Trump REFUSES to Condemn qAnon, Again...

Who the fuck cares? They are a tiny group that no one has ever heard dumb shit....

Yeah, but they're nutjobs. QAnon claims there was some secret group of pedophiles made up of Hollywood Stars, politicians, and even British royalty that had some secret pedophile island that they would fly to on some "Lolita Express" to have sex with under age girls and boys - and for Bahhhhhhby DeNiro - four legged critters.

I mean, talk about CRAZY...
President Trump said:

"I don't know anything about QAnon," Trump said when asked by "Today" co-anchor Savannah Guthrie whether he would denounce the conspiracy theory.

"I'll tell what you I do know about, I know about Antifa and the radical left and how violent and vicious they are, and I know how they're burning down cities run by Democrats."

I love President Trump!

Yes, in Trump world, being "Anti-Fascist" is a bad thing... if you are a fascist.

Trump can debate himself and still lose.
The problem is Antifa is in no way “anti-fascist”. They use Marxist and fascist tactics to terrorize people they don’t like.

In a clear sign that he supports and promotes the rape of children, Xi's man in Washington, Joe Biden, has STILL not condemned the child rape organization NAMBLA,.
Oh how you wish that were true, don't you?


Here we see the current POTUS just can't put down the radical, ludicrous and divisive conspiracy theories...

Who's he signaling to? Not regular Americans.

Regular Americans will reject this type of extremely divisive nonsense come November.

This rambling buffoon just can't help himself. Even to save himself.


I doubt most people even know who QAnon is. Given that you people have spent years believing the phony Russian Collusion Delusion, who are you to judge?
Can't wait to hear the denials from those that can't help themselves around here.

Comrade, explain why QAnon should be condemned?

I mean, Epstein, Maxwell, Clinton, Prince Andrew, Robert DeNiro, Katie Couric, Wolf Blitzer, I mean, precisely which part did they get wrong?

So to me like YOU ought to be condemned.

Will you condemn NAMBLA?

I'm betting no.

In a clear sign that he supports and promotes the rape of children, Xi's man in Washington, Joe Biden, has STILL not condemned the child rape organization NAMBLA,.
Oh how you wish that were true, don't you?



Feel free to link to the condemnation of NAMBLA by Quid Pro.

Do it now.
I doubt most people even know who QAnon is. Given that you people have spent years believing the phony Russian Collusion Delusion, who are you to judge?
If they didn't know before, they sure will after tonight, after Mr. President REFUSED to denounce them, which is actually SUPPORT them.

So if you think this qAnon support that POTUS is giving these lunatics is going to help him w/the American People in a few weeks, you carry on.


I doubt most people even know who QAnon is. Given that you people have spent years believing the phony Russian Collusion Delusion, who are you to judge?
If they didn't know before, they sure will after tonight, after Mr. President DIDN'T denounce them, which is actually SUPPORT them.
That's not true though. If he doesn't know who they are, which is absolutely believable I still don't really know myself, it's flat stupid to expect him to promote or condemn them.
That's not true though. If he doesn't know who they are, which is absolutely believable I still don't really know myself, it's flat stupid to expect him to promote or condemn them.
Lemme know all about ANTIFA, don't you?

Q-anon believes there is a deep state cabal of baby eating pedophiles bent on world domination. Anyone that believes that is sick in the head.

I think I'll call you a liar - because I am pretty sure you're lying.

QAnon pointed out that democrats were running a massive pedophile ring that had a private island for celebrities and politicians to get their jollies with underage and other objects of lust.

All of that is proven fact now.

Don't you owe America an apology for helping to cover all this up?
President Trump said:

"I don't know anything about QAnon," Trump said when asked by "Today" co-anchor Savannah Guthrie whether he would denounce the conspiracy theory.

"I'll tell what you I do know about, I know about Antifa and the radical left and how violent and vicious they are, and I know how they're burning down cities run by Democrats."

I love President Trump!

Yes, in Trump world, being "Anti-Fascist" is a bad thing... if you are a fascist.

Trump can debate himself and still lose.
The problem is Antifa is in no way “anti-fascist”. They use Marxist and fascist tactics to terrorize people they don’t like.

I agree ^^

like Winston Churchill said so many years ago:

“The fascists of the future will call themselves anti-fascists.”
Here we see the current POTUS just can't put down the radical, ludicrous and divisive conspiracy theories...

Who's he signaling to? Not regular Americans.

Regular Americans will reject this type of extremely divisive nonsense come November.

This rambling buffoon just can't help himself. Even to save himself.


The ones who busted Epstein and Bill Clinton.
“Trump has previously promoted dozens of QAnon conspiracy accounts and followers. According to a New York Times investigation published in November, Trump has retweeted at least 145 unverified accounts that have promoted conspiracy theories. Over two dozen of these accounts were later suspended by Twitter for violating the platform's rules.

The Times found that QAnon promoters frequently make their way into the president's Twitter feed via his eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., Fox News host Maria Bartiromo, and the right-wing pundit Eric Bolling. And more than 20,000 of Trump's Twitter followers have QAnon slogans or references in their profiles.”

And Trump claims he doesn’t know anything about QAnon.

Yet another Trump lie.

Still QAnon has been proven correct - and yet the democrats CONTINUE to cover up for pedophiles. democrats murdered Epstein to keep him quiet, but his victims won't be silenced.
“Trump has previously promoted dozens of QAnon conspiracy accounts and followers. According to a New York Times investigation published in November, Trump has retweeted at least 145 unverified accounts that have promoted conspiracy theories. Over two dozen of these accounts were later suspended by Twitter for violating the platform's rules.

The Times found that QAnon promoters frequently make their way into the president's Twitter feed via his eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., Fox News host Maria Bartiromo, and the right-wing pundit Eric Bolling. And more than 20,000 of Trump's Twitter followers have QAnon slogans or references in their profiles.”

And Trump claims he doesn’t know anything about QAnon.

Yet another Trump lie.

Still QAnon has been proven correct - and yet the democrats CONTINUE to cover up for pedophiles. democrats murdered Epstein to keep him quiet, but his victims won't be silenced.
If Democrats won in 2016, bill Clinton would be partying with Epstein in the white house today and all the Democrats here would be defending them.
You refuse to condemn stink blm or antifa you fucking hypocritical loser.
Why would I condemn America's best fighters against fascism?

Besides, they haven't killed anyone.

Numerous white supremacists have killed Americans, in the last 4 years even.

So go go blow smoke up someone else's ass, hack.
You are so fucking lucky you aren't in front of me you fucking miserable racist piece of shit.

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