Trump Rips Media For Mocking Christians...

What?! And he loves America too? Oh man, Trump sure is making the NWO Globalist jerks very nervous. Good on em.

Donald Trump accused the media of mocking Christians and vowed to be a champion for religious liberty at a gathering of social conservatives in Washington on Friday.

Speaking at the Values Voter Summit, the GOP presidential nominee received several standing ovations from the packed ballroom of Christian conservatives.

Trump has at times struggled to convince social conservatives that he can be a trusted advocate for the causes that are important to them, but many have come around as they consider the prospect of a Hillary Clinton presidency.

On Friday, Trump thrilled the crowd with a speech that flashed an increased familiarity with the language Christians use and the issues that are most important to them.

Trump focused heavily on school choice, religious liberty, the Supreme Court and the threat of terrorism — all of which are among the top issues for the social conservatives at the yearly conference.

“Our media culture often mocks and demeans people of faith,” Trump said. “All the time, I hear from concerned parents how much harder it is for Christian families to raise their children in today’s media environment. Your values of love, charity and faith built this nation...

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Trump rips media for mocking Christians

Talk about speaking truth tho power!
And right at the media!

And....this: defense of the first amendment and freedom of speech:

"Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates
Trump said near the end of his speech that he would rescind the IRS rule preventing churches from endorsing candidates.

That takes you and it makes you less powerful than a man or woman walking up and down the street. You actually have less power.”

And yet if you look at it, I was talking to someone, we probably have 250 million, maybe even more, in terms of people, so we have more Christians… than we have men or women in our country and we don’t have a lobby because they’re afraid to have a lobby because they don’t want to lose their tax status.

So I am going to work like hell to get rid of that prohibition and we’re going to have the strongest Christian lobby and it’s going to happen. This took place during the presidency of Lyndon Johnson and it has had a terrible chilling effect."
Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates

Who can defend Lyndon Johnson's denial of the Constituiton any more than his votes against anti-lynching laws.
Can't Christians contemplate their values and make up their own minds? Must a minister tell them who to vote for?

Don't be afraid: state your position.....silence the free speech of pastors or not?

Support anti-lynching laws or vote Democrat?

Speak up.
I asked first. Answer me and then we'll talk.

I detect your palpable fear of defending the Constitution, and with it the possibility of having to censure Liberalism/Democrats.

You've served your purpose....dismissed.
Yes, pastors supported anti-lynching and voting Democratic and Republican and abolition. PC does not comprehend constitutional liberties, so she can run along.

You bet, pastors are not perfect.
Can't Christians contemplate their values and make up their own minds? Must a minister tell them who to vote for?
The question is inane, imo.

“Security lies in the counsel of the many.” (proverbs)

Any citizen who wants to be informed should seek the counsel and opinions of many sources. Then one is better prepared to form their own opinion.

But for some reason you or they think a Christian perspective is either bigoted or harmful to even consider.

Hope the Rams decide to take a knee tomorrow during the anthem.

Yes. And all the more "respectful" as the rest of the crowd and teams bow their heads in prayer for those who died 15 years ago to the day on September 11th.


‘The media’ are not ‘mocking’ Christians, the notion is a ridiculous lie.

‘The media’ do not function as a single entity pursuing a specific goal – that’s the stuff of tinfoil hat conspiracy theories.
The media doesn't mock Christianity? I seem to remember a journalist going in to a pizza place that was owned by Christians, and asking them if they would cater to a gay wedding. After she said no, the media made sure how bigoted they were. Even though they didn't cater weddings.
What?! And he loves America too? Oh man, Trump sure is making the NWO Globalist jerks very nervous. Good on em.

Donald Trump accused the media of mocking Christians and vowed to be a champion for religious liberty at a gathering of social conservatives in Washington on Friday.

Speaking at the Values Voter Summit, the GOP presidential nominee received several standing ovations from the packed ballroom of Christian conservatives.

Trump has at times struggled to convince social conservatives that he can be a trusted advocate for the causes that are important to them, but many have come around as they consider the prospect of a Hillary Clinton presidency.

On Friday, Trump thrilled the crowd with a speech that flashed an increased familiarity with the language Christians use and the issues that are most important to them.

Trump focused heavily on school choice, religious liberty, the Supreme Court and the threat of terrorism — all of which are among the top issues for the social conservatives at the yearly conference.

