Trump says he may not defend NATO nations against Russian agression

I am amazed at how man asinine remarks that Donnie has made....and there is a long way to November! He should come up with some real zingers before he loses!
Yep...but Cankles is GRRRRRRRRRRREAT!!!!
Saying such a thing for public consumption is not real bright. It's like posting a sign, "No guns on this property" on your lawn. But then, the Trump/Putin buddyfest is well known, so I'm sure Putin appreciates this go-ahead from a Presidential candidate should the mood take him to expand.
You clearly are uninformed and maybe a warmonger like Cankles.

You might want to get informed before posting. What NATO, Obama, and Hillary have done to Russia is a provocation that could lead to WWIII....but your media sources don't inform you, so you are clueless.
Gipper, you know that old saying about lighting a candle in the darkness. Instead of bemoaning my ignorance, why don't you take the opportunity to inform me about the NATO, Obama and Hillary provocation of Russia that the media has squelched.
Oh well...I have done it multiple times in other threads. I tire quickly when having to repeat myself....but here goes...

Bubba promised Russia not to expand NATO into E. Europe, after the fall of the USSR. Then promptly broke that promise. NATO is placing troops and armaments throughout E Europe right up to Russia's border and regularly perform war games there...a provocation. Obama's people instigated a coup in Ukraine, then falsely blamed Russia for the violence that erupted. Big Ears claimed Russia shot down the civilian jetliner over Ukraine, but NEVER provided proof...but still imposed economic sanctions on Russia, a clear act of war.

There is much more, but chew on that for awhile, if you are capable.
Thanks, gipper. I've bookmarked this to check deeper. I was not aware of America's instigation of a coup in Ukraine, but that could be simple disinterest on my part. Anyway, thanks for your response, even if it is for the umpteenth time.
Shit like this is what trump popular.
People are TIRED of being fucking war mongers!
Where were you when Drumpf said he'd declare world war after Nice?
I didn't catch that
I quit keeping up with him. He is just full of disappointment.

He is full of something, but it is not disappointment...
Hey Jimbo, what say you about this quote from Bernie?

"When you voted for the war in Iraq, the most disastrous foreign policy blunder in the history of America, you might want to question your qualifications. When you voted for trade agreements that cost millions of Americans decent paying jobs, and the American people might want to wonder about your qualifications. When you're spending an enormous amount of time raising money for your super PAC from some of the wealthiest people in this country, and from some of the most outrageous special interests ... Are you qualified to be president of the United States when you're raising millions of dollars from Wall Street whose greed and recklessness helped destroy our economy?"
Shit like this is what trump popular.
People are TIRED of being fucking war mongers!
Where were you when Drumpf said he'd declare world war after Nice?
I didn't catch that
I quit keeping up with him. He is just full of disappointment.

He is full of something, but it is not disappointment...
Hey Jimbo, what say you about this quote from Bernie?

"When you voted for the war in Iraq, the most disastrous foreign policy blunder in the history of America, you might want to question your qualifications. When you voted for trade agreements that cost millions of Americans decent paying jobs, and the American people might want to wonder about your qualifications. When you're spending an enormous amount of time raising money for your super PAC from some of the wealthiest people in this country, and from some of the most outrageous special interests ... Are you qualified to be president of the United States when you're raising millions of dollars from Wall Street whose greed and recklessness helped destroy our economy?"
EXCELLENT quote. Too bad he was full of shit.
Shit like this is what trump popular.
People are TIRED of being fucking war mongers!
Where were you when Drumpf said he'd declare world war after Nice?
I didn't catch that
I quit keeping up with him. He is just full of disappointment.

He is full of something, but it is not disappointment...
Hey Jimbo, what say you about this quote from Bernie?

"When you voted for the war in Iraq, the most disastrous foreign policy blunder in the history of America, you might want to question your qualifications. When you voted for trade agreements that cost millions of Americans decent paying jobs, and the American people might want to wonder about your qualifications. When you're spending an enormous amount of time raising money for your super PAC from some of the wealthiest people in this country, and from some of the most outrageous special interests ... Are you qualified to be president of the United States when you're raising millions of dollars from Wall Street whose greed and recklessness helped destroy our economy?"
EXCELLENT quote. Too bad he was full of shit.
He is right about Mrs. Clinton at least.
Shit like this is what trump popular.
People are TIRED of being fucking war mongers!
Where were you when Drumpf said he'd declare world war after Nice?
I didn't catch that
I quit keeping up with him. He is just full of disappointment.

He is full of something, but it is not disappointment...
Hey Jimbo, what say you about this quote from Bernie?

