Trump Repeals Regulation Protecting Workers From Wage Theft


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Trump Repeals Regulation Protecting Workers From Wage Theft
Source: HuffPo
WASHINGTON ― Companies that commit wage theft and put their workers in harm’s way just received a favor from the Trump administration.

President Donald Trump signed a bill Monday repealing a regulation that had encouraged federal contractors to follow labor laws. Under the Obama-era rule, companies with an egregious record of violating wage and safety laws would lose their government contracts if they didn’t come into compliance.

Read more: Trump Repeals Regulation Protecting Workers From Wage Theft | The Huffington Post

Trump has a long history of cheating his workers and screwing people over...Doesn't shock me that he wishes to make this easier to get away from....What a scum bag.
Trump Repeals Regulation Protecting Workers From Wage Theft
Source: HuffPo
WASHINGTON ― Companies that commit wage theft and put their workers in harm’s way just received a favor from the Trump administration.

President Donald Trump signed a bill Monday repealing a regulation that had encouraged federal contractors to follow labor laws. Under the Obama-era rule, companies with an egregious record of violating wage and safety laws would lose their government contracts if they didn’t come into compliance.

Read more: Trump Repeals Regulation Protecting Workers From Wage Theft | The Huffington Post

Trump has a long history of cheating his workers and screwing people over...Doesn't shock me that he wishes to make this easier to get away from....What a scum bag.

Disgraceful. I just finished reading the article on Huffington Post. Is this okay with Trump's base? It shouldn't be - because it directly affects them.
yeah yeah yeah....

this is Make America Great again

according to Trump :rolleyes:
Trump Repeals Regulation Protecting Workers From Wage Theft
Source: HuffPo
WASHINGTON ― Companies that commit wage theft and put their workers in harm’s way just received a favor from the Trump administration.

President Donald Trump signed a bill Monday repealing a regulation that had encouraged federal contractors to follow labor laws. Under the Obama-era rule, companies with an egregious record of violating wage and safety laws would lose their government contracts if they didn’t come into compliance.

Read more: Trump Repeals Regulation Protecting Workers From Wage Theft | The Huffington Post

Trump has a long history of cheating his workers and screwing people over...Doesn't shock me that he wishes to make this easier to get away from....What a scum bag.

I just love regressive FAKE NEWS. If he signed a bill, that means congress took the action, not just Trump. Was this done via the CRA?
It will take Democrats a long time to clean up this mess!


Artist's 'Trumpbeast' Is A Chilling Portrait Of The Current Administration | The Huffington Post
If only we could get rid of 75% of all regulations. Our economy would boom and the big corps would no longer get special favors.

Federal government regulations are a huge burden on the economy and are REALLY designed to protect big corporations from competition.....they pay the criminal politicians for protection. It is a huge racket.

Leftists have not learned this important lesson and continue to get duped by the ruling class.

Our Huge Hidden Tax: Government Regulations
The fact is that cutting regulations is as critical as tax relief in turning the US economy around. The two are the holy grail to repatriate a large part of the $2.5 trillion in offshore corporate capital, stimulate domestic investment, and create jobs — all central to “making America great again.” And it’s economic growth and broadening the tax base that can — in the longer run — finance rebuilding US infrastructure and the military without adding to deficits and national debt.

The Federal Register records regulations are imposed on business. Its annual pages generally grow with every administration, with a 19% year over year increase in Obama’s last year — setting a record-breaking 95,000-plus pages. Professor Alan Dershowitz notes that, “today the average professional commits three felonies a day without realizing it, thanks to the complex layers of regulation and legal requirements that have been built up over time.” The Small Business Administration estimates the compliance costs of regulations may be upward of $2 trillion a year — an enormous hidden tax nearly six times greater than the aggregate $350 billion in corporate tax revenue collected annually by the IRS in recent years.

We Need More Than Executive Orders
Executive orders provide temporary relief, but long-term structural change is needed for the US to free itself from the regulatory leviathan and permanently limit federal bureaucracies and their army of unaccountable regulators. Start with two statutory safeguards: (1) Congressional legislation that requires the delivery of $2 of regulatory cost reduction for every one dollar of new regulatory cost increase; and (2) Periodic Congressional reauthorization of regulations affecting industries and the economy — with sunset provisions for those not reauthorized.

But perhaps most importantly in the long run is the need for a renaissance in understanding the appropriate scope and principles for regulation in today’s free market information economy.
Our Huge Hidden Tax: Government Regulations
Any worker that can vote for the destruction of their standards, rights and ability to work is insane.

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