Trump right again... We destroyed our economy for virtually nothing...

When you clog up the hospital, and when I need it for something unrelated, you affect me. Stop asking stupid questions.
Why someone needs to be "vaccinated" if is going to hospital for a broken leg?
Those dissenting opinions have cost hundreds of thousands of deaths
On the contrary, how many folks spread the disease by believing that wearing a mask and being vacinated would prevent the spread? If only they had heard the dissenting opinions that were labeled misinformation at that time.
You asked a question after my question.
I asked you a question before you asked me
You didn't answer my question. And the unvaccinated, not wearing masks, showing up in public breathing on me, is different than someone driving drunk how? This was my question, that you responded with a question. You go first.
When you clog up the hospital, and when I need it for something unrelated, you affect me. Stop asking stupid questions.
Just so we know we can take your pussy shit seriously….link us to your bitching about the tens of millions of illegal wetbacks “clogging up” your hospitals.
Thanks in advance.
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Because you can't address a simple question of yes or no. Besides the legality factor, is there a difference between a man driving drunk jeopardizing my safety and his, (suicide), versus an unvaccinated, mask less man walking into a store, spreading his germs on me? You told Rightwinger that the man should stay home if he didn't feel safe. Really? Why? Because the other guy isn't being responsible? Fuck that. What right does he have to jeopardize my safety whether he is driving drunk or not waring a mask and not getting vaccinated spreading his germs? You can't answer these questions, but I can. There is no difference.

your yes or no question is a typical gotcha/deflection attempt, and homey don't play that.

So again, we need to mask up during flu season now?

Your paranoid fear of a disease you should already be vaccinated against does not mean society has to bow down to your stupidity.

Order Amazon and Grubhub the rest of your life and leave the rest of us the fuck alone.

And talking about cars, you probably now have a better chance of dying in a car accident than of COVID, should we make all other cars stop moving while you go do your errands "just to be safe"?
If you understood risk analysis, you would have never made it a topic of this conversation. You injected it to confuse the issue.

No, I responded to an idiotic post by Rightwinger, that he for once has smartly left you to take up the moron mantra.
your yes or no question is a typical gotcha/deflection attempt, and homey don't play that.

So again, we need to mask up during flu season now?

Your paranoid fear of a disease you should already be vaccinated against does not mean society has to bow down to your stupidity.

Order Amazon and Grubhub the rest of your life and leave the rest of us the fuck alone.

And talking about cars, you probably now have a better chance of dying in a car accident than of COVID, should we make all other cars stop moving while you go do your errands "just to be safe"?
You don't play, because you can't. Gotcha or not, it is the fundamentals of this argument. It is the core of it.

If you drive a SmartCar you may be at risk, assuming the government vaccine is a placebo

but if the vax works then you are in an M1 tank and the drunk driver is in the SmartCar
No, I responded to an idiotic post by Rightwinger, that he for once has smartly left you to take up the moron mantra.
You going to post more stupidity about who is responsible for deaths before the vaccine was fully out?

Cant make this shit up
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