Trump - Rioters - Cans Of Soup


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
Trump was 100% correct again. This time about the rioters throwing soup cans and law enforcement. Trump was mocked by the press for saying it but, looky here....

Yeah 'Tiger', walking around with a can of soup during a riot and the asshole claims it's 'for his family'.....RIIIIIIIIGHT (wink, wink). I bet some of you BLMers actually believe that crap. MSNBC is so full of shit.
No real answers yet from the leftist/Marxist/troll peanut gallery
Russia is poised to invade Ukraine which could ignite a global nuclear war under the administration of a weak president but the Feds are busy making a case about soup cans. No surprises here.
Russia is poised to invade Ukraine which could ignite a global nuclear war under the administration of a weak president but the Feds are busy making a case about soup cans. No surprises here.
It's the media and the Feds in the DNC that pooh poohed Trump's perfectly true statement. They are spinning an "Orange Man Bad" fantasy and America will pay dearly, I fear.
No Nukes is the one short sentence drive-by troll.
He never contributes anything to the discussion.
Just posts a few insipid remarks, and then exits. ... :cool:
Long posts are not necessary to make a point. You are upset because I so often hit the nail on the head.

I didn't make the meme, I just copied it.
Even worse.

your total input to this thread is being a grammar Nazi?

That does not mean it was not a good point.

and off topic
It was about the topic and the sloppy way it was presented. If you want to be taken seriously when making a point, show that you are intelligent enough to use the language properly.
Donald Trump is very prescient. It's like he has the vision of a prophet.

Moonbats, on the other hand, lack the vision to even see past the arcs of their soup cans.

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