Trump Removed from Maine Primary Ballot

I accept your concession, Simp

I accept that you're an idiot.

Do you really believe that the dictionary definition of 'Not Guilty' is the same as the legal definition?

You probably also believe that if you can bullshit me into believing that Trump should not be barred from the ballot, somehow that means that SCOTUS will not bar him.

Guess again, fool!
I accept that you're an idiot.

Do you really believe that the dictionary definition of 'Not Guilty' is the same as the legal definition?

You probably also believe that if you can bullshit me into believing that Trump should not be barred from the ballot, somehow that means that SCOTUS will not bar him.

Guess again, fool!
Pretty sure the SC will agree with me and not you leftist lunatics.
Civil case also.

Wrong again, dumbass!

In civil cases it is not required that the accused be 'proven' guilty.

It is only required that they be found guilty based on 'preponderance of evidence'. That means that it more likely than not that they are guilty. That's a huge difference from 'proven beyond a reasonable doubt'

That means that Trump can be barred from the ballot if they agree that it is most likely that he intended to incite an insurrection or give aid & comfort to an insurrection.

His dereliction of Duty alone during the J6 attack easily passes that bar.

It's amazing that people like you could even consider Trump valid to be elected again. You are an Anti-American slime!
Wrong again, dumbass!

In civil cases it is not required that the accused be 'proven' guilty.

It is only required that they be found guilty based on 'preponderance of evidence'. That means that it more likely than not that they are guilty. That's a huge difference from 'proven beyond a reasonable doubt'

That means that Trump can be barred from the ballot if they agree that it is most likely that he intended to incite an insurrection or give aid & comfort to an insurrection.

His dereliction of Duty alone during the J6 attack easily passes that bar.

It's amazing that people like you could even consider Trump valid to be elected again. You are an Anti-American slime!
Insurrection is a federal criminal statute, not a CO state civil code, Simp. Also, the only entity given enforcement power of the 14th is Congress. Not some hack CO civil court judge, not a hack Maine SOS.
That means that Trump can be barred from the ballot if they agree that it is most likely that he intended to incite an insurrection or give aid & comfort to an insurrection.
Most likely doesn't cut it, pal. They will have to show how Trump being on the ballot harmed or will harm them,not any theoretical bullshit....

'Oh dear, I won't be able to sleep at night' won't cut it.

Standing in Federal Court​

At the federal level, legal actions cannot be brought simply on the ground that an individual or group is displeased with a government action or law. Federal courts only have constitutional authority to resolve actual disputes (see Case or Controversy).

In Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife (90-1424), 504 U.S. 555 (1992), the Supreme Court created a three-part test to determine whether a party has standing to sue:
  1. The plaintiff must have suffered an "injury in fact," meaning that the injury is of a legally protected interest which is (a) concrete and particularized and (b) actual or imminent
  2. There must be a causal connection between the injury and the conduct brought before the court
  3. It must be likely, rather than speculative, that a favorable decision by the court will redress the injury

It's amazing that people like you could even consider Trump valid to be elected again.
After looking at the damage to our country Biden and Obama's West Wing have done and continue to do, it's not hard.
You are an Anti-American slime!
As you idly sit by and support the democratic socialist-Marxists utopic view of an America who no longer matters to the world.
Insurrection is a federal criminal statute, not a CO state civil code, Simp. Also, the only entity given enforcement power of the 14th is Congress. Not some hack CO civil court judge, not a hack Maine SOS.

A.14 S. 3 has been enforced by courts without any indictment for insurrection.

Please try not to be so delusional. Reality matters.
That sounds like a grand idea.

I'd thoroughly enjoy seeing Trump banned from the Maine primary ballot.

But it was a Democrat SoS who made that judgment call.

Generally speaking, Democrat officials lack the ball$ to go the distance.

When it comes to sticking to their position and making the ban stick...

I'll believe it when I see it. :itsok:
How does this make any sense at all?
Obviously any contested court decision can only be decided by SCOTUS.
Which “officials” can act beyond that? What is “the distance” beyond that?

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