"When you voted for the war in Iraq, the most disastrous foreign policy blunder in the history of America, you might want to question your qualifications. When you voted for trade agreements that cost millions of Americans decent paying jobs, and the American people might want to wonder about your qualifications. When you're spending an enormous amount of time raising money for your super PAC from some of the wealthiest people in this country, and from some of the most outrageous special interests ... Are you qualified to be president of the United States when you're raising millions of dollars from Wall Street whose greed and recklessness helped destroy our economy?"

NONE of that matter Gip. You have Donnie. You are stuck with Donnie. A dog catcher could defeat Donnie. Hillary will defeat Donnie so bad, it will take the GOP generations to crawl back into a competitive stance in nationals elections.

The RWers have chosen a lose canon with a big, unpredictable mouth as their nominee. They have asked for this for many years. They will get it in November. Have a Nice Day!
Where were you when Drumpf said he'd declare world war after Nice?
I didn't catch that
I quit keeping up with him. He is just full of disappointment.

He is full of something, but it is not disappointment...
Hey Jimbo, what say you about this quote from Bernie?

"When you voted for the war in Iraq, the most disastrous foreign policy blunder in the history of America, you might want to question your qualifications. When you voted for trade agreements that cost millions of Americans decent paying jobs, and the American people might want to wonder about your qualifications. When you're spending an enormous amount of time raising money for your super PAC from some of the wealthiest people in this country, and from some of the most outrageous special interests ... Are you qualified to be president of the United States when you're raising millions of dollars from Wall Street whose greed and recklessness helped destroy our economy?"
EXCELLENT quote. Too bad he was full of shit.
He is right about Mrs. Clinton at least.
He was right, he just didn't mean it. Apparently.
Shit like this is what trump popular.
People are TIRED of being fucking war mongers!
Where were you when Drumpf said he'd declare world war after Nice?
I didn't catch that
I quit keeping up with him. He is just full of disappointment.

He is full of something, but it is not disappointment...
Hey Jimbo, what say you about this quote from Bernie?

"When you voted for the war in Iraq, the most disastrous foreign policy blunder in the history of America, you might want to question your qualifications. When you voted for trade agreements that cost millions of Americans decent paying jobs, and the American people might want to wonder about your qualifications. When you're spending an enormous amount of time raising money for your super PAC from some of the wealthiest people in this country, and from some of the most outrageous special interests ... Are you qualified to be president of the United States when you're raising millions of dollars from Wall Street whose greed and recklessness helped destroy our economy?"

NONE of that matter Gip. You have Donnie. You are stuck with Donnie. A dog catcher could defeat Donnie. Hillary will defeat Donnie so bad, it will take the GOP generations to crawl back into a competitive stance in nationals elections.

The RWers have chosen a lose canon with a big, unpredictable mouth as their nominee. They have asked for this for many years. They will get it in November. Have a Nice Day!
And Hillary is predictable. We know she will appease the 1%, decimate the middle class and start needless wars. That's who she is. Yet, you partisan hacks don't give a shit.
I didn't catch that
I quit keeping up with him. He is just full of disappointment.

He is full of something, but it is not disappointment...
Hey Jimbo, what say you about this quote from Bernie?

"When you voted for the war in Iraq, the most disastrous foreign policy blunder in the history of America, you might want to question your qualifications. When you voted for trade agreements that cost millions of Americans decent paying jobs, and the American people might want to wonder about your qualifications. When you're spending an enormous amount of time raising money for your super PAC from some of the wealthiest people in this country, and from some of the most outrageous special interests ... Are you qualified to be president of the United States when you're raising millions of dollars from Wall Street whose greed and recklessness helped destroy our economy?"
EXCELLENT quote. Too bad he was full of shit.
He is right about Mrs. Clinton at least.
He was right, he just didn't mean it. Apparently.
Yes...hopefully his supporters see his deceitfulness and refuse to vote for the pantsuit. How anyone really invested in Bernie could vote for her, is beyond me. She is the exact opposite of Bernie, in many ways.
In interview, Trump breaks sharply with U.S. foreign policy tradition -

Is this guy for real? Maybe he is a plant by Poooootin? Truman and Reagan are turning over in their graves. He is going to lose so HUUUUUGE in November. He cannot even get the Republicans to vote for him.

At least he will go away...
What if there no aggression? Only brainwashed morons like you can't understand.

Bryan MacDonald is an Irish journalist:
The main reason is because there is very little profit in combating the, self-styled, ISIS. And NATO is primarily a money racket which provides a lot of influential people with a very comfortable lifestyle, flying around the globe on private jets and generating well-paid jobs, both directly and via the think-tank circuit.

