Trump says Biden vowing to pick a female VP is insulting to some men

Biden doesn't even know where he is half the time, so you can bet he wasn't the one who chose Harris, especially after she
Is this a joke? Is he really this out of touch or is this some political angle that I’m not understanding? Can anybody explain this statement made by Trump?

"I would be inclined to go a different route than what he's done," Trump told Clay Travis, a sports commentator who hosts a national radio show based in Nashville, Tennessee. "First of all he roped himself into a certain group of people."
Trump went on to say that "some people would say that men are insulted by that. And some people would say it's fine. I don't know."

I think the OP is dumb for even questioning it. See in the past, POTUS used to select who they thought was the best available candidate for the job. Then the Democrats got weird right. To a PROG, the best POTUS for the job has dementia, and his running mate must be a "woman of color". They're doomed from start.

Trump is talking trash however, most people recognize the Democrats are pathetic, it's hard to take them seriously.
I wonder how you’ll feel when the dementia guy and the colored lady beat Trump and take the White House. The natural reaction should be shame and embarrassment and questioning your holy inaccurate sense of judgement.
Is that supposed to be a ringing endorsement of Democrats. The most important election of their lifetime and the offer up a dementia patient?
I’m just using your terminology to make sure you understand. It’s not worth my time fighting about such a stupid claim
So the dementia-suffering criminal racist and the sold-out 'superblack' half white lady are good enough for snowflakes to continue to support?!

Bwuhahahaha...of course they are.


They are fine. Biden is a bit old and Kamala and a bit phony. Both are a hell of a lot better than the current administration. Sorry Trump, it’s go time.
And Biden and Harris are the absolute best the Democratic Party could come up with.

It's like y'all are playing to lose.
Yup, that’s what money power and influences turned out. I was hoping for something different but that’s what they got. A hell of a lot better than the cartoon character that won the rep nomination last cycle and made us the laughing stock of the world.
I have never understood the left's fascination with sucking the ass of the rest of the world. They don't get a say in our affairs. And our primary responsibility is the interests of the United States.

But that's part of the left's irrational hatred for Trump, isn't it? Daring to put America first?
Not really. We simply don't want to become an isolationist nation and want our leaders to live up to our agreements,
rather than walking away causing thousands of deaths.
Now, because of Trump's 'fuck you' policies to our allies, they are looking elsewhere for alliances and trade.
It's hilarious -- the anti-war left has gone all-in for war since Trump has been de-escalating in the Middle East.

The left has no belief so deeply held they won't throw it on the ground next to a trash can for political expediency.

Yep, and now the left craves a war with Russia. All my adult life, the Democrats have been in bed with Russia. Now suddenly it's Trump even though Trump is WAY harder on Russia than any Democrat.

It's just Derangement. The D in TDS
Is this a joke? Is he really this out of touch or is this some political angle that I’m not understanding? Can anybody explain this statement made by Trump?

"I would be inclined to go a different route than what he's done," Trump told Clay Travis, a sports commentator who hosts a national radio show based in Nashville, Tennessee. "First of all he roped himself into a certain group of people."
Trump went on to say that "some people would say that men are insulted by that. And some people would say it's fine. I don't know."

You're out of touch dip shit. The fact that Biden was indecisive and could not make up his own mind renders him weak and ignorant. What a spinless coward. He caved to leftist media and leftist groups rather than having a nutsack and making the best pick for VP. Coward piece of shit.
Is this a joke? Is he really this out of touch or is this some political angle that I’m not understanding? Can anybody explain this statement made by Trump?

"I would be inclined to go a different route than what he's done," Trump told Clay Travis, a sports commentator who hosts a national radio show based in Nashville, Tennessee. "First of all he roped himself into a certain group of people."
Trump went on to say that "some people would say that men are insulted by that. And some people would say it's fine. I don't know."

You're out of touch dip shit. The fact that Biden was indecisive and could not make up his own mind renders him weak and ignorant. What a spinless coward. He caved to leftist media and leftist groups rather than having a nutsack and making the best pick for VP. Coward piece of shit.
You make these declarations out of presumptive ignorance. You have no clue what Biden wanted or what his thought process was. You just hide behind childish dementia Insults. If that’s what makes you feel tough then fine but nobody takes that shit seriously. More reality show drama BS.
Trump says Biden vowing to pick a female VP is insulting to some men

It's insulting to WOMEN. This is Biden saying special considerations have to be made for black women else black women wouldn't have a chance to EARN the VP spot solely on merit if he also considered whites and black men. Yet another slur from Biden, no surprise.
Who said she didn’t earn it on merit? There was intense vetting going on. Not a name from a hat

biden said it. when he stated that he was discriminating by sex before he even looked at qualifications.
No he want being unjust to white men. White men have always been in power. Choosing to select a woman who is pet of an oppressed group that has never had representation at that level before is not discrimination. You’re just wrong

"the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex."

that you think it "just" because of past injustices, does not change the fact that it is still "prejudicial" based on "sex" and "race".

and, your claim of "just" is very debatable.
It is just and it is not prejudicial. Biden has every right to want to run with a woman and that does not make him a sexist. That narrative is completely idiotic

1. i never claimed nor even implied that he had no right to run with a woman. that you said that, is you deflecting from the topic.

2. i never claimed nor even implied that running with a woman, made him a sexist. that you said that, is you deflecting from the topic.

3. yes, the narrative you invented, is idiotic. that is the point of strawmen. to give you something idiotic to fight, when you cannot fight your opponents actual position.

4. my point remains the same. biden deciding that he was going to have a woman vp, before he even started looking at candidates, is sexist discrimination. he discriminated against all men, by barring them from consideration for the job, before he even started looking.

5. i look forward to seeing your next choice of evasion.
Biden has been in politics for what... 40 years? Served 8 years as VP.... You don’t think he had an idea of who he wanted for the job?! You think he needed to read through some resumes first to decide that he wanted to run with a qualified woman? Come on. Wake up. You’re argument is a joke

i'm sure he knows hundreds of people that would be qualified.

but, when the time came to decide,

he started off, dismissing ever possible male candidate for the job.

that is sexist discrimination.

that you support it, and more that you cannot even see it, when it is your side,

and that your side as a whole, is right there with you,

shows that all of hte lefts talk about various discriminations,

is bullshit.
Frankly. I think that Harris is the best person for the job.

harris is not the thread topic. how biden ended up choosing her is.
Ok. Biden picked her after consulting with advisors, which is the logical thing to do.

he first though, decided that all men were barred from consideration.

and that is sexist discrimination.

then he got started actually looking at the candidates. by only the female ones.

and i doubt the white ones got a fair consideration.
Barred from consideration?! Are you joking? It’s Biden’s call to make. He decided that he wanted to run with a female. He considered it and made the decision. He held the job for 8 years he knows the deal and what is needed and how he wanted to shape his ticket. You’re argument is failing.

it is biden's call to make. and he made it, using sexist discrimination and possibly racist discrimination.

and the dems are fine with that.

the democrat part is the party of anti-male and anti-white discrimination.
The Dems are fine with his selection but it certainly wasn’t sexist or racist. That’s your petty attempt to try and attack him but your argument is not based in reason.

