Trump right again... We destroyed our economy for virtually nothing...

The people were let fo during the Trump admin.That’s what happens during a gop led recession.

Yes. It's the REPUBLICAN GOVERNORS who shut down their state's economies??? Geezus... the LIBS are STILL b!tching that Florida was never shut down...
Picking up the slack and working longer hours is what they have employees for.

Employers NEVER hire "worthless dregs", they hire people because they NEED them and usually stick their employees with the worst work.

If they have to shut down because they can't pay a reasonable wage, then let 'em shut down. Nobody ever said that there was an inalienable right to do business.

Bullshit. The govt can’t force any corporation other then their own employees to fire anyone. How stupid can you get. Must be Drop out Hannity line. Geesus how ridiculous can you get. A business has a right to set their own standards for employment. You think it’s OK for delivery drivers to infect their customers ? Obviously, business don’t. A real dah moment for you isn’t it. You guys used to back corporations over employer rights. What happened ? Two faced about FACE I see.

Please. Please. Please. Go take a remedial English class before you post... anything again.
When the left and the media were demanding lockdowns,. and President Trump and many Republican governor's were being pummeled in articles and TV news for not embracing lockdowns and keeping their state's open... science has proven they were right...

And here are the receipts ... March 2020...

Thank God my Governor had a backbone and held out as long as possible under the assault from democrats especially in the media.

"Some states are still refusing to order lockdowns Missouri Gov. Mike Parson said he will not issue a statewide shutdown, insisting it is down to 'individual responsibility' Medical experts sent him..."

And Kudos to South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem for standing up to relentless pressure and never shutting down...

Honorable mentions for other states that did their best to defy the democrats demands to destroy their states economies...

Believe in Common Sense, Not Commie Science, Which Is Stone Age Nature-Worship

It's far worse than that. By reducing auto emissions, the Lockdown created the pandemic, which can only spread in clean air. When auto "pollution" reached 1920 levels, that's what stopped the Spanish Influenza, the first plague in history that never returned.

There were no other pandemics for a hundred years after that. Not only that, it's just common sense that viruses have not evolved to be able to withstand the kind of ground-level atmosphere we've had in the Twentieth Century. "Pollution," a dishonest and superstitious term, is antiseptic. Nature is a crime against humanity, and modern air stopped its serial killing.
Wrong. Over 80% of the cuts went to the rich. Getting 5 dollars off 0your taxes for the middle class doesn’t o pare to the rich who paid ZERO IN TAXES. I was another give away like Bush before him.

That’s BS. The corporations make that decision, not Biden. Take pill. So you’re in favor of companies being forced to spread diseases among their customers ?
I suppose you like the idea of infecting the country and having more r3cessions. Conservatives are science illiterates. I’ve never seen so many stupid people. I suppose you’ve never taking a mumps, rubella, tetanus or polio shot. Well, have you ?
Source that bullshit. 85%.
Source that bullshit. 85%.
83% to be exact unless corrected by democrats. There is NO PLAN IN ANY REPO PLATFORM TO FIX IT. THEY HAVE NONE.

Obviously the gop did nothing for the middle class but make the tax cuts permanent for the wealthy and temporarily for the rest of us. So now, you’re depending on the Dems to fix it.

The tax reform passed in December 2017 included tax cuts for corporations as well as individuals – but while the benefits for business were permanent, the individual taxpayer cuts will expire by 2027. If Congress does nothing to extend them, the top 1% will at that point receive roughly 83% of the tax cut benefits, according to estimates from the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center.
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Source that bullshit. 85%.
Dont you have faith in the vax you got?

if its worth a crap you have nothing to worry about

but if biden, big pharma, and Grandpa Fauchi are blowing smoke up your ass maybe the terror libs feel is justified
Or the 14 masks he is wearing.....
83% to be exact unless corrected by democrats. There is NO PLAN IN ANY REPO PLATFORM TO FIX IT. THEY HAVE NONE.

Obviously the gop did nothing for the middle class but make the tax cuts permanent for the wealthy and temporarily for the rest of us. So now, you’re depending on the Dems to fix it.

The tax reform passed in December 2017 included tax cuts for corporations as well as individuals – but while the benefits for business were permanent, the individual taxpayer cuts will expire by 2027. If Congress does nothing to extend them, the top 1% will at that point receive roughly 83% of the tax cut benefits, according to estimates from the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center.
Your Vegetable Messiah is in the WH, Piglosi controls the House, and Cryin' Chucky controls the Senate.

Why have they not come to your rescue and made them permanent, Dumbass?
Civilization is very self destructive. The least self destructive people are the most successful.
83% to be exact unless corrected by democrats. There is NO PLAN IN ANY REPO PLATFORM TO FIX IT. THEY HAVE NONE.

Obviously the gop did nothing for the middle class but make the tax cuts permanent for the wealthy and temporarily for the rest of us. So now, you’re depending on the Dems to fix it.

The tax reform passed in December 2017 included tax cuts for corporations as well as individuals – but while the benefits for business were permanent, the individual taxpayer cuts will expire by 2027. If Congress does nothing to extend them, the top 1% will at that point receive roughly 83% of the tax cut benefits, according to estimates from the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center.
The Democratic governors destroyed the Middle class in their states during the Covid bullshit. 40% of small business closed for good. Democrats want them gone. They want free people gone.
Yes I question but unless you have a medical degree, you're relying on their expertise no?

You just insulted the "unvaccinated" for questioning every rx the dr gives out. Who doesn't? Why wouldn't you?

But then....that really explains a lot, doesn't it?
You just insulted the "unvaccinated" for questioning every rx the dr gives out. Who doesn't? Why wouldn't you?

But then....that really explains a lot, doesn't it?
You’re not a doctor dummy. When the doctor gives you a drug, you take it. You don’t research it. You don’t get a second opinion. And if you do it’s not Joe rogan.

This is just proof you republicans have politicized everything. It’s sad.
You’re not a doctor dummy. When the doctor gives you a drug, you take it. You don’t research it. You don’t get a second opinion. And if you do it’s not Joe rogan.

This is just proof you republicans have politicized everything. It’s sad.

Congrats, this is one of the most deeply ignorant and frankly stupid things I have ever read on this website.

And man, that's saying a mouthful.
Congrats, this is one of the most deeply ignorant and frankly stupid things I have ever read on this website.

And man, that's saying a mouthful.
When your doctor says take midoranthapine for your sciatica where do you go do this research?

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