Trump: report of FBI restrictions are false.

Funny the hypocritical slap faces of these dirty right wingers. They’re screaming that women should come forward and report sexual assault yet look at them tear these women apart when they do. Such disgusting and lowlife people.
And when women DO report sexual assault and rape, there are hundreds of thousands of rape kits never ever tested.

Funny the hypocritical slap faces of these dirty right wingers. They’re screaming that women should come forward and report sexual assault yet look at them tear these women apart when they do. Such disgusting and lowlife people.
And when women DO report sexual assault and rape, there are hundreds of thousands of rape kits never ever tested.

So I did a Google search using this sentence:

Thousands of rape kits never tested

And there were many articles all saying the same thing, hundreds of thousands of rape kits never tested. Do you know how to use Google?
Try doing that search and you can pick your own source. One you trust.
WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump announced late Saturday that the White House had placed no limitation on the FBI's ability to investigate allegations of sexual misconduct made against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

"I want them to interview whoever they deem appropriate, at their discretion," Trump tweeted in response to an NBC News report citing multiple people familiar with the process who said the White House was limiting the scope of the reopened background investigation of Kavanaugh.

Trump says no limits on scope of the FBI’s Kavanaugh investigation

Well, well, well, fake news strikes again. I think we should just start getting used to it. Now Democrats have lost an excuse why nothing is found at the end of this charade.
He’s lying!

Didn’t you get it the guys a fuking liar?

All these times he lies and you still believe him?

Are you brain-damaged?

Explain how you can still believe what this turd says.

Oh, but the MSM doesn't lie? Yes, I do believe him. Why? Because he's the one who ordered the FBI to do the investigation. It's the left who lies because they are trying to manufacture excuses ahead of the FBI not finding a damn thing, then they could claim foul.

If the FBI find nothing, they will roll out the Trump cover up again. Dem's have already stated they will vote no on Kavanaugh regardless of the outcome.

He's not doing this because of the Democrats. You are correct, not one will vote for Kavanaugh regardless of this investigation. He's doing it because of the back stabber Senator Snowflake.

Flake apparently approves of the Dem's shameful attacks on Kavanaugh.
He might be like McCain was (A Trump hater), so anything it takes right ?
Funny the hypocritical slap faces of these dirty right wingers. They’re screaming that women should come forward and report sexual assault yet look at them tear these women apart when they do. Such disgusting and lowlife people.
And when women DO report sexual assault and rape, there are hundreds of thousands of rape kits never ever tested.

So I did a Google search using this sentence:

Thousands of rape kits never tested

And there were many articles all saying the same thing, hundreds of thousands of rape kits never tested. Do you know how to use Google?
Try doing that search and you can pick your own source. One you trust.

Congratulations, now all you need to do is learn how to post a link.
The Democrats created this story so that no facts could ever be found. Besides the three witnesses that all said Ford was FOS, they don't know where the house was, don't know who hosted the party, don't know who brought her there, don't know who took her home, don't know the exact date or year. In other words, all leads cutoff so nobody could investigate anything. So why the FBI probe? To achieve the main goal which is to keep stalling this confirmation.
A week is no big deal. Too many unanswered questions. I'll err on the side of caution.
WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump announced late Saturday that the White House had placed no limitation on the FBI's ability to investigate allegations of sexual misconduct made against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

"I want them to interview whoever they deem appropriate, at their discretion," Trump tweeted in response to an NBC News report citing multiple people familiar with the process who said the White House was limiting the scope of the reopened background investigation of Kavanaugh.

Trump says no limits on scope of the FBI’s Kavanaugh investigation

Well, well, well, fake news strikes again. I think we should just start getting used to it. Now Democrats have lost an excuse why nothing is found at the end of this charade.

Donald Trump has been a serial LIAR for many DECADES.

When dealing with any known LIAR absolutely NO ONE can trust a word that comes out of the mouth of a SERIAL LIAR such as Trump.

Nothing Trump says is believable; it's analogous to the 'boy that cried wolf' effect.

Nothing the MSM says is believable either. But Trump is the one who ordered the investigation. So who do we trust, the people that hate Trump or Trump himself?
The Democrats created this story so that no facts could ever be found. Besides the three witnesses that all said Ford was FOS, they don't know where the house was, don't know who hosted the party, don't know who brought her there, don't know who took her home, don't know the exact date or year. In other words, all leads cutoff so nobody could investigate anything. So why the FBI probe? To achieve the main goal which is to keep stalling this confirmation.
A week is no big deal. Too many unanswered questions. I'll err on the side of caution.

Well it will be more than a week, it will be three weeks since Kavanaugh was supposed to be confirmed. And how much you want to bet after the FBI finds nothing, they will be presenting a new reason the vote should be postponed?
WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump announced late Saturday that the White House had placed no limitation on the FBI's ability to investigate allegations of sexual misconduct made against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

"I want them to interview whoever they deem appropriate, at their discretion," Trump tweeted in response to an NBC News report citing multiple people familiar with the process who said the White House was limiting the scope of the reopened background investigation of Kavanaugh.