Did you marry a black or white person?

1. it was clearly sexist and likely racist. and the dems are fine with that. that is the point.

2. a white person. why do you ask?
1. No it wasn’t

2. I’m curious if you dated any black or Asian people in the past before getting married

1. when you start out by barring certain groups from consideration for a job, it is discrimination against those group(s). your denial just shows that you people are insane.

2. a few. would you like to advance to your point now?
The reality is that you have no point. Trump would never look at a person of color as his VP and what does that say?

i think that trump would certainly have looked at a "person of color" is there were any close to being qualified that were politically aligned with him.

your assumption that he would not, is based on you believing your own lies.

biden on the other hand, was clearly sexist and racist.
Trump is a white racist and in no way would he look at a black person as VP. He is a divisive person, so no blacks allowed.

so, to support your argument that trump would do something racist,

you make the assertion that trump is racist...

are you aware enough to realize how insanely stupid you are being?

Funny how Democrats only realized Trump is a racist when he ran for President as a Republican ...
Funny how Democrats knew about his racist antics in the 1970s. Problem is that nobody cared about his divisiveness and racism until he ran for office.

Just deflecting from your own party's centuries of racist history. You're the party of slavery, segregation, Jim Crow, cross burning, lynching, the KKK. Now you have one of the most flagrant racists in history with you aint black Joe who thinks blacks are all the same and Obama cleaned up nicely for a black guy. No one has ever been responsible for locking as many non-violent blacks behind bars as Joe the racist Biden.

Today Democrats target any black who tries to leave the Democrat plantation and think for themselves because according to you negroes can't think for themselves, they will think what you do or learn that lynching has just gone online and you'll destroy them as a message to other uppity blacks. The Democrat party has never done anything good for blacks. Not in the past, not today.

It's pretty obvious why you'd want to deflect from the actual racism that oozes through the Democrat party
It is such a stupid point to keep trying to convince anybody that the democrats are racist because of their history... it has nothing to do with the platform they are running on today. Just look at the racial make up of Dems vs Republicans in congress. That says it all

no, it doesn't.

that the dems now have a lock on the black vote in no way implies that their policies are not racist.

seriously. that was a delusional claim on your part.
You’re right... minorities love to support racist policies that hurt them because they are just that stupid. Great hypothesis!

are you being serious, or are you gaslighting me?
Gaslighting... I’m sorry, I should have used an emoji or something so it was more obvious. :cuckoo:
Trump says Biden vowing to pick a female VP is insulting to some men

It's insulting to WOMEN. This is Biden saying special considerations have to be made for black women else black women wouldn't have a chance to EARN the VP spot solely on merit if he also considered whites and black men. Yet another slur from Biden, no surprise.
Who said she didn’t earn it on merit? There was intense vetting going on. Not a name from a hat

biden said it. when he stated that he was discriminating by sex before he even looked at qualifications.
No he want being unjust to white men. White men have always been in power. Choosing to select a woman who is pet of an oppressed group that has never had representation at that level before is not discrimination. You’re just wrong

"the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex."

that you think it "just" because of past injustices, does not change the fact that it is still "prejudicial" based on "sex" and "race".

and, your claim of "just" is very debatable.
It is just and it is not prejudicial. Biden has every right to want to run with a woman and that does not make him a sexist. That narrative is completely idiotic

1. i never claimed nor even implied that he had no right to run with a woman. that you said that, is you deflecting from the topic.

2. i never claimed nor even implied that running with a woman, made him a sexist. that you said that, is you deflecting from the topic.

3. yes, the narrative you invented, is idiotic. that is the point of strawmen. to give you something idiotic to fight, when you cannot fight your opponents actual position.

4. my point remains the same. biden deciding that he was going to have a woman vp, before he even started looking at candidates, is sexist discrimination. he discriminated against all men, by barring them from consideration for the job, before he even started looking.

5. i look forward to seeing your next choice of evasion.
Biden has been in politics for what... 40 years? Served 8 years as VP.... You don’t think he had an idea of who he wanted for the job?! You think he needed to read through some resumes first to decide that he wanted to run with a qualified woman? Come on. Wake up. You’re argument is a joke

i'm sure he knows hundreds of people that would be qualified.

but, when the time came to decide,

he started off, dismissing ever possible male candidate for the job.

that is sexist discrimination.

that you support it, and more that you cannot even see it, when it is your side,

and that your side as a whole, is right there with you,

shows that all of hte lefts talk about various discriminations,

is bullshit.
Frankly. I think that Harris is the best person for the job.

harris is not the thread topic. how biden ended up choosing her is.
Ok. Biden picked her after consulting with advisors, which is the logical thing to do.

he first though, decided that all men were barred from consideration.

and that is sexist discrimination.

then he got started actually looking at the candidates. by only the female ones.

and i doubt the white ones got a fair consideration.
Barred from consideration?! Are you joking? It’s Biden’s call to make. He decided that he wanted to run with a female. He considered it and made the decision. He held the job for 8 years he knows the deal and what is needed and how he wanted to shape his ticket. You’re argument is failing.

it is biden's call to make. and he made it, using sexist discrimination and possibly racist discrimination.

and the dems are fine with that.

the democrat part is the party of anti-male and anti-white discrimination.
The Dems are fine with his selection but it certainly wasn’t sexist or racist. That’s your petty attempt to try and attack him but your argument is not based in reason.

Did you marry a black or white person?

1. it was clearly sexist and likely racist. and the dems are fine with that. that is the point.

2. a white person. why do you ask?
1. No it wasn’t

2. I’m curious if you dated any black or Asian people in the past before getting married

1. when you start out by barring certain groups from consideration for a job, it is discrimination against those group(s). your denial just shows that you people are insane.

2. a few. would you like to advance to your point now?
The reality is that you have no point. Trump would never look at a person of color as his VP and what does that say?

i think that trump would certainly have looked at a "person of color" is there were any close to being qualified that were politically aligned with him.

your assumption that he would not, is based on you believing your own lies.

biden on the other hand, was clearly sexist and racist.
Trump is a white racist and in no way would he look at a black person as VP. He is a divisive person, so no blacks allowed.

so, to support your argument that trump would do something racist,

you make the assertion that trump is racist...

are you aware enough to realize how insanely stupid you are being?

