Trump Republicans Can't Hide

You need not be concerned about my being among the majority of Americans. It is an acknowledgement of the certitude that was shared by many Republicans, including the highest ranking Republicans in the nation.

"There is no question--none--that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day.
No question about it. The people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their President, a
nd having that belief was a foreseeable consequence of the growing crescendo of false statements, conspiracy theories, and reckless hyperbole which the defeated President kept shouting into the largest megaphone on planet Earth
“Former President Trump's actions preceding the riot were a disgraceful--disgraceful--dereliction of duty... Fellow Americans beat and bloodied our own police. They stormed the Senate floor. They tried to hunt down the Speaker of the House. They built a gallows and chanted about murdering the Vice President. They did this because they had been fed wild falsehoods by the most powerful man on Earth because he was angry he lost an election."

“The president bears responsibility for Wednesday’s attack on Congress by mob rioters.
He should have immediately denounced the mob when he saw what was unfolding.
These facts require immediate action by President Trump.”
let's cross examine them all? why are you demofks afraid of cross examination of the witnesses? This is where you drop from the cliff.
They are not Trump insiders. They are moles put there to sabotage whatever they could and stop his America First agenda.
A cult's dogma demands an ever-expanding paranoia that defies reason.

Contriving a vast conspiracy among so many Trump insiders is a sad example of how common sense can be suppressed by the weird worship of one dude.
A cult's dogma demands an ever-expanding paranoia that defies reason.

Contriving a vast conspiracy among so many insiders is a sad example of how common sense can be suppressed by the weird worship of one dude.
Your narrative is contrived and not based on facts, just opinions. Common sense screams the election was stolen.
You need not be concerned about my being among the majority of Americans. It is an acknowledgement of the certitude that was shared by many Republicans, including the highest ranking Republicans in the nation.
"There is no question--none--that President Trump is practically and morally responsible
for provoking the events of the day.
No question about it. The people who stormed this building believed
they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their President,
and having that belief was a foreseeable consequence of the growing crescendo
of false statements, conspiracy theories, and reckless hyperbole
which the defeated President kept shouting into the largest megaphone on planet Earth
“Former President Trump's actions preceding the riot were a disgraceful--disgraceful--dereliction of duty... Fellow Americans beat and bloodied our own police. They stormed the Senate floor. They tried to hunt down the Speaker of the House. They built a gallows and chanted about murdering the Vice President. They did this because they had been fed wild falsehoods by the most powerful man on Earth because he was angry he lost an election."

“The president bears responsibility for Wednesday’s attack on Congress by mob rioters.
He should have immediately denounced the mob when he saw what was unfolding.
These facts require immediate action by President Trump.”
I couldn’t give a rat’s ass about their erroneous political gibberish bleatings. It means almost as little as your imbecile posts mean. As far as I’m concerned, you simply can’t be taken seriously. Therefore, your inane stupid thoughtless mindless ignorant trollish posting efforts exist only to amuse your superiors in life. Which is pretty much most of the rest of us.
let's cross examine them all? why are you demofks afraid of cross examination of the witnesses? This is where you drop from the cliff.

Because this is not a trial, this is an Investigation. The witnesses are being asked, under oath, what happened. No one is challenging their testimony because no one is on trial, so no one is trying to discredit the testimony. The Committee has interviewed over 1000 witnesses.

NO ONE has refuted any of the testimony from any witness who appeared in the televised hearings, and that includes the Secret Service who claimed to be so anxious to testify that Trump never grabbed the wheel, and who have now retained "outside counsel". After so much bluster on FOX News, suddenly they are not exactly cooperating in testifying.

There will be cross examinations at the Trials.
Your narrative is contrived and not based on facts, just opinions. Common sense screams the election was stolen.

Common sense?????

Common sense tells you that thousands of election workers all over the country lied when they swore that their numbers were true and correct. That Secretaries of State in all 50 states conspired to put Joe Biden in the White House.

Common sense tells you that all 80+ judges, including all 9 SC Justices, were corrupt or lying when they threw out all of the court challenges.

And despite the thousands of people who conspired and carried out this plot to steal the election, not one person has come forward to provide evidence of this vast conspiracy????

And common sense tells you that ALL of the staffers who testified that the election was NOT stolen and Trump knew it wasn't stolen and he lied to you anyway, are lying as well.

Common sense tells you that the least popular and most corrupt President in history won the election??????

I have a ski resort in Miami I'm interested in selling. Exclusive rights for a thousand miles or more.
So far so good …

And then you derailed. This is many things. But is most assuredly not an “investigation.”

Yeah, it is. Legally Constituted with the full authority of the Congress of the United States behind it. Membership from both parties, and a united interest in ensuring that nothing like this ever happens again.
Common sense?????

Common sense tells you that thousands of election workers all over the country lied when they swore that their numbers were true and correct. That Secretaries of State in all 50 states conspired to put Joe Biden in the White House.

Common sense tells you that all 80+ judges, including all 9 SC Justices, were corrupt or lying when they threw out all of the court challenges.

And despite the thousands of people who conspired and carried out this plot to steal the election, not one person has come forward to provide evidence of this vast conspiracy????

And common sense tells you that ALL of the staffers who testified that the election was NOT stolen and Trump knew it wasn't stolen and he lied to you anyway, are lying as well.

Common sense tells you that the least popular and most corrupt President in history won the election??????

I have a ski resort in Miami I'm interested in selling. Exclusive rights for a thousand miles or more.
It was massive organized fraud complete with complicit authorities and media. We know now the elections in the swing states should have never been certified. All kinds of evidence proves that they had 0 integrity, just like you.
Yeah, it is. Legally Constituted with the full authority of the Congress of the United States behind it. Membership from both parties, and a united interest in ensuring that nothing like this ever happens again.
It is all a cover up for fraud. That is more than obvious.
Paper cuts and twisted ankles?


You shitheads support law enforcement

Sure ya do

So in other words, no, you don't know what injuries mean. Exactly my point, you people lie and you're racists. You use a subjective word like that, Lush, and anyone with a brain says define injury. Your answer, you can't. You're lying, just like I said. I know you
Yeah, it is. Legally Constituted with the full authority of the Congress of the United States behind it. Membership from both parties, and a united interest in ensuring that nothing like this ever happens again.
It was legally created by a House resolution. Of course, I never suggested otherwise.

It is a select committee which means Pelosi did the selecting. When the Republicans tried, Pelousy issued some vetoes. So the only Republicans are (not coincidentally) fellow Never Trumpers. It is an ENTIRELY partisan comittee.

It hasn’t “investigated” anything. And the only thing that unites them is attacking Trump over something he didn’t do and cannot be logically claimed to be responsible for.

But other than being wrong in almost every one of your assertions, that was a fine post you offered. 👍
Yeah, it is. Legally Constituted with the full authority of the Congress of the United States behind it. Membership from both parties, and a united interest in ensuring that nothing like this ever happens again.

Democrats never did believe in due process, you're tyrants and racists. This is just you again
That's a bunch of thugs. Which one is you? Do you have your Nazi gear on?
Your inane sputtering only underscores your impotence in challenging the sworn testimonies of so many Republican officeholders and Trump regime insiders.

Have you been fed an alternate story about what the Cry Baby Loser was doing for over three hours while his staff, his family, his media enablers, and other were pleading with him to call off his goons?

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