Trump right again... We destroyed our economy for virtually nothing...

Nah, just cult brainwashed.
No... I disagree. Because Trump isn't anti-vax. She's anti-establishment. Which means whatever the popular opinion is--she will do the opposite because that is where you get engagement on a messageboard. In real life, she's like Misty from Yellowjackets...someone you loathe.
Beaumont. Our own state. As of yesterday. Blue are double vaxxed. Green are boosted. Read the chart. (PS I know about stuff like this because, yeah, I research.)

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ICU and Ventilator - 59% unvaxxed, this among 2/3 of population vaccinated and even higher vaxx rates among elderly group that is at highest risk.

Clearly unvaxxed group are doing considerably worse.

It's too bad you are too dumb to even understand what you are posting.
ICU and Ventilator - 59% unvaxxed, this among 2/3 of population vaccinated and even higher vaxx rates among elderly group that is at highest risk.

Clearly unvaxxed group are doing considerably worse.

It's too bad you are too dumb to even understand what you are posting.

This is not what people signed up for FIRST. With every med you are weighing risk and benefit. This is an EXPERIMENTAL drug for which the long (and even short) term effects are not known. People were first told it would stop transmission and you wouldn't even GET covid if you go the shot. That didn't pan out. Then they were told it would prevent "severe illness and death". Oops, maybe after a "booster". Now look. It has a temporary effect on that, seen above. But it wanes.

Meanwhile, we know the shots cause myocarditis, menstrual effects, and clots. There is a lot we DO NOT know.

The vaccines are a failure. Americans know this even if they won't admit it overtly. They are admitting it quietly by not getting boosters in large numbers AND not getting their young children vaccinated.
What the bloody hell are you babbling about? Medical mistakes are the #3 killer in the US for adults---
There is no better way to go to for fixing your car, then a mechanic. Yet they can do harm to your car too. That’s the same as going to “a” doctor is not what is recommended. You have a problem you need fixed whether it’s with your car or your health, you go to a TEAM of physicians or second opinion mechanics. That’s what consensus and science is all about. That’s how you should all work with your health.

Slowly, the medical profession has been going from the family doctor to fill your needs, to institutional medicine where several doctors get involved with decision making. Liability in medical care demands it.
The vaccines are a failure. Americans know this even if they won't admit it overtly. They are adm
Rediculous. The vast majority of hospitalizations and fatalities are among unvaccinated people. Get a life outside of fix news stop promoting stupidity....
This is not what people signed up for FIRST. With every med you are weighing risk and benefit. This is an EXPERIMENTAL drug for which the long (and even short) term effects are not known. People were first told it would stop transmission and you wouldn't even GET covid if you go the shot. That didn't pan out. Then they were told it would prevent "severe illness and death". Oops, maybe after a "booster". Now look. It has a temporary effect on that, seen above. But it wanes.

Meanwhile, we know the shots cause myocarditis, menstrual effects, and clots. There is a lot we DO NOT know.

The vaccines are a failure. Americans know this even if they won't admit it overtly. They are admitting it quietly by not getting boosters in large numbers AND not getting their young children vaccinated.
Lots of untrue babble. Seriously, have you actually had any shots for anything ? Why haven't we heard from you fat ass deniers about the ills of fast foods and literally, everything you buy in a common market which is all genetically engineered
. Why aren’t you whining about the deaths and disease spread by Monsanto and the people dying from pollution and climate change ? You’re such a freaking authority, learn the difference between vaccinations and spreading crap on your lawn to kill weeds. No math agrees with you.
This is not what people signed up for FIRST. With every med you are weighing risk and benefit. This is an EXPERIMENTAL drug for which the long (and even short) term effects are not known. People were first told it would stop transmission and you wouldn't even GET covid if you go the shot. That didn't pan out. Then they were told it would prevent "severe illness and death". Oops, maybe after a "booster". Now look. It has a temporary effect on that, seen above. But it wanes.

Meanwhile, we know the shots cause myocarditis, menstrual effects, and clots. There is a lot we DO NOT know.

The vaccines are a failure. Americans know this even if they won't admit it overtly. They are admitting it quietly by not getting boosters in large numbers AND not getting their young children vaccinated.
...People didn't sign up for lower complications, hospitalization and death rate?

Are you on funny drugs?

Myocarditis is caused by Covid-19 many times over more commonly than by vaccine that reduces your odds of developing this and other complications.
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...People didn't sign up for lower complications, hospitalization and death rate?

Are you on drugs?

People believed the vaccines would stop the disease. Do you need the Rachel Maddow clip to prove it, or what Biden said in July? They also believed the vaccines were "100% effective against hospitalization and death". Now after even THREE vaccines that's not even close to true. So yes, knowing the TRUE facts, some people would have still gotten vaccinated. But a lot would not have.
People believed the vaccines would stop the disease.
Dummy that just means people thought wrong, not that vaccination is not worthwhile.

Vaccination fully stopped earlier variants, but is still effective at reducing complications from Delta and Omicron.

If everyone that could get vaccinated got fully vaccinated we would have little Covid worries by today.
Dummy that just means people thought wrong, not that vaccination is not worthwhile.

Vaccination fully stopped earlier variants, but is still effective at reducing complications from Delta and Omicron.

If everyone that could get vaccinated got fully vaccinated we would have little Covid worries by today.

It's a bad look to call someone a dummy but then cite wrong facts.

Like your entire last sentence
I have no idea why you think whining about shit in 2007 has anything to do with the fact your leaders have done nothing to make the tax cuts permanent despite controlling everything.

Grow a brain, Dumbass.

No chance.
Yup, our economy just grew under Biden by more then 5%, more then it has since the 1980s.
After shutting down the economy and then infusing almost 4 trillion into the economy we better be at 5% and should really should be around 10%.

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