Funny how Democrats only realized Trump is a racist when he ran for President as a Republican ...
Funny how Democrats knew about his racist antics in the 1970s. Problem is that nobody cared about his divisiveness and racism until he ran for office.

Just deflecting from your own party's centuries of racist history. You're the party of slavery, segregation, Jim Crow, cross burning, lynching, the KKK. Now you have one of the most flagrant racists in history with you aint black Joe who thinks blacks are all the same and Obama cleaned up nicely for a black guy. No one has ever been responsible for locking as many non-violent blacks behind bars as Joe the racist Biden.

Today Democrats target any black who tries to leave the Democrat plantation and think for themselves because according to you negroes can't think for themselves, they will think what you do or learn that lynching has just gone online and you'll destroy them as a message to other uppity blacks. The Democrat party has never done anything good for blacks. Not in the past, not today.

It's pretty obvious why you'd want to deflect from the actual racism that oozes through the Democrat party
It is such a stupid point to keep trying to convince anybody that the democrats are racist because of their history... it has nothing to do with the platform they are running on today. Just look at the racial make up of Dems vs Republicans in congress. That says it all

no, it doesn't.

that the dems now have a lock on the black vote in no way implies that their policies are not racist.

seriously. that was a delusional claim on your part.
You’re right... minorities love to support racist policies that hurt them because they are just that stupid. Great hypothesis!

Then there's the blacks who realize how devastating Democrat policies are to themselves and other blacks and try to leave. So you and your side electronically lynch them as a message to other blacks who may consider trying to leave.

Now that's racism
Show one I starve where I’ve electrically lynched black for not being a democrat. That’s just about the dumbest lie I’ve ever heard. I’m not even a dem. Everybody should think for themselves. I have a lot of respect for and agree with true conservatives. I don’t have respect for those who propagate Trumps BS and lies.

You're one of the biggest race whores on the board. Your indignation is feigned
I dont believe you

I literally had you on ignore years ago for race whoring and you're still doing it.

This is the least racist country in the history of man, and you're still out there pumping the Republicans are racist shit to control blacks. Sadly it works. But it makes you a shitty human being with the rest of the Democrats who pull that crap
I don’t think Republicans are racist and I would never claim such a thing. I have many family members who I love dearly that are Republican and they are not racist at all. Just mainly support small government which I also support
Trump says Biden vowing to pick a female VP is insulting to some men

It's insulting to WOMEN. This is Biden saying special considerations have to be made for black women else black women wouldn't have a chance to EARN the VP spot solely on merit if he also considered whites and black men. Yet another slur from Biden, no surprise.
Who said she didn’t earn it on merit? There was intense vetting going on. Not a name from a hat

biden said it. when he stated that he was discriminating by sex before he even looked at qualifications.
No he want being unjust to white men. White men have always been in power. Choosing to select a woman who is pet of an oppressed group that has never had representation at that level before is not discrimination. You’re just wrong

"the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex."

that you think it "just" because of past injustices, does not change the fact that it is still "prejudicial" based on "sex" and "race".

and, your claim of "just" is very debatable.
It is just and it is not prejudicial. Biden has every right to want to run with a woman and that does not make him a sexist. That narrative is completely idiotic

1. i never claimed nor even implied that he had no right to run with a woman. that you said that, is you deflecting from the topic.

2. i never claimed nor even implied that running with a woman, made him a sexist. that you said that, is you deflecting from the topic.

3. yes, the narrative you invented, is idiotic. that is the point of strawmen. to give you something idiotic to fight, when you cannot fight your opponents actual position.

4. my point remains the same. biden deciding that he was going to have a woman vp, before he even started looking at candidates, is sexist discrimination. he discriminated against all men, by barring them from consideration for the job, before he even started looking.

5. i look forward to seeing your next choice of evasion.
Biden has been in politics for what... 40 years? Served 8 years as VP.... You don’t think he had an idea of who he wanted for the job?! You think he needed to read through some resumes first to decide that he wanted to run with a qualified woman? Come on. Wake up. You’re argument is a joke

i'm sure he knows hundreds of people that would be qualified.

but, when the time came to decide,

he started off, dismissing ever possible male candidate for the job.

that is sexist discrimination.

that you support it, and more that you cannot even see it, when it is your side,

and that your side as a whole, is right there with you,

shows that all of hte lefts talk about various discriminations,

is bullshit.
Frankly. I think that Harris is the best person for the job.

harris is not the thread topic. how biden ended up choosing her is.
Ok. Biden picked her after consulting with advisors, which is the logical thing to do.

he first though, decided that all men were barred from consideration.

and that is sexist discrimination.

then he got started actually looking at the candidates. by only the female ones.

and i doubt the white ones got a fair consideration.
Barred from consideration?! Are you joking? It’s Biden’s call to make. He decided that he wanted to run with a female. He considered it and made the decision. He held the job for 8 years he knows the deal and what is needed and how he wanted to shape his ticket. You’re argument is failing.

it is biden's call to make. and he made it, using sexist discrimination and possibly racist discrimination.

and the dems are fine with that.

the democrat part is the party of anti-male and anti-white discrimination.
The Dems are fine with his selection but it certainly wasn’t sexist or racist. That’s your petty attempt to try and attack him but your argument is not based in reason.

Did you marry a black or white person?

1. it was clearly sexist and likely racist. and the dems are fine with that. that is the point.

2. a white person. why do you ask?
1. No it wasn’t

2. I’m curious if you dated any black or Asian people in the past before getting married

1. when you start out by barring certain groups from consideration for a job, it is discrimination against those group(s). your denial just shows that you people are insane.

2. a few. would you like to advance to your point now?
The reality is that you have no point. Trump would never look at a person of color as his VP and what does that say?

i think that trump would certainly have looked at a "person of color" is there were any close to being qualified that were politically aligned with him.

your assumption that he would not, is based on you believing your own lies.

biden on the other hand, was clearly sexist and racist.
Trump is a white racist and in no way would he look at a black person as VP. He is a divisive person, so no blacks allowed.

so, to support your argument that trump would do something racist,

you make the assertion that trump is racist...

are you aware enough to realize how insanely stupid you are being?

Funny how Democrats only realized Trump is a racist when he ran for President as a Republican ...
Funny how Democrats knew about his racist antics in the 1970s. Problem is that nobody cared about his divisiveness and racism until he ran for office.

