Trump regrets hiring Steve Mnuchin (Wall Street Journal)

Ted Frazier

Gold Member
Nov 12, 2016
Donald Trump regrets hiring the Treasury secretary because the latter hired the Federal Reserve chief, whom Trump hates.
Trump denied the report, but his denials carry little weight (He also denied that he wanted to fire Rex Tillerson, before he fired him).
Trump Faults Treasury Secretary Over Fed Pick
The fed propped up Obama's weak economy and now they are attempting to hold back Trump's great economy....the fed is just the financial arm of the swamp...Trump will win in the end....because he is right...and they are wrong...
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Trump is bummed that the stock market is dipping because the Fed is raising rates too fast. If the Fed manages a "soft landing" and the stock market resumes its rise in time for 2020 Trump will be happy.
And you know how much Trump hates that swamp
Phony accusations from butthurt libs....Pruitt is a good man and did a good job....the media hates him for the good job he did...and that is why Trump praises piss off the nuts in the press....and nuts like you too....
Trump can fire the Chairman of the Federal Reserve with Cause, contrary to common belief or practice. He doesn't have to allow the 14 years to run its course.

Check out
Section 10. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
on the
Federal Reserve Board - Home website

A rapid increase in interest rates which might harm the U.S economy and embolden China might constitute such a situation.
The Fed is somewhat trapped. They spent nearly a decade printing money and lowering interest rates in an attempt to fire up a weak economy post the Great Recession. In spite of all of that, they couldn’t manager 3% growth. Recently, the economy has been able to stand up on its own, but now the stock bubble created by the Feds cheap money is beginning to unwind. The Fed will either have to stop quantitative tightening (currently $50 billion a month of money coming out of the stock market) or stop trying to normalize rates, maybe both to keep the stock market from falling below 20,000 on the DJIA. And the djia dropping like a rock looks bad for Trump, because so many people thought it went up because of him. Actually, now that I write all this down, it’s kind of humorous- I mean Trump and his disciples wanted credit for the rise in stocks, even though they had nothing to do with it, and now they are afraid of the drop, even though they have nothing to do with it. Sweet irony.
Donald Trump regrets hiring the Treasury secretary because the latter hired the Federal Reserve chief, whom Trump hates.
Trump denied the report, but his denials carry little weight (He also denied that he wanted to fire Rex Tillerson, before he fired him).
Trump Faults Treasury Secretary Over Fed Pick

Trump is nothing more than an impulsive, petulant, eight year old, bully.

What does an an impulsive, petulant, eight year old, bully do & act like?

They scream, shout, rant, rave, exhibit wild swings in mood & character, demean others, and they talk a LOT of shit.

Impulsive, petulant, eight year old, bullies will also NEVER admit they were ever wrong; about anything.

Trump will FIRE every single person he has ever hired to do any function, if he is able to do so.

Impulsive, petulant, eight year old, bullies are rarely ever successful at anything (positive) & Trump is no different.

There is nothing like 'reality' TV in The White House. :21:
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The Fed is somewhat trapped. They spent nearly a decade printing money and lowering interest rates in an attempt to fire up a weak economy post the Great Recession. In spite of all of that, they couldn’t manager 3% growth. Recently, the economy has been able to stand up on its own, but now the stock bubble created by the Feds cheap money is beginning to unwind. The Fed will either have to stop quantitative tightening (currently $50 billion a month of money coming out of the stock market) or stop trying to normalize rates, maybe both to keep the stock market from falling below 20,000 on the DJIA. And the djia dropping like a rock looks bad for Trump, because so many people thought it went up because of him. Actually, now that I write all this down, it’s kind of humorous- I mean Trump and his disciples wanted credit for the rise in stocks, even though they had nothing to do with it, and now they are afraid of the drop, even though they have nothing to do with it. Sweet irony.

I felt Trump should not have continued to take credit for the market rising as it did early on at unreasonable rates. He should have said "the Market is doing well, and we are happy with it, we hope and expect it to continue. The fact is though, we are focused on jobs and bringing businesses back, the market success is just a residual effect of our focus on jobs and business"

His voting base isn't Wall Street, nor are many of them intelligent enough to understand the geo political risks if market gains are achieved at the expense of U.S jobs and underlying fiscal strength. Therefore, he should keep the focus on jobs, especially manufacturing.
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