Trump Sabateur Op-Ed Backfires: LA Times Calls “A Coward”; Greenwald: “Unelected Cabal.”

so says an anonymous person.

call me when someone has the balls to stand behind the words.
So Watergate was fake because Deep Throat never revealed himself? Is that your final answer? :biggrin:
well there was evidence. honestly, it is now very clear the leftists don't know what evidence is.
And this Deep Throat has evidence as well.
no one has evidence of wrong doing. no one. there wouldn't be a mueller if there were. See in watergate day, they had tapes. it's called evidence. so anyone coming out everyone could believe them. right now you got......wait for it............... nothing.
They have reason to want to protect us from Trump. You know he’s a bit unstable, so it’s a good thing, no?
no evidence of that at all. sorry junior.
So Watergate was fake because Deep Throat never revealed himself? Is that your final answer? :biggrin:
well there was evidence. honestly, it is now very clear the leftists don't know what evidence is.
And this Deep Throat has evidence as well.
no one has evidence of wrong doing. no one. there wouldn't be a mueller if there were. See in watergate day, they had tapes. it's called evidence. so anyone coming out everyone could believe them. right now you got......wait for it............... nothing.
They have reason to want to protect us from Trump. You know he’s a bit unstable, so it’s a good thing, no?
no evidence of that at all. sorry junior.
Ya I know, it’s like when you’re stupid, you can’t tell if other people are stupid too. They seem so normal.
The answer being floated now is that the Op Ed is phony and designed to create distrust in the white house. This is war and certainly as much of a psychological war as anything else.

Democrats are the enemy. Never forget.

No one is floating that idea. Stop reading clearly biased news sites.
I am and I'm far from a nobody in here. Even trump is floating it. so nobody is a lie.
well there was evidence. honestly, it is now very clear the leftists don't know what evidence is.
And this Deep Throat has evidence as well.
no one has evidence of wrong doing. no one. there wouldn't be a mueller if there were. See in watergate day, they had tapes. it's called evidence. so anyone coming out everyone could believe them. right now you got......wait for it............... nothing.
They have reason to want to protect us from Trump. You know he’s a bit unstable, so it’s a good thing, no?
no evidence of that at all. sorry junior.
Ya I know, it’s like when you’re stupid, you can’t tell if other people are stupid too. They seem so normal.
who's protecting you exactly? thank god I use logic and don't need it.
And this Deep Throat has evidence as well.
no one has evidence of wrong doing. no one. there wouldn't be a mueller if there were. See in watergate day, they had tapes. it's called evidence. so anyone coming out everyone could believe them. right now you got......wait for it............... nothing.
They have reason to want to protect us from Trump. You know he’s a bit unstable, so it’s a good thing, no?
no evidence of that at all. sorry junior.
Ya I know, it’s like when you’re stupid, you can’t tell if other people are stupid too. They seem so normal.
who's protecting you exactly? thank god I use logic and don't need it.
The more protections, the better. Can never have too many guns, right?
Lies cannot get you convictions, but they might be able to win you an election.

The Entire Democrat Party has gone all in on placing their bets on a daily deluge of lies, bribery, collusion with Russians (BY THEM) in the hopes they could overwhelm the American People with Propaganda and gain some dishonest victories on Midterm Election Day, since they had failed at dirty politics vs. Candidate Donald Trump back in 2016. Even a corrupt FBI, DOJ, and FISA Court that allowed Illegal Surveillance of The Trump Campaign to benefit Clinton's Campaign was not enough to drag the drunk cankled Hag across the finish line, and neither was the Fake Russian Dossier she and Obama paid Putin for.

The Democrats have no ideas. Look at people like Corey Booger, and embarrassment to his own race, Carmelia Harrass, Maxipad Waters, and Upchuck Schummer. Snake Oil Salesmen marketing lies as a profession.

No one in that party has any ideas, or solutions to any issues. They just spew hate, and venom and lies, and hope some of it will stick to the wall.