Just deflecting from your own party's centuries of racist history. You're the party of slavery, segregation, Jim Crow, cross burning, lynching, the KKK. Now you have one of the most flagrant racists in history with you aint black Joe who thinks blacks are all the same and Obama cleaned up nicely for a black guy. No one has ever been responsible for locking as many non-violent blacks behind bars as Joe the racist Biden.

Today Democrats target any black who tries to leave the Democrat plantation and think for themselves because according to you negroes can't think for themselves, they will think what you do or learn that lynching has just gone online and you'll destroy them as a message to other uppity blacks. The Democrat party has never done anything good for blacks. Not in the past, not today.

It's pretty obvious why you'd want to deflect from the actual racism that oozes through the Democrat party
It is such a stupid point to keep trying to convince anybody that the democrats are racist because of their history... it has nothing to do with the platform they are running on today. Just look at the racial make up of Dems vs Republicans in congress. That says it all

no, it doesn't.

that the dems now have a lock on the black vote in no way implies that their policies are not racist.

seriously. that was a delusional claim on your part.
You’re right... minorities love to support racist policies that hurt them because they are just that stupid. Great hypothesis!

are you being serious, or are you gaslighting me?
Gaslighting... I’m sorry, I should have used an emoji or something so it was more obvious. :cuckoo:

so, back to the actual point.

that the dems have a lock on the black vote, in no way implies that their policies are not racist.

i mean, their policies are openly and proudly racist. and sexist. hell, the biden vp pick and the support it gets from libs, proves that right there.
Biden doesn't even know where he is half the time, so you can bet he wasn't the one who chose Harris, especially after she
Is this a joke? Is he really this out of touch or is this some political angle that I’m not understanding? Can anybody explain this statement made by Trump?

"I would be inclined to go a different route than what he's done," Trump told Clay Travis, a sports commentator who hosts a national radio show based in Nashville, Tennessee. "First of all he roped himself into a certain group of people."
Trump went on to say that "some people would say that men are insulted by that. And some people would say it's fine. I don't know."

I think the OP is dumb for even questioning it. See in the past, POTUS used to select who they thought was the best available candidate for the job. Then the Democrats got weird right. To a PROG, the best POTUS for the job has dementia, and his running mate must be a "woman of color". They're doomed from start.

Trump is talking trash however, most people recognize the Democrats are pathetic, it's hard to take them seriously.
I wonder how you’ll feel when the dementia guy and the colored lady beat Trump and take the White House. The natural reaction should be shame and embarrassment and questioning your holy inaccurate sense of judgement.
Is that supposed to be a ringing endorsement of Democrats. The most important election of their lifetime and the offer up a dementia patient?
I’m just using your terminology to make sure you understand. It’s not worth my time fighting about such a stupid claim
So the dementia-suffering criminal racist and the sold-out 'superblack' half white lady are good enough for snowflakes to continue to support?!

Bwuhahahaha...of course they are.


They are fine. Biden is a bit old and Kamala and a bit phony. Both are a hell of a lot better than the current administration. Sorry Trump, it’s go time.
And Biden and Harris are the absolute best the Democratic Party could come up with.

It's like y'all are playing to lose.
What a stupid question. Biden and Harris are who got nominated. I can think of many faults that both people have and absolutely think there are better managers out there. With that said, Trump is just about the worst person I’ve seen in that position and a potty trained monkey would do a better job. So Biden/Harris are just fine to get the job done

LOL. So Slade's Biden bumper sticker. Joe and Kamala, every bit as good as potty trained monkeys!
Close... it says... Trump, a Potty Trained Monkey would do better.

And if Kamala were a Republican you'd be calling her a potty trained monkey to set her straight and let other Democrats know what will happen to them if they try to think for themselves in a way you disagree with
I’m not a big Kamala fan. She comes off as a say anything politician. Don’t know why you think you know me enough to predict what I’d say about her if she was a Republican... but you’re wrong. Maybe try sticking to your own opinions and ask questions instead of making incorrect presumptions in the future
Biden doesn't even know where he is half the time, so you can bet he wasn't the one who chose Harris, especially after she
Is this a joke? Is he really this out of touch or is this some political angle that I’m not understanding? Can anybody explain this statement made by Trump?

"I would be inclined to go a different route than what he's done," Trump told Clay Travis, a sports commentator who hosts a national radio show based in Nashville, Tennessee. "First of all he roped himself into a certain group of people."
Trump went on to say that "some people would say that men are insulted by that. And some people would say it's fine. I don't know."

I think the OP is dumb for even questioning it. See in the past, POTUS used to select who they thought was the best available candidate for the job. Then the Democrats got weird right. To a PROG, the best POTUS for the job has dementia, and his running mate must be a "woman of color". They're doomed from start.

Trump is talking trash however, most people recognize the Democrats are pathetic, it's hard to take them seriously.
I wonder how you’ll feel when the dementia guy and the colored lady beat Trump and take the White House. The natural reaction should be shame and embarrassment and questioning your holy inaccurate sense of judgement.
Is that supposed to be a ringing endorsement of Democrats. The most important election of their lifetime and the offer up a dementia patient?
I’m just using your terminology to make sure you understand. It’s not worth my time fighting about such a stupid claim
So the dementia-suffering criminal racist and the sold-out 'superblack' half white lady are good enough for snowflakes to continue to support?!

Bwuhahahaha...of course they are.


They are fine. Biden is a bit old and Kamala and a bit phony. Both are a hell of a lot better than the current administration. Sorry Trump, it’s go time.
And Biden and Harris are the absolute best the Democratic Party could come up with.

It's like y'all are playing to lose.
What a stupid question. Biden and Harris are who got nominated. I can think of many faults that both people have and absolutely think there are better managers out there. With that said, Trump is just about the worst person I’ve seen in that position and a potty trained monkey would do a better job. So Biden/Harris are just fine to get the job done
You called Harris a monkey.

That's racist.
When did I call her a monkey? You sure you want to show off you poor comprehension skills which is where this road ends?
Just deflecting from your own party's centuries of racist history. You're the party of slavery, segregation, Jim Crow, cross burning, lynching, the KKK. Now you have one of the most flagrant racists in history with you aint black Joe who thinks blacks are all the same and Obama cleaned up nicely for a black guy. No one has ever been responsible for locking as many non-violent blacks behind bars as Joe the racist Biden.

Today Democrats target any black who tries to leave the Democrat plantation and think for themselves because according to you negroes can't think for themselves, they will think what you do or learn that lynching has just gone online and you'll destroy them as a message to other uppity blacks. The Democrat party has never done anything good for blacks. Not in the past, not today.