“Our media culture often mocks and demeans people of faith,” Trump said. “All the time, I hear from concerned parents how much harder it is for Christian families to raise their children in today’s media environment. Your values of love, charity and faith built this nation...

Read More:
Trump rips media for mocking Christians

Talk about speaking truth tho power!
And right at the media!

And....this: defense of the first amendment and freedom of speech:

"Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates
Trump said near the end of his speech that he would rescind the IRS rule preventing churches from endorsing candidates.

That takes you and it makes you less powerful than a man or woman walking up and down the street. You actually have less power.”

And yet if you look at it, I was talking to someone, we probably have 250 million, maybe even more, in terms of people, so we have more Christians… than we have men or women in our country and we don’t have a lobby because they’re afraid to have a lobby because they don’t want to lose their tax status.

So I am going to work like hell to get rid of that prohibition and we’re going to have the strongest Christian lobby and it’s going to happen. This took place during the presidency of Lyndon Johnson and it has had a terrible chilling effect."
Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates

Who can defend Lyndon Johnson's denial of the Constituiton any more than his votes against anti-lynching laws.
Can't Christians contemplate their values and make up their own minds? Must a minister tell them who to vote for?

Don't be afraid: state your position.....silence the free speech of pastors or not?

Support anti-lynching laws or vote Democrat?

Speak up.
I asked first. Answer me and then we'll talk.

I detect your palpable fear of defending the Constitution, and with it the possibility of having to censure Liberalism/Democrats.

You've served your purpose....dismissed.
Great answer! Reminds me why I so seldom bother responding to you.
Can't Christians contemplate their values and make up their own minds? Must a minister tell them who to vote for?
The question is inane, imo.

“Security lies in the counsel of the many.” (proverbs)

Any citizen who wants to be informed should seek the counsel and opinions of many sources. Then one is better prepared to form their own opinion.

But for some reason you or they think a Christian perspective is either bigoted or harmful to even consider.

Hope the Rams decide to take a knee tomorrow during the anthem.

Yes. And all the more "respectful" as the rest of the crowd and teams bow their heads in prayer for those who died 15 years ago to the day on September 11th.

But for some reason you or they think a Christian perspective is either bigoted or harmful to even consider.
I did not say or mean that at all.
I have no clue why my question is inane. I guess I'm used to taking the values I learned at church and the principles I consider important, and deciding from those who to vote for. I don't really need a minister to tell me. Church and State are separate for a reason, and it goes both ways.
Can't Christians contemplate their values and make up their own minds? Must a minister tell them who to vote for?
The question is inane, imo.

“Security lies in the counsel of the many.” (proverbs)

Any citizen who wants to be informed should seek the counsel and opinions of many sources. Then one is better prepared to form their own opinion.

But for some reason you or they think a Christian perspective is either bigoted or harmful to even consider.

Hope the Rams decide to take a knee tomorrow during the anthem.

Yes. And all the more "respectful" as the rest of the crowd and teams bow their heads in prayer for those who died 15 years ago to the day on September 11th.

But for some reason you or they think a Christian perspective is either bigoted or harmful to even consider.
I did not say or mean that at all.
I have no clue why my question is inane. I guess I'm used to taking the values I learned at church and the principles I consider important, and deciding from those who to vote for. I don't really need a minister to tell me. Church and State are separate for a reason, and it goes both ways.
Except, many political issues are also moral issues. And moral issues deal with the souls of the faithful. No one is above being reminded of godly principles.

Churches cannot name candidates to vote for but they can surely speak to the issues of the day and their consequences.

Of course black churches can get away with far more blatant pandering for votes and the left never notices.

I also notice you did not respond to the disrespect of the national anthem on Sept 11th.
Talk about speaking truth tho power!
And right at the media!

And....this: defense of the first amendment and freedom of speech:

"Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates
Trump said near the end of his speech that he would rescind the IRS rule preventing churches from endorsing candidates.

That takes you and it makes you less powerful than a man or woman walking up and down the street. You actually have less power.”

And yet if you look at it, I was talking to someone, we probably have 250 million, maybe even more, in terms of people, so we have more Christians… than we have men or women in our country and we don’t have a lobby because they’re afraid to have a lobby because they don’t want to lose their tax status.

So I am going to work like hell to get rid of that prohibition and we’re going to have the strongest Christian lobby and it’s going to happen. This took place during the presidency of Lyndon Johnson and it has had a terrible chilling effect."
Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates

Who can defend Lyndon Johnson's denial of the Constituiton any more than his votes against anti-lynching laws.
Can't Christians contemplate their values and make up their own minds? Must a minister tell them who to vote for?

