Trump: Say It Ain’t So, Joe!


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified


The only way the Warren campaign could get this out was to make it about Trump.

Well played Warren. Dirty up Biden. Move on.
COLOR ME UNSURPRISED: Trump’s personality much better than Elizabeth Warren’s to female voters, focus group finds. I mean, have you seen Elizabeth Warren talk?

A new focus group survey of female swing voters in Wisconsin:

In a small, all-women focus group, some participants suggested President Trump would win on personality if the contest was between him and Warren.
  • These were the main takeaways from our Engagious/FPG focus group last week, which included 7 women who flipped from Barack Obama in 2012 to Trump in 2016, and 2 who switched from Mitt Romney to Hillary Clinton.
  • These responses show how some voters are thinking and talking about the 2020 election in crucial counties
Turns out that much repeated trope wasn't true at all.

Female voters may find Trump boorish, but they sure as heck don't like a hectoring, lecturing granny coming at them, sanctimoniously and earnestly preaching political correctness at them. They don't like piety, they don't like someone who thinks she's smarter than they are, and they sure as heck don't like phonies. None of those things describes President Trump, but they sure as heck describe Elizabeth Warren.

That gets the job done!


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