Trump says no limits on scope of the FBI’s Kavanaugh investigation

Well, well, well, fake news strikes again. I think we should just start getting used to it. Now Democrats have lost an excuse why nothing is found at the end of this charade.

Donald Trump has been a serial LIAR for many DECADES.

When dealing with any known LIAR absolutely NO ONE can trust a word that comes out of the mouth of a SERIAL LIAR such as Trump.

Nothing Trump says is believable; it's analogous to the 'boy that cried wolf' effect.

Nothing the MSM says is believable either. But Trump is the one who ordered the investigation. So who do we trust, the people that hate Trump or Trump himself?

Trump can make ANY comment he desires concerning the investigation; it doesn't matter.

When you get ANY comment from a known serial liar, it WON"T be believable, period.

That has NOTHING to do with Trump; it has every thing to do with human nature & LIARS.

Who the fuck raised you?
Good. That means they can investigate Julie Swetnick's claim as well as others that may not have surfaced during the hearing.

Oh, I'm looking forward to that. I'm a truck driver, and even I can see how much BS is in her stories.

She probably didn't know until she herself was a victim. I mean men standing in a hallway, I'm sure they didn't advertise it.

Right, so what did she do after she became a victim? I don't recall any police reports being forwarded to the press.

So let's see, you are a person at a party where most are a few years younger than you. You see a line of guys going into the bedroom one by one and exiting the same way. Seems perfectly normal, right?

Even today most do not report this kind of stuff. She probably didn't really see it, until she was gang raped. I mean Judge's ex girlfriend admitted it.
That was a lie also... His girlfriend denide the story someone tried to fake about her being shoved against a wall aggressively by Kav after leaving a bar.

A letter was sent anonymously stating that her friend who was shoved by Kavanaugh at the time, was shoved against a wall by Kav while leaving a bar. The girlfriend at the time denide these allegations, so what the heck is going on here ??
WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump announced late Saturday that the White House had placed no limitation on the FBI's ability to investigate allegations of sexual misconduct made against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

"I want them to interview whoever they deem appropriate, at their discretion," Trump tweeted in response to an NBC News report citing multiple people familiar with the process who said the White House was limiting the scope of the reopened background investigation of Kavanaugh.

Trump says no limits on scope of the FBI’s Kavanaugh investigation

Well, well, well, fake news strikes again. I think we should just start getting used to it. Now Democrats have lost an excuse why nothing is found at the end of this charade.'re basing your claim on what TRUMP says?

Are you kidding?\

Tell you what. Next week when the FBI files their report. Let me know if there is anything about Swetnick or the Kav's college binge drinking in it
Funny the hypocritical slap faces of these dirty right wingers. They’re screaming that women should come forward and report sexual assault yet look at them tear these women apart when they do. Such disgusting and lowlife people.
And when women DO report sexual assault and rape, there are hundreds of thousands of rape kits never ever tested.

So I did a Google search using this sentence:

Thousands of rape kits never tested

And there were many articles all saying the same thing, hundreds of thousands of rape kits never tested. Do you know how to use Google?
Try doing that search and you can pick your own source. One you trust.

Do you know how to link cuckboy?
WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump announced late Saturday that the White House had placed no limitation on the FBI's ability to investigate allegations of sexual misconduct made against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

"I want them to interview whoever they deem appropriate, at their discretion," Trump tweeted in response to an NBC News report citing multiple people familiar with the process who said the White House was limiting the scope of the reopened background investigation of Kavanaugh.

Trump says no limits on scope of the FBI’s Kavanaugh investigation

Well, well, well, fake news strikes again. I think we should just start getting used to it. Now Democrats have lost an excuse why nothing is found at the end of this charade.'re basing your claim on what TRUMP says?

Are you kidding?\

Tell you what. Next week when the FBI files their report. Let me know if there is anything about Swetnick or the Kav's college binge drinking in it

Trump sent the FBI to do the investigation--not the media. So who are you going to believe?
WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump announced late Saturday that the White House had placed no limitation on the FBI's ability to investigate allegations of sexual misconduct made against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

"I want them to interview whoever they deem appropriate, at their discretion," Trump tweeted in response to an NBC News report citing multiple people familiar with the process who said the White House was limiting the scope of the reopened background investigation of Kavanaugh.

Trump says no limits on scope of the FBI’s Kavanaugh investigation

Well, well, well, fake news strikes again. I think we should just start getting used to it. Now Democrats have lost an excuse why nothing is found at the end of this charade.

Donald Trump has been a serial LIAR for many DECADES.

When dealing with any known LIAR absolutely NO ONE can trust a word that comes out of the mouth of a SERIAL LIAR such as Trump.

Nothing Trump says is believable; it's analogous to the 'boy that cried wolf' effect.