What The Fuck Kinda of Political Party is that?

No Hope and Change in that, unless you are thinking about the kind of Hope and Change The Nazi Party brought to Germany when it eradicated the Wiemar Democratic Republic before taking power, and abolishing individual freedoms and rights.
no one has evidence of wrong doing. no one. there wouldn't be a mueller if there were. See in watergate day, they had tapes. it's called evidence. so anyone coming out everyone could believe them. right now you got......wait for it............... nothing.
They have reason to want to protect us from Trump. You know he’s a bit unstable, so it’s a good thing, no?
no evidence of that at all. sorry junior.
Ya I know, it’s like when you’re stupid, you can’t tell if other people are stupid too. They seem so normal.
who's protecting you exactly? thank god I use logic and don't need it.
The more protections, the better. Can never have too many guns, right?
I have none. so I have no idea. I use truth and logic. As long as you have truth and logic, you're always gonna be a winner.
The problem is that these Republicans who are “saving America” from Trump’s worst impulses are doing nothing of the kind. They’re working to retain power while enabling an incompetent and dangerous President.

If they believe Trump is mentally incompetent, there are remedies. But these assholes are too venal and cowardly to take them. Besides, they’ll lose their White House jobs.

Between Nixon and criminal conspiracies, Reagan and the Iran Contra scandal, W’s complete incompetence with the wars and the economy, and now the mess with Trump, what more do Americans need to see before they realize that Republicans are completely incapable of sound governance?
The problem is that these Republicans who are “saving America” from Trump’s worst impulses are doing nothing of the kind. They’re working to retain power while enabling an incompetent and dangerous President.

If they believe Trump is mentally incompetent, there are remedies. But these assholes are too venal and cowardly to take them. Besides, they’ll lose their White House jobs.

Between Nixon and criminal conspiracies, Reagan and the Iran Contra scandal, W’s complete incompetence with the wars and the economy, and now the mess with Trump, what more do Americans need to see before they realize that Republicans are completely incapable of sound governance?
funny how the left make shit up during conservative presidencies ain't it. wow, I still say that JFK was murdered by the dems. he went off the plantation and had to die. the left is just fking dangerous and evil.
I hope they expose this group of backstabbing son of a bitches.

For all we know, the ENTIRE ARTICLE IS A FABRICATION, and NEVER came from inside the White House.

It was probably Butt Hurt James Comey making a Crank Call to the paper.
I hope they expose this group of backstabbing son of a bitches.

For all we know, the ENTIRE ARTICLE IS A FABRICATION, and NEVER came from inside the White House.

It was probably Butt Hurt James Comey making a Crank Call to the paper.
it's fake. without a name it is useless cause there is no one to go after to get the story.
I hope they expose this group of backstabbing son of a bitches.

For all we know, the ENTIRE ARTICLE IS A FABRICATION, and NEVER came from inside the White House.

It was probably Butt Hurt James Comey making a Crank Call to the paper.

I guess you’ve forgotten how Oliver North and a bunch of CIA Spooks started trading guns to terrorists in the Iran/Contra scandal. Reagan knew nothing about it but other members of the Reagan Administration knew and covered it up.

How is this any different?

