Trump says he could run Russia investigation...............


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
Trump is at his bragging best self, yet again. He now is saying that if he wanted to, he could run the Russian investigation, but he's not gonna, because he doesn't want to.

Really? He thinks that he has the ability to run an investigation that is being conducted on HIM? That is astoundingly ignorant.

Trump says about Russia probe: ‘I could run it if I want’

President Trump on Monday took his attacks on the Russia investigation being led by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III in a novel direction, declaring that he could run the investigation himself if he wanted to.

“I can go in, and I could do whatever — I could run it if I want,” Trump said in an Oval Office interview with Reuters. “But I decided to stay out.”

He added: “I’m totally allowed to be involved if I wanted to be. So far, I haven’t chosen to be involved. I’ll stay out.”

On Twitter, in interviews and at public events, Trump has been relentless in his criticism of Mueller’s investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential campaign. He has routinely decried the inquiry as a “witch hunt” and, as of last week, has fired or threatened more than half of the officials with leadership roles in the investigation, according to a Washington Post tally.
Stephen F. Cohen: the ICA provided almost no facts for its “assessment.” Remarkably, even the Times, which has long been a leading promoter of the Russiagate narrative, noticed this immediately: “What is missing,” one of its lead analysts wrote, is “hard evidence to back up the agencies’ claims.” Even more remarkable but little noticed, the ICA authors buried at the end this nullifying disclaimer about their “assessment”: “Judgments are not intended to imply that we have proof that shows something to be a fact.” What did that mean? Apparently, that after all the damning and ramifying allegations made in the report, the authors had no “proof” that any of them were a “fact.”
Russiagate’s ‘core narrative’ has always lacked actual evidence - Stephen Cohen

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I noticed you didn't comment Stratford. Do you think that Trump has the power to run an investigation being done on him?

That would allow Trump to see all the information on him and block it from going further, if he was allowed to run it, but he's not.

Although, I think it's funny that he's saying he could do it, but he chooses not to. Kinda reminds me of the fable of the fox and the grapes. The fox was unable to jump high enough to get them, and after failing, decided he didn't want them because they were probably sour anyway.
I noticed you didn't comment Stratford. Do you think that Trump has the power to run an investigation being done on him?

Funny, I thought the investigation started out about whether Russia played any role in screwing with our 2016 election? But it STOPPED SHORT of looking into any Russia connections that might involve DEMOCRATS. Then it wanted to determine whether anyone in the Trump campaign was complicit in working with the Russians-- -- assuming we found that Russia played any role itself in the first place!

TO DATE: I've still yet to hear of ONE ACTUAL VOTE that was changed from Hillary to Trump due to Russia. Wasn't that the whole point?

And right now, so far, all the investigation has done is go off on a total wild roller-coaster tangent and charge one guy for lying to the FBI unbeknownst to anyone else because he was running a gig on the side to make some extra cash without reporting his activities (it wasn't the activities so much as it was the not reporting it that was illegal), another guy who merely crossed paths with the campaign for a few weeks who it turns out years ago didn't pay all his taxes, and now an attorney who may have broken some laws making payments under the table to settle an affair with a woman.


Mueller is a f***king farce, the investigation is a joke, and the whole thing just one more transparent desperate leap for the Left to try all means possible to thwart the will of the people of the United States in picking who THEY want to run the country rather than the Deep State, and Trump is right: the whole thing is a witch hunt, it didn't start out about him at all, it has been admitted a dozen times there isn't a shred of evidence on Trump, it's now gone off into Bizarro Land after people on charges nothing to do with Trump, the election, or Russia, and Trump could do a better job in his sleep with one arm tied behind his back.

The whole thing is a shameless effort by the Democrats to merely tie up Trump's Administration long enough that he can't effect as much of his agenda for fixing America as they can hope to stop!
Again Toobfreak, do you think that Trump should be able to run the investigation being done on him? That is like giving the burglar the keys to the vault.
I noticed you didn't comment Stratford. Do you think that Trump has the power to run an investigation being done on him?

