'll do well against the clintins?
Maybe but I favor blacks. Trump was poised for an attack on blacks recently. Remember his claim of 81% of all murders of whites were commented by blacks. It was totally incorrect but it gave us a direction he was headed. Then the Islamic terrorist attack fell into his lap and he couldn't resist it. When this dies out as it always does, Trump's got to come up with something to grab media attention. Violence and blacks are far more common than gays and violence so I say it's got to be blacks. The media is expecting some blockbuster statements from Trump and you can bet he's going give them something.
I disagree, it will be ILLEGALS. The group that CAN'T vote.
.Well he's not going to get any black votes so why not blacks. Folks are getting tired of hearing about illegals and Muslims. Now if some nut walked into a bar and killed a couple of dozen gays, then I think he would grab media attention by coming up some pro-gay proposal that would grab media attention, win some Democrat votes and lose some Republican votes but it would allow him to command media attention. For Trump, that's what the election is all about, getting in the news. He approaches the campaign as a showman and it's been working quite well for him.

What planet are you posting from? A majority of blacks agree with Trump on a temporary ban on muslim immigration, or a temporary ban on all immigration.

In the 1920s immigration was temporarily stopped so that the current immigrants could assimilate, learn American ways, and become americans. it worked then, it would work now.
Trump's done with Muslims just like Hispanics. I think his next target is going to blacks, maybe sending them back to Africa. All he needs is the right media event. The more politically incorrect he is the higher his poll numbers. He's attacked Hispanics, women, the disabled, and Muslims and his supporters love him for it. Blacks have got to be next on the list.
Or gays. They could be next.

No matter how foul trump gets he's still more popular than the 9 dwarfs. Fiorino jeb Christie Ryan kasich rubio Cruz huckabee and carson.

If those guys aren't even popular with Republicans, what makes them think they'll do well against the clintins?
Maybe but I favor blacks. Trump was poised for an attack on blacks recently. Remember his claim of 81% of all murders of whites were commented by blacks. It was totally incorrect but it gave us a direction he was headed. Then the Islamic terrorist attack fell into his lap and he couldn't resist it. When this dies out as it always does, Trump's got to come up with something to grab media attention. Violence and blacks are far more common than gays and violence so I say it's got to be blacks. The media is expecting some blockbuster statements from Trump and you can bet he's going give them something.
I disagree, it will be ILLEGALS. The group that CAN'T vote.
.Well he's not going to get any black votes so why not blacks. Folks are getting tired of hearing about illegals and Muslims. Now if some nut walked into a bar and killed a couple of dozen gays, then I think he would grab media attention by coming up some pro-gay proposal that would grab media attention, win some Democrat votes and lose some Republican votes but it would allow him to command media attention. For Trump, that's what the election is all about, getting in the news. He approaches the campaign as a showman and it's been working quite well for him.

What planet are you posting from? A majority of blacks agree with Trump on a temporary ban on muslim immigration, or a temporary ban on all immigration.

In the 1920s immigration was temporarily stopped so that the current immigrants could assimilate, learn American ways, and become americans. it worked then, it would work now.
Not to mention we don't want to flood the market with workers because then wages go down
You liberals are just running wild. I mean damn Trump mis-speaks and you have a come-a-part. Hillary lies and you yawn. Each and every one of you TRYING to call "the shot" that brings it to an end. And NOTHING is working, NOTHING.

I remember watching this same sort of liberal fear with Reagan. "Oh hes going to nuke everybody was the cry" DESPITE the fact democrats are the ONLY ones in ANY country to ever drop a nuke. And you folks dropped TWO! And he saying he would do some of the very things you want like RAISE taxes on the richest of the rich. {Hillary IS one by the way} What does her charity need with a hedge fund manager INVESTING donation? I don't know, ask her son in law its him.

And Trump WANTS to stay OUT of the civil war in Syria.What is wrong with that? Hillary wants to go in and THAT costs lives AMERICAN lives. THAT should be a non starter. He WANTS to build camps THERE not here. After France I think that is a good idea.

American jobs SHOULD be filled by American CITIZENS not islamic terrorists and NOT ILLEGALS. What part of America does FOR Americans FIRST do you not understand? Seems rather easy to me. You know if you kicked EVERY islamic refugee out of the country PLUS every ILLEGAL American citizens using welfare COULD get an increase.

But I have to admit It IS funny watching you run around like a chicken with its head cut off. I have be-headed a few chickens in my day so I know what it looks like. Here you democrats have a bigger FAILURE then Carter and we ALL know what came after Carter.

So history WILL repeat and you will whine but like post Cater America and Americans will NOT care. I'm not saying you are done as a party but Obama still has a year to fix that. And if there is another terrorist attack no matter where in the world it is democrats WILL suffer. And rightfully so.

He says as he prays for "another terrorist attack no matter where in the world".
Trump's done with Muslims just like Hispanics. I think his next target is going to be blacks, maybe sending them back to Africa. All he needs is the right media event. The more politically incorrect he is the higher his poll numbers. He's attacked Hispanics, women, the disabled, and Muslims and his supporters love him for it. Blacks have got to be next on the list.

In speeches and interviews he often enters a "stream of consciousness" zone, which makes it hard to predict what will come out. If you understand stream of consciousness in literary terms it's clearer why a very intelligent guy's rhetoric can seem so bizarre and out of sync with "normal" conversation at times.
Let's try to be honest, Republicans are the ones who are terrified about Trump becoming the nominee. It will cause the Republicans to not only get beat again for the Presidency, but they will be saying good-bye to control in the House and Senate.
That's the real problem the GOP has. If Trump does become the nominee he could take down some Republican in congress with himself. If he run's as an independent, Democrats will take the presidency. You know Republicans had a pretty good chance of winning the presidency before Trump. It's amazing how they keep shooting themselves in the foot.
Let's try to be honest, Republicans are the ones who are terrified about Trump becoming the nominee. It will cause the Republicans to not only get beat again for the Presidency, but they will be saying good-bye to control in the House and Senate.
Democrats see whatever happens in the Republican primaries as positive. If Trump takes the nomination, Democrats rally around Clinton to prevent the worst nightmare they can imagine. It Trump isn't nominated, he either runs as an independent and loses or becomes a vindictive candidate which will hurt the nominee.

What many people fail to realize is Trump doesn't give a damn about the Republican party or it's values. It's just a vehicle for his presidential run.
Trump has already dumped the party at least twice.

In 1987, Trump became a Republican. In 1999, Trump dumps the GOP to become an independent. In 2001, Trump becomes a Democrat and remains so for 8 years. Then in 2009, he returns to Republican Party only to dump the GOP to become an independent in 2011. In 2012 with the Democratic presidential nomination very likely to go to Clinton, he once again needs the Republican party. As president, Trump simply could not lead the Republican party because in the eyes of most Republicans in office, he is untrustworthy and unpredictable.

It is a possible that Trump could go all the way if something happened to Clinton. If that happens Trump will either fall in line or be impeached.
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