It's pretty obvious why you'd want to deflect from the actual racism that oozes through the Democrat party
It is such a stupid point to keep trying to convince anybody that the democrats are racist because of their history... it has nothing to do with the platform they are running on today. Just look at the racial make up of Dems vs Republicans in congress. That says it all

Dumb ass.

I addressed history in the first paragraph, then I addressed today in the second. So read the second paragraph, stupid bitch
... had enough once I read “plantation”. There’s only so much stupidity I can take in one post.

You sure have no such standard for your ability to write it.

Democrats are clear. You black, you leave, you get lynched. Keeping them on the Democrat plantation is a clearly apt metaphor
So not me, just Dems now... is that what you’re changing your statement to?

Same thing. Your balls are in a jar on Nancy Pelosi's mantle.

Here's the thing, you can't say blacks can think for themselves as long as they think what you do. If they think for themselves, they may think differently. See how thinking for themselves works? You don't, do you? Be honest
I don’t think or expect blacks to think like I do. I’m actually of the position that they have a very different perspective on life than I do given their history so I try and shut up and learn so I can better understand what they are trying to say
Is this a joke? Is he really this out of touch or is this some political angle that I’m not understanding? Can anybody explain this statement made by Trump?

"I would be inclined to go a different route than what he's done," Trump told Clay Travis, a sports commentator who hosts a national radio show based in Nashville, Tennessee. "First of all he roped himself into a certain group of people."
Trump went on to say that "some people would say that men are insulted by that. And some people would say it's fine. I don't know."

You're out of touch dip shit. The fact that Biden was indecisive and could not make up his own mind renders him weak and ignorant. What a spinless coward. He caved to leftist media and leftist groups rather than having a nutsack and making the best pick for VP. Coward piece of shit.
You make these declarations out of presumptive ignorance. You have no clue what Biden wanted or what his thought process was. You just hide behind childish dementia Insults. If that’s what makes you feel tough then fine but nobody takes that shit seriously. More reality show drama BS.
Heh, pray tell ass monger, how do you know what Biden wanted?
Just deflecting from your own party's centuries of racist history. You're the party of slavery, segregation, Jim Crow, cross burning, lynching, the KKK. Now you have one of the most flagrant racists in history with you aint black Joe who thinks blacks are all the same and Obama cleaned up nicely for a black guy. No one has ever been responsible for locking as many non-violent blacks behind bars as Joe the racist Biden.

Today Democrats target any black who tries to leave the Democrat plantation and think for themselves because according to you negroes can't think for themselves, they will think what you do or learn that lynching has just gone online and you'll destroy them as a message to other uppity blacks. The Democrat party has never done anything good for blacks. Not in the past, not today.

It's pretty obvious why you'd want to deflect from the actual racism that oozes through the Democrat party
It is such a stupid point to keep trying to convince anybody that the democrats are racist because of their history... it has nothing to do with the platform they are running on today. Just look at the racial make up of Dems vs Republicans in congress. That says it all

Dumb ass.

I addressed history in the first paragraph, then I addressed today in the second. So read the second paragraph, stupid bitch
... had enough once I read “plantation”. There’s only so much stupidity I can take in one post.

You sure have no such standard for your ability to write it.

Democrats are clear. You black, you leave, you get lynched. Keeping them on the Democrat plantation is a clearly apt metaphor
So not me, just Dems now... is that what you’re changing your statement to?

Same thing. Your balls are in a jar on Nancy Pelosi's mantle.

Here's the thing, you can't say blacks can think for themselves as long as they think what you do. If they think for themselves, they may think differently. See how thinking for themselves works? You don't, do you? Be honest
I don’t think or expect blacks to think like I do. I’m actually of the position that they have a very different perspective on life than I do given their history so I try and shut up and learn so I can better understand what they are trying to say

does that go both ways? or when they talk are we supposed to just shut the fuck up and stand there like whipped curs?
Trump says Biden vowing to pick a female VP is insulting to some men

It's insulting to WOMEN. This is Biden saying special considerations have to be made for black women else black women wouldn't have a chance to EARN the VP spot solely on merit if he also considered whites and black men. Yet another slur from Biden, no surprise.
Who said she didn’t earn it on merit? There was intense vetting going on. Not a name from a hat

biden said it. when he stated that he was discriminating by sex before he even looked at qualifications.
No he want being unjust to white men. White men have always been in power. Choosing to select a woman who is pet of an oppressed group that has never had representation at that level before is not discrimination. You’re just wrong

"the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex."

that you think it "just" because of past injustices, does not change the fact that it is still "prejudicial" based on "sex" and "race".

and, your claim of "just" is very debatable.
It is just and it is not prejudicial. Biden has every right to want to run with a woman and that does not make him a sexist. That narrative is completely idiotic

1. i never claimed nor even implied that he had no right to run with a woman. that you said that, is you deflecting from the topic.

2. i never claimed nor even implied that running with a woman, made him a sexist. that you said that, is you deflecting from the topic.

3. yes, the narrative you invented, is idiotic. that is the point of strawmen. to give you something idiotic to fight, when you cannot fight your opponents actual position.

4. my point remains the same. biden deciding that he was going to have a woman vp, before he even started looking at candidates, is sexist discrimination. he discriminated against all men, by barring them from consideration for the job, before he even started looking.

5. i look forward to seeing your next choice of evasion.
Biden has been in politics for what... 40 years? Served 8 years as VP.... You don’t think he had an idea of who he wanted for the job?! You think he needed to read through some resumes first to decide that he wanted to run with a qualified woman? Come on. Wake up. You’re argument is a joke

i'm sure he knows hundreds of people that would be qualified.

but, when the time came to decide,

he started off, dismissing ever possible male candidate for the job.

that is sexist discrimination.

that you support it, and more that you cannot even see it, when it is your side,

and that your side as a whole, is right there with you,

shows that all of hte lefts talk about various discriminations,

is bullshit.
Frankly. I think that Harris is the best person for the job.

harris is not the thread topic. how biden ended up choosing her is.
Ok. Biden picked her after consulting with advisors, which is the logical thing to do.

he first though, decided that all men were barred from consideration.

and that is sexist discrimination.

then he got started actually looking at the candidates. by only the female ones.

and i doubt the white ones got a fair consideration.
Barred from consideration?! Are you joking? It’s Biden’s call to make. He decided that he wanted to run with a female. He considered it and made the decision. He held the job for 8 years he knows the deal and what is needed and how he wanted to shape his ticket. You’re argument is failing.

it is biden's call to make. and he made it, using sexist discrimination and possibly racist discrimination.

and the dems are fine with that.

the democrat part is the party of anti-male and anti-white discrimination.
The Dems are fine with his selection but it certainly wasn’t sexist or racist. That’s your petty attempt to try and attack him but your argument is not based in reason.

