Trump Releases his Healthcare Plan


Why would the GOP "tear it apart"? It's the same nonsense they've been pushing for years now.

Repealing Obamacare is a political impossibility at this point. It's silly to even pretend that it's on the table.
Not really. It's failing. It needs to be replaced. As it stands the federal government is giving second thoughts to all the extra taxes and has postponed many of them. Which means is not sustainable as is.

What about the 20 million or so people who would suddenly lose their insurance, should Obamacare be repealed?

Yo, simple word? YES!

I read the article it's really nothing we haven't heard before it looks to me like he is just trying to take ideas that have been put out there by both sides and pass it off as something new.

Why would the GOP "tear it apart"? It's the same nonsense they've been pushing for years now.

Repealing Obamacare is a political impossibility at this point. It's silly to even pretend that it's on the table.
Not really. It's failing. It needs to be replaced. As it stands the federal government is giving second thoughts to all the extra taxes and has postponed many of them. Which means is not sustainable as is.

What about the 20 million or so people who would suddenly lose their insurance, should Obamacare be repealed?
They are losing it anyway when the big insurers are forced to leave the exchanges.


No, they're not. If their company leaves the exchange, they can just sign up with another.
From an article I posted earlier...

"The nation's largest, UnitedHealth GroupInc., could lose as much as $475 million on its exchange business this year and may not participate in 2017. Another major insurer, Aetna, has questioned the viability of the exchanges. And a dozen nonprofit insurance cooperatives created by the law have already closed, forcing around 750,000 people to find new plans.

More insurer defections would lead to fewer coverage choices on the exchanges and could eventually undermine the law, provided the next president wants to keep it."
Blue Cross, United, and Aetna are bailing because the Fed subsidies to the insurance companies run out next year. I have no doubt they will /all/ bail. There's a reason they stopped covering pre-existing conditions, no, and it wasn't to be assholes...
“Trump’s main ideas for a replacement are to allow health insurance to be sold across state lines and permit people to make tax-free contributions to Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). HSAs are paired with a high deductible health insurance plan and are intended to make people more conscious of how they spend health dollars and reduce costs.”

The extent to which republicans just don't get it is remarkable – this isn't a 'plan,' it's a joke – it's the same meaningless nonsense from the right we've been hearing for years.

This will do nothing to help millions of low income working Americans gain access to affordable healthcare and health maintenance.

For example, allowing insurance to be sold 'across state lines' will do little bring down the cost of insurance and make it more affordable; if a family of four can't afford to pay $1500 a month for insurance, they still won't be able to afford paying $1350 a month after 'shopping around.'

Likewise with HSAs, a low income working family living paycheck to paycheck isn't going to have anything left over each payday to 'save' in its 'account.'

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Sorry CK. I looked, and didn't see a thread on this. As soon as I post a new thread, I see it lol...
Merge please

Why would the GOP "tear it apart"? It's the same nonsense they've been pushing for years now.

Repealing Obamacare is a political impossibility at this point. It's silly to even pretend that it's on the table.
Not really. It's failing. It needs to be replaced. As it stands the federal government is giving second thoughts to all the extra taxes and has postponed many of them. Which means is not sustainable as is.

What about the 20 million or so people who would suddenly lose their insurance, should Obamacare be repealed?
That's about the ONLY problem I have with it. He is a negotiator. I am sure this will be addressed :)

Why would the GOP "tear it apart"? It's the same nonsense they've been pushing for years now.

Repealing Obamacare is a political impossibility at this point. It's silly to even pretend that it's on the table.
Have you not been paying attention? Anything Trump proposes/says isn't conservative. He's a liberal ;)
I have said that too lol. He is all over the place, for sure. But this is about as conservative as it gets :)

Why would the GOP "tear it apart"? It's the same nonsense they've been pushing for years now.

Repealing Obamacare is a political impossibility at this point. It's silly to even pretend that it's on the table.

I agree, even Cruz said so much after a debate in a roomful of people on Fox. He said it'd be very hard to dismantle but he would try.
[QUOTE="theDoctorisIn, What about the 20 million or so people who would suddenly lose their insurance, should Obamacare be repealed?[/QUOTE]

they can go buy it from insurance company's like people did before ObamaNoCare. they wont' because they won't be getting subsidized by the taxpayers. No one wailed over those 20 million who LOST their policies because of Obama . that's how he won the LIE the year. You can keep your policy if you like policy
It is a bit short on details. . . .
Healthcare Reform
Thank you , I read most of it but will give my opinion on a few areas:

No person should be required to buy insurance unless he or she wants to.
People need to be covered, keeps those with assets from declaring bankruptcy and those without health ins, us tax payers will foot the whole bill. Everyone is covered now when they walk into a ER.

