Trump releases 7 point healthcare plan

I'd like to start with I was one of the first on USMB to post my displeasure with Obamacare. The main reason; the mandates, for obvious reasons.
Now, Trumps plan, does have some things I agree with, specifically the ideas to lower the cost of pharmaceuticals.
However, allowing insurance companies to sell their insurance across state lines, isn't something new and there are states that have allowed insurance companies to sell across state lines. The conclusion; it's not quite that simple. There is the extensive and very expensive concept of setting up the proper networks/providers. This has caused the big insurers to temper their enthusiasm of the concept.

"The trouble is that varying or numerous state regulations aren’t the main reason insurance markets tend to be uncompetitive. Selling insurance in a new region or state takes more than just getting a license and including all the locally required benefits. It also involves setting up favorable contracts with doctors and hospitals so that customers will be able to get access to health care. Establishing those networks of health care providers can be hard for new market entrants.entry are not truly regulatory, they are financial and they are network,” said Sabrina Corlette, the director of the Georgetown University Health Policy Institute.
In 2012, Ms. Corlette and co-authors completed a study of a number of states that passed laws to allow out-of-state insurance sales. Not a single out-of-state insurer had taken them up on the offer. As Ms. Corlette’s paper highlighted, there is no federal impediment to across-state-lines arrangements. The main difficulty is that most states want to regulate local products themselves."

The other item I have trouble with is the Health Savings Accounts. 62% of Americans are unable to save money due to living check to check.* So even a tax free savings account is financially is out of the question for most Americans. An as stated before, we already have tax free Health Savings Accounts. Working Americans just can participate thanks to decades of flat wage growth.
* Most Americans are one paycheck away from the street
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Would you rather be that unhealthy person getting extra coverage or the healthy person who is paying more than he uses?

I would rather be free to make my own decisions.
Individual liberty is racist and inhumane

You think people shouldn't have insurance?
People should get insurance if they want. I don't agree with force.

So you don't care that the decision not to get insurance costs all of us?
Would you rather be that unhealthy person getting extra coverage or the healthy person who is paying more than he uses?

I would rather be free to make my own decisions.
Individual liberty is racist and inhumane

You think people shouldn't have insurance?
People should get insurance if they want. I don't agree with force.

So you don't care that the decision not get get insurance costs all of us?
Because it doesn't the other way?
I would rather be free to make my own decisions.
Individual liberty is racist and inhumane

You think people shouldn't have insurance?
People should get insurance if they want. I don't agree with force.

So you don't care that the decision not get get insurance costs all of us?
Because it doesn't the other way?

Explain. Hospitals are expensive because of all the unpaid bills by the uninsured. We all pay those bills.
So how much do these premium deductions cost? Won't the rich self employed who doesn't need it be getting a big deduction for his great insurance while the poor get small deductions.
Explain. Hospitals are expensive because of all the unpaid bills by the uninsured. We all pay those bills.

Hospitals are expensive because they can be. They're not going to settle for making less money if they don't have to.
Explain. Hospitals are expensive because of all the unpaid bills by the uninsured. We all pay those bills.

Hospitals are expensive because they can be. They're not going to settle for making less money if they don't have to.

They care for everyone. They could be stuck with a bill for hundreds of thousands from one uninsured. They make that up with higher costs for everyone.
Would you rather be that unhealthy person getting extra coverage or the healthy person who is paying more than he uses?

I would rather be free to make my own decisions.
Individual liberty is racist and inhumane

You think people shouldn't have insurance?
People should get insurance if they want. I don't agree with force.

So you don't care that the decision not to get insurance costs all of us?

It cost us no matter what. If the government pays, it raises taxes, if it is through insurance it increases our insurance rates. Either way it will cost, the cost is the cost and someone pays. Those that can't afford the insurance and are subsidized, cost us also.

The sum total is what it is, having or not having insurance doesn't change the total.
So how much do these premium deductions cost? Won't the rich self employed who doesn't need it be getting a big deduction for his great insurance while the poor get small deductions.

I'm the working middle class and I pay high deductibles.
So how much do these premium deductions cost? Won't the rich self employed who doesn't need it be getting a big deduction for his great insurance while the poor get small deductions.

I'm the working middle class and I pay high deductibles.

So then you would guess this will cost the government a lot. And the rich with better insurance will get bigger deductions.
So how much do these premium deductions cost? Won't the rich self employed who doesn't need it be getting a big deduction for his great insurance while the poor get small deductions.

I'm the working middle class and I pay high deductibles.

So then you would guess this will cost the government a lot. And the rich with better insurance will get bigger deductions.