Did you marry a black or white person?

1. it was clearly sexist and likely racist. and the dems are fine with that. that is the point.

2. a white person. why do you ask?
1. No it wasn’t

2. I’m curious if you dated any black or Asian people in the past before getting married

1. when you start out by barring certain groups from consideration for a job, it is discrimination against those group(s). your denial just shows that you people are insane.

2. a few. would you like to advance to your point now?
The reality is that you have no point. Trump would never look at a person of color as his VP and what does that say?

i think that trump would certainly have looked at a "person of color" is there were any close to being qualified that were politically aligned with him.

your assumption that he would not, is based on you believing your own lies.

biden on the other hand, was clearly sexist and racist.
Trump is a white racist and in no way would he look at a black person as VP. He is a divisive person, so no blacks allowed.

so, to support your argument that trump would do something racist,

you make the assertion that trump is racist...

are you aware enough to realize how insanely stupid you are being?

Funny how Democrats only realized Trump is a racist when he ran for President as a Republican ...
Funny how Democrats knew about his racist antics in the 1970s. Problem is that nobody cared about his divisiveness and racism until he ran for office.

Just deflecting from your own party's centuries of racist history. You're the party of slavery, segregation, Jim Crow, cross burning, lynching, the KKK. Now you have one of the most flagrant racists in history with you aint black Joe who thinks blacks are all the same and Obama cleaned up nicely for a black guy. No one has ever been responsible for locking as many non-violent blacks behind bars as Joe the racist Biden.

Today Democrats target any black who tries to leave the Democrat plantation and think for themselves because according to you negroes can't think for themselves, they will think what you do or learn that lynching has just gone online and you'll destroy them as a message to other uppity blacks. The Democrat party has never done anything good for blacks. Not in the past, not today.

It's pretty obvious why you'd want to deflect from the actual racism that oozes through the Democrat party
It is such a stupid point to keep trying to convince anybody that the democrats are racist because of their history... it has nothing to do with the platform they are running on today. Just look at the racial make up of Dems vs Republicans in congress. That says it all

no, it doesn't.

that the dems now have a lock on the black vote in no way implies that their policies are not racist.

seriously. that was a delusional claim on your part.
You’re right... minorities love to support racist policies that hurt them because they are just that stupid. Great hypothesis!

are you being serious, or are you gaslighting me?
Gaslighting... I’m sorry, I should have used an emoji or something so it was more obvious. :cuckoo:

so, back to the actual point.

that the dems have a lock on the black vote, in no way implies that their policies are not racist.

i mean, their policies are openly and proudly racist. and sexist. hell, the biden vp pick and the support it gets from libs, proves that right there.
Well that’s you, an opponent, calling their policies that. The evidence on the contrary is that by and large most minorities run for office and vote for the Dems over the Reps. That’s just a fact. So in that case your claims can only mean that the minority elected officials and those who vote for them are too stupid to know they are supporting racism and sexism to their own detriment. It’s a rather silly position you’re taking if you think about it... have you actually thought about it?
Just deflecting from your own party's centuries of racist history. You're the party of slavery, segregation, Jim Crow, cross burning, lynching, the KKK. Now you have one of the most flagrant racists in history with you aint black Joe who thinks blacks are all the same and Obama cleaned up nicely for a black guy. No one has ever been responsible for locking as many non-violent blacks behind bars as Joe the racist Biden.

Today Democrats target any black who tries to leave the Democrat plantation and think for themselves because according to you negroes can't think for themselves, they will think what you do or learn that lynching has just gone online and you'll destroy them as a message to other uppity blacks. The Democrat party has never done anything good for blacks. Not in the past, not today.

It's pretty obvious why you'd want to deflect from the actual racism that oozes through the Democrat party
It is such a stupid point to keep trying to convince anybody that the democrats are racist because of their history... it has nothing to do with the platform they are running on today. Just look at the racial make up of Dems vs Republicans in congress. That says it all

Dumb ass.

I addressed history in the first paragraph, then I addressed today in the second. So read the second paragraph, stupid bitch
... had enough once I read “plantation”. There’s only so much stupidity I can take in one post.

You sure have no such standard for your ability to write it.

Democrats are clear. You black, you leave, you get lynched. Keeping them on the Democrat plantation is a clearly apt metaphor
So not me, just Dems now... is that what you’re changing your statement to?

Same thing. Your balls are in a jar on Nancy Pelosi's mantle.

Here's the thing, you can't say blacks can think for themselves as long as they think what you do. If they think for themselves, they may think differently. See how thinking for themselves works? You don't, do you? Be honest
I don’t think or expect blacks to think like I do. I’m actually of the position that they have a very different perspective on life than I do given their history so I try and shut up and learn so I can better understand what they are trying to say

does that go both ways? or when they talk are we supposed to just shut the fuck up and stand there like whipped curs?
Of course it goes both ways. As long as both sides are being respectful and honest I think we should have earnest debate and communication as much as possible. That art is getting lost though and we are being dominated by children yelling at eachother with no attempt to actually gain understanding of what the other is saying.
Trump says Biden vowing to pick a female VP is insulting to some men

It's insulting to WOMEN. This is Biden saying special considerations have to be made for black women else black women wouldn't have a chance to EARN the VP spot solely on merit if he also considered whites and black men. Yet another slur from Biden, no surprise.
Who said she didn’t earn it on merit? There was intense vetting going on. Not a name from a hat

biden said it. when he stated that he was discriminating by sex before he even looked at qualifications.
No he want being unjust to white men. White men have always been in power. Choosing to select a woman who is pet of an oppressed group that has never had representation at that level before is not discrimination. You’re just wrong

"the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex."

that you think it "just" because of past injustices, does not change the fact that it is still "prejudicial" based on "sex" and "race".

and, your claim of "just" is very debatable.
It is just and it is not prejudicial. Biden has every right to want to run with a woman and that does not make him a sexist. That narrative is completely idiotic

1. i never claimed nor even implied that he had no right to run with a woman. that you said that, is you deflecting from the topic.

2. i never claimed nor even implied that running with a woman, made him a sexist. that you said that, is you deflecting from the topic.

3. yes, the narrative you invented, is idiotic. that is the point of strawmen. to give you something idiotic to fight, when you cannot fight your opponents actual position.