Allow individuals to fully deduct health insurance premium payments from their tax returns under the current tax system. Businesses are allowed to take these deductions so why wouldn’t Congress allow individuals the same exemptions?

True businesses can, but for those with low incomes the savings is min, as it only covers what one would pay in taxes without the deduction, so it lowers your AGI,
Which is a great savings for the upper middle class but not for the middle income class.

Allow individuals to use Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). Contributions into HSAs should be tax-free and should be allowed to accumulate. These accounts would become part of the estate of the individual and could be passed on to heirs without fear of any death penalty.

Great for those not living paycheck to paycheck, lets have an avenue to cover the high deductibles, most people can't afford a HSA in the average middle income in US. Also there needs to be a limit on the amount which should be the OOP max of said persons plan and not allowed to go over.

Why not just create another Trad IRA, and call it a HSA' to be passed on tax free, great for wealthy and upper middle class people,

Everything is a plus for the wealthy, not for the average US family income of 50-60,000 a year.

I guess if one does not have money, one can go on a lesser plan and be on Medicaid, which now is for the poor and many Rep states, 17, did not extend Medicaid. I guess the wealthier, upper middle class can have great plans and tax deductions and screw the poorer people or average middle class families.
It is a bit short on details. . . .
Healthcare Reform
Thank you , I read most of it but will give my opinion on a few areas:

No person should be required to buy insurance unless he or she wants to.
People need to be covered, keeps those with assets from declaring bankruptcy and those without health ins, us tax payers will foot the whole bill. Everyone is covered now when they walk into a ER.

Allow individuals to fully deduct health insurance premium payments from their tax returns under the current tax system. Businesses are allowed to take these deductions so why wouldn’t Congress allow individuals the same exemptions?

True businesses can, but for those with low incomes the savings is min, as it only covers what one would pay in taxes without the deduction, so it lowers your AGI,
Which is a great savings for the upper middle class but not for the middle income class.

Allow individuals to use Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). Contributions into HSAs should be tax-free and should be allowed to accumulate. These accounts would become part of the estate of the individual and could be passed on to heirs without fear of any death penalty.

Great for those not living paycheck to paycheck, lets have an avenue to cover the high deductibles, most people can't afford a HSA in the average middle income in US. Also there needs to be a limit on the amount which should be the OOP max of said persons plan and not allowed to go over.

Why not just create another Trad IRA, and call it a HSA' to be passed on tax free, great for wealthy and upper middle class people,

Everything is a plus for the wealthy, not for the average US family income of 50-60,000 a year.

I guess if one does not have money, one can go on a lesser plan and be on Medicaid, which now is for the poor and many Rep states, 17, did not extend Medicaid. I guess the wealthier, upper middle class can have great plans and tax deductions and screw the poorer people or average middle class families.
Your analysis is uneducated.

It is immoral to force people to buy things they do not want from private companies, that is called fascism. We fought a global war against such a concept. That the supreme court would rule such a philosophy constitutional is un-American.

Secondly, you need to do your research, the ACA still leaves a little over 10% with out health coverage, so any moral justification for leaving this piece of legislation in place by claiming it helps the poor or destitute is hyperbole. The law is in the interest of giving profits to insurance companies and taking the burden for insuring workers off of manufacturers and industry.

If they don't see profits, folks don't get insured.
It's a repeal and replace with something for everyone. The GOPe will tear it apart because of the areas for allowing drugs to be imported from overseas to increase competition and allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices. Cruz and/or Rubio will call it Obamacare light or some other variation to paint him as a liberal.

At any rate here it is:
Trump releases healthcare plan
I don't see it as a repeal/replace for everyone? Looks like a plan to roll back to 45.7 million uninsured people crowding ER rooms, and low paid workers unable to participate in tax rebates or savings accounts. Really, ACA is screwed up enough, Trump's plan was made for billionaires.
It's a repeal and replace with something for everyone. The GOPe will tear it apart because of the areas for allowing drugs to be imported from overseas to increase competition and allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices. Cruz and/or Rubio will call it Obamacare light or some other variation to paint him as a liberal.

