Trump right again... We destroyed our economy for virtually nothing...

Good morning sue.

I bet you read reviews on Amazon. But whatever the doc gives you, yep, take it. Better yet, shoot it on up. Let me guess. You're vaccinated AND boosted.

People will research a new blender for three months but shoot three experimental vaccines in their arm. This is how utterly stupid we are as a species.
I bet you read reviews on Amazon. But whatever the doc gives you, yep, take it. Better yet, shoot it on up. Let me guess. You're vaccinated AND boosted.

People will research a new blender for three months but shoot three experimental vaccines in their arm. This is how utterly stupid we are as a species.
We aren’t doctors.

Btw you could be right. Look what our government did to black people in Tuskegee. But on this one, I think you’re just being paranoid and not being a team player. A bad citizen. During a pandemic.

But again, that’s your right and you could be right.

Im just glad this isn’t polio or you’d be holding out on that one too.
We aren’t doctors.

Btw you could be right. Look what our government did to black people in Tuskegee. But on this one, I think you’re just being paranoid and not being a team player. A bad citizen. During a pandemic.

But again, that’s your right and you could be right.

Im just glad this isn’t polio or you’d be holding out on that one too.

Do you have any idea the dangerous, toxic and even deadly drugs Big Pharma has shilled in the last decades, and how often they have been recalled? Do you even know to what extent they court drs to push that stuff on us? Look, I'm not anti-med. I'm ON medication. But I am not stupid, so I research it.

You realize the polio vaccine is mostly sterilizing....right? It means if you get the vaccine, you almost certainly never get polio. If this had proven true for the covid vaccines, even though *I* did not want them, I would have gotten them for my family and students. Not only is this NOT true, but indications are the vaccines negatively affect your immune system so that you are MORE susceptible to getting ill after a certain amount of time. Whether I have the vaccine or not has no bearing on YOUR infection. You're in MI; so am I. Do you know how many people I know who are vaccinated AND boosted who have had covid, some multiple times? Too many to count.

You really need to inform yourself and stop popping off at the mouth. Probably both.
Do you have any idea the dangerous, toxic and even deadly drugs Big Pharma has shilled in the last decades, and how often they have been recalled? Do you even know to what extent they court drs to push that stuff on us? Look, I'm not anti-med. I'm ON medication. But I am not stupid, so I research it.

You realize the polio vaccine is mostly sterilizing....right? It means if you get the vaccine, you almost certainly never get polio. If this had proven true for the covid vaccines, even though *I* did not want them, I would have gotten them for my family and students. Not only is this NOT true, but indications are the vaccines negatively affect your immune system so that you are MORE susceptible to getting ill after a certain amount of time. Whether I have the vaccine or not has no bearing on YOUR infection. You're in MI; so am I. Do you know how many people I know who are vaccinated AND boosted who have had covid, some multiple times? Too many to count.

You really need to inform yourself and stop popping off at the mouth. Probably both.
I think the unvaccinated are spreading it. Or why it didn’t get wiped out. why it mutated. Anyone else c9nfirm that?

Again, I don’t want to force you but your employer or the airlines and insurance companies might.

Sounds like you have a good case to take it to court.
I think the unvaccinated are spreading it. Or why it didn’t get wiped out. why it mutated. Anyone else c9nfirm that?

Again, I don’t want to force you but your employer or the airlines and insurance companies might.

Sounds like you have a good case to take it to court.

You really, really need to move beyond the information of June 2021. If you can get Covid, as a vaccinated person, you can spread it. There's no "magic" that prevents you, as an infected person, from spreading the virus, whether you are vaccinated or not.

Why should anyone force me to get a vaccine that only protects my own health? Should I then be forced to take vitamins, exercise 60 minutes a day, eat vegetables by my employer or airlines? This is ridiculous. Please get informed.
Yeah, you've been screaming that for months now. I was supposed to have already dropped dead from the first shot. Since then--in January 2021, I've had a second shot and a booster. When are you now forecasting the quick onset of death?

The sooner the better -
We aren’t doctors.

Btw you could be right. Look what our government did to black people in Tuskegee. But on this one, I think you’re just being paranoid and not being a team player. A bad citizen. During a pandemic.

But again, that’s your right and you could be right.

Im just glad this isn’t polio or you’d be holding out on that one too.

It's almost unanimous with doctors that do not work for the Government -

Lockdowns did not work
The Covid Flu Shot doesn't stop one from getting covid (in Israel they are up to 4 boosters without success)
The Covid Flu Shot doesn't stop one from transmitting Covid
Mask do not inhibit the flow of air-borne viruses.

65% of all Americans that have died From Covid - had a minimum of 4 other co-morbidities,

Healthy people are at statistically zero risk from covid.
It's almost unanimous with doctors that do not work for the Government -

Lockdowns did not work
The Covid Flu Shot doesn't stop one from getting covid (in Israel they are up to 4 boosters without success)
The Covid Flu Shot doesn't stop one from transmitting Covid
Mask do not inhibit the flow of air-borne viruses.

65% of all Americans that have died From Covid - had a minimum of 4 other co-morbidities,

Healthy people are at statistically zero risk from covid.
Just look at the death rates between the vaxed and unvaxed

Among the 3.5 million COVID-19 deaths1 reported in the MPIDR COVerAGE database, 0.4 per cent (over 12,300) occured in children and adolescents under 20 years of age.

