Trump Rioter Caught On Video Sobbing 'They Called Me A Terrorist' After Being Put On 'No-Fly' List

And of course none of this board's leftists denounced this:

"Demonstrations that often turn violent have gripped Oregon’s biggest city for more than two months following the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

Participants have repeatedly broken into the offices of a police union headquarters building and last month clashed for weeks with federal agents dispatched to protect a US courthouse targeted by protesters.

Portland officers declared a riot late on Tuesday outside the county building after demonstrators in a crowd of about 200 started fires in dumpsters, used rocks to smash first-floor windows and tossed burning material inside that started the fire that set off fire alarms and the building’s sprinkler system, police said in a statement early on Wednesday."

Portland police declare riot after protesters try to burn building | Portland | The Guardian
And of course none of this board's leftists denounced this:

"Demonstrations that often turn violent have gripped Oregon’s biggest city for more than two months following the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

Participants have repeatedly broken into the offices of a police union headquarters building and last month clashed for weeks with federal agents dispatched to protect a US courthouse targeted by protesters.

Portland officers declared a riot late on Tuesday outside the county building after demonstrators in a crowd of about 200 started fires in dumpsters, used rocks to smash first-floor windows and tossed burning material inside that started the fire that set off fire alarms and the building’s sprinkler system, police said in a statement early on Wednesday."

Portland police declare riot after protesters try to burn building | Portland | The Guardian

The capitol isn't in Portland, and congress was not meeting in Portland. You don't really get the difference between problems in Portland, and the president instigating a riot to force congress to break the law?
And no one here on the left ever denounced what went on night after night in Portland, but let's have one single out of control mob of Trump supporters and the holier than thou leftists here, act like it's the first fucking riot they've seen!

Wonder how many are now on the no-fly list?

Rioters Set Fire to Federal Courthouse in Portland

"Rioters in Portland set fire to a federal courthouse Wednesday night as nightly violence continues to rock the city and local officials call for federal law enforcement agents deployed by the Trump administration to leave.

More than 1,000 protesters congregated near the Justice Center and Federal Courthouse downtown and threw incendiary devices over the fence around the federal courthouse, which resulted in a large fire. Protests and rioting in Portland have been nearly constant since the May 25 death of George Floyd that sparked national outrage and demonstrations across the country.

Some protests have been peaceful, but demonstrators who remain on the streets after dark have engaged in property destruction, throwing rocks at police, marking buildings with graffiti, and earlier this month briefly set another courthouse on fire."

Rioters Set Fire to Federal Courthouse in Portland (
And no one here on the left ever denounced what went on night after night in Portland, but let's have one single out of control mob of Trump supporters and the holier than thou leftists here, act like it's the first fucking riot they've seen!

Wonder how many are now on the no-fly list?

Rioters Set Fire to Federal Courthouse in Portland

"Rioters in Portland set fire to a federal courthouse Wednesday night as nightly violence continues to rock the city and local officials call for federal law enforcement agents deployed by the Trump administration to leave.

More than 1,000 protesters congregated near the Justice Center and Federal Courthouse downtown and threw incendiary devices over the fence around the federal courthouse, which resulted in a large fire. Protests and rioting in Portland have been nearly constant since the May 25 death of George Floyd that sparked national outrage and demonstrations across the country.

Some protests have been peaceful, but demonstrators who remain on the streets after dark have engaged in property destruction, throwing rocks at police, marking buildings with graffiti, and earlier this month briefly set another courthouse on fire."

Rioters Set Fire to Federal Courthouse in Portland (

You don't understand the difference between protesting and trying to start a revolution?
And no one here on the left ever denounced what went on night after night in Portland, but let's have one single out of control mob of Trump supporters and the holier than thou leftists here, act like it's the first fucking riot they've seen!

Wonder how many are now on the no-fly list?

Rioters Set Fire to Federal Courthouse in Portland

"Rioters in Portland set fire to a federal courthouse Wednesday night as nightly violence continues to rock the city and local officials call for federal law enforcement agents deployed by the Trump administration to leave.