4. my point remains the same. biden deciding that he was going to have a woman vp, before he even started looking at candidates, is sexist discrimination. he discriminated against all men, by barring them from consideration for the job, before he even started looking.

5. i look forward to seeing your next choice of evasion.
Biden has been in politics for what... 40 years? Served 8 years as VP.... You don’t think he had an idea of who he wanted for the job?! You think he needed to read through some resumes first to decide that he wanted to run with a qualified woman? Come on. Wake up. You’re argument is a joke

i'm sure he knows hundreds of people that would be qualified.

but, when the time came to decide,

he started off, dismissing ever possible male candidate for the job.

that is sexist discrimination.

that you support it, and more that you cannot even see it, when it is your side,

and that your side as a whole, is right there with you,

shows that all of hte lefts talk about various discriminations,

is bullshit.
Frankly. I think that Harris is the best person for the job.

harris is not the thread topic. how biden ended up choosing her is.
Ok. Biden picked her after consulting with advisors, which is the logical thing to do.

he first though, decided that all men were barred from consideration.

and that is sexist discrimination.

then he got started actually looking at the candidates. by only the female ones.

and i doubt the white ones got a fair consideration.
Barred from consideration?! Are you joking? It’s Biden’s call to make. He decided that he wanted to run with a female. He considered it and made the decision. He held the job for 8 years he knows the deal and what is needed and how he wanted to shape his ticket. You’re argument is failing.

it is biden's call to make. and he made it, using sexist discrimination and possibly racist discrimination.

and the dems are fine with that.

the democrat part is the party of anti-male and anti-white discrimination.
The Dems are fine with his selection but it certainly wasn’t sexist or racist. That’s your petty attempt to try and attack him but your argument is not based in reason.

Did you marry a black or white person?

1. it was clearly sexist and likely racist. and the dems are fine with that. that is the point.

2. a white person. why do you ask?
1. No it wasn’t

2. I’m curious if you dated any black or Asian people in the past before getting married

1. when you start out by barring certain groups from consideration for a job, it is discrimination against those group(s). your denial just shows that you people are insane.

2. a few. would you like to advance to your point now?
The reality is that you have no point. Trump would never look at a person of color as his VP and what does that say?

i think that trump would certainly have looked at a "person of color" is there were any close to being qualified that were politically aligned with him.

your assumption that he would not, is based on you believing your own lies.

biden on the other hand, was clearly sexist and racist.
Trump is a white racist and in no way would he look at a black person as VP. He is a divisive person, so no blacks allowed.

so, to support your argument that trump would do something racist,

you make the assertion that trump is racist...

are you aware enough to realize how insanely stupid you are being?

Funny how Democrats only realized Trump is a racist when he ran for President as a Republican ...
Funny how Democrats knew about his racist antics in the 1970s. Problem is that nobody cared about his divisiveness and racism until he ran for office.

Just deflecting from your own party's centuries of racist history. You're the party of slavery, segregation, Jim Crow, cross burning, lynching, the KKK. Now you have one of the most flagrant racists in history with you aint black Joe who thinks blacks are all the same and Obama cleaned up nicely for a black guy. No one has ever been responsible for locking as many non-violent blacks behind bars as Joe the racist Biden.

Today Democrats target any black who tries to leave the Democrat plantation and think for themselves because according to you negroes can't think for themselves, they will think what you do or learn that lynching has just gone online and you'll destroy them as a message to other uppity blacks. The Democrat party has never done anything good for blacks. Not in the past, not today.

It's pretty obvious why you'd want to deflect from the actual racism that oozes through the Democrat party
It is such a stupid point to keep trying to convince anybody that the democrats are racist because of their history... it has nothing to do with the platform they are running on today. Just look at the racial make up of Dems vs Republicans in congress. That says it all

no, it doesn't.

that the dems now have a lock on the black vote in no way implies that their policies are not racist.

seriously. that was a delusional claim on your part.
You’re right... minorities love to support racist policies that hurt them because they are just that stupid. Great hypothesis!

are you being serious, or are you gaslighting me?
Gaslighting... I’m sorry, I should have used an emoji or something so it was more obvious. :cuckoo:

so, back to the actual point.

that the dems have a lock on the black vote, in no way implies that their policies are not racist.

i mean, their policies are openly and proudly racist. and sexist. hell, the biden vp pick and the support it gets from libs, proves that right there.
Well that’s you, an opponent, calling their policies that. The evidence on the contrary is that by and large most minorities run for office and vote for the Dems over the Reps. That’s just a fact. So in that case your claims can only mean that the minority elected officials and those who vote for them are too stupid to know they are supporting racism and sexism to their own detriment. It’s a rather silly position you’re taking if you think about it... have you actually thought about it?

you really seem focused on pretending that i am insulting blacks.

and you are seriously pretending to not be able to imagine racism, other than old fashioned anti-black racism.

dem policies are very much racist, ie strong discrimination against whites.

thus, the dems are the party of racism and yet have a lock on the black vote.

are you seriously confused by all of this?
Just deflecting from your own party's centuries of racist history. You're the party of slavery, segregation, Jim Crow, cross burning, lynching, the KKK. Now you have one of the most flagrant racists in history with you aint black Joe who thinks blacks are all the same and Obama cleaned up nicely for a black guy. No one has ever been responsible for locking as many non-violent blacks behind bars as Joe the racist Biden.

Today Democrats target any black who tries to leave the Democrat plantation and think for themselves because according to you negroes can't think for themselves, they will think what you do or learn that lynching has just gone online and you'll destroy them as a message to other uppity blacks. The Democrat party has never done anything good for blacks. Not in the past, not today.

It's pretty obvious why you'd want to deflect from the actual racism that oozes through the Democrat party
It is such a stupid point to keep trying to convince anybody that the democrats are racist because of their history... it has nothing to do with the platform they are running on today. Just look at the racial make up of Dems vs Republicans in congress. That says it all

Dumb ass.

I addressed history in the first paragraph, then I addressed today in the second. So read the second paragraph, stupid bitch
... had enough once I read “plantation”. There’s only so much stupidity I can take in one post.

You sure have no such standard for your ability to write it.

Democrats are clear. You black, you leave, you get lynched. Keeping them on the Democrat plantation is a clearly apt metaphor
So not me, just Dems now... is that what you’re changing your statement to?

Same thing. Your balls are in a jar on Nancy Pelosi's mantle.