At any rate here it is:
Trump releases healthcare plan

Why can't those things be done while keeping Obamacare?
“Trump’s main ideas for a replacement are to allow health insurance to be sold across state lines and permit people to make tax-free contributions to Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). HSAs are paired with a high deductible health insurance plan and are intended to make people more conscious of how they spend health dollars and reduce costs.”

The extent to which republicans just don't get it is remarkable – this isn't a 'plan,' it's a joke – it's the same meaningless nonsense from the right we've been hearing for years.

This will do nothing to help millions of low income working Americans gain access to affordable healthcare and health maintenance.

For example, allowing insurance to be sold 'across state lines' will do little bring down the cost of insurance and make it more affordable; if a family of four can't afford to pay $1500 a month for insurance, they still won't be able to afford paying $1350 a month after 'shopping around.'

Likewise with HSAs, a low income working family living paycheck to paycheck isn't going to have anything left over each payday to 'save' in its 'account.'

The health savings accounts are a joke for any serious medical issue. Like putting $50 dollars aside over 26 weeks (1,300 dollars) will pay for surgery or other procedures.
“Trump’s main ideas for a replacement are to allow health insurance to be sold across state lines and permit people to make tax-free contributions to Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). HSAs are paired with a high deductible health insurance plan and are intended to make people more conscious of how they spend health dollars and reduce costs.”

The extent to which republicans just don't get it is remarkable – this isn't a 'plan,' it's a joke – it's the same meaningless nonsense from the right we've been hearing for years.

This will do nothing to help millions of low income working Americans gain access to affordable healthcare and health maintenance.

For example, allowing insurance to be sold 'across state lines' will do little bring down the cost of insurance and make it more affordable; if a family of four can't afford to pay $1500 a month for insurance, they still won't be able to afford paying $1350 a month after 'shopping around.'

Likewise with HSAs, a low income working family living paycheck to paycheck isn't going to have anything left over each payday to 'save' in its 'account.'

The health savings accounts are a joke for any serious medical issue. Like putting $50 dollars aside over 26 weeks (1,300 dollars) will pay for surgery or other procedures.
$50/Week x 45 Years = $1 Million
“Trump’s main ideas for a replacement are to allow health insurance to be sold across state lines and permit people to make tax-free contributions to Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). HSAs are paired with a high deductible health insurance plan and are intended to make people more conscious of how they spend health dollars and reduce costs.”

The extent to which republicans just don't get it is remarkable – this isn't a 'plan,' it's a joke – it's the same meaningless nonsense from the right we've been hearing for years.

This will do nothing to help millions of low income working Americans gain access to affordable healthcare and health maintenance.

For example, allowing insurance to be sold 'across state lines' will do little bring down the cost of insurance and make it more affordable; if a family of four can't afford to pay $1500 a month for insurance, they still won't be able to afford paying $1350 a month after 'shopping around.'

Likewise with HSAs, a low income working family living paycheck to paycheck isn't going to have anything left over each payday to 'save' in its 'account.'

The health savings accounts are a joke for any serious medical issue. Like putting $50 dollars aside over 26 weeks (1,300 dollars) will pay for surgery or other procedures.
$50/Week x 45 Years = $1 Million

Congratulations, you can get that new hip...

Why would the GOP "tear it apart"? It's the same nonsense they've been pushing for years now.

Repealing Obamacare is a political impossibility at this point. It's silly to even pretend that it's on the table.
Have you not been paying attention? Anything Trump proposes/says isn't conservative. He's a liberal ;)

He's EXACTLY what the Establishment wanted, EXCEPT they wanted to be boss, and he won't allow them... they are pissed!
they can't own him and as you say pisses them off to the max. And it's getting close to them pissing off their base and they had better tread very carefully. Right now the boat is taking on water and it is sinking as we communicate here.
Most wealthy who didn't work for the Fed don't bother with insurance frankly. I'd rather drop 12k in an emergency and $500/y max out of pocket for regular visits, than give insurance companies 15k a year for jack shit. I don't even meet the annual deductibles with my kido, and I sure as hell wouldn't for myself or my husband. Insurance is a damn waste of money. (And yea, I'm paying the bullshit ACA fee.)

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