Trump REFUSES to Condemn qAnon, Again...

Hundreds of links posted here ....

Only Leftist sick fvcks like yourself are ignoring them.
This is why Trump is gonna lose, and lose BADLY in November.

Because you sons-of-bitches aren't living in reality.

Exactly. I don't think they realise how bad it is going to be.
Trump is beyond desperate. Possibly he and his kids and his son in law might be doing some time in the slammer.
Thing is, they've got no excuse. They were told time and time again mixing business with pleasure in the WH is a no-no. Yet, they think they are above the law.

Just read a good piece in Rolling Stone, which is biased for sure, but raises some interesting questions. Questions that Donny Boy will be trying to avoid for another four years by any means possible.
Qanon believes that democrats are supporting pedophiles?
We are at a logical impasse here.
Is QAnon the allegation of the conspiracy, or is it the alleged conspiracy itself?
If Trump refuses to condemn the allegations — and my own observations are at most only a tiny drop in the ocean of it — this cannot be taken as Trump's refusal to condemn the accused on the other side of the argument who have done the dirty deeds. Once again the Dems are at law, and they are playing sly tricks with logic and trains of thought in court.
God. Did you just read what you wrote? Fuck me <walks off scratching his head at the idiocy of some people>
Hundreds of links posted here ....

Only Leftist sick fvcks like yourself are ignoring them.
This is why Trump is gonna lose, and lose BADLY in November.

Because you sons-of-bitches aren't living in reality.

Exactly. I don't think they realise how bad it is going to be.
Trump is beyond desperate. Possibly he and his kids and his son in law might be doing some time in the slammer.
Thing is, they've got no excuse. They were told time and time again mixing business with pleasure in the WH is a no-no. Yet, they think they are above the law.

Just read a good piece in Rolling Stone, which is biased for sure, but raises some interesting questions. Questions that Donny Boy will be trying to avoid for another four years by any means possible.
What crimes are Trump, his kids, and Kushner going to be charged with?
God. Did you just read what you wrote? Fuck me <walks off scratching his head at the idiocy of some people>
The eternal arguments about the existence of God and everything! QAnon is (the allegation of) the DEMOCRATs bald-headed agenda of sex-for-money and sex-on-demand at all costs, available to all limousine liberals, and especially the gentlemen of the district who patronize women's lib.
What crimes are Trump, his kids, and Kushner going to be charged with?

Trump himself? Sedition for a start. Barr, too.
I'm deadly serious. I'm not some whackadoodle Democrat-loving person. I can't stand Pelosi and Schumer, and I see Biden about as effective as a wet bus ticket. But Trump? A disgusting human being and a waste of space of a president.

What crimes are Trump, his kids, and Kushner going to be charged with?

Trump himself? Sedition for a start. Barr, too.
I'm deadly serious. I'm not some whackadoodle Democrat-loving person. I can't stand Pelosi and Schumer, and I see Biden about as effective as a wet bus ticket. But Trump? A disgusting human being and a waste of space of a president.

This is the dumbest thing I've ever seen.

No crime, just TDS.
Here we see the current POTUS just can't put down the radical, ludicrous and divisive conspiracy theories...

Who's he signaling to? Not regular Americans.

Regular Americans will reject this type of extremely divisive nonsense come November.

This rambling buffoon just can't help himself. Even to save himself.

Who? Qbert?

What crimes are Trump, his kids, and Kushner going to be charged with?

Trump himself? Sedition for a start. Barr, too.
I'm deadly serious. I'm not some whackadoodle Democrat-loving person. I can't stand Pelosi and Schumer, and I see Biden about as effective as a wet bus ticket. But Trump? A disgusting human being and a waste of space of a president.

You’re a foreigner interfering in US politics
What crimes are Trump, his kids, and Kushner going to be charged with?

Trump himself? Sedition for a start. Barr, too.
I'm deadly serious. I'm not some whackadoodle Democrat-loving person. I can't stand Pelosi and Schumer, and I see Biden about as effective as a wet bus ticket. But Trump? A disgusting human being and a waste of space of a president.

You’re a foreigner interfering in US politics
Apparently it doesn't matter. Just ask Trump...
Like the US has never interfered in other countries' elections...LOL
What crimes are Trump, his kids, and Kushner going to be charged with?

Trump himself? Sedition for a start. Barr, too.
I'm deadly serious. I'm not some whackadoodle Democrat-loving person. I can't stand Pelosi and Schumer, and I see Biden about as effective as a wet bus ticket. But Trump? A disgusting human being and a waste of space of a president.

You’re a foreigner interfering in US politics
Apparently it doesn't matter. Just ask Trump...
Like the US has never interfered in other countries' elections...LOL
So you admit it. Excellent.
I find that most Democrats on the forum are from other countries that compete with America, trying to get Americans to elect democrats to hurt their competitors in America.
This is the dumbest thing I've ever seen.

If you've never looked in a mirror, you might have a good argument.
You're the one imagining Trump and family committed crimes then you can't name them when asked what they did.
Read the link in post 167. Named and shamed.
The rolling stone article? Nothing but a TDS rant.

Why can't you just tell us the crimes. Why dodge?
I believe he stated he did not follow them or know too much about them, so what’s your point?
Oh, so you want him to denounce something he has no knowledge of or simply denounce something one knows nothing about?
So what is your lying, dishonest ass going to post when Mr. Trump finds himself retweeting some LUNACY from qAnon later this week?

What will be your dishonest spin then?

Shit, dude, the MSM, and YOU, lie more than Qanon ever could.

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