The available evidence indicates the direct impact of COVID-19 on child, adolescent and youth mortality to be limited. However, there is concern that the indirect effects of the pandemic on mortality in these age groups stemming from strained health systems, household income loss, and disruptions to care-seeking and preventative interventions like vaccination may be more substantial.
You really, really need to move beyond the information of June 2021. If you can get Covid, as a vaccinated person, you can spread it. There's no "magic" that prevents you, as an infected person, from spreading the virus, whether you are vaccinated or not.

Why should anyone force me to get a vaccine that only protects my own health? Should I then be forced to take vitamins, exercise 60 minutes a day, eat vegetables by my employer or airlines? This is ridiculous. Please get informed.
But vaccination is not just a personal choice. Your decision affects the health of all children in your community, including your own. The vaccinated community helps to protect those who are not vaccinated, a concept known as “herd immunity” or “community immunity.” When 90–95 percent of a community is protected, it is nearly impossible for a vaccine-preventable disease to spread.

Vaccination is an umbrella. If you put on a raincoat, you’re protecting just yourself. But if you use an umbrella, you can protect both yourself and those around you. The umbrella is “community immunity.” Those who don’t vaccinate rely on others to share their umbrella when it rains. But we need our communities to invest in umbrellas together. Newborns rely on their parents and on their caregivers to offer protection by sharing their umbrellas.

For most vaccine-preventable diseases, when less than 90 percent of children are vaccinated in a particular community, these pockets of low vaccination create an environment where diseases can take hold and spread.

As we vaccinate as many people as possible, as quickly as possible, we can stop the spread of the coronavirus. A reduction in transmission of the virus means fewer opportunities for it to mutate, which can help prevent the emergence of any other strains.

I know a vaccinated person can still spread covid but I believe it's worse when people aren't vaxed.
But vaccination is not just a personal choice. Your decision affects the health of all children in your community, including your own. The vaccinated community helps to protect those who are not vaccinated, a concept known as “herd immunity” or “community immunity.” When 90–95 percent of a community is protected, it is nearly impossible for a vaccine-preventable disease to spread.

Vaccination is an umbrella. If you put on a raincoat, you’re protecting just yourself. But if you use an umbrella, you can protect both yourself and those around you. The umbrella is “community immunity.” Those who don’t vaccinate rely on others to share their umbrella when it rains. But we need our communities to invest in umbrellas together. Newborns rely on their parents and on their caregivers to offer protection by sharing their umbrellas.

For most vaccine-preventable diseases, when less than 90 percent of children are vaccinated in a particular community, these pockets of low vaccination create an environment where diseases can take hold and spread.

As we vaccinate as many people as possible, as quickly as possible, we can stop the spread of the coronavirus. A reduction in transmission of the virus means fewer opportunities for it to mutate, which can help prevent the emergence of any other strains.

I know a vaccinated person can still spread covid but I believe it's worse when people aren't vaxed.

All these words to advertise your flagrant ignorance about the vaccines.

It's embarrassing. Really. Embarrassing.

The vaccines

do not




My decision has NO impact

on anyone else

Read this until it sinks in
But vaccination is not just a personal choice. Your decision affects the health of all children in your community, including your own. The vaccinated community helps to protect those who are not vaccinated, a concept known as “herd immunity” or “community immunity.” When 90–95 percent of a community is protected, it is nearly impossible for a vaccine-preventable disease to spread.

Vaccination is an umbrella. If you put on a raincoat, you’re protecting just yourself. But if you use an umbrella, you can protect both yourself and those around you. The umbrella is “community immunity.” Those who don’t vaccinate rely on others to share their umbrella when it rains. But we need our communities to invest in umbrellas together. Newborns rely on their parents and on their caregivers to offer protection by sharing their umbrellas.

For most vaccine-preventable diseases, when less than 90 percent of children are vaccinated in a particular community, these pockets of low vaccination create an environment where diseases can take hold and spread.

As we vaccinate as many people as possible, as quickly as possible, we can stop the spread of the coronavirus. A reduction in transmission of the virus means fewer opportunities for it to mutate, which can help prevent the emergence of any other strains.

I know a vaccinated person can still spread covid but I believe it's worse when people aren't vaxed.

Look at the UK vaccine surveillance report, page 47. They now only give #s for BOOSTED, not just double vaxxed. Even so, the boosted have MORE cases rated per 100K by far than the unvaxxed! Vaccinated are the Super Spreaders. So great job, bobo getting the defunct vaccines and exposing ME to covid

Just look at the death rates between the vaxed and unvaxed

Decadent Ruling Classes Hate Industrialization, So They Preach That Its By-Products Is the Reason It Should Be Shut Down

Look at the death rates between heavily polluted China and the Green-sucked United States.
I didn't ask you can small business afford your services. That part of your answer is irrelevant.

If you were able to do your job on your own, you would be working for yourself, and the fact that you're not doing so, means you are not as good as you think.

Now, you are employee, and will be an employee as long there is nobody who can do your job for less than you do. You are replaceable.
No. I could work as an independent consultant, but I prefer to work for a large corporation. That allows me to concentrate on my work and maximize my productive value to my company.

Long ago I worked for small employers. They were all narcissistic shitheads that ripped off and con'd their customers, and treated their employees like shit.

Sure, I'm replaceable, but my employer would have to find at least 2 if not 3 people to replace me - and they'd have to pay each around 75% of what they pay me.

So, I'm not easily replaced.

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