More than 1,000 protesters congregated near the Justice Center and Federal Courthouse downtown and threw incendiary devices over the fence around the federal courthouse, which resulted in a large fire. Protests and rioting in Portland have been nearly constant since the May 25 death of George Floyd that sparked national outrage and demonstrations across the country.

Some protests have been peaceful, but demonstrators who remain on the streets after dark have engaged in property destruction, throwing rocks at police, marking buildings with graffiti, and earlier this month briefly set another courthouse on fire."

Rioters Set Fire to Federal Courthouse in Portland (

You don't understand the difference between protesting and trying to start a revolution?

And you don't think the fuckers on your side have tried to spark a "revolution"? Jesus, get a clue dude!
This is interesting.

Apparently one of the rioters is on the no fly list. The government considers him a terrorist after rioting in the capitol on Wednesday.

I can't say I blame the government. They are terrorists and shouldn't be able to get on an airplane.

So let's see if I have this straight.

"They want to ruin your life" by kicking you off a plane after all you did was storm a government building and break in with nooses and Molotov cocktails?

What are they smokin'?

I don't know. They don't seem to live in the same reality the rest of live in.

We've known that for a very long time.
"Activists of the far-left Antifa movement began planning to foment a nationwide anti-government insurgency as early as November as the U.S. presidential campaign season kicked off in earnest, according to a law enforcement official with access to intelligence behind the shadowy group.

The radical movement has emerged as a key focus for investigators in the wake of violent protests and looting across the country after the death of George Floyd in police custody in Minneapolis, according to U.S. law enforcement officials and private security experts.

The law enforcement official would not speak on the record about Antifa’s plans as the election season heats up, but longtime analysts of the group say such a move would be entirely in character."

Antifa planned anti-government insurgency before George Floyd protests: law enforcement official - Washington Times
This is interesting.

Apparently one of the rioters is on the no fly list. The government considers him a terrorist after rioting in the capitol on Wednesday.

I can't say I blame the government. They are terrorists and shouldn't be able to get on an airplane.

So let's see if I have this straight.

"They want to ruin your life" by kicking you off a plane after all you did was storm a government building and break in with nooses and Molotov cocktails?

What are they smokin'?

I don't know. They don't seem to live in the same reality the rest of live in.

We've known that for a very long time.

And yet, your reality has been what has went on night after night in places like Portland, and I don't believe you've denounced any of it.
This is interesting.

Apparently one of the rioters is on the no fly list. The government considers him a terrorist after rioting in the capitol on Wednesday.

I can't say I blame the government. They are terrorists and shouldn't be able to get on an airplane.

Then everyone of blm should be on the same list.
This is interesting.

Apparently one of the rioters is on the no fly list. The government considers him a terrorist after rioting in the capitol on Wednesday.

I can't say I blame the government. They are terrorists and shouldn't be able to get on an airplane.

Some quietly entered the capital with the capital police holding the doors open for them. That's not rioting.


ignorant at best:

Child, one of your comrades posted a video of it a couple of days ago, said the cops should go to jail. Perhaps you should be calling him "ignorant at best".

The airline attendants union asked that these thugs be banned from flights after what they went through with the flights into Washington.

And no one here on the left ever denounced what went on night after night in Portland, but let's have one single out of control mob of Trump supporters and the holier than thou leftists here, act like it's the first fucking riot they've seen!

Wonder how many are now on the no-fly list?

Rioters Set Fire to Federal Courthouse in Portland

"Rioters in Portland set fire to a federal courthouse Wednesday night as nightly violence continues to rock the city and local officials call for federal law enforcement agents deployed by the Trump administration to leave.

More than 1,000 protesters congregated near the Justice Center and Federal Courthouse downtown and threw incendiary devices over the fence around the federal courthouse, which resulted in a large fire. Protests and rioting in Portland have been nearly constant since the May 25 death of George Floyd that sparked national outrage and demonstrations across the country.

Some protests have been peaceful, but demonstrators who remain on the streets after dark have engaged in property destruction, throwing rocks at police, marking buildings with graffiti, and earlier this month briefly set another courthouse on fire."

Rioters Set Fire to Federal Courthouse in Portland (

You don't understand the difference between protesting and trying to start a revolution?