Don't be afraid: state your position.....silence the free speech of pastors or not?

Support anti-lynching laws or vote Democrat?

Speak up.
I asked first. Answer me and then we'll talk.

I detect your palpable fear of defending the Constitution, and with it the possibility of having to censure Liberalism/Democrats.

You've served your purpose....dismissed.
Great answer! Reminds me why I so seldom bother responding to you.

Stop begging. can have another chance:
Why do you want to deprive clerics of their rights under the first amendment?

Why do you favor the Democrats blocking every anti-lynching bill that got to the Senate?
Yeah, Trump's really is angering the NWO Globalist jerks at this point. I mean 'Defending Religious Freedom', 'Putting Americans First Again', 'Loving America?'

All things the NWO Globalist Elites truly despise. Hopefully Americans will choose him over the Globalist Puppet Clinton. But we'll see i guess.

The Left thinks it is right to demean Christians, cause they're their small minds.

But you better not demean Muslims, cause the Left loves them.

That's actually a valid point. Most on the Left do enjoy hating Christians, and Jews somewhat. They're very Anti-Israel too. The hate is a joyous favorite past-time for them. But at the same time, they usually praise and kowtow to Muslims. It's pretty bizarre behavior.

I'm not sure why they're so disingenuous and hypocritical on this. Maybe they fear Muslim Terrorism too much to ridicule and insult? Maybe they've been conditioned for many years to hate Christians? It's probably a combination of things. But clearly they do adhere to a strange double standard.
Hating any religion is not a liberal position. They may not want Christians' values interfering with others' rights; they equally don't want the human rights of innocent Muslims violated because an extremist cult of their religion is currently blowing up the world.
That's not "defending" terrorists.

This won't take you but a moment....

Name all of the religions that Barack Obama has supported, shielded, and apologized for.

Bingo! Yet millions of Americans can't or won't accept the obvious.
Lets remember the so called journalists have become nothing but the Democratic party propaganda ministry. They frequently spin a narrative as if the majority of the American people agree with it, its a lie. Unlike the gutless GOP establishment who shits their pants in fear of the MSM Trump gets in their face and calls these assholes out on this crap. Millions of Americans are sick of this crap and standing behind Trump telling the MSM to go to hell.
Can't Christians contemplate their values and make up their own minds? Must a minister tell them who to vote for?
The question is inane, imo.

“Security lies in the counsel of the many.” (proverbs)

Any citizen who wants to be informed should seek the counsel and opinions of many sources. Then one is better prepared to form their own opinion.

But for some reason you or they think a Christian perspective is either bigoted or harmful to even consider.

Hope the Rams decide to take a knee tomorrow during the anthem.

Yes. And all the more "respectful" as the rest of the crowd and teams bow their heads in prayer for those who died 15 years ago to the day on September 11th.

But for some reason you or they think a Christian perspective is either bigoted or harmful to even consider.
I did not say or mean that at all.
I have no clue why my question is inane. I guess I'm used to taking the values I learned at church and the principles I consider important, and deciding from those who to vote for. I don't really need a minister to tell me. Church and State are separate for a reason, and it goes both ways.
Except, many political issues are also moral issues. And moral issues deal with the souls of the faithful. No one is above being reminded of godly principles.

Churches cannot name candidates to vote for but they can surely speak to the issues of the day and their consequences.

Of course black churches can get away with far more blatant pandering for votes and the left never notices.

I also notice you did not respond to the disrespect of the national anthem on Sept 11th.
I was just being pissy at LA RAM FAN for being a rude rube, because I know he would have a fit if his team did that. I personally stand up for the Anthem. I give others the right not to and ignore their distasteful behavior as much as possible. The media, imo, is once again stirring the pot and making a huge deal out of something best left in the back row.
Can't Christians contemplate their values and make up their own minds? Must a minister tell them who to vote for?

Don't be afraid: state your position.....silence the free speech of pastors or not?

Support anti-lynching laws or vote Democrat?

Speak up.
I asked first. Answer me and then we'll talk.

I detect your palpable fear of defending the Constitution, and with it the possibility of having to censure Liberalism/Democrats.

You've served your purpose....dismissed.
Great answer! Reminds me why I so seldom bother responding to you.