If they have legitimate concerns, they need to be addressing them.
They have reason to want to protect us from Trump. You know he’s a bit unstable, so it’s a good thing, no?
no evidence of that at all. sorry junior.
Ya I know, it’s like when you’re stupid, you can’t tell if other people are stupid too. They seem so normal.
who's protecting you exactly? thank god I use logic and don't need it.
The more protections, the better. Can never have too many guns, right?
I have none. so I have no idea. I use truth and logic. As long as you have truth and logic, you're always gonna be a winner.
Well, then good on you, but maybe you should re-visit the whole Trump thing then, because you missed a whole bunch of truth and logic.
no evidence of that at all. sorry junior.
Ya I know, it’s like when you’re stupid, you can’t tell if other people are stupid too. They seem so normal.
who's protecting you exactly? thank god I use logic and don't need it.
The more protections, the better. Can never have too many guns, right?
I have none. so I have no idea. I use truth and logic. As long as you have truth and logic, you're always gonna be a winner.
Well, then good on you, but maybe you should re-visit the whole Trump thing then, because you missed a whole bunch of truth and logic.
not at all, I got my win because like minded people vote for truth and logic.
Ya I know, it’s like when you’re stupid, you can’t tell if other people are stupid too. They seem so normal.
who's protecting you exactly? thank god I use logic and don't need it.
The more protections, the better. Can never have too many guns, right?
I have none. so I have no idea. I use truth and logic. As long as you have truth and logic, you're always gonna be a winner.
Well, then good on you, but maybe you should re-visit the whole Trump thing then, because you missed a whole bunch of truth and logic.
not at all, I got my win because like minded people vote for truth and logic.
You can't vote for truth or logic, it's either the truth or it's not. Same with logic, you can't make something dumb be logical just because you got the votes, reality doesn't work that way.
who's protecting you exactly? thank god I use logic and don't need it.
The more protections, the better. Can never have too many guns, right?
I have none. so I have no idea. I use truth and logic. As long as you have truth and logic, you're always gonna be a winner.
Well, then good on you, but maybe you should re-visit the whole Trump thing then, because you missed a whole bunch of truth and logic.
not at all, I got my win because like minded people vote for truth and logic.
You can't vote for truth or logic, it's either the truth or it's not. Same with logic, you can't make something dumb be logical just because you got the votes, reality doesn't work that way.
wow you're really trying ain't you? LOL. dude I answered all your shit. don't spoil it all by going more leftist bat shit crazy.
The more protections, the better. Can never have too many guns, right?
I have none. so I have no idea. I use truth and logic. As long as you have truth and logic, you're always gonna be a winner.
Well, then good on you, but maybe you should re-visit the whole Trump thing then, because you missed a whole bunch of truth and logic.
not at all, I got my win because like minded people vote for truth and logic.
You can't vote for truth or logic, it's either the truth or it's not. Same with logic, you can't make something dumb be logical just because you got the votes, reality doesn't work that way.
wow you're really trying ain't you? LOL. dude I answered all your shit. don't spoil it all by going more leftist bat shit crazy.
It’s not leftist whatever, but truth stays the same no matter how many times you vote on it. Been nice talking to you, have the last word. Cheers.
My first reaction--wtf "constitutional crisis?" This group of Republicans supposedly "protecting" us is taking advantage of the ride on Trump's coattails for every blessed moment they can. They never seriously thought about stopping him. They're loving every vote they're getting from his fans.
They are Americans doing what's best for America. We are lucky that they are there to make sure the Cheeto doesn't do anything really dumb.
trump is an american also. as you are i believe, and me and many of us in here. we've disagreed in the past and it never got this nasty. no one person can get things this wound up so the blame is there for all of us in this creation of bullshit we're mired in.

we can't get so wrapped up in a singular view we lose sight it's not the only one out there.
Trump hired people who now think he's unfit to serve, so they are protecting us until he's gone. Sounds reasonable to me. And this is multiple people, not just some rogue dude.
so says an anonymous person.

call me when someone has the balls to stand behind the words.
So Watergate was fake because Deep Throat never revealed himself? Is that your final answer? :biggrin:
Im not playing the stupid game of you telling me what i said.

Later, hos.
Mike Pence knows what he is doing

Covering his ass.....I tried to warn you
The seditious bastards must be having kittens that the election is only eight weeks out and they still don't have sh*t to show for it after two years of relentless protests, op-eds, and dirty tricks. The novelty of anti-Trump is not getting the traction they're trying for and it's only going to get more bold and reckless as November 6th beckons. The blue wave is looking more like a circling the bowl every day.
Love the avatar, now I want to watch the movies again. Not enough good slapstick anymore

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