Let’s be clear here. You don’t require submarines or nuclear weapons to engage ISIs, but you would in a putative conflict with Russia. It desires to use Moscow as a convenient bogeyman in order to maintain US defense spending, which grew 9 percent annually from 2000-2009 during the “war on terror.”
Why has NATO chosen Russia as its enemy instead of ISIS?
- Russian President Vladimir Putinmade the point that NATO needs a foreign enemy otherwise there would be no reason for its existence.

_ In his speech on April 27, 2016 Trump was critical of NATO, in which only four of the 28 countries, besides the U.S., are spending the minimum required 2% of GDP on defense.

More important, Trump called for the upgrading of NATO’s outdated mission and structure, stemming from the Cold War, which was designed to meet the threat from the Soviet Union that doesn’t exist anymore. That objective is obsolete. Together with Russia, NATO, he argued should confront shared challenges, especially migration and Islamic terrorism. NATO should be changed to fight terrorism.
Articles: Putin and Trump on NATO

He is absolutely right!

These countries use America as their body-guard and nothing else.

Russia kicked the crap out of Georgia and they retook land from Ukraine. Ok this is something to complain about but not go to war over. Honestly that is their sphere of influence and we should stay out of it.

Second, Russia has been right on a few incidents where we were wrong. 1. Kosovo. That was a Serbian territory that was taken over by invading Muslims. We saved their asses and ironically it is a hotbed for Islamist and anti-Americanism and it is run by a corrupt gangster like regime. 2. Syria. AAAASSSSSad is the lesser of two evils. They supposed Assssssad and we armed Islamist.

Russia has embraced capitalism. We have more in common with them then the Muslim nations we ally with.
In interview, Trump breaks sharply with U.S. foreign policy tradition -

Is this guy for real? Maybe he is a plant by Poooootin? Truman and Reagan are turning over in their graves. He is going to lose so HUUUUUGE in November. He cannot even get the Republicans to vote for him.

At least he will go away...
What if there no aggression? Only brainwashed morons like you can't understand.

Bryan MacDonald is an Irish journalist:
The main reason is because there is very little profit in combating the, self-styled, ISIS. And NATO is primarily a money racket which provides a lot of influential people with a very comfortable lifestyle, flying around the globe on private jets and generating well-paid jobs, both directly and via the think-tank circuit.

Let’s be clear here. You don’t require submarines or nuclear weapons to engage ISIs, but you would in a putative conflict with Russia. It desires to use Moscow as a convenient bogeyman in order to maintain US defense spending, which grew 9 percent annually from 2000-2009 during the “war on terror.”
Why has NATO chosen Russia as its enemy instead of ISIS?
- Russian President Vladimir Putinmade the point that NATO needs a foreign enemy otherwise there would be no reason for its existence.

_ In his speech on April 27, 2016 Trump was critical of NATO, in which only four of the 28 countries, besides the U.S., are spending the minimum required 2% of GDP on defense.

More important, Trump called for the upgrading of NATO’s outdated mission and structure, stemming from the Cold War, which was designed to meet the threat from the Soviet Union that doesn’t exist anymore. That objective is obsolete. Together with Russia, NATO, he argued should confront shared challenges, especially migration and Islamic terrorism. NATO should be changed to fight terrorism.
Articles: Putin and Trump on NATO

He is absolutely right!

These countries use America as their body-guard and nothing else.

Russia kicked the crap out of Georgia and they retook land from Ukraine. Ok this is something to complain about but not go to war over. Honestly that is their sphere of influence and we should stay out of it.

Second, Russia has been right on a few incidents where we were wrong. 1. Kosovo. That was a Serbian territory that was taken over by invading Muslims. We saved their asses and ironically it is a hotbed for Islamist and anti-Americanism and it is run by a corrupt gangster like regime. 2. Syria. AAAASSSSSad is the lesser of two evils. They supposed Assssssad and we armed Islamist.

Russia has embraced capitalism. We have more in common with them then the Muslim nations we ally with.
I agree with most of that, but not the part about Georgia or Ukraine. In both cases, these were coup attempts by the US government. Russia merely responded to those attempts. They did not instigate. The Crimea had always belonged to Russia, not Ukraine, and the people of Crimea wanted to stay with Russia rather than be controlled by a US puppet state out of Kiev.
Maybe we just give Nuclear weapons to all the courtiers in Europe and Asia and tell them to "Have at it!"

Wait....I think Donnie has already advocated doing that. What a Gift He is!

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