The way it is is costing the middle class more than it is costing anyone else. We pay higher premiums, higher deductibles and are subsidizing the poor. Businesses, as I predicted have skirted around the insurance by raising the employee's share of the premium and raising the employee deductible. Businesses have also shorted worker hours to not provide the benefit to the PT employees, who then get government subsidized insurance policies that the middle class is now paying for.

Obamacare has worked well for the poor, the rich and businesses. The middle class has again had to foot the bill. Why do we continue to allow the middle class to foot the bill and then bitch about how the middle class is losing ground. Of course the middle class is going to lose ground, neither party cares about the middle class.
So how much do these premium deductions cost? Won't the rich self employed who doesn't need it be getting a big deduction for his great insurance while the poor get small deductions.

I'm the working middle class and I pay high deductibles.

So then you would guess this will cost the government a lot. And the rich with better insurance will get bigger deductions.

The way it is is costing the middle class more than it is costing anyone else. We pay higher premiums, higher deductibles and are subsidizing the poor. Businesses, as I predicted have skirted around the insurance by raising the employee's share of the premium and raising the employee deductible. Businesses have also shorted worker hours to not provide the benefit to the PT employees, who then get government subsidized insurance policies that the middle class is now paying for.

Obamacare has worked well for the poor, the rich and businesses. The middle class has again had to foot the bill. Why do we continue to allow the middle class to foot the bill and then bitch about how the middle class is losing ground. Of course the middle class is going to lose ground, neither party cares about the middle class.

So this will be very costly? It will provide for the rich and the poor. Everyone with insurance premiums gets a deduction, the rich getting bigger ones.
They care for everyone. They could be stuck with a bill for hundreds of thousands from one uninsured. They make that up with higher costs for everyone.

They charge the maximum they believe they can. Just like ever other business.
The Health Savings Account (HSA) appears to be at the middle of most Republican "plans". So, let's take a look at them. They come in two (2) parts:

First is a high deductible health plan that usually covers 100% of medical expenses after deductible. These plans cost less than traditional health insurance plans, but still have premiums that will shut some people out.

Second is a health savings account that is meant to help the patient pay their way through their deductible. So, for example, if your HDHP deductible is $6,000, you'd need to replace that with a $500/mo contribution to your HSA, which grows tax-deferred and comes out tax free for qualified expenses. So that's the second cost to the client.

If your HSA account grows beyond your deductible, that's fine, it just keeps growing if you never use it. Kind of like a "medical IRA".

Between your HDHP premium and your HSA contribution, your premiums are pretty much what they would be if you had a regular health insurance plan. If you don't have enough in your HSA account to pay your deductibles, you'll probably stiff the provider, which has already been happening for years. To combat that, providers are often now requiring payment up front, which will mean that many simply will not get the care they need, making their conditions worse and more expensive over time.

Oh, and they're going to pretend that allowing insurers more freedom to sell across state lines is going to have a significant effect on premiums. Really? Link?

So we'll be back to Square One. Those of us who can afford health premiums will be paying for those who can't, and ER's from coast to coast will be stuffed with people who have no coverage. Fabulous.

Both parties continue to fail us on this issue, because they're more worried about politics than quality, accessible health care.
Healthcare Reform
I wont post his comments and such. Just the plan
  1. Completely repeal Obamacare. Our elected representatives must eliminate the individual mandate. No person should be required to buy insurance unless he or she wants to.
  2. Modify existing law that inhibits the sale of health insurance across state lines. As long as the plan purchased complies with state requirements, any vendor ought to be able to offer insurance in any state. By allowing full competition in this market, insurance costs will go down and consumer satisfaction will go up.
  3. Allow individuals to fully deduct health insurance premium payments from their tax returns under the current tax system. Businesses are allowed to take these deductions so why wouldn’t Congress allow individuals the same exemptions? As we allow the free market to provide insurance coverage opportunities to companies and individuals, we must also make sure that no one slips through the cracks simply because they cannot afford insurance. We must review basic options for Medicaid and work with states to ensure that those who want healthcare coverage can have it.
  4. Allow individuals to use Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). Contributions into HSAs should be tax-free and should be allowed to accumulate. These accounts would become part of the estate of the individual and could be passed on to heirs without fear of any death penalty. These plans should be particularly attractive to young people who are healthy and can afford high-deductible insurance plans. These funds can be used by any member of a family without penalty. The flexibility and security provided by HSAs will be of great benefit to all who participate.
  5. Require price transparency from all healthcare providers, especially doctors and healthcare organizations like clinics and hospitals. Individuals should be able to shop to find the best prices for procedures, exams or any other medical-related procedure.
  6. Block-grant Medicaid to the states. Nearly every state already offers benefits beyond what is required in the current Medicaid structure. The state governments know their people best and can manage the administration of Medicaid far better without federal overhead. States will have the incentives to seek out and eliminate fraud, waste and abuse to preserve our precious resources.
  7. Remove barriers to entry into free markets for drug providers that offer safe, reliable and cheaper products. Congress will need the courage to step away from the special interests and do what is right for America. Though the pharmaceutical industry is in the private sector, drug companies provide a public service. Allowing consumers access to imported, safe and dependable drugs from overseas will bring more options to consumers.


