Trump right again... We destroyed our economy for virtually nothing...

What the fuck are you talking about??

The lockdowns were Trump's recommendation...

"Therefore, my administration is recommending that all Americans, including the young and healthy, work to engage in schooling from home when possible, avoid gathering in groups of more than 10 people, avoid discretionary travel and avoid eating and drinking in bars, restaurants, and public food courts," Donald Trump, 3.16.2020

Watched a few minutes of him talking about social distancing. Time stamp where he says to lock down the economy.
Hey look, the little weasel Fauci is proven to be a blithering idiot on this too.

Has this clown been right on anything?

Fauci defends coronavirus lockdowns as saving 'millions of lives'

Fauci defends coronavirus lockdowns as saving 'millions of lives'

Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious diseases expert, said Wednesday that lockdowns meant to stem the spread of the coronavirus saved “millions of lives” in an interview.

"When you give advice about what should you be doing — should you be out there, should you be shutting down earlier versus later? I mean, people get confused. And they say, 'Wow, you know, we shut down and we caused a great disruption in society. We caused great economic pain, loss of jobs,' " Fauci said in an interview with the Department of Health and Human Services’s (HHS) “Learning Curve” podcast.

"But if you look at the data, now that papers have come out literally two days ago, the fact that we shut down when we did and the rest of the world did, has saved hundreds of millions of infections and millions of lives," he added.

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There is television and cable and the internet. You are not informed. That is your fault.
Your hilarious.The internet is not a separate entity. It’s used to stream for over the air TV Content including both direct broad casts and satellite over the horizon and cable broadcasts…. as well as for communication. You are uninformed.
Go read the OP to try to figured out what thread you are in, Troll.
Oh, when Trump left office, true to all recession prone republicans, the unemployment rate was 6.3%.
Guess what ? It’s 4% under Biden.
Rogan, Fauci, I don’t trust either. I trust my doctor, yet I get second opinions. I didn’t tell you to not listen to your doctor, I said question your doctor. Ask him why changing your diet won’t help. I’m not just talking about Covid, I’m talking health in general. Btw, I had my Covid shots, went to my doctor and he advised me not to get boosters as it could impair my immune system.
I haven’t got the booster. Yet. Maybe I won’t. I’m sick of it
When the left and the media were demanding lockdowns,. and President Trump and many Republican governor's were being pummeled in articles and TV news for not embracing lockdowns and keeping their state's open... science has proven they were right...

And here are the receipts ... March 2020...

Thank God my Governor had a backbone and held out as long as possible under the assault from democrats especially in the media.

"Some states are still refusing to order lockdowns Missouri Gov. Mike Parson said he will not issue a statewide shutdown, insisting it is down to 'individual responsibility' Medical experts sent him..."

And Kudos to South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem for standing up to relentless pressure and never shutting down...

Honorable mentions for other states that did their best to defy the democrats demands to destroy their states economies...

I never denied he failed on covid! LOL
Well, let's see your doctorate in medicine and we can discuss your advice, until then, I'll listen to my doctor.
And I'll listen to mine.

Mine of course says that anyone who CAN get vaxxed and boosted should and that if they don't they're "stupid". His words

But hey...I don't give two shits.

I think it's hilarious that anti-vaxxers are Darwining themselves
And I'll listen to mine.

Mine of course says that anyone who CAN get vaxxed and boosted should and that if they don't they're "stupid". His words

But hey...I don't give two shits.

I think it's hilarious that anti-vaxxers are Darwining themselves
I took the vaccine and my doctor, knowing me and my autoimmune disorder told me that the vaccine could compromise my immune system, but hey you doctor that doesn't know me from anyone else would know better, right? So from here out I will take my doctors advice and I don't give two shits what your doctor said, sounds like you are just to political assholes who follow politics and not science. I consider you and your doctor political nut jobs.
Mine of course says that anyone who CAN get vaxxed and boosted should and that if they don't they're "stupid". His words

I took the vaccine and my doctor, knowing me and my autoimmune disorder told me that the vaccine could compromise my immune system, but hey you doctor that doesn't know me from anyone else would know better, right?
Read what I posted retard

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