Trump renews call for negative U.S. interest rates

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
Talk about economic lunacy. Gosh. It's just a matter of time when the bond bubble bursts as it is. There's around 17 trillion dollars worth. It's the biggest bubble in history. Lowering interest rates below the market level and then creating new credit is how bubbles are created. How do you sell a bond that has a negative interest rate? With so many different currencies in negative interest rates, this will crush the global economy.


Give me some of that: Trump renews call for negative U.S. interest rates
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Admittedly , i'm about the furthest thing from fiscal smarts as one can possibly get , but the more i read , the more i feel like i'm riding some sort of fiscal juggernaut into perdition ......~S~
Talk about economic lunacy. Gosh. It's just a matter of time when the bond bubble bursts as it is. There's around 17 trillion dollars worth. It's the biggest bubble in history. Lowering interest rates below the market level and then creating new credit is how bubbles are created. How do you sell a bond that has a negative interest rate? With so many different currencies in negative interest rates, this will crush the global economy.


Give me some of that: Trump renews call for negative U.S. interest rates

How do you sell a bond that has a negative interest rate?

At a premium...…..

Don't tell Picaro
Admittedly , i'm about the furthest thing from fiscal smarts as one can possibly get , but the more i read , the more i feel like i'm riding some sort of fiscal juggernaut into perdition ......~S~

The second link, what you really wanna latch onto is this part prior to reading it any further...

These priorities include the progression of Fintech and global reforms to national payment systems. The BIS narrative of questioning the role of ‘money in the digital age‘, which began in the wake of Brexit and Donald Trump’s presidency, is central to these ambitions.

What that means literally is the BIS wants to remove all physical mediums of exchange. That means coin, paper currency, bonds, equities securities, etc. Aka cashless society. And there's a lot more to it than that. They basically want complete and total digital control over your finances. The 10,000 dollar transactions that already get reported to the IRS and to the federal government will gradually decrease. How quaint. And we're even seeing them do that with actual cash transactions in places like Australia now. Those limits will also continue to decrease under this plan so that every little transaction we make gets reported until they weed out physical mediums of exchange completely.

In terms of Trump's comments on what other nations are doing while insinuating we should also go into negative interest rates, besides what I already mentioned, this article reflects the reality of that situation...

Global Debt Tops $188,000,000,000,000 – Officially The Biggest Debt Bubble The World Has Ever Seen
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One thing to note, and a silver lining here is that as the BIS tries to snatch this control of physical mediums of exchange we're seeing states pass some rather interesting legislation...

States Where Gold and Silver Have Become Legal Tender

Best to put those credit cards away and start using cash. Of course, the reality there is that people are largely dependent upon credit. Now, why is that? Ha!
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You have to wonder who has his ear

He is promoting a think that sounds good but really has only been used to resuscitate an economy that is in a tailspin

Yet he talks about the good economy and then talk about a fringe concept that is not used when the economy is so good

then trashes the Federal Reserve when the good economy has more to do with their actions over the long haul vs a 4 year stint riding the wave

Maybe he is preparing us for something

So I guess this is the preemptive strike

personally I think he should use this as his new platform and let the public know how really negative he is
One thing to note, and a silver lining here is that as the BIS tries to snatch this control of physical mediums of exchange we're seeing states pass some rather interesting legislation...

States Where Gold and Silver Have Become Legal Tender

Best to put those credit cards away and start using cash. Of course, the reality there is that people are largely dependent upon credit. Now, why is that? Ha!

I agree its best to pay off credit cards and invest in silver coin
I don't like the idea of negative interest rates, but I suppose we could actually start paying down the National Debt for a change.

Ideally, most would certainly agree. On the surface, it makes sense. But it's technically impossible. And therein lies the rub. This is the reality of the debt ceiling delusion. It's based on a paradox. There's interest due on every Federal Reserve Note in existence.

For example, if we borrow the very first Federal Reserve Note in existence and promise to pay it back plus another Federal Reserve Note's worth of interest, where do we get the second Federal Reserve Note to pay the interest? The answer is that we have to borrow that Federal Reserve Note into existence and promise to pay it back with interest as well. So, now there are 2 Federal Reserve Notes in existence, but we now owe 4. And so on, and so on, and so on, and so on. It keeps happening over and over and over again.

The result is that there is never enough currency to pay the debt. There is always more debt in the system than there is currency in existence to pay the debt. Therefore the entire system is impossible. It is finite. It will come to an end. We're nearing that time now. The Federal Reserve is clearly demonstrating that it has lost the ability to control the price of currency. That's what all of these recent hundreds of billions in Federal Reserve bailouts to banks are about. We're witnessing its last days. Literally. And that's precisely why the recent news I linked about the BIS is so important. The international bankers know it. The whole monetary policy is designed to fail. But it's designed to fail gradually, over the course of a couple/few lifetimes in order to gradually get to where the BIS wants to take the world unnoticed. The BIS has operated almost silently since 1930, with very, very little notice or reporting of its function.

