Trump right again... We destroyed our economy for virtually nothing...

You are showing desperation. You got stuck in this hole, and you can't dig your way out.

Stuck in the loop with me, Dormamu.

I would be desperate too if half of people I plan to rob don't wear a mask. Especially if those who do wear it are broke losers.
And I'm not going to address your question, because you injected yourself into my discussion and question that was never answered first.
This thread is not “your discussion”.

you inserted yourself uninvited just a I did
Lol, did any one notice the the study was done by economist not medical doctors. So ya next time ya want open heart surgery go to an economist. See how that works out for ya.
Historically, I'd put him at about average.

Compared to the juvenile orange buffoon? Of course. Not even close.

You're welcome, Trumpster.


Biden has the lowest approval rating of any president since they began recording approval ratings. Everything he touches turns to shit. Name one thing he has accomplished successfully since he ascended to the throne.
Where did that money go? It went to Wall St. not main street. The economy sucks unless you are rich.
That was the result of 4 years of tax cuts for the rich. Trump and the gop put us into a recession…again. Maybe you forgot that.
That was the result of 4 years of tax cuts for the rich. Trump and the gop put us into a recession…again. Maybe you forgot that.
85% of people benefited from the tax cut. Are that many of us rich?
I'm going to eat lunch. In the mean time, see if you can think of so more bull shit for yourself. You've compiled quite a resume already.

GIGO is my usual reply tactic.

You ain't worth any more effort than that.

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