Trump Says He Trusts Xi’s Word on Coronavirus: ‘It’s All Under Control’

“Our country is prepared for any circumstance,” the president added. “We hope it’s not going to be a major circumstance, it’ll be a smaller circumstance. But whatever the circumstances, we’re prepared.”

Add that to the list of lies.
Tell us how you know he's lying? Tell us what your position in running the government is? Buffoon.
“Our country is prepared for any circumstance,” the president added. “We hope it’s not going to be a major circumstance, it’ll be a smaller circumstance. But whatever the circumstances, we’re prepared.”

Add that to the list of lies.

12 million infected with swine flu under O. You're that freak that everyone laughs at when they enter the state asylum for a tour.
“Our country is prepared for any circumstance,” the president added. “We hope it’s not going to be a major circumstance, it’ll be a smaller circumstance. But whatever the circumstances, we’re prepared.”

Add that to the list of lies.

We hope it’s not going to be a major circumstance

that may be a lie in lib la la land

your political allies seem to be hoping for thousands of Americans to die but I know trump isnt
Libs are beside themselves with bitterness toward trump
“Our country is prepared for any circumstance,” the president added. “We hope it’s not going to be a major circumstance, it’ll be a smaller circumstance. But whatever the circumstances, we’re prepared.”

Add that to the list of lies.

We hope it’s not going to be a major circumstance

that may be a lie in lib la la land

your political allies seem to be hoping for thousands of Americans to die but I know trump isnt

These are the lowest of the low type of people. Even cow dung is beneficial as it provides fertilizer to the soil. These
“Our country is prepared for any circumstance,” the president added. “We hope it’s not going to be a major circumstance, it’ll be a smaller circumstance. But whatever the circumstances, we’re prepared.”

Add that to the list of lies.
Tell us how you know he's lying? Tell us what your position in running the government is? Buffoon.

He doesn't "know" anything, he's just hoping that the President is wrong and coronavirus becomes known in history as the "Plague of Trump" , the 21st Century's equivalent to the Plague of Justinian back in the day.
It's all a hoax anyway. Even if Coronavirus were real, Donnie Jr. has scared it away from America. Our President has his GOD Team working with Jesus for a vaccine and everyone will be fine.
Of course it's a hoax. Idiots like you keep it going.
Ya, me and the Trump opponents who are faking they are ill with the virus. Some of them are even pretending to be dying.
It's all a hoax anyway. Even if Coronavirus were real, Donnie Jr. has scared it away from America. Our President has his GOD Team working with Jesus for a vaccine and everyone will be fine.
Of course it's a hoax. Idiots like you keep it going.
Ya, me and the Trump opponents who are faking they are ill with the virus. Some of them are even pretending to be dying.
Sure they are. Like you know ANYTHING about it factually.
Causing a panic will make shit worse.
Telling people what is happening and making sure they are prepared for the virus' spread isn't spreading panic. Saying it is is an insidious lie.

They have told people how to prepare for the virus. It’s the same as it always has been for flu viruses....wash your hands often, cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing, stay home avoid contact if you have symptoms.... feel better now, Snowflake?
It's all a hoax anyway. Even if Coronavirus were real, Donnie Jr. has scared it away from America. Our President has his GOD Team working with Jesus for a vaccine and everyone will be fine.
Of course it's a hoax. Idiots like you keep it going.
Ya, me and the Trump opponents who are faking they are ill with the virus. Some of them are even pretending to be dying.

We get it. You're hoping for millions of deaths.
Libs are beside themselves with bitterness toward trump
It's all the loon freaks talk about. Just start a topic on anything mundane like what's your favorite breakfast food and boom, Trump gets dragged into it.
“Our country is prepared for any circumstance,” the president added. “We hope it’s not going to be a major circumstance, it’ll be a smaller circumstance. But whatever the circumstances, we’re prepared.”

Add that to the list of lies.

We hope it’s not going to be a major circumstance

that may be a lie in lib la la land

your political allies seem to be hoping for thousands of Americans to die but I know trump isnt

These are the lowest of the low type of people. Even cow dung is beneficial as it provides fertilizer to the soil. These

What Trump's detractors don't appreciate is that the man is a Problem Solver.

You don't engage in the kinds of massive projects as he has during his entire life without coming up with problems sometimes big and sometimes small.

The number of roadblocks thrown up to prevent the construction of the Wall were tremendous, the problem of caravans coming up through Mexico to America was a big one too. Trump resolved those problems, he'll resolve this one, there is no reason to think he won't.
What Trump's detractors don't appreciate is that the man is a Problem Solver.
He's a problem creator.

Trump bears responsibility for not having the right people in place to ensure this did not happen.

Problems with CDC coronavirus test delay expanded U.S. screening
Problems with CDC coronavirus test delay expanded U.S. screening

How is a US President responsible for a virus arising in Red China? Was B. Hussein O "responsible" for the advent of Ebola in Deepest, Darkest, Africa? Was Jimmy Carter responsible for aids?
This represents a failure by the admin to make sure enough test kits are available.

"Problems with a coronavirus test developed by the CDC have delayed the Trump administration's efforts to expand screening to state and local public health labs, more than two weeks after the FDA granted permission to distribute the CDC test nationwide.

Only three of the more than 100 public health labs across the country have verified the CDC test for use, according to the Association of Public Health Laboratories."

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