Stop begging. can have another chance:
Why do you want to deprive clerics of their rights under the first amendment?

Why do you favor the Democrats blocking every anti-lynching bill that got to the Senate?
Still waiting for your answer....glad I didn't hold my breath. LOL
Don't be afraid: state your position.....silence the free speech of pastors or not?

Support anti-lynching laws or vote Democrat?

Speak up.
I asked first. Answer me and then we'll talk.

I detect your palpable fear of defending the Constitution, and with it the possibility of having to censure Liberalism/Democrats.

You've served your purpose....dismissed.
Great answer! Reminds me why I so seldom bother responding to you.

Stop begging. can have another chance:
Why do you want to deprive clerics of their rights under the first amendment?

Why do you favor the Democrats blocking every anti-lynching bill that got to the Senate?
Still waiting for your answer....glad I didn't hold my breath. LOL

Why do you want to deprive clerics of their rights under the first amendment?

Why do you favor the Democrats blocking every anti-lynching bill that got to the Senate?
It was a great speech and was well received. It wasn't just the media he called out, he wants to overturn the Johnson amendment that threatens churches from losing the tax exempt status if they opine about politics. Funny thing is I see it often on the left, especially black churches. Jeremiah Wright and that Phlegal guy or whatever his name was comes to mind.

Yeah, Trump's really is angering the NWO Globalist jerks at this point. I mean 'Defending Religious Freedom', 'Putting Americans First Again', 'Loving America?'

All things the NWO Globalist Elites truly despise. Hopefully Americans will choose him over the Globalist Puppet Clinton. But we'll see i guess.

The Left thinks it is right to demean Christians, cause they're their small minds.

But you better not demean Muslims, cause the Left loves them.

That's actually a valid point. Most on the Left do enjoy hating Christians, and Jews somewhat. They're very Anti-Israel too. The hate is a joyous favorite past-time for them. But at the same time, they usually praise and kowtow to Muslims. It's pretty bizarre behavior.

I'm not sure why they're so disingenuous and hypocritical on this. Maybe they fear Muslim Terrorism too much to ridicule and insult? Maybe they've been conditioned for many years to hate Christians? It's probably a combination of things. But clearly they do adhere to a strange double standard.

My theory is the leftist elite know they will never get Christian votes or money, but they can get Muslim votes and Muslim money. Votes and money is all that seems to matter to the elite left, and they know they can easily dupe the average D voter to buy into their devious schemes.

Interesting observation. Clearly, there is a strange double standard with the Left. So much hate for Christians, but so much praise and respect for Muslims. I think kowtowing to Muslims might just be another way for them to express their hate for Christians. They believe Muslims pose a threat to Christians, therefore they've allied themselves with them.

It's all weird & twisted hate stuff. It's irrational. I mean, if you hate all religion and people of faith, i get it. And that is where most people on the Left stand. But they seem to only express their hate towards Christians. So they're not only irrational haters, but they're also dishonest hypocrites. I don't think they really do respect Muslims. I think they feel the kowtowing is just another way of hurting Christians.
Yeah, Trump's really is angering the NWO Globalist jerks at this point. I mean 'Defending Religious Freedom', 'Putting Americans First Again', 'Loving America?'

All things the NWO Globalist Elites truly despise. Hopefully Americans will choose him over the Globalist Puppet Clinton. But we'll see i guess.

The Left thinks it is right to demean Christians, cause they're their small minds.

But you better not demean Muslims, cause the Left loves them.

That's actually a valid point. Most on the Left do enjoy hating Christians, and Jews somewhat. They're very Anti-Israel too. The hate is a joyous favorite past-time for them. But at the same time, they usually praise and kowtow to Muslims. It's pretty bizarre behavior.

I'm not sure why they're so disingenuous and hypocritical on this. Maybe they fear Muslim Terrorism too much to ridicule and insult? Maybe they've been conditioned for many years to hate Christians? It's probably a combination of things. But clearly they do adhere to a strange double standard.

My theory is the leftist elite know they will never get Christian votes or money, but they can get Muslim votes and Muslim money. Votes and money is all that seems to matter to the elite left, and they know they can easily dupe the average D voter to buy into their devious schemes.

Interesting observation. Clearly, there is a strange double standard with the Left. So much hate for Christians, but so much praise and respect for Muslims. I think kowtowing to Muslims might just be another way for them to express their hate for Christians. They believe Muslims pose a threat to Christians, therefore they've allied themselves with them.

