Trump: report of FBI restrictions are false.

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump announced late Saturday that the White House had placed no limitation on the FBI's ability to investigate allegations of sexual misconduct made against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

"I want them to interview whoever they deem appropriate, at their discretion," Trump tweeted in response to an NBC News report citing multiple people familiar with the process who said the White House was limiting the scope of the reopened background investigation of Kavanaugh.

Trump says no limits on scope of the FBI’s Kavanaugh investigation

Well, well, well, fake news strikes again. I think we should just start getting used to it. Now Democrats have lost an excuse why nothing is found at the end of this charade.

Relying on Trump to tell the truth is like asking a fish not to swim. Trump is the most ignorant person in Washington. The White House Counsel did not deny that there were restrictions on what the FBI could investigate.

We will wait a few posts before you call him an evil genius.
WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump announced late Saturday that the White House had placed no limitation on the FBI's ability to investigate allegations of sexual misconduct made against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

"I want them to interview whoever they deem appropriate, at their discretion," Trump tweeted in response to an NBC News report citing multiple people familiar with the process who said the White House was limiting the scope of the reopened background investigation of Kavanaugh.

Trump says no limits on scope of the FBI’s Kavanaugh investigation

Well, well, well, fake news strikes again. I think we should just start getting used to it. Now Democrats have lost an excuse why nothing is found at the end of this charade.
Limits to Kavanaugh investigation have not changed, despite Trump's comments
So you really didn’t want any investigation? I knew that! by the way, those witnesses can’t change their story! Just know that!
You made that up.
Me: The investigation should have no limits
Dumbass JC: You want no investigation at all!
Of course reports of FBI restrictions are false. This entire fiasco is a lie. The letter is a lie, and everything from that point is a lie. The Democrat party is one big fat nasty lie.
Funny the hypocritical slap faces of these dirty right wingers. They’re screaming that women should come forward and report sexual assault yet look at them tear these women apart when they do. Such disgusting and lowlife people.
Ya cause we should believe a woman that waited 36 years can not remember where the gathering was can not remember what the date was and all 5 of the 'witnesses" claim to no nothing of said gathering.
WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump announced late Saturday that the White House had placed no limitation on the FBI's ability to investigate allegations of sexual misconduct made against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

"I want them to interview whoever they deem appropriate, at their discretion," Trump tweeted in response to an NBC News report citing multiple people familiar with the process who said the White House was limiting the scope of the reopened background investigation of Kavanaugh.

Trump says no limits on scope of the FBI’s Kavanaugh investigation

Well, well, well, fake news strikes again. I think we should just start getting used to it. Now Democrats have lost an excuse why nothing is found at the end of this charade.'re basing your claim on what TRUMP says?

Are you kidding?\

Tell you what. Next week when the FBI files their report. Let me know if there is anything about Swetnick or the Kav's college binge drinking in it

Trump sent the FBI to do the investigation--not the media. So who are you going to believe?
Not Trump...that's for sure
You realize that she’s confessed to at least 10 felonies for not reporting the rape of minors?By doing so she also made herself an unreliable witness.You Dems love throwing their hero’s under the bus.The best part is YOUR HERO IS PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE, if you believe her, FOR THE GANG RAPE OF MORE THAN 10 YOUNG WOMEN!Gotta love the mentality challenged on this board!
To be honest, I don't believe a darn thing you say unless there is a link to the source of that information.

You need a link to what? He letter? In the letter she stated she was at more than 10 parties and watched young girls drugged and “train” raped. She knew it was happening, was an adult at the time AND DID NOTHING TO STOP THEM. She never left and called the police nor reported them later.

Your hero allowed more than 10 young girls to be raped.

The depth of your depraved minds are beyond belief
Also, she makes a point of stating she avoided drinking the punch as she knew the boys were spiking it, but didn’t tell the other girls, who went on to be raped, that they were drinking spiked alcohol.
She continued going to these parties, at least 10 of them, knowing the drinks were being spiked and the girls gang raped, and never tried to even warn others?
She was an adult at the time, so she’s confessed to practically participating in gang rape.
Good. That means they can investigate Julie Swetnick's claim as well as others that may not have surfaced during the hearing.

Oh, I'm looking forward to that. I'm a truck driver, and even I can see how much BS is in her stories.

She probably didn't know until she herself was a victim. I mean men standing in a hallway, I'm sure they didn't advertise it.
Read her accusation then maybe you won’t make such stupid ignorant statements.

No lawyer in their right mind would take that case!
I wonder how Avanatie feels now that his client has been referred to the DOJ for criminal prosecution?

He is seeing $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

The FBI's investigation into Kavanaugh is far more Constrained than previously known,
and experts say 'it would be Comical if it wasn't so important'

"...The White House counsel Don McGahn, who is in charge of Guiding Kavanaugh's confirmation process, is ALSO Directing the FBI on the scope of its background check.

"That seems like a clear conflict of interest,"...

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The FBI's investigation into Kavanaugh is far more Constrained than previously known,
and experts say 'it would be Comical if it wasn't so important'

"...The White House counsel Don McGahn, who is in charge of Guiding Kavanaugh's confirmation process, is ALSO Directing the FBI on the scope of its background check.

"That seems like a clear conflict of interest,"...


Seems your article is four days old. On Saturday, Trump said he placed no limits on the FBI or their work. The parameters were set by Congress--not him.
Seems your article is four days old. On Saturday, Trump said he placed no limits on the FBI or their work. The parameters were set b, but NOT what iy Congress--not him.
That's what Trump said (He lies just a little, like 90%), but NOT what is indeed happening.

Unbelieavbly goofy 'reply.'
Seems your article is four days old. On Saturday, Trump said he placed no limits on the FBI or their work. The parameters were set b, but NOT what iy Congress--not him.
That's what Trump said (He lies just a little, like 90%), but NOT what is indeed happening.

Unbelieavbly goofy 'reply.'

So far all I heard about are these restrictions, yet no evidence. Seems to me the MSM is trying to build a case for when the FBI finds nothing as expected. Then the new stall tactic will be introduced.

So predictable.

The FBI's investigation into Kavanaugh is far more Constrained than previously known,
and experts say 'it would be Comical if it wasn't so important'

"...The White House counsel Don McGahn, who is in charge of Guiding Kavanaugh's confirmation process, is ALSO Directing the FBI on the scope of its background check.

"That seems like a clear conflict of interest,"...

Who did you imagine Trump would put in charge of it, Dianne Feinstein? Chuck Schumar? Are you a total fucking moron? Just nod your head.

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