Trump Removed from Maine Primary Ballot

Most of us don't want any of the idiot candidates the parties are likely to nominate. The problem is that "most of us" will vote for them anyway. Stupid is as stupid does.
Aside from the fact Trump rubs off on me like .50 grit sandpaper, I'll take him over any and every Democrat and RINO every day and twice on Sundays. I had a mayor with the same grating personality back in the day.
That's not the problem when the alternative is the DemocRAT party
The problem is that you assume there is only one alternative. And most voters have bought into the same conceit. Nothing will change until we get over that.
The problem is that you assume there is only one alternative. And most voters have bought into the same conceit. Nothing will change until we get over that.
There is. That's why I don't vote for irrelevant third parties. Most of the time, third party candidates are why we got stuck with Clinton twice. the ONLY time it really worked was in 1980, but then again, Reagan bitchslapped Carter immensely and did it even worse to Mondull.
There is. That's why I don't vote for irrelevant third parties. Most of the time, third party candidates are why we got stuck with Clinton twice. the ONLY time it really worked was in 1980, but then again, Reagan bitchslapped Carter immensely and did it even worse to Mondull.
Then nothing we'll change. We'll keep electing lesser and lesser and lesser.
Then nothing we'll change. We'll keep electing lesser and lesser and lesser.
The change has to happen within the existing parties. I want the GOP to shift far to the right. This provides an effective counter to the decidedly leftward shift by the Dems. I couldn't care less about compromise or kumbayah with the enemy at all.
The change has to happen within the existing parties. I want the GOP to shift far to the right. This provides an effective counter to the decidedly leftward shift by the Dems. I couldn't care less about compromise or kumbayah with the enemy at all.
The existing parties won't change as long as we keep giving them our votes.
And a worthless third party would do what? All of them do not align with my Conservative ideology, not one iota. They are all either too far socially liberal and/or for legalizing drugs. No thank you.
Whatever. If you vote for one of the major parties you can't really bitch when they serve us up shitty choices. You're endorsing it.
Damned right I endorse it. Trump is heads and shoulders 10,000X the leader Bidumb, Obongo, nor any other DemoTURD hopes to be, ever.
If you think he's great, vote for him. But I think you're lying. I think you know he's shit. You're just scared to death of Democrats.
If you think he's great, vote for him. But I think you're lying. I think you know he's shit. You're just scared to death of Democrats.
Nope. Democrats have done nothing beneficial for America, nor REAL Americans. All they have done is pander to the lowest common denominator victim groups. And yes, Paedophiles are next to get their special "rights".
Nope. Democrats have done nothing beneficial for America, nor REAL Americans. All they have done is pander to the lowest common denominator victim groups. And yes, Paedophiles are next to get their special "rights".
You said "Nope", but then went on to confirm exactly what I said. You don't think Trump is a great leader, you're just scared to death of Democrats.
Whatever. If you vote for one of the major parties you can't really bitch when they serve us up shitty choices. You're endorsing it.
Cant bitch if I vote Donald Duck either.

Im not wasting a vote on someone who cant win. Your a broken record.

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