Trump says "Don't live in fear"...

No one is sending a message of "hide in your basement forever". They're sending a message of "Wear your mask, socially distance yourself, wash your hands, and don't attend large gatherings.

Yeah, actually Democrats see this as their only way to take the Oval Office so Kamala Harris can shove all the investigations exposing criminal Democrats back under the rug.
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“I just left Walter Reed Medical Center, and it’s really something very special—the doctors, the nurses, the first responders—and I learned so much about coronavirus” Trump said. “And one thing that’s for certain, don’t let it dominate you. Don’t be afraid of it. You’re gonna beat it. We have the best medical equipment; we have the best medicines—all developed recently—and you’re gonna beat it.”


Sounds very "...we have nothing to fear but fear itself..."

A far better message than ...hide in your basement forever... Don't ya think?

He's on drugs. Really fucking strong drugs that nobody in the rest of the world has taken or can get even. Drugs that make him think he's invincible. I've been on steroids too. I thought I could leap over tall buildings in a single bound. But I had the good sense to realize it was the drugs. The stuff Trump is taking is 4 times stronger than the stuff I used to take. It gives people a false sense of invincibility. When he stops taking it and it stops masking his symptoms, the virus can rebound. Then we'll know what we have.

The steroid Trump is on causes cognitive impairement in approximately 1/3 of the patients who take it. There is a serious discussions whether Trump is mentally fit to be running the country right now. Today he ended the stimulus negotiations, which were ready

You saw a resolute and strong President who has overcome. I saw a sick old man, struggling to breathe, wearing a lot of makeup, endangering everyone who works for him.

No one is sending a message of "hide in your basement forever". They're sending a message of "Wear your mask, socially distance yourself, wash your hands, and don't attend large gatherings.


“I just left Walter Reed Medical Center, and it’s really something very special—the doctors, the nurses, the first responders—and I learned so much about coronavirus” Trump said. “And one thing that’s for certain, don’t let it dominate you. Don’t be afraid of it. You’re gonna beat it. We have the best medical equipment; we have the best medicines—all developed recently—and you’re gonna beat it.”


Sounds very "...we have nothing to fear but fear itself..."

A far better message than ...hide in your basement forever... Don't ya think?

tRump's an idiot. He got a million dollars worth of taxpayer funded medical care. (Paid for by the taxpaying public, which doesn't include him). You and I won't get that, so I'd continue to be careful if I were you.

he works for AMERICA, no paycheck...could you do that? moron


"No paycheck" he says!!

No one is sending a message of "hide in your basement forever". They're sending a message of "Wear your mask, socially distance yourself, wash your hands, and don't attend large gatherings.

Yeah, actually Democrats see this as their only way to take the Oval Office when Kamala Harris to shove all the investigations exposing criminal Democrats back under the rug.
You mean the fake ones tRumplings started to distract the faithful from all the crap tRump is getting away with?

“I just left Walter Reed Medical Center, and it’s really something very special—the doctors, the nurses, the first responders—and I learned so much about coronavirus” Trump said. “And one thing that’s for certain, don’t let it dominate you. Don’t be afraid of it. You’re gonna beat it. We have the best medical equipment; we have the best medicines—all developed recently—and you’re gonna beat it.”


Sounds very "...we have nothing to fear but fear itself..."

A far better message than ...hide in your basement forever... Don't ya think?

Except it is the wrong message. I do not live in fear, but I live smart, which shoud be his message. He did not live smart and caught it, along with many people around him. He is the Covidiot in Chief.

Sometimes you have to weigh other factors than 100% safety.

Somewhere we've lost that.

The President believed the need to maintain a working government and reassuring the citizenry outweighed the need for 100% safety.

I agree.

But the government is getting infected all around him.


“I just left Walter Reed Medical Center, and it’s really something very special—the doctors, the nurses, the first responders—and I learned so much about coronavirus” Trump said. “And one thing that’s for certain, don’t let it dominate you. Don’t be afraid of it. You’re gonna beat it. We have the best medical equipment; we have the best medicines—all developed recently—and you’re gonna beat it.”