Here's the thing, you can't say blacks can think for themselves as long as they think what you do. If they think for themselves, they may think differently. See how thinking for themselves works? You don't, do you? Be honest
I don’t think or expect blacks to think like I do. I’m actually of the position that they have a very different perspective on life than I do given their history so I try and shut up and learn so I can better understand what they are trying to say

does that go both ways? or when they talk are we supposed to just shut the fuck up and stand there like whipped curs?
Of course it goes both ways. As long as both sides are being respectful and honest I think we should have earnest debate and communication as much as possible. That art is getting lost though and we are being dominated by children yelling at eachother with no attempt to actually gain understanding of what the other is saying.

but, for decades now, the left has not been respectful or honest.

and as a result, i am done.

i am not prepared to listen to anyone who wants to lecture me, like i am a dim witted child.

they can go fuck themselves.
Biden doesn't even know where he is half the time, so you can bet he wasn't the one who chose Harris, especially after she
Is this a joke? Is he really this out of touch or is this some political angle that I’m not understanding? Can anybody explain this statement made by Trump?

"I would be inclined to go a different route than what he's done," Trump told Clay Travis, a sports commentator who hosts a national radio show based in Nashville, Tennessee. "First of all he roped himself into a certain group of people."
Trump went on to say that "some people would say that men are insulted by that. And some people would say it's fine. I don't know."

I think the OP is dumb for even questioning it. See in the past, POTUS used to select who they thought was the best available candidate for the job. Then the Democrats got weird right. To a PROG, the best POTUS for the job has dementia, and his running mate must be a "woman of color". They're doomed from start.

Trump is talking trash however, most people recognize the Democrats are pathetic, it's hard to take them seriously.
I wonder how you’ll feel when the dementia guy and the colored lady beat Trump and take the White House. The natural reaction should be shame and embarrassment and questioning your holy inaccurate sense of judgement.
Is that supposed to be a ringing endorsement of Democrats. The most important election of their lifetime and the offer up a dementia patient?
I’m just using your terminology to make sure you understand. It’s not worth my time fighting about such a stupid claim
So the dementia-suffering criminal racist and the sold-out 'superblack' half white lady are good enough for snowflakes to continue to support?!

Bwuhahahaha...of course they are.


They are fine. Biden is a bit old and Kamala and a bit phony. Both are a hell of a lot better than the current administration. Sorry Trump, it’s go time.
And Biden and Harris are the absolute best the Democratic Party could come up with.

It's like y'all are playing to lose.
What a stupid question. Biden and Harris are who got nominated. I can think of many faults that both people have and absolutely think there are better managers out there. With that said, Trump is just about the worst person I’ve seen in that position and a potty trained monkey would do a better job. So Biden/Harris are just fine to get the job done
You called Harris a monkey.

That's racist.
When did I call her a monkey? You sure you want to show off you poor comprehension skills which is where this road ends?
I was mocking the left's knee-jerk tropism to call anything racist when there's mention of a primate. Sorry it went over your head. LOL! Just kidding. I'm not sorry.
Biden doesn't even know where he is half the time, so you can bet he wasn't the one who chose Harris, especially after she
Is this a joke? Is he really this out of touch or is this some political angle that I’m not understanding? Can anybody explain this statement made by Trump?

"I would be inclined to go a different route than what he's done," Trump told Clay Travis, a sports commentator who hosts a national radio show based in Nashville, Tennessee. "First of all he roped himself into a certain group of people."
Trump went on to say that "some people would say that men are insulted by that. And some people would say it's fine. I don't know."

I think the OP is dumb for even questioning it. See in the past, POTUS used to select who they thought was the best available candidate for the job. Then the Democrats got weird right. To a PROG, the best POTUS for the job has dementia, and his running mate must be a "woman of color". They're doomed from start.

Trump is talking trash however, most people recognize the Democrats are pathetic, it's hard to take them seriously.
I wonder how you’ll feel when the dementia guy and the colored lady beat Trump and take the White House. The natural reaction should be shame and embarrassment and questioning your holy inaccurate sense of judgement.
Is that supposed to be a ringing endorsement of Democrats. The most important election of their lifetime and the offer up a dementia patient?
I’m just using your terminology to make sure you understand. It’s not worth my time fighting about such a stupid claim
So the dementia-suffering criminal racist and the sold-out 'superblack' half white lady are good enough for snowflakes to continue to support?!

Bwuhahahaha...of course they are.


They are fine. Biden is a bit old and Kamala and a bit phony. Both are a hell of a lot better than the current administration. Sorry Trump, it’s go time.
And Biden and Harris are the absolute best the Democratic Party could come up with.

It's like y'all are playing to lose.
What a stupid question. Biden and Harris are who got nominated. I can think of many faults that both people have and absolutely think there are better managers out there. With that said, Trump is just about the worst person I’ve seen in that position and a potty trained monkey would do a better job. So Biden/Harris are just fine to get the job done
You called Harris a monkey.

That's racist.
When did I call her a monkey? You sure you want to show off you poor comprehension skills which is where this road ends?
I was mocking the left's knee-jerk tropism to call anything racist when there's mention of a primate. Sorry it went over your head. LOL! Just kidding. I'm not sorry.
I was showing you how you respond to
People making ridiculus and untrue claims... sorry that went over your head. problem is there are many who have and still do actually call black people monkeys.
I literally had you on ignore years ago for race whoring and you're still doing it.

This is the least racist country in the history of man, and you're still out there pumping the Republicans are racist shit to control blacks. Sadly it works. But it makes you a shitty human being with the rest of the Democrats who pull that crap
I don’t think Republicans are racist and I would never claim such a thing. I have many family members who I love dearly that are Republican and they are not racist at all. Just mainly support small government which I also support

Bull shit, you call Republicans racist all the time. You've done it through this discussion. It's why were're discussing it now
And if Kamala were a Republican you'd be calling her a potty trained monkey to set her straight and let other Democrats know what will happen to them if they try to think for themselves in a way you disagree with
I’m not a big Kamala fan. She comes off as a say anything politician. Don’t know why you think you know me enough to predict what I’d say about her if she was a Republican... but you’re wrong. Maybe try sticking to your own opinions and ask questions instead of making incorrect presumptions in the future

It has nothing to do with knowing you other than what you're posting now which is excusing Democrat racism while you call Republicans racists
Same thing. Your balls are in a jar on Nancy Pelosi's mantle.

Here's the thing, you can't say blacks can think for themselves as long as they think what you do. If they think for themselves, they may think differently. See how thinking for themselves works? You don't, do you? Be honest
I don’t think or expect blacks to think like I do. I’m actually of the position that they have a very different perspective on life than I do given their history so I try and shut up and learn so I can better understand what they are trying to say

You said blacks in congress prove Democrats aren't racists when white Democrats didn't put any of the blacks there who are there

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