Trump right again... We destroyed our economy for virtually nothing...

The Democratic governors destroyed the Middle class in their states during the Covid bullshit. 40% of small business closed for good. Democrats want them gone. They want free people gone.
Of course you have proof…not. Just a quote from Tucker.
Your Vegetable Messiah is in the WH, Piglosi controls the House, and Cryin' Chucky controls the Senate.

Why have they not come to your rescue and made them permanent, Dumbass?
More old bullshit. The president is the CEOof the country. No budget becomes law without his signature or is even implemented with out the president. . The past massive tax cuts were passed by repo controlled congress and signed by repo president. 10 recessions in the last 11 under repo presidents.
More old bullshit. The president is the CEOof the country. No budget becomes law without his signature or is even implemented with out the president. . The past massive tax cuts were passed by repo controlled congress and signed by repo president. 10 recessions in the last 11 under repo presidents.
Your Vegetable Messiah is in the WH, Piglosi controls the House, and Cryin' Chucky controls the Senate.

Why have they not come to your rescue and made them permanent, Dumbass?
Your Vegetable Messiah is in the WH, Piglosi controls the House, and Cryin' Chucky controls the Senate.

Why have they not come to your rescue and made them permanent, Dumbass?
Trumps own words simpleton. It was true in 2007, it’s true today and true for every gop big money donor.

“Donald Trump counseled Trump University students to take advantage of the housing bubble as an investment opportunity and said, just a year before it burst, that he was “excited” for it to end because of the money he’d make.

“People have been talking about the end of the cycle for 12 years, and I'm excited if it is,’ he told the Globe and Mail in March of 2007. “I’ve always made more money in bad markets than in good markets.”

Trumps own words simpleton. It was true in 2007, it’s true today and true for every gop big money donor.

“Donald Trump counseled Trump University students to take advantage of the housing bubble as an investment opportunity and said, just a year before it burst, that he was “excited” for it to end because of the money he’d make.

“People have been talking about the end of the cycle for 12 years, and I'm excited if it is,’ he told the Globe and Mail in March of 2007. “I’ve always made more money in bad markets than in good markets.”
I have no idea why you think whining about shit in 2007 has anything to do with the fact your leaders have done nothing to make the tax cuts permanent despite controlling everything.

Grow a brain, Dumbass.
I have no idea why you think whining about shit in 2007 has anything to do with the fact your leaders have done nothing to make the tax cuts permanent despite controlling everything.

Grow a brain, Dumbass.
Probably because we had the biggest recession since the rest, under Republican rule. Large tax cuts predominantly for the rich have been the key feature of recessions in modern times. REPOS.
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When the left and the media were demanding lockdowns,. and President Trump and many Republican governor's were being pummeled in articles and TV news for not embracing lockdowns and keeping their state's open... science has proven they were right...

And here are the receipts ... March 2020...

Thank God my Governor had a backbone and held out as long as possible under the assault from democrats especially in the media.

"Some states are still refusing to order lockdowns Missouri Gov. Mike Parson said he will not issue a statewide shutdown, insisting it is down to 'individual responsibility' Medical experts sent him..."

And Kudos to South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem for standing up to relentless pressure and never shutting down...

Honorable mentions for other states that did their best to defy the democrats demands to destroy their states economies...

What the fuck are you talking about??

The lockdowns were Trump's recommendation...

"Therefore, my administration is recommending that all Americans, including the young and healthy, work to engage in schooling from home when possible, avoid gathering in groups of more than 10 people, avoid discretionary travel and avoid eating and drinking in bars, restaurants, and public food courts," Donald Trump, 3.16.2020
When the left and the media were demanding lockdowns,. and President Trump and many Republican governor's were being pummeled in articles and TV news for not embracing lockdowns and keeping their state's open... science has proven they were right...

Of course trumps Republican lackeys would do what the dictator said. Where's the news in that?
Fox said that??? And you believed it.
And here are the receipts ... March 2020...

Trump couldnt think past the end of his nose. It's the same trump who had it all under control and it would disappear over night.
Thank God my Governor had a backbone and held out as long as possible under the assault from democrats especially in the media.
God had nothing to do with it because your governor is a Republican and expected to hate Biden like you. For your God shit son.
"Some states are still refusing to order lockdowns Missouri Gov. Mike Parson said he will not issue a statewide shutdown, insisting it is down to 'individual responsibility' Medical experts sent him..."
That's code. It really means he doesn't think it's necessary with no expertise of his own, and eventually cops out by saying it's a personal responsibility.
But you didn't think not that.

And Kudos to South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem for standing up to relentless pressure and never shutting down...
Will kudos save the people who have died under her control?
Ask those who are unvaxxed and in hospital if they need more kudos. Tell them to stop taking that socialised medicine and get some kudos injections.
You're as dumb as a stump.

Honorable mentions for other states that did their best to defy the democrats demands to destroy their states economies...
It wouldn't be the fact everyone is sick and bludging on the hospitals, draining the economy and you supported it???
Are you barking mad?
Resurges ????
Wow. Whod have thought that would happen after they failed to obey the best advice in the world. Well bugger me. Fauci was right after all.
You’re not a doctor dummy. When the doctor gives you a drug, you take it. You don’t research it. You don’t get a second opinion. And if you do it’s not Joe rogan.

This is just proof you republicans have politicized everything. It’s sad.
What the bloody hell are you babbling about? Medical mistakes are the #3 killer in the US for adults---
You’re not a doctor dummy. When the doctor gives you a drug, you take it. You don’t research it. You don’t get a second opinion. And if you do it’s not Joe rogan.

This is just proof you republicans have politicized everything. It’s sad.
Then could you explain why the FDA ends up pulling drugs (that they approved), and lawyers do a booming business filing lawsuits for people that have been harmed by those drugs????

The only problem now is that the Democrats are pushing an ineffective "vaccine" where the manufacturers don't have any liability....

If the shots mess you up (or even kill you), you're on your own....

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