And you don't think the fuckers on your side have tried to spark a "revolution"? Jesus, get a clue dude!

It must be nice to have the privilege that the MSM hands the American left.
If it's the left burning buildings, they are freedom fighters.
If it's the right, they are a mob, and must be censored and arrested.

The privilege that Dimocrats and the left have is fucking unbelievable.
This is interesting.

Apparently one of the rioters is on the no fly list. The government considers him a terrorist after rioting in the capitol on Wednesday.

I can't say I blame the government. They are terrorists and shouldn't be able to get on an airplane.

So let's see if I have this straight.

"They want to ruin your life" by kicking you off a plane after all you did was storm a government building and break in with nooses and Molotov cocktails?

What are they smokin'?

I don't know. They don't seem to live in the same reality the rest of live in.

We've known that for a very long time.

And yet, your reality has been what has went on night after night in places like Portland, and I don't believe you've denounced any of it.

Isn't this interesting. You've made SIX posts in this thread and EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. has been a flailing attempt at Whaddaboutism, a/k/a the Tu Quoque Fallacy, to try to shift the topic somewhere else.

Now why would you be trying to change the subject? Embarrassed?
"Activists of the far-left Antifa movement began planning to foment a nationwide anti-government insurgency as early as November as the U.S. presidential campaign season kicked off in earnest, according to a law enforcement official with access to intelligence behind the shadowy group.

The radical movement has emerged as a key focus for investigators in the wake of violent protests and looting across the country after the death of George Floyd in police custody in Minneapolis, according to U.S. law enforcement officials and private security experts.

The law enforcement official would not speak on the record about Antifa’s plans as the election season heats up, but longtime analysts of the group say such a move would be entirely in character."

Antifa planned anti-government insurgency before George Floyd protests: law enforcement official - Washington Times

Looks like the insurgency came from Trump supporters.
Fucking thugs and filthy animals.

This is interesting.

Apparently one of the rioters is on the no fly list. The government considers him a terrorist after rioting in the capitol on Wednesday.

I can't say I blame the government. They are terrorists and shouldn't be able to get on an airplane.

Fascist libs are spinning stories and trying to destroy anyone at the protest against our government--this is what banana republics do..
Thank God there's not enough of you lunatics to ruin this nation. You can rant and rage all you want about libs, but history, video and 6 deaths will never be erased to exonerate you murdering brain dead racist motherfuckers...EVER!!

More fucking commie lies. Only 3 died as a result of people entering the Capital exercising their first amendment rights to petition the government for a redress of gradiences. More died in Chicago last weekend at the hands of your brothas and sistas.

Last edited:
This is interesting.

Apparently one of the rioters is on the no fly list. The government considers him a terrorist after rioting in the capitol on Wednesday.

I can't say I blame the government. They are terrorists and shouldn't be able to get on an airplane.

So let's see if I have this straight.

"They want to ruin your life" by kicking you off a plane after all you did was storm a government building and break in with nooses and Molotov cocktails?

What are they smokin'?

I don't know. They don't seem to live in the same reality the rest of live in.

We've known that for a very long time.

Then maybe it's time for a fucking divorce for irreconcilable differences. Then we can wall you asshole off and every one will be happy.

And of course none of this board's leftists denounced this:

"Demonstrations that often turn violent have gripped Oregon’s biggest city for more than two months following the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

Participants have repeatedly broken into the offices of a police union headquarters building and last month clashed for weeks with federal agents dispatched to protect a US courthouse targeted by protesters.

Portland officers declared a riot late on Tuesday outside the county building after demonstrators in a crowd of about 200 started fires in dumpsters, used rocks to smash first-floor windows and tossed burning material inside that started the fire that set off fire alarms and the building’s sprinkler system, police said in a statement early on Wednesday."

Portland police declare riot after protesters try to burn building | Portland | The Guardian

The capitol isn't in Portland, and congress was not meeting in Portland. You don't really get the difference between problems in Portland, and the president instigating a riot to force congress to break the law?

No they don't.

They think that Portland excuses what they did on Wednesday.

It doesn't of course but that's what these crazy people think.

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