Funny, I thought the investigation started out about whether Russia played any role in screwing with our 2016 election? But it STOPPED SHORT of looking into any Russia connections that might involve DEMOCRATS. Then it wanted to determine whether anyone in the Trump campaign was complicit in working with the Russians-- -- assuming we found that Russia played any role itself in the first place!

TO DATE: I've still yet to hear of ONE ACTUAL VOTE that was changed from Hillary to Trump due to Russia. Wasn't that the whole point?

And right now, so far, all the investigation has done is go off on a total wild roller-coaster tangent and charge one guy for lying to the FBI unbeknownst to anyone else because he was running a gig on the side to make some extra cash without reporting his activities (it wasn't the activities so much as it was the not reporting it that was illegal), another guy who merely crossed paths with the campaign for a few weeks who it turns out years ago didn't pay all his taxes, and now an attorney who may have broken some laws making payments under the table to settle an affair with a woman.


Mueller is a f***king farce, the investigation is a joke, and the whole thing just one more transparent desperate leap for the Left to try all means possible to thwart the will of the people of the United States in picking who THEY want to run the country rather than the Deep State, and Trump is right: the whole thing is a witch hunt, it didn't start out about him at all, it has been admitted a dozen times there isn't a shred of evidence on Trump, it's now gone off into Bizarro Land after people on charges nothing to do with Trump, the election, or Russia, and Trump could do a better job in his sleep with one arm tied behind his back.

The whole thing is a shameless effort by the Democrats to merely tie up Trump's Administration long enough that he can't effect as much of his agenda for fixing America as they can hope to stop!
RealClearPolitic, Thomas Massie, Rep Senator:

To date, “proof” of a Russian conspiracy to interfere in U.S. elections includes only Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s indictments of 13 Russian nationals and 12 Russian intelligence officers. The Russian nationals are accused of identity theft that allowed them to create fake social media accounts, and the 12 Russian intelligence officers are alleged to have hacked into the computers of the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s campaign prior to the 2016 election. Most importantly, all indictments fail to allege that a single U.S. vote was changed.
Russia Hysteria Undercuts Our Values, Impedes Relations | RealClearPolitics

Again Toobfreak, do you think that Trump should be able to run the investigation being done on him? That is like giving the burglar the keys to the vault.

When has the Mueller probe ever been centered on Donald Trump? The investigation NEVER HAS been about HIM, it was supposed to be about whether:
1). Russia meddled (still unproven).
2). Whether any meddling affected the outcome (not one vote shown changed so far). And
3). If 1 & 2, then whether anyone in the Trump Campaign (not Trump) was involved.


It totally side-steps all the issues of whether Democrats might have been involved with Russia (the first place where there actually is supporting evidence!), not to mention other types of election tampering and fraud already proven, such as the fraudulent FISA hearing, the illegal Steele Dossier, and the tampering with the Sanders campaign to make sure Hillary won the primary in the first place. I will be gracious and not even go into the debate tampering where they secretly gave Hillary advance knowledge of the questions.

Nope. The entire investigation is a farce, bent solely around trying to discredit, delay, obstruct and harm Trump in any way possible while ignoring real evidence with the sole outcome of at least obstructing a president's administration from carrying out their sworn official duties. And if Russia did mess around, ZERO has been done to stop it from happening again. You can bet that if Trump were running it, at least real evidence, connections and fixes would be found, not chasing down unrelated tax crimes from 12 years ago.
Trump is at his bragging best self, yet again. He now is saying that if he wanted to, he could run the Russian investigation, but he's not gonna, because he doesn't want to.

Really? He thinks that he has the ability to run an investigation that is being conducted on HIM? That is astoundingly ignorant.

Trump says about Russia probe: ‘I could run it if I want’

President Trump on Monday took his attacks on the Russia investigation being led by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III in a novel direction, declaring that he could run the investigation himself if he wanted to.

“I can go in, and I could do whatever — I could run it if I want,” Trump said in an Oval Office interview with Reuters. “But I decided to stay out.”

