Trump says foreign college graduates should automatically get green cards

Trump is floating a policy that foreign students who come here for college and graduate with a degree should automatically receive a green card upon graduation. I’m curious what Trump’s supporters think about this proposal.

All the MSM is running that same short news story that is rather vague as to his intent with such a program. I am a bit suspicious since none of them are offering any video or audio of what he actually said.

If he did say it, I am pretty sure he means those foreign students who apply for legal student visas to come here and study. He is very strong on immigration policy bringing new LEGAL immigrants who have skills and aptitude to support themselves and contribute to society instead of draining resources from it. And I'm pretty sure he would want the immigration laws to specify that these are not any danger to American society.
Trump is floating a policy that foreign students who come here for college and graduate with a degree should automatically receive a green card upon graduation. I’m curious what Trump’s supporters think about this proposal.

good luck with this thread. asking Trump supporters anything to do with immigration or green cards is opening things up to...
If they get a medical, psychology, law degree, or engineering degree. Something that will actually benefit American society then I can't say I am opposed to it.

I don't have issues with foriengers, I have issues with foriegners that don't do anything to benefit America and basically here to suck on America's tit. We have wayyyyyyy to many domestic useless turds as it is, we don't need to import more.
Biden is responsible for the rapes and murders of American citizens and the best the left can do is to claim that Trump might support green cards? WTF is going on?
Depends on what degree.

Engineers, scientists etc, ok.

Many of the others, nope, and there's the rub.

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