Sounds very "...we have nothing to fear but fear itself..."

A far better message than ...hide in your basement forever... Don't ya think?

tRump's an idiot. He got a million dollars worth of taxpayer funded medical care. (Paid for by the taxpaying public, which doesn't include him). You and I won't get that, so I'd continue to be careful if I were you.

he works for AMERICA, no paycheck...could you do that? moron


"No paycheck" he says!!


What is funny? Please TRY to be specific.
And we saw him step into Europe and shit all over our allies. He likes despots like your man in North Korea because he wants to be one.

Specifically, how did "he" step all over our allies?

President Donald Trump found that we were meeting our obligations in NATO, the UN, and other organizations but our supposed allies were not coming close to their obligations. He demanded that they live up to their obligations. WOW, can't get much worse than that, can you?

Share with us, if your rent was $1,000 a month, but your landlord was letting you pay only $800.00 a month for several years. Along comes, a new owner and they demand the other $200.00 from you. Are you going to sing his praises?

“I just left Walter Reed Medical Center, and it’s really something very special—the doctors, the nurses, the first responders—and I learned so much about coronavirus” Trump said. “And one thing that’s for certain, don’t let it dominate you. Don’t be afraid of it. You’re gonna beat it. We have the best medical equipment; we have the best medicines—all developed recently—and you’re gonna beat it.”


Sounds very "...we have nothing to fear but fear itself..."

A far better message than ...hide in your basement forever... Don't ya think?

Hiding in the basement isn't the opposite of being afraid to catch a deadly virus.
there's literally a book about Trump called "Fear"

And your point being?

Bob Woodward Admits his Anti-Trump Bias on National TV
The art of misleading readers under the guise of reporting.
Wed Sep 16, 2020
Joseph Klein
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“I just left Walter Reed Medical Center, and it’s really something very special—the doctors, the nurses, the first responders—and I learned so much about coronavirus” Trump said. “And one thing that’s for certain, don’t let it dominate you. Don’t be afraid of it. You’re gonna beat it. We have the best medical equipment; we have the best medicines—all developed recently—and you’re gonna beat it.”


Sounds very "...we have nothing to fear but fear itself..."

A far better message than ...hide in your basement forever... Don't ya think?

Many, many of the worlds leading epidemiologist agree with President Trump, protect the vulnerable high risk group, everyone else get on with your lives. We need to develop herd immunity sooner rather than later. Begs the question, why is the left and their media pals working overtime to keep everyone in a complete state of fear over this virus?

Just until the election.

“I just left Walter Reed Medical Center, and it’s really something very special—the doctors, the nurses, the first responders—and I learned so much about coronavirus” Trump said. “And one thing that’s for certain, don’t let it dominate you. Don’t be afraid of it. You’re gonna beat it. We have the best medical equipment; we have the best medicines—all developed recently—and you’re gonna beat it.”


Sounds very "...we have nothing to fear but fear itself..."

A far better message than ...hide in your basement forever... Don't ya think?

Right because anyone with COVID gets airlifted to a state of the art hospital with the best treatment possible including medicine not accessible to the public at all.

Fingers the kid sniffer and the Obamunist didnt demand politicians have the same healthcare as the citizens. Wonder why? Another massive failure of the worst White House in history.

That very well could be the most retarded tweet I've ever seen. I guess it's true that our public school system has failed us.
Its just another way of saying what Trump just said.

Except that its not......and dumb.
Are you ready to die for Trump then?


“I just left Walter Reed Medical Center, and it’s really something very special—the doctors, the nurses, the first responders—and I learned so much about coronavirus” Trump said. “And one thing that’s for certain, don’t let it dominate you. Don’t be afraid of it. You’re gonna beat it. We have the best medical equipment; we have the best medicines—all developed recently—and you’re gonna beat it.”


Sounds very "...we have nothing to fear but fear itself..."

A far better message than ...hide in your basement forever... Don't ya think?

When do we peons get the best class in healthcare and drugs, the VIP ride when we be in quarantine?

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