Anyway. If the government stopped borrowing to do deficit spending, the payments on those Treasury bonds aren't going to stop. If the public stopped borrowing and going deeper into debt, car payments aren't going to stop. There is a payment due every month on the principal plus the interest on every Federal Reserve Note in existence and those payments do not stop. If we stop borrowing, then no new currency is created to replace the currency that we used to make those payments. Whether we're making a payment on a loan or paying a tax to make a payment on a Treasury bond, the portion of the payment that goes to pay off the principal extinguishes that portion of the debt. BUT...the debt also extinguishes the currency. When currency and debt meet, they destroy each other. If we just pay off the principal only, all of the loans and Treasury bonds that exist, the entire currency supply vanishes. So, if we don't go deeper into debt every year, the whole thing goes into a deflationary collapse under the weight of those payments.

Under these circumstances, balancing the budget, bringing down the debt, and living within our means is deflationary. It is impossible to do under our current monetary system without collapsing the entire economy. The system is designed to require ever-increasing levels of debt just to continue.
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I don't like the idea of negative interest rates, but I suppose we could actually start paying down the National Debt for a change.

Ideally, most would certainly agree. On the surface, it makes sense. But it's technically impossible. And therein lies the rub. This is the reality of the debt ceiling delusion. It's based on a paradox. There's interest due on every Federal Reserve Note in existence.

For example, if we borrow the very first Federal Reserve Note in existence and promise to pay it back plus another Federal Reserve Note's worth of interest, where do we get the second Federal Reserve Note to pay the interest? The answer is that we have to borrow that Federal Reserve Note into existence and promise to pay it back with interest as well. So, now there are 2 Federal Reserve Notes in existence, but we now owe 4. And so on, and so on, and so on, and so on. It keeps happening over and over and over again.

The result is that there is never enough currency to pay the debt. There is always more debt in the system than there is currency in existence to pay the debt. Therefore the entire system is impossible. It is finite. It will come to an end. We're nearing that time now. The Federal Reserve is clearly demonstrating that it has lost the ability to control the price of currency. That's what all of these recent hundreds of billions in Federal Reserve bailouts to banks are about. We're witnessing its last days. Literally. And that's precisely why the recent news I linked about the BIS is so important. The international bankers know it. The whole monetary policy is designed to fail. But it's designed to fail gradually, over the course of a couple/few lifetimes in order to gradually get to where the BIS wants to take the world unnoticed. The BIS has operated almost silently since 1930, with very, very little notice or reporting of its function.

Anyway. If the government stopped borrowing to do deficit spending, the payments on those Treasury bonds aren't going to stop. If the public stopped borrowing and going deeper into debt, car payments aren't going to stop. There is a payment due every month on the principal plus the interest on every Federal Reserve Note in existence and those payments do not stop. If we stop borrowing, then no new currency is created to replace the currency that we used to make those payments. Whether we're making a payment on a loan or paying a tax to make a payment on a Treasury bond, the portion of the payment that goes to pay off the principal extinguishes that portion of the debt. BUT...the debt also extinguishes the currency. When currency and debt meet, they destroy each other. If we just pay off the principal only, all of the loans and Treasury bonds that exist, the entire currency supply vanishes. So, if we don't go deeper into debt every year, the whole thing goes into a deflationary collapse under the weight of those payments.

Under these circumstances, balancing the budget, bringing down the debt, and living within our means is deflationary. It is impossible to do under our current monetary system without collapsing the entire economy. The system is designed to require ever-increasing levels of debt just to continue.

There's interest due on every Federal Reserve Note in existence.

You're lying.

The result is that there is never enough currency to pay the debt. There is always more debt in the system than there is currency in existence to pay the debt.

So what? Who needs to pay back all the debt? Why?

Whether we're making a payment on a loan or paying a tax to make a payment on a Treasury bond, the portion of the payment that goes to pay off the principal extinguishes that portion of the debt. BUT...the debt also extinguishes the currency.

Paying a debt doesn't make your payment disappear.
When I make a mortgage payment, the bank doesn't burn my money,
they use it to pay salaries, pay rent, pay depositors, pay dividends.
As the debt has hit new levels it begs the question who will have to pay for it

Is this the legacy we want to leave our children

Trump claims that he will deal with it but he can't

Politicians like to give tax breaks because they see it as a win for a reelection bid and at the same time point the finger at others for the large debt

Baby boomers are hitting the golden age and living longer which will mean problems for social security and medicare
Talk about economic lunacy. Gosh. It's just a matter of time when the bond bubble bursts as it is. There's around 17 trillion dollars worth. It's the biggest bubble in history. Lowering interest rates below the market level and then creating new credit is how bubbles are created. How do you sell a bond that has a negative interest rate? With so many different currencies in negative interest rates, this will crush the global economy.