Nothing the MSM says is believable either. But Trump is the one who ordered the investigation. So who do we trust, the people that hate Trump or Trump himself?

Trump can make ANY comment he desires concerning the investigation; it doesn't matter.

When you get ANY comment from a known serial liar, it WON"T be believable, period.

That has NOTHING to do with Trump; it has every thing to do with human nature & LIARS.

Who the fuck raised you?

Two of the most wonderful parents anybody could have.

When you can find any falsehoods in Trumps claim, then talk. For right now, since Trump ordered the investigation, he's the only person who can say what was ordered.
WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump announced late Saturday that the White House had placed no limitation on the FBI's ability to investigate allegations of sexual misconduct made against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

"I want them to interview whoever they deem appropriate, at their discretion," Trump tweeted in response to an NBC News report citing multiple people familiar with the process who said the White House was limiting the scope of the reopened background investigation of Kavanaugh.

Trump says no limits on scope of the FBI’s Kavanaugh investigation

Well, well, well, fake news strikes again. I think we should just start getting used to it. Now Democrats have lost an excuse why nothing is found at the end of this charade.

Donald Trump has been a serial LIAR for many DECADES.

When dealing with any known LIAR absolutely NO ONE can trust a word that comes out of the mouth of a SERIAL LIAR such as Trump.

Nothing Trump says is believable; it's analogous to the 'boy that cried wolf' effect.

Nothing the MSM says is believable either. But Trump is the one who ordered the investigation. So who do we trust, the people that hate Trump or Trump himself?

Trump can make ANY comment he desires concerning the investigation; it doesn't matter.

When you get ANY comment from a known serial liar, it WON"T be believable, period.

That has NOTHING to do with Trump; it has every thing to do with human nature & LIARS.

Who the fuck raised you?

Two of the most wonderful parents anybody could have.

When you can find any falsehoods in Trumps claim, then talk. For right now, since Trump ordered the investigation, he's the only person who can say what was ordered.

Well, they must have done something wrong.

Trump is full of more bullshit than a pasture full of Brahmas; give me a fucking break
I have a question that begs to be answered - ford says in her letter ‘Both loudly stumbled down the stairwell, at which point other persons at the house were talking with them. I exited the bathroom, ran outside of the house and went home.”
This would mean that after just being “sexually assaulted” she left her other female friend at the house without warning her about what had supposedly just happened to her. She would’ve just left her to fend for herself. Is this plausible? What would this say about ford & her care about another female - her intimate friend, Leland Ingham?
If ford was so scared that she left the house without warning leland about what allegedly just had happened to her- then when they (ford & leland) next met or talked on the phone - which could’ve even been the next day - why was leland not at least then told about this purported foiled savaging of her? For ford not to have talked to leland about such a fearful experience surpasses any level of credibility.
I find it impossible to believe that ford would’ve left leland to be the next (as she was the only other female there) to be brutalized.
WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump announced late Saturday that the White House had placed no limitation on the FBI's ability to investigate allegations of sexual misconduct made against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

"I want them to interview whoever they deem appropriate, at their discretion," Trump tweeted in response to an NBC News report citing multiple people familiar with the process who said the White House was limiting the scope of the reopened background investigation of Kavanaugh.

Trump says no limits on scope of the FBI’s Kavanaugh investigation

Well, well, well, fake news strikes again. I think we should just start getting used to it. Now Democrats have lost an excuse why nothing is found at the end of this charade.

Donald Trump has been a serial LIAR for many DECADES.

When dealing with any known LIAR absolutely NO ONE can trust a word that comes out of the mouth of a SERIAL LIAR such as Trump.

Nothing Trump says is believable; it's analogous to the 'boy that cried wolf' effect.

Nothing the MSM says is believable either. But Trump is the one who ordered the investigation. So who do we trust, the people that hate Trump or Trump himself?

Trump can make ANY comment he desires concerning the investigation; it doesn't matter.

When you get ANY comment from a known serial liar, it WON"T be believable, period.

That has NOTHING to do with Trump; it has every thing to do with human nature & LIARS.

Who the fuck raised you?

Two of the most wonderful parents anybody could have.

When you can find any falsehoods in Trumps claim, then talk. For right now, since Trump ordered the investigation, he's the only person who can say what was ordered.
I’ll just say again, it was never about the fbi investigation! Never! Senator Hiroshima said so this morning, confirming it!
Well, well, well, fake news strikes again.

You have to constantly expect it from the Left.

I only note that it was Ford, not Kavanaugh that tried to hide her identity.

It was Ford not Kavanaugh that took her time driving as slow as possible rather than fly to get to the hearing late as can be.

It was Ford, not Kavanaugh that insisted on not testifying and facing each other in the same room.

And it was Ford, not Kavanaugh that dragged their feet at the thought of a special FBI investigation to clear this.

If I had my way, Kavanaugh should have been allowed to face Chrissy Ford and refute her claims DIRECTLY, look her in the eye and put the questions to her face.

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