He added: “I’m totally allowed to be involved if I wanted to be. So far, I haven’t chosen to be involved. I’ll stay out.”

On Twitter, in interviews and at public events, Trump has been relentless in his criticism of Mueller’s investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential campaign. He has routinely decried the inquiry as a “witch hunt” and, as of last week, has fired or threatened more than half of the officials with leadership roles in the investigation, according to a Washington Post tally.
This is how his aides soothe him. He is just repeating what they've told him..
Again Toobfreak, do you think that Trump should be able to run the investigation being done on him? That is like giving the burglar the keys to the vault.

When has the Mueller probe ever been centered on Donald Trump? The investigation NEVER HAS been about HIM, it was supposed to be about whether:
1). Russia meddled (still unproven).
2). Whether any meddling affected the outcome (not one vote shown changed so far). And
3). If 1 & 2, then whether anyone in the Trump Campaign (not Trump) was involved.


It totally side-steps all the issues of whether Democrats might have been involved with Russia (the first place where there actually is supporting evidence!), not to mention other types of election tampering and fraud already proven, such as the fraudulent FISA hearing, the illegal Steele Dossier, and the tampering with the Sanders campaign to make sure Hillary won the primary in the first place. I will be gracious and not even go into the debate tampering where they secretly gave Hillary advance knowledge of the questions.

Nope. The entire investigation is a farce, bent solely around trying to discredit, delay, obstruct and harm Trump in any way possible while ignoring real evidence with the sole outcome of at least obstructing a president's administration from carrying out their sworn official duties. And if Russia did mess around, ZERO has been done to stop it from happening again. You can bet that if Trump were running it, at least real evidence, connections and fixes would be found, not chasing down unrelated tax crimes from 12 years ago.
Nope, it was NEVER about the vote results, they said specifically that they were NOT investigating that....

The third part was whether Trump obstructed justice by interfering in this investigation
Again Toobfreak, do you think that Trump should be able to run the investigation being done on him? That is like giving the burglar the keys to the vault.

When has the Mueller probe ever been centered on Donald Trump? The investigation NEVER HAS been about HIM, it was supposed to be about whether:
1). Russia meddled (still unproven).
2). Whether any meddling affected the outcome (not one vote shown changed so far). And
3). If 1 & 2, then whether anyone in the Trump Campaign (not Trump) was involved.


It totally side-steps all the issues of whether Democrats might have been involved with Russia (the first place where there actually is supporting evidence!), not to mention other types of election tampering and fraud already proven, such as the fraudulent FISA hearing, the illegal Steele Dossier, and the tampering with the Sanders campaign to make sure Hillary won the primary in the first place. I will be gracious and not even go into the debate tampering where they secretly gave Hillary advance knowledge of the questions.

Nope. The entire investigation is a farce, bent solely around trying to discredit, delay, obstruct and harm Trump in any way possible while ignoring real evidence with the sole outcome of at least obstructing a president's administration from carrying out their sworn official duties. And if Russia did mess around, ZERO has been done to stop it from happening again. You can bet that if Trump were running it, at least real evidence, connections and fixes would be found, not chasing down unrelated tax crimes from 12 years ago.
Nope, it was NEVER about the vote results, they said specifically that they were NOT investigating that....

The third part was whether Trump obstructed justice by interfering in this investigation

It was ALWAYS about the vote results! Why else was Hillary on her blame tour blaming everyone under the Sun going around the country for months on TV for her loss trying to sell that book of hers: What Happened? What was the topic of the book, nothing happened, she lost? How can you have election tampering without a change in the vote results? And if there is no change in the vote results, what difference does the tampering make? And how did Trump ever obstruct justice, by firing Comey who was breaking the law and conspiring behind the scenes whom the democrats already wanted to fire after blaming him for Hillary's loss? Ever think Comey did all that to force Trump to fire him just to lay the grounds for the accusations? And it is fine to investigate anything you want to SEE if it happened, but the Democrats have always maintained that Trump DID obstruct justice not merely asking IF he did, though it doesn't take two years to figure out if he did that or not.

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