Give me some of that: Trump renews call for negative U.S. interest rates
fake news
Talk about economic lunacy. Gosh. It's just a matter of time when the bond bubble bursts as it is. There's around 17 trillion dollars worth. It's the biggest bubble in history. Lowering interest rates below the market level and then creating new credit is how bubbles are created. How do you sell a bond that has a negative interest rate? With so many different currencies in negative interest rates, this will crush the global economy.


Give me some of that: Trump renews call for negative U.S. interest rates
fake news

Roll tape:

One thing to note, and a silver lining here is that as the BIS tries to snatch this control of physical mediums of exchange we're seeing states pass some rather interesting legislation...

States Where Gold and Silver Have Become Legal Tender

Best to put those credit cards away and start using cash. Of course, the reality there is that people are largely dependent upon credit. Now, why is that? Ha!

Gold is legal here in Utah

"Utah Restores Gold and Silver as Official Money, Starts Trend. In 2011, Utah became the first state to do so by recognizing gold and silver coins that are issued by the United States as money. Of course, Federal Reserve Notes, the U.S. paper currency, are not backed by gold and silver."

States Restoring Gold and Silver as Money
One thing to note, and a silver lining here is that as the BIS tries to snatch this control of physical mediums of exchange we're seeing states pass some rather interesting legislation...

States Where Gold and Silver Have Become Legal Tender

Best to put those credit cards away and start using cash. Of course, the reality there is that people are largely dependent upon credit. Now, why is that? Ha!

Gold is legal here in Utah

"Utah Restores Gold and Silver as Official Money, Starts Trend. In 2011, Utah became the first state to do so by recognizing gold and silver coins that are issued by the United States as money. Of course, Federal Reserve Notes, the U.S. paper currency, are not backed by gold and silver."

States Restoring Gold and Silver as Money

"Utah Restores Gold and Silver as Official Money

Why would you do that? A $50 gold coin is worth more than $50.
One thing to note, and a silver lining here is that as the BIS tries to snatch this control of physical mediums of exchange we're seeing states pass some rather interesting legislation...

States Where Gold and Silver Have Become Legal Tender

Best to put those credit cards away and start using cash. Of course, the reality there is that people are largely dependent upon credit. Now, why is that? Ha!

Gold is legal here in Utah

"Utah Restores Gold and Silver as Official Money, Starts Trend. In 2011, Utah became the first state to do so by recognizing gold and silver coins that are issued by the United States as money. Of course, Federal Reserve Notes, the U.S. paper currency, are not backed by gold and silver."

States Restoring Gold and Silver as Money

"Utah Restores Gold and Silver as Official Money

Why would you do that? A $50 gold coin is worth more than $50.

I didn't know I did it.
Talk about economic lunacy. Gosh. It's just a matter of time when the bond bubble bursts as it is. There's around 17 trillion dollars worth. It's the biggest bubble in history. Lowering interest rates below the market level and then creating new credit is how bubbles are created. How do you sell a bond that has a negative interest rate? With so many different currencies in negative interest rates, this will crush the global economy.


Give me some of that: Trump renews call for negative U.S. interest rates
fake news

Roll tape:

Did Trump's sarcastic joke about negative interest rates fly over your head? Didn't you hear the laughter from the smart people in the audience?

Apparently, it went over the reporter's head too, unless the reporter was purposefully reporting fake news via a fallacious appeal to authority.
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Talk about economic lunacy. Gosh. It's just a matter of time when the bond bubble bursts as it is. There's around 17 trillion dollars worth. It's the biggest bubble in history. Lowering interest rates below the market level and then creating new credit is how bubbles are created. How do you sell a bond that has a negative interest rate? With so many different currencies in negative interest rates, this will crush the global economy.


Give me some of that: Trump renews call for negative U.S. interest rates
fake news

Roll tape:

Did Trump's sarcastic joke about negative interest rates fly over your head? Didn't you hear the laughter from the smart people in the audience?

Apparently, it went over the reporter's head too, unless the reporter was purposefully reporting fake news.

It isn't the first time he called for it
Trump keeps pushing ‘negative' interest rates. What would that mean for your wallet?
Talk about economic lunacy. Gosh. It's just a matter of time when the bond bubble bursts as it is. There's around 17 trillion dollars worth. It's the biggest bubble in history. Lowering interest rates below the market level and then creating new credit is how bubbles are created. How do you sell a bond that has a negative interest rate? With so many different currencies in negative interest rates, this will crush the global economy.


Give me some of that: Trump renews call for negative U.S. interest rates
fake news

Roll tape:

Did Trump's sarcastic joke about negative interest rates fly over your head? Didn't you hear the laughter from the smart people in the audience?

Apparently, it went over the reporter's head too, unless the reporter was purposefully reporting fake news.

It isn't the first time he called for it
Trump keeps pushing ‘negative' interest rates. What would that mean for your wallet?
He's never pushed for negative interest rates. He used sarcasm to joke about the absurdity of negative interest rates, you stupid ass dumb fucking idiot.

Lay off the grape koolaid, you brainwashed fool.
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