Trump relayed on his twitter feed that Biden a pedophile,

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Pussy-grabber - yes


...but is sniffing and fondling children legally considered pedophilia or just perverted and creepy?

Why haven't any of the parents filed charges against Biden, azzhat?
They are standing right there and saw everything.
Ask yourself that.
You are blinded by adoration for a false god, and you idiots DO worship Don the Con.

Send us links to the accusations and any legal proceedings, or just STFU.

Because dems have no moral compass--none. When Kennedy killed off his pregnant girlfriend off the bridge---------her democrat family did nothing and even covered for Kennedy. When Seth rich was murdered, his democrat family also covered for party over their kin. Dems are weird......
President Trump opened a sordid new chapter Tuesday in America’s history of ugly political rhetoric, sharing a tweet that falsely suggests Democratic nominee Joe Biden is a pedophile.

Presidential campaigns long have trafficked in lurid accusations of extramarital affairs, drunkenness and corrupt behavior. But Trump has aimed lower, personally tapping baseless conspiracy theories to smear his opponent.

The latest outrage arrived in the retweet of an anonymous account that was suddenly granted presidential amplification seven weeks before the election.
This doesn't belong in the badlands , as this is the truth.
There are plenty of pictures of him groping little girls. Just think what he does in private, sick man.
Creepy Uncle Joe


Creepier Don the Con
You voted for a creep who wears orange makeup.
And dyes his hair blonde.

The president is the most successful President in DECADES, in some cases EVER...


Bill Clinton was a career sexual harassed, sexual assaulted, rapist, and pedophile...

Barry was the most criminal President in US history, supporting terrorists, working with Russians, illegally spying on everyone, attempting a failed coup to overthrow the govt, and starting his own war on his way out we have to fight...

HilLarry was a criminal, sexual deviant enabling, self-enriching, influence-peddling troll...

Biden is an old, white, elitist, self-enriching, influence-peddling, racist, pussy-grabbibg, confessed-extorting, coup-conspiring, 40+ year failed politician pedophile

Don't the Democrats have any non-criminal, pro-America, non sexual deviants to run?
Creepy Uncle Joe


Creepier Don the Con
You voted for a creep who wears orange makeup.
And dyes his hair blonde.
Really, this is the big latest gotcha for Trump--he dies his hair and uses a self tanner? You Trump haters need some help.

If I had told you 6 years ago that you would be voting for a vain, weak, shallow man who wears orange tan makeup and uses Clairol No. 9 on his hair, you would have told me I was crazy.
No, I would have said don't you know that all pols dye their hair and wear make up..........remember Obama's purple lips and how they would have to put lipstick on him to hide them.
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President Trump opened a sordid new chapter Tuesday in America’s history of ugly political rhetoric, sharing a tweet that falsely suggests Democratic nominee Joe Biden is a pedophile.

Presidential campaigns long have trafficked in lurid accusations of extramarital affairs, drunkenness and corrupt behavior. But Trump has aimed lower, personally tapping baseless conspiracy theories to smear his opponent.

The latest outrage arrived in the retweet of an anonymous account that was suddenly granted presidential amplification seven weeks before the election.
This doesn't belong in the badlands , as this is the truth.
well there is this

View attachment 389484View attachment 389484

How do you know she's 15?
Where's the source?
And look at the audience.
Do they seem to think something is wrong here.

Let me educate you a bit:
Creepy Uncle Joe


Creepier Don the Con
You voted for a creep who wears orange makeup.
And dyes his hair blonde.

The president is the most successful President in DECADES, in some cases EVER...


Bill Clinton was a career sexual harassed, sexual assaulted, rapist, and pedophile...

Barry was the most criminal President in US history, supporting terrorists, working with Russians, illegally spying on everyone, attempting a failed coup to overthrow the govt, and starting his own war on his way out we have to fight...

HilLarry was a criminal, sexual deviant enabling, self-enriching, influence-peddling troll...

Biden is an old, white, elitist, self-enriching, influence-peddling, racist, pussy-grabbibg, confessed-extorting, coup-conspiring, 40+ year failed politician pedophile

Don't the Democrats have any non-criminal, pro-America, non sexual deviants to run?

Thanks for your opinion, devoid of facts.
You righties have not use for facts.
Or science.
President Trump opened a sordid new chapter Tuesday in America’s history of ugly political rhetoric, sharing a tweet that falsely suggests Democratic nominee Joe Biden is a pedophile.

Presidential campaigns long have trafficked in lurid accusations of extramarital affairs, drunkenness and corrupt behavior. But Trump has aimed lower, personally tapping baseless conspiracy theories to smear his opponent.

The latest outrage arrived in the retweet of an anonymous account that was suddenly granted presidential amplification seven weeks before the election.
This doesn't belong in the badlands , as this is the truth.
There are plenty of pictures of him groping little girls. Just think what he does in private, sick man.

Where's the charges from the parents?
The accusations from the girls?
Aren't you fucking missing some vital information?
Or do you think Biden has paid off all these people for their silence?
You TrumpTards are once again falling in the wrong direction when Trump tweets.
It's ALL projection, when he accuses someone of something.
President Trump opened a sordid new chapter Tuesday in America’s history of ugly political rhetoric, sharing a tweet that falsely suggests Democratic nominee Joe Biden is a pedophile.

