Trump releases detailed Tax records...oh, no wait... false alarm.

Is he being audited?
if he is, does that mean he still wont. Perhaps.
But I don't give a fuck about income taxes. From anyone. Its stupid. Everyone should know the tax code is liberal for the elite.
Is he being audited?
if he is, does that mean he still wont. Perhaps.
But I don't give a fuck about income taxes. From anyone. Its stupid. Everyone should know the tax code is liberal for the elite.

It had nothing to do with him being audited in the first place.
Is he being audited?
if he is, does that mean he still wont. Perhaps.
But I don't give a fuck about income taxes. From anyone. Its stupid. Everyone should know the tax code is liberal for the elite.

It had nothing to do with him being audited in the first place.
Maybe not. But I am not going to presume to know otherwise. Cause none of us do.
Are we ever going to see them?

I think he will release his tax returns the day after Barry releases his academic records, showing how a B student at Occidental College transfers into Columbia. Of course we all know why he won't do it, because he represented himself as a foreign national - born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia - which made the admissions offices at Columbia and HLS salivate.

Knowing how the MSM continues to treat Trump, it is a sure thing that the moment he would release even a summary of his taxes, armies of forensic accountants would be released on them to find anything that can even be characterized in a negative way.

For this reason, I confidently predict that nothing detailed will ever be presented to the Press. At most, a one-page summary for a few years.

No one who matters gives a shit either way.
Are we ever going to see them?

What do you need to see them for? Do you need a look down his pants too? Maybe check his teeth and see if he has good birthing hips?

I personally don't care about his taxes, but do any of his supporters for a second question why he's so adamant about not releasing them? :dunno:

I would assume for the same reason I don't discuss my income with other's none of their damned business. His level of income and amount of taxes he pays isn't a qualification for running for matter how much nosy detractors think it is.

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