Not too bad. Add competition and remove barriers. Therefore, lowering costs. Actually going after the ruckus that started all of this totalitarian healthcare crap.

1. Same crap spouted by GOP for years... What are you doing with uninsured who get sick? GOP supports the freeloaders.

2. Striping state rights and making them federal... Who is governing and regulating insurance policies? Who says the minimum standards... Who says that a insurance company keeps enough cash to pay its bills?... This line has been trotted out to the idiots for years... ARE YOU MAKING HEALTH INSURANCE FEDERALLY REGULATED? And if so find where that is in your constitution?

3. That is just a wish list not any actual plan.

4. The savings accounts trick... So you save $1000 a month for 3 years... How much is cancer treatment? I would guess close to $200k... Get fucking real...

5. Your child is seriously sick... Give us a price on your child's life so we can shop around to find the best price to protect our asset.

6. Medicaid has very little fraud..

7. Great, Totally agree... Lets see you get through the GOP congress...
So how much do these premium deductions cost? Won't the rich self employed who doesn't need it be getting a big deduction for his great insurance while the poor get small deductions.

I'm the working middle class and I pay high deductibles.

So then you would guess this will cost the government a lot. And the rich with better insurance will get bigger deductions.

The way it is is costing the middle class more than it is costing anyone else. We pay higher premiums, higher deductibles and are subsidizing the poor. Businesses, as I predicted have skirted around the insurance by raising the employee's share of the premium and raising the employee deductible. Businesses have also shorted worker hours to not provide the benefit to the PT employees, who then get government subsidized insurance policies that the middle class is now paying for.

Obamacare has worked well for the poor, the rich and businesses. The middle class has again had to foot the bill. Why do we continue to allow the middle class to foot the bill and then bitch about how the middle class is losing ground. Of course the middle class is going to lose ground, neither party cares about the middle class.

So this will be very costly? It will provide for the rich and the poor. Everyone with insurance premiums gets a deduction, the rich getting bigger ones.

What we have is costly to the middle class.
So how much do these premium deductions cost? Won't the rich self employed who doesn't need it be getting a big deduction for his great insurance while the poor get small deductions.

I'm the working middle class and I pay high deductibles.

So then you would guess this will cost the government a lot. And the rich with better insurance will get bigger deductions.

The way it is is costing the middle class more than it is costing anyone else. We pay higher premiums, higher deductibles and are subsidizing the poor. Businesses, as I predicted have skirted around the insurance by raising the employee's share of the premium and raising the employee deductible. Businesses have also shorted worker hours to not provide the benefit to the PT employees, who then get government subsidized insurance policies that the middle class is now paying for.

Obamacare has worked well for the poor, the rich and businesses. The middle class has again had to foot the bill. Why do we continue to allow the middle class to foot the bill and then bitch about how the middle class is losing ground. Of course the middle class is going to lose ground, neither party cares about the middle class.

So this will be very costly? It will provide for the rich and the poor. Everyone with insurance premiums gets a deduction, the rich getting bigger ones.

What we have is costly to the middle class.

And this could be more costly. A premium deduction for everyone?
I'm the working middle class and I pay high deductibles.

So then you would guess this will cost the government a lot. And the rich with better insurance will get bigger deductions.

The way it is is costing the middle class more than it is costing anyone else. We pay higher premiums, higher deductibles and are subsidizing the poor. Businesses, as I predicted have skirted around the insurance by raising the employee's share of the premium and raising the employee deductible. Businesses have also shorted worker hours to not provide the benefit to the PT employees, who then get government subsidized insurance policies that the middle class is now paying for.

Obamacare has worked well for the poor, the rich and businesses. The middle class has again had to foot the bill. Why do we continue to allow the middle class to foot the bill and then bitch about how the middle class is losing ground. Of course the middle class is going to lose ground, neither party cares about the middle class.

So this will be very costly? It will provide for the rich and the poor. Everyone with insurance premiums gets a deduction, the rich getting bigger ones.

What we have is costly to the middle class.

And this could be more costly. A premium deduction for everyone?

How about everyone pay for their own and quit relying on the middle class to support you.

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