Presidential campaigns long have trafficked in lurid accusations of extramarital affairs, drunkenness and corrupt behavior. But Trump has aimed lower, personally tapping baseless conspiracy theories to smear his opponent.

The latest outrage arrived in the retweet of an anonymous account that was suddenly granted presidential amplification seven weeks before the election.
This doesn't belong in the badlands , as this is the truth.
well there is this

View attachment 389484View attachment 389484

How do you know she's 15?
Where's the source?
And look at the audience.
Do they seem to think something is wrong here.

Let me educate you a bit:
Then Biden is special dumb
Pussy-grabber - yes


...but is sniffing and fondling children legally considered pedophilia or just perverted and creepy?
Donald Trump boasted about meeting semi-naked teenagers in beauty pageants
He probably could. Did he? Tds op
President Trump opened a sordid new chapter Tuesday in America’s history of ugly political rhetoric, sharing a tweet that falsely suggests Democratic nominee Joe Biden is a pedophile.

Presidential campaigns long have trafficked in lurid accusations of extramarital affairs, drunkenness and corrupt behavior. But Trump has aimed lower, personally tapping baseless conspiracy theories to smear his opponent.

The latest outrage arrived in the retweet of an anonymous account that was suddenly granted presidential amplification seven weeks before the election.
This doesn't belong in the badlands , as this is the truth.
The Pedo brags about how he likes kids stroking his hairy legs in a pool.

’nuff said.
President Trump opened a sordid new chapter Tuesday in America’s history of ugly political rhetoric, sharing a tweet that falsely suggests Democratic nominee Joe Biden is a pedophile.

Presidential campaigns long have trafficked in lurid accusations of extramarital affairs, drunkenness and corrupt behavior. But Trump has aimed lower, personally tapping baseless conspiracy theories to smear his opponent.

The latest outrage arrived in the retweet of an anonymous account that was suddenly granted presidential amplification seven weeks before the election.
This doesn't belong in the badlands , as this is the truth.

It is Trump hanging around with Jeff Epstein and being accused of raping a 13 year old
You misspelled Bill Clinton.
Big or small, he gropes them all!

View attachment 389395

The agent stated, "We had to cancel the VP Christmas get together at the Vice President's house because Biden would grope all of our wives and girlfriend's a__es". In fact, "a Secret Service agent once got suspended for a week in 2009 for shoving Biden after he cupped his girlfriend's breast while the couple was taking a photo with him. The situation got so heated, the source tells Big League, that others had to step in to prevent the agent from hitting the then-Vice President

View attachment 389400
Lame. Even for you....and that’s saying something.
President Trump opened a sordid new chapter Tuesday in America’s history of ugly political rhetoric, sharing a tweet that falsely suggests Democratic nominee Joe Biden is a pedophile.

Wow, it's like you live in some hole in the ground and just surfaced 5 minutes ago to miss YEARS of Joe plagiarizing, Joe fondling women, Joe accosting little girls touching their nipples.

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How does that compare to Trump raping a 13 year old?
Link to your evidence of that?
President Trump opened a sordid new chapter Tuesday in America’s history of ugly political rhetoric, sharing a tweet that falsely suggests Democratic nominee Joe Biden is a pedophile.

Presidential campaigns long have trafficked in lurid accusations of extramarital affairs, drunkenness and corrupt behavior. But Trump has aimed lower, personally tapping baseless conspiracy theories to smear his opponent.

The latest outrage arrived in the retweet of an anonymous account that was suddenly granted presidential amplification seven weeks before the election.
This doesn't belong in the badlands , as this is the truth.
There are plenty of pictures of him groping little girls. Just think what he does in private, sick man.

Where's the charges from the parents?
The accusations from the girls?
Aren't you fucking missing some vital information?
Or do you think Biden has paid off all these people for their silence?
Democrats take care of your own. If the parents came out for their daughter. You loons would Kavanaugh them.

Both parties were completely comfortable there. Isn't it obvious from the way he is clenching her arm as she nopes in the other direction?
The mother doesn’t seem to like it at all. he doesn’t have to act like that with little girls, there’s no excuses, he’s an old pig and that’s all

And yet you're completely comfortable with a self-admitted sexual predator, who has been credibly accused of rape by three women, including one who was 13 when she says Trump raped and beat her.

There is absolutely no evidence that Joe Biden has EVER molested ANYONE. And here you are promoting the worst kind of slander and lies. So very Republican of you.
Where is YOUR evidence?
President Trump opened a sordid new chapter Tuesday in America’s history of ugly political rhetoric, sharing a tweet that falsely suggests Democratic nominee Joe Biden is a pedophile.

Wow, it's like you live in some hole in the ground and just surfaced 5 minutes ago to miss YEARS of Joe plagiarizing, Joe fondling women, Joe accosting little girls touching their nipples.

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The way he look at the little girl ,what a jerk:p. i hope you will not put a piggy pig at the White House in November.

The way tramp looks at little girls, he said he would be dating a 10 year old in another 10 years.
There’s no comparison, look at the pictures of Biden and how can you vote for a pig like that? You the demoncrat you totally missed your nominee

You elected a conman and a serial sexual predator. You could run Ted Bundy and he'd be less odious than Trump, and he's killed fewer people.
Link to your evidence?
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