Trump Rioter Caught On Video Sobbing 'They Called Me A Terrorist' After Being Put On 'No-Fly' List

This is interesting.

Apparently one of the rioters is on the no fly list. The government considers him a terrorist after rioting in the capitol on Wednesday.

I can't say I blame the government. They are terrorists and shouldn't be able to get on an airplane.

Fascist libs are spinning stories and trying to destroy anyone at the protest against our government--this is what banana republics do..
Thank God there's not enough of you lunatics to ruin this nation. You can rant and rage all you want about libs, but history, video and 6 deaths will never be erased to exonerate you murdering brain dead racist motherfuckers...EVER!!
Good. Actions have consequences.
All without a hearing or the judge---our corrupt FBI can destroy anyones life by having them declared a terrorist and placed on the do not fly list--------hell they dont treat murderers this harsh.

"Hearings" and "judges" are for crimes.

And yeah I believe murderers do get juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuust slightly more slap on the wrist than "no you can't take this plane".

Speaking of which -------- why don't you tell the class why you'd want a terrorist on a plane. How'd that work out in the past?
This is interesting.

Apparently one of the rioters is on the no fly list. The government considers him a terrorist after rioting in the capitol on Wednesday.

I can't say I blame the government. They are terrorists and shouldn't be able to get on an airplane.

Antifa goon. No pity, no mercy.

Also no evidence.
Facial recognition, Pogy.
This is interesting.

Apparently one of the rioters is on the no fly list. The government considers him a terrorist after rioting in the capitol on Wednesday.

I can't say I blame the government. They are terrorists and shouldn't be able to get on an airplane.

Antifa goon. No pity, no mercy.

Also no evidence.
Facial recognition, Pogy.

That's good, you recognize my face when I don't even show one. I recognize yours too. It's all shadowy.
This is interesting.

Apparently one of the rioters is on the no fly list. The government considers him a terrorist after rioting in the capitol on Wednesday.

I can't say I blame the government. They are terrorists and shouldn't be able to get on an airplane.

That would be great if that could be the penalty for rioting. Just another reason to not do it.

If you're going to fly to DC and'll be taking Greyhound home.
Penalty should be shoot on sight
This is interesting.

Apparently one of the rioters is on the no fly list. The government considers him a terrorist after rioting in the capitol on Wednesday.

I can't say I blame the government. They are terrorists and shouldn't be able to get on an airplane.

Antifa goon. No pity, no mercy.

Also no evidence.
Facial recognition, Pogy.

That's good, you recognize my face when I don't even show one. I recognize yours too. It's all shadowy.
That is a most qualified response.
This is interesting.

Apparently one of the rioters is on the no fly list. The government considers him a terrorist after rioting in the capitol on Wednesday.

I can't say I blame the government. They are terrorists and shouldn't be able to get on an airplane.

Some quietly entered the capital with the capital police holding the doors open for them. That's not rioting.


ignorant at best:

That's a riot..and insurrection. If you had any part of that you deserve whatever befalls you
This is interesting.

Apparently one of the rioters is on the no fly list. The government considers him a terrorist after rioting in the capitol on Wednesday.

I can't say I blame the government. They are terrorists and shouldn't be able to get on an airplane.

Fascist libs are spinning stories and trying to destroy anyone at the protest against our government--this is what banana republics do..
Thank God there's not enough of you lunatics to ruin this nation. You can rant and rage all you want about libs, but history, video and 6 deaths will never be erased to exonerate you murdering brain dead racist motherfuckers...EVER!!
You know what they call six shootings in Chicago?

There's a real naiveté with this people....I really don't think they understand the seriousness of what they did.

But they did understand. The riots by Antifa gave the Army the opportunity to get the laptops of the soon to be arrested traitors while they were out of their offices.
But they did understand. The riots by Antifa gave the Army the opportunity to get the laptops of the soon to be arrested traitors while they were out of their offices.


What kinda drugs makes someone believe that kind of shit?
This is interesting.

Apparently one of the rioters is on the no fly list. The government considers him a terrorist after rioting in the capitol on Wednesday.

I can't say I blame the government. They are terrorists and shouldn't be able to get on an airplane.

Fascist libs are spinning stories and trying to destroy anyone at the protest against our government--this is what banana republics do..
Thank God there's not enough of you lunatics to ruin this nation. You can rant and rage all you want about libs, but history, video and 6 deaths will never be erased to exonerate you murdering brain dead racist motherfuckers...EVER!!
You know what they call six shootings in Chicago?


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