It's all weird & twisted hate stuff. It's irrational. I mean, if you hate all religion and people of faith, i get it. And that is where most people on the Left stand. But they seem to only express their hate towards Christians. So they're not only irrational haters, but they're also dishonest hypocrites. I don't think they really do respect Muslims. I think they feel the kowtowing is just another way of hurting Christians.

"....kowtowing to Muslims might just be another way for them to express their hate for Christians."

And for liberty and freedom.
The Left thinks it is right to demean Christians, cause they're their small minds.

But you better not demean Muslims, cause the Left loves them.

That's actually a valid point. Most on the Left do enjoy hating Christians, and Jews somewhat. They're very Anti-Israel too. The hate is a joyous favorite past-time for them. But at the same time, they usually praise and kowtow to Muslims. It's pretty bizarre behavior.

I'm not sure why they're so disingenuous and hypocritical on this. Maybe they fear Muslim Terrorism too much to ridicule and insult? Maybe they've been conditioned for many years to hate Christians? It's probably a combination of things. But clearly they do adhere to a strange double standard.

My theory is the leftist elite know they will never get Christian votes or money, but they can get Muslim votes and Muslim money. Votes and money is all that seems to matter to the elite left, and they know they can easily dupe the average D voter to buy into their devious schemes.

Interesting observation. Clearly, there is a strange double standard with the Left. So much hate for Christians, but so much praise and respect for Muslims. I think kowtowing to Muslims might just be another way for them to express their hate for Christians. They believe Muslims pose a threat to Christians, therefore they've allied themselves with them.

It's all weird & twisted hate stuff. It's irrational. I mean, if you hate all religion and people of faith, i get it. And that is where most people on the Left stand. But they seem to only express their hate towards Christians. So they're not only irrational haters, but they're also dishonest hypocrites. I don't think they really do respect Muslims. I think they feel the kowtowing is just another way of hurting Christians.

"....kowtowing to Muslims might just be another way for them to express their hate for Christians."

And for liberty and freedom.

Yeah, these are folks who routinely boast about hating all religion and people of faith. Yet they're always very quick to praise and kowtow to Muslims. They're very disingenuous folks.

I don't believe for a minute they respect Muslims and Islam. These are people who don't give a damn about Religious Freedoms. I believe they view their kowtowing to Muslims as just another way to hurt Christians. It all gets back to their hate.
Last edited:
The Left thinks it is right to demean Christians, cause they're their small minds.

But you better not demean Muslims, cause the Left loves them.

That's actually a valid point. Most on the Left do enjoy hating Christians, and Jews somewhat. They're very Anti-Israel too. The hate is a joyous favorite past-time for them. But at the same time, they usually praise and kowtow to Muslims. It's pretty bizarre behavior.

I'm not sure why they're so disingenuous and hypocritical on this. Maybe they fear Muslim Terrorism too much to ridicule and insult? Maybe they've been conditioned for many years to hate Christians? It's probably a combination of things. But clearly they do adhere to a strange double standard.

My theory is the leftist elite know they will never get Christian votes or money, but they can get Muslim votes and Muslim money. Votes and money is all that seems to matter to the elite left, and they know they can easily dupe the average D voter to buy into their devious schemes.

Interesting observation. Clearly, there is a strange double standard with the Left. So much hate for Christians, but so much praise and respect for Muslims. I think kowtowing to Muslims might just be another way for them to express their hate for Christians. They believe Muslims pose a threat to Christians, therefore they've allied themselves with them.

It's all weird & twisted hate stuff. It's irrational. I mean, if you hate all religion and people of faith, i get it. And that is where most people on the Left stand. But they seem to only express their hate towards Christians. So they're not only irrational haters, but they're also dishonest hypocrites. I don't think they really do respect Muslims. I think they feel the kowtowing is just another way of hurting Christians.

"....kowtowing to Muslims might just be another way for them to express their hate for Christians."

And for liberty and freedom.

Yeah, these are folks who routinely boast about hating all religion and people of faith. Yet they're always very quick to praise and kowtow to Muslims. They're very disingenuous folks.

I don't believe for a minute they respect Muslims and Islam. These are folks who don't give a damn about Religious Freedoms. I believe they view their kowtowing to Muslims as just another way to hurt Christians. It all gets back